Robin Ó Seighin

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Robin Ó Seighin


Post by RetroVenus »

Name: Robin Ó Seighin
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking (mainly barbeque and curry), camping, reading, sports, chemistry

Gift: Thermal Runaway
Power Details: Robin is capable of adjusting the internal temperature of materials. He can increase and decrease the temperature of any material to a set point. Any material within his line of sight can be affected.
Limitations and Drawbacks: Robin is only capable of adjusting the temperature of materials whose compounds he knows. As he has to calculate how each atom within a compound reacts to temperature fluctuations, the more complex the formula is, the longer it takes for the power to work. He is not immune to his own gift, as being near an object that has been sufficiently heated or cooled will cause him harm. The further away an object is, the harder it is for him to properly adjust the temperature of. Finally, he can only affect objects that he is able to see, and anything that hampers his vision (such as nightfall) will limit what he can affect.

Appearance: Robin Ó Seighin stands at 5’7”, and weighs a slim 131 lbs. His hair is auburn in colour, and is short and wavy. It falls just above his shoulders. His nose is small, with the tip pointing upwards. His cheekbones are slightly prominent, and his chin is pointed. Robin’s eyes are a blue color, and are set close on his face. His skin is a pale white. He has a runner's build, with a fair amount of muscle definition as a result of repetitive exercise.

Robin’s fashion sense is defined by his siblings. Having little sense as to what is considered fashionable, he copies what his brother is wearing, as he keeps up with the latest fashion trends. Nonetheless he dresses casually, wearing hoodies and sweaters. He has a preference for shorts over pants due to the freedom they give, and will wear them for as long as the weather permits.

On the day of the trip, Robin wore a white tank-top, over which he wore a short-sleeved forest green zippered hoodie with maroon seams along the front pockets, beige shorts with a considerable portion of the sides cut out and replaced with black pleated fabric, forest green running shoes with maroon soles, and white ankle socks.

  • Robin Ó Seighin was born on April 7th, 2003, in Bend, Oregon. The third child of Edd Ó Seighin and Tawny Ó Seighin, he was preceded by two siblings; older sister Branwen, by three years, and brother Raven, by two. Two years after their birth, he was followed by his younger sister, Sirje.
  • Bird-watching enthusiasts first and foremost, the pair of philosophy professors had decided to give their children names related to birds in some manner, in hopes that their children would have flight based gifts as they themselves had. This would not be so; Branwen’s gift would be to store items within a subspace, Raven’s to flip objects over, Robin’s to control temperature, and Sirje’s to create swirls in water.
  • Tawny believed that the most important skill one should learn in life is how to make food for yourself. Therefore, each Ó Seighin child was taught how to cook from an early age; at first from watching Tawny cook while seated at a safe distance, then by helping her, before finally making their own meal. Such lessons only really stuck with Robin, who eventually took over cooking duties in the household when he was 16.
  • Robin was rather physically active as a child, as shown by him running around the house and his inability to sit still when told. Thus, when he was 3, his parents signed him up to a local junior soccer club so as to help him burn off his excessive energy. While this worked for the first 5 years, at age 8 he grew bored of soccer and wanted to switch to baseball. This was the beginning of a pattern of his, where he would join a sports club for a few years, then declare that he’s grown bored of it and switch to a different sport.
  • As Robin’s gift relies on an understanding of chemistry, for the first couple of years in his life Robin showed no inclination in having any kind of gift whatsoever. His parents were concerned, frequently taking him to doctors specializing in gifts. Each doctor would reassure them that he indeed had a gift, it was simply slow to develop.
  • Robin’s gift first showed in 2nd grade science class. During a lesson on atoms, the air above his head rapidly heated, causing him injury and sending him to the school nurse. He was inquired about what caused the incident, to which he explained that his teacher was talking about atoms and what happens when they heat up. As no one in the school had fire or heat related gifts, the nurse asked Robin to perform some simple tests out in the school yard. Figuring that this was a sign of a budding gift, the nurse sent Robin home and phoned his parents to tell them the news.
  • Overjoyed by the news that their son’s gift had finally shown itself, Edd and Tawny set about the next few years to teach Robin how to use his gift and to have him catch up to where his siblings were developmentally. While he was a quick learner, it soon dawned on his parents that the effectiveness of his gift depended on his understanding of chemistry. As such, they gave him lessons on chemistry a few years in advance of when it would be taught in school.
  • Although he had previously done well in school, this sudden focus on chemistry caused all but Robin’s science grades to drop. He was an enthusiastic learner, but he wanted to do everything at his own pace, so the advanced lessons he was taking at home caused him stress. He found it harder to focus on other subjects as a result.
  • As both Edd and Tawny had time-consuming jobs, they often had to rely on a steady stream of babysitters to look after the children when they could not. Once Branwen was old enough, the task to care for her siblings fell on her. While she was suited to the task at first, as she entered her teens she became increasingly irresponsible, often abandoning her younger siblings in order to go to parties. Upon catching her sneaking out of the house one day when she was 14, babysitting duties were transferred over to Raven.
  • A common subject that Edd and Tawny touch upon in their lectures is the nature of gifts, and what makes a gift to be considered a blessing or a curse. They believe that the greatest strength a gift can have is in its versatility; the more applications a gift has, the more beneficial the gift is. While they try not to apply this line of reasoning to their children and love them equally, a certain degree of favoritism has shown itself.
  • Branwen was the original golden child, getting more favors and attention from her parents over the rest of her siblings. However, her lax attitude towards cultivating her gift soured their relationship. As such, the favored child of Edd and Tawny became Robin, as they felt that his gift was the most versatile after Branwen’s. By contrast, Raven struggled with developing his gift, as even Sirje’s had developed beyond the limited scope it was at first. Thus, even though he was the most responsible of his siblings, he was considered the unfavorite.
  • While Robin always had something of a carefree demeanor, his parents not caring about any of his grades besides science and their increasing attention and praise did nothing but help increase the laissez faire attitude he took to life. This did not sit well with Raven, who felt it was unfair that he had to shoulder all the responsibilities of looking after his siblings while getting none of the praise. Soon friction began to form between the brothers, which steadily got worse over time.
  • To try and separate the two brothers, Edd and Tawny sent Robin off to the Scouts program when he was 11, while Raven was encouraged to join a chess club. As he was starting relatively late compared to the other scouts, Robin quickly learned how to change his demeanor to match the overall mood of the setting. While this won him over some friends, most of the scouts didn’t care much for him, as their cliques had already formed. Nonetheless, Robin enjoyed his time at Scouts. He especially enjoyed camping, and picked up some useful wilderness survival skills, such as first-aid.
  • Though his parents only focused on his science grades, they were becoming increasingly concerned about the rest of Robin’s grades slipping as he entered high school. They pushed for him to read more books, in hopes that reading would spark an interest in studying. To their displeasure, his new found interest in reading only marginally affected his grades. It was only the threat of being held back a year that caused him to study more seriously.
  • By the time Robin has reached 16, he has an advanced understanding of his gift, and can raise and lower temperatures to a set point. He mostly uses his gift for household tasks and convenience, such as raising the temperature of food in order to cook it, or cooling the air around him to keep himself comfortable during a heat wave.
  • A capable cook, Robin has recently begun to focus on barbecuing, being that it allows him to cook outdoors. Despite this, his signature dish is curry.
  • Academically, Robin is a poor student, his grades averaging around Cs with the occasional D. The two grades he does well at are gym and chemistry, where he receives As.
  • Robin currently does not have much in the way of plans for after he graduates. He jokingly tells people that he will become a street magician, but he fears that he’ll end up drifting aimlessly after high school.
Personality: Robin’s personality can be hard to pin down, as he changes aspects of it to suit the general mood of a situation. As an example, if the majority of people within a group are serious, then he will be serious to match. If the majority is ambitious, then he will be ambitious. On his own, he is quite carefree, and will go along with whatever the group he is with will do. He has trouble remembering the names of his classmates, more out of a lack of care to memorize them than anything else. He lacks intelligence in the traditional sense, only focusing on chemistry.

Other Skills: Gift Expertise, Basic Outdoor Survival, Cooking
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Hey RetroVenus! I'm here to critique Robin and hopefully we can get this done quickly. For the time being, Robin is DENIED pending some clarifications and edits.

Firstly, with Robin's Gift, the primary limit set on it seems to be somewhat untenable. The fact that he must calculate for each atom seems extremely impractical if not impossible. For example, a human body is made up of about 7 octillion atoms, and even smaller objects contain an amount that would be near impossible to account for with complete accuracy. If you do want to present some sort to limit on Robin's capability to raise/lower the internal temperature of an object, it may be beneficial to instead focus on something like what rate at which the heating/cooling occurs and if there is some negative downside that he faces when using the power.

Moving on to the background, there's some cuts that need to be cleared up, mainly that it does not need to be as extensive as it currently is.

The power description changes may necessitate some reworking of the early portions, particularly those about the focus on chemistry and and about how his Gift manifested.
Bird-watching enthusiasts first and foremost, the pair of philosophy professors had decided to give their children names related to birds in some manner, in hopes that their children would have flight based gifts as they themselves had. This would not be so; Branwen’s gift would be to store items within a subspace, Raven’s to flip objects over, Robin’s to control temperature, and Sirje’s to create swirls in water.
This point is far more about about Robin's parents than Robin himself, and does not need to be in the profile
A common subject that Edd and Tawny touch upon in their lectures is the nature of gifts, and what makes a gift to be considered a blessing or a curse. They believe that the greatest strength a gift can have is in its versatility; the more applications a gift has, the more beneficial the gift is. While they try not to apply this line of reasoning to their children and love them equally, a certain degree of favoritism has shown itself.
This point is not necessary, particularly in light of the following point
Though his parents only focused on his science grades, they were becoming increasingly concerned about the rest of Robin’s grades slipping as he entered high school. They pushed for him to read more books, in hopes that reading would spark an interest in studying. To their displeasure, his new found interest in reading only marginally affected his grades. It was only the threat of being held back a year that caused him to study more seriously.
This point should be cut down and combined with the later point about his current grades

Once these edits have been made, I'll give Robin another look
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This profile has been placed in the Forfeited and Abandoned Characters forum for missing the approval deadline. It is eligible for resubmission (with setting appropriate adjustments) in a future game of SOTF: Supers.
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