
Paging Deamon & Yugikun

The Recesses consist of the lower, below ground levels of The Compound. Accessing The Recesses requires passing through the upper levels of the Compound itself and down its central, spiral staircase to the depths below. The Recesses are pitch black, even during the day, and the average person will need to use a flashlight to be able to see.

The rooms on the outer edges of below ground floors of The Compound contrast heavily with the ones above ground, with each being much larger and seemingly all having distinct intended purposes. Rooms vary from obstacle courses, to shooting galleries, to operating rooms, most of which have attached observation rooms with one-way glass panels. Two notable rooms consist of one full of decrepit, 70s era computers, and another that has a coal fired generator that takes up most of the room, with an exhaust pipe leading up into the ceiling and out.

Just like the above ground floors, furniture has been clearly displaced to create cover in the hallways, but only some of the furniture of the below ground floors has been moved in this way, in contrast to the above ground floors. As a result, the majority of the furniture within The Recesses remain seemingly undisturbed, though most useful items have still been removed.


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The buzzing got louder.
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Post by Deamon »

As Ana began to turn they were instructed not to move and she obeyed. Her heart however didn’t obey and continued to beat itself to death. The logical part of her brain tried to compel her to run and while normally she would have listened to that urge she refused to leave August to face Isabella alone. The parasite had also frozen at the sound of the voice. It shined as part of August’s flashlight caught it but stayed still.

The buzzing and chittering of the insects that surrounded them increased in volume. It was a prelude to their potential consumption, as the insects would crash over them and strip their bones bare. With that image in mind Ana’s hand desperately reached out for August’s, attempting to grab hold of it before it was too late.
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Post by Shiola »

The swarm responded. August wasn't sure if Isabella was going to, when he heard the only distinct voice in the chorus. The single word pained him to hear. He must have been right - if she was in there, she was afraid.

"Hey, hey - it's okay."

Ana's hand met August's, and he gripped it tightly. Still, he didn't take his gaze off of where he knew Isabella had to be. The swarm stirred, the buzzing intensifying.

He wanted to help her, but he wasn't stupid. As he continued to try to calm whatever was left of the other student inside the swarm, August began to reach out with his field.

Focusing, he drew it around both of them. Ana would surely notice the feeling returning, though he hoped the increased strength of it was no additional distress. This wasn't a party trick, and he'd neglected to tell Ana that the difference in scale between what he'd demonstrated to her earlier and what he'd have to do to defend both of them was an order of magnitude.

Hundreds of thousands of paths, all chittering and buzzing around him. Routes to take, to clear, to destroy. Molecules to excite, to expand, to turn and change.

Another sensation met him - one that he particularly disliked.


The nearby cameras would've flickered a little. No more, if he could help it. August took their warning seriously.

It felt too good. He wished he knew why it felt like this. He'd never told anyone. They wouldn't understand.

Amidst all the anxiety, he noticed he had a remarkably clear head. No more headaches, or withdrawal, or anxiety. If anything, he'd call it a sense of elation.

August called out, one last time.

"Isabella, please. I don't want to hurt you. We-"
Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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August was trying to convince Isabella that it was okay but Ana failed to see it herself. She couldn't make Isabella out clearly, their classmate was just a vague outline obscured by a cloak of bugs. The longer they stood facing each other the more Ana thought they had been wrong to seek her out. She couldn't see anything good coming from the encounter. August's optimism had been misplaced. Not that she said any of that out loud. Instead, she stood, scared and quiet, holding August's hand in a vice grip.

She felt the feeling of his power encircling her but the sensation was stronger and more oppressive. It encompassed her and pressed in from all sides, nearly suffocating with the weight it placed upon the air itself. It was terrible. She squeezed her eyes shut and all she could hear was the buzzing of Isabella's swarm and the low hum of the atmosphere around them becoming agitated by August's presence.

Ana wanted it to be over. She was in over her head. She was standing between two gifts that were magnitudes above her own. It was a battle of giants and she was an ant. Her breathing became more rapid as panic set in. If they decided to fight there was a good chance she would end up being taken out in the crossfire. But August still held her hand so she focused on that and gripped it even harder still.

He tried to appeal to Isabella again and Ana heard the desperation seeping into his voice.

She opened her eyes and stared into the swam, hoping, praying that somewhere in the roiling mass Isabella heard it too.
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She blocked her ears.
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Post by Shiola »

What if this was just what she was?

What they were?

August wanted to escape his body, the prison of it, follow the euphoric feeling of not holding back to wherever it went. Eagerly, he ran his mind along the wires in the walls, the bare frayed copper at the edges of so many dilapidated light fixtures and circuits. It was frustrating how little he felt otherwise, in comparison. Did Ana feel this way about her familiar? Was it enticing to just give in and follow the whims of that animated mass of quicksilver? What did it want, that she didn't?

An eerie calm seemed to take over August for a moment, and his grip on Ana's hand slackened. It was a brief oscillation; as nearly overwhelming as that sensation was, the fear he felt had a far sturdier foundation. It seemed to well up within him and snuff out the brief, inappropriate flash of joy. He held tightly to Ana's hand, and looked back in Isabella's direction.

"Please..." Isabella spoke, seeming to echo throughout the ever-present hum of the swarm.

August did the same, at first.

"Please... Isabella, we can't do this alone. None of us can."
Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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Post by Deamon »

Ana heard Isabella's voice and saw a shadow of movement from within the cloud of bugs. It was hard to make out the tone, obscured as it was by the thousands of tiny bodies that blocked and warped it. But she didn't like what she heard.

August had nearly let her hand go but had reestablished his grip as he continued to speak.

Glancing to one side Ana saw the parasite shaking. She tried to call it closer to the center of her body but it refused. Choosing instead to stay where it was on her shoulder. It was transfixed by Isabella's form.

She knew it would be useless, but even so Ana dug free hand into her pocket to withdraw the glass shard. Once she held It she felt safer, even though she knew she was anything but.

As she continued to watch Isabella Ana felt like she needed to say or do something.

But she didn't know if she could make any difference.
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A surge came into her voice. The words echoed — a noise coming as one from every mouth in the room.


Her head dropped. Her arms laid limp by her side, for a second.

Then the swarm came in.
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Post by Shiola »

The swarm closed on them, and August relented. Maybe it was always going to end like this. He hadn't wanted it to.

Fractals overtook his vision as blinding flashes of light illuminated the dark recesses of the compound. The deafening sound of electrical discharges, like a mix of television static and gunshots, echoed throughout the concrete halls.

For every one of the thousands of limbs clawing at them, one of August's own phantom limbs reached out and obliterated the tiny creatures. Some of the insects burst apart; others were outright vaporized.

Before long, piles of insect detritus had piled up on the ground around them. The air smelled horrid, of ozone and charred flesh.

No longer was he simply holding the swarm at bay. August pushed back, all the way to the center. By the time he had reached Isabella, anything with more than two legs lay dead and smouldering on the ground.

The loud, crackling bolt he touched her with was more of a warning than anything else. Painful, jarring, but not deadly. In truth, he'd used much of his stored charge fending off the swarm. He still had enough to cause serious harm, but nothing on the scale that he had just demonstrated.

Fractals still played at the edges of his vision, now casting kaleidoscopic patterns in the darkness. Breathing heavily, August realized he'd lost grip on Ana's hand in the confusion.

Panic set in.

Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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Post by Deamon »

The dam broke and the waves of insects crashed over them. Instinctively Ana went running, only realizing too late that she needed to keep hold of August's hand. As she turned back to grab him she was instead met with the flood of tiny chittering bodies. As the tidal wave hit her, Ana tried to scream but her throat was quickly blocked by hundreds of insects. Her body seized up and she collapsed to her knees retching, eventually vomiting up a writhing mass of the swarm.

As she was kneeling on the cold floor panting Ana felt a stinging in her hand where the glass had cut it. Through watery eyes, she looked down at her palm and saw the skin distending and moving as a large centipede forced its way under her skin and started attempting to crawl up her the inside of her arm. The parasite reacted instantly, rearing up and diving down towards her palm, wrapping itself around the centipede and pulling its writhing form out of her arm, sending a splatter of blood across the floor. Ana told the parasite to squeeze and the centipede was crushed into two separate pieces.

Ana could smell the burning as August's power reached out and vaporized parts of the swam. She panted from her position, shaking bugs from her hair and sending the parasite across every inch of her skin, separating the insects from her body. August called out for her and she looked up, woozy and off-balance from what had happened.

"August?" Her voice was hoarse. She wanted to say she was okay, she didn't want to be a burden to him, but the words wouldn't come.
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Post by Wham Yubeesling »


The sound of buzzing in the room became louder and louder. Filled the room. Drowned all other noise out.


The vessel almost screamed when August touched her. She jolted. Fell back. Disappeared into the cloud.


The insects on Ana's body had only been separated for a short time. Within seconds, they were back, biting, crawling, climbing up her legs.


Then the second wave came.
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Post by Shiola »

There were more.

Of course there were more.

August heard Ana's voice, but he couldn't see her. Couldn't see much of anything, given the distortions in his vision and the fact his flashlight had long since left his grip. For the most part, he had to use his Gift to interpret where Isabella and Ana were.

He heard Ana's voice, faintly. She sounded hurt.

A tightness formed in his chest, only getting worse as he struggled to hold back the swarm. This wasn't about anything other than survival right now. There was no letting up, unless he forced the situation to a close.

He could only hope he was doing the right thing. That's all he'd wanted to start with, coming down here.

The character of the energy emitting from August's body suddenly changed, from a web of purple sparks to a series of bright arcs, each throwing out waves of plasma. Now lacking any kind of precision, August's gift rapidly extinguished the second wave of the swarm, in addition to setting several small fires in the hallway.

It took almost all he had. A wave of exhaustion hit him, and August fell to his knees.
Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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Post by Deamon »

There was a moment where Ana thought everything would be okay. In the small space of time where August had destroyed the swarm and everything was silent she’d thought they had done it. But her hopes were quickly destroyed when the insect tide flowed back in.

She felt their bodies rushing up her legs for a moment before her body was engulfed by the force of nature Isabella commanded. Ana kept her eyes screwed shut against the force of the different jaws that snapped at her eyelids. Her mouth clamped down and refused the entry of any foreign bodies. Her arms tucked in tight to her torso, a protective measure brought about by her previous experience.

For a moment she believed that she was going to die, consumed piece by piece by the swarm; but then the smell of ozone and sulphur reached her nostrils. August had unleashed the full extent of his power and Ana doubted that she or Isabella had been prepared for it.

It was overwhelming and like a fierce storm all she could do was take shelter until it passed. But it did pass and Isabella stayed standing while August dropped to his knees. Ana knew then that she was going to die. Unless she did something both she and August were going to end up as food for the swarm.

So Ana forced herself to her feet. Her legs shook and her lungs burned but she managed to stand. Isabella stood before her in the corridor, August kneeling at her feet. Faced with the force that had conquered electricity itself Ana nearly balked but in one burst of energy she rushed forward. As she reached Isabella she felt the parasite force itself forward, forcing its way into the swarm and its host. Through the parasite Ana felt the body at the heart of the swarm. The parasite encircled a part of it and quickly, sharply squeezed causing a snap to echo through the space.

Isabella fell to the ground and the swarm fell silent.

For a moment the only sound was footsteps as Ana moved over to August.

“It’s over,” She whispered as she helped him back up to his feet. “You saved us.” She said, louder than the first time, more to fill the sudden silence. “Sorry you couldn’t save her.”

As she said the final part the parasite wrapped around her free arm. She didn’t mention what she had done. The reality of the situation was self-evident. Instead she focused on not being a burden and carrying August out of the depths.

((Ana Ford continued elsewhere…))
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Post by Shiola »

There was no way that anything smaller than a human in this room had survived. He'd made sure of that. Enough that he could feel the weakness, the headache, the dull ringing in his ears returning. The air smelled of charred flesh, plasma, and burning dust.

"Stop - stop, we can... this is over. It's..."

August fumbled on the ground for his flashlight, which flickered as he grabbed it from a pile of smoldering insects. He could hear the shuffling of feet, and Isabella's haggard breathing, the weak chittering of the few creatures that managed to shelter inside of her clothing.

They'd been safe only because he'd been careful enough to avoid hurting her directly. Only a jolt, only enough to tell her that she needed to stop. It might've been a mistake. This was all a mistake. She might've been entirely lucid in there, and had simply decided that killing others was the easiest way out of the game. Isabella certainly had that ability.


No, he didn't want to believe it, he couldn't.

Looking back up with the flashlight, he caught a brief glimpse of her face. Dirty, wild-eyed.


Before he could say anything, he saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. Quicksilver, moving faster than he could react. Faster than he'd come to expect that Ana's familiar could move.

It reached her. It wrapped around her neck, and it broke her.

August put a hand over his mouth, scrambling back and away from Isabella's crumbling form. Instinctively, arcs snaked across his skin as he moved to protect himself.

Then, more calm than she had any right to be, Ana walked over towards him. Apologetic, not about what she'd done. Just that he couldn't save her. As if she just died instead of being murdered.

The body was twitching. Ana was walking him away now. August couldn't say anything, he could only feel his arm trembling in Ana's as she walked him out of the basement. He barely remembered the path out of there, though she seemed to know the way.

All he could think about was Isabella's face. That sound of bone snapping.

As soon as they saw daylight, he wrenched his arm free, staggering away from Ana. He stammered out a reply, barely able to look her in the eyes.

" I'll, I just have to - I'm gonna take a walk, I'll - just..."

He paused, in place. Fists clenched, he took a breath. Thinking only of how swiftly she'd moved on Isabella, when it seemed like all was lost.

But it wasn't.

The moment he did look at Isabella, he could barely contain himself. That he did was the only reason she was still standing.

"Don't. Follow. Me."

((August Hanlon concluded in Catastrophe))
Evan Keane: "I guess my world was always gonna end, somehow."

SOTF Supers:
August Hanlon - "This never felt like much of a Gift."
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