Anatoly Orlovsky

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Anatoly Orlovsky


Post by Polybius »

Name: Anatoly Orlovsky
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, biology, journaling, video games, socializing

Gift: Vampirism
Power Details: When Anatoly consumes human blood, he enters an enhanced state similar to an adrenaline rush. In this enhanced state, many of Anatoly's abilities are amplified to twice their natural strength. Anatoly has heightened sight and hearing, faster reflexes, increased strength and speed, and a higher pain threshold. This enhanced state lasts about half an hour when Anatoly consumes a quarter-pint of blood, with higher blood intake leading to a proportionally longer duration.
Limitations and Drawbacks: When Anatoly has gone eight hours or longer without consuming blood, he begins to experience anemia-like symptoms: fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and pain in the head and chest. These symptoms worsen the longer he goes without consuming blood, and after about 24 hours they will turn fatal. Anatoly needs to consume a quarter-pint of human blood every eight hours to completely avoid symptoms. Substituting non-human blood will prevent severe symptoms but still result in mild fatigue and weakness; in addition, consuming animal blood will never induce Anatoly’s enhanced state.

Appearance: Anatoly is a pale boy who stands at 6’1” and weighs 158 pounds. His figure could best be described as lanky, and he tends to slouch. He has a thin mouth, a button nose, and small hazel eyes. Anatoly has high cheekbones and a sharp chin; his face is completely devoid of facial hair. Anatoly has disheveled brown hair, with loose strands falling onto his forehead. Anatoly likes to dress warmly in dark colors. On the day of the trip, he wore a loose black hoodie with a white t-shirt underneath. He wore faded gray skinny jeans and black converse.

  • Anatoly was born in Bend, Oregon as the only son to well-off Russian immigrant parents. His father is a biologist, while his mother works in marketing. He has two sisters, one older and one younger.
  • Anatoly has been able to manage his gift through a regimen of power suppressants and pig’s blood. Still, he feels a constant sense of lethargy due to being cut off from human blood.
  • Anatoly has partaken in human blood before: first, he was provided donated blood by doctors while they were still trying to figure out how his gift worked. After being relegated to animal blood, he still craved the feeling of human blood. When he was younger, he occasionally convinced his sisters to provide blood for him in secret. Eventually, when he was fourteen, his father caught them and severely punished Anatoly. Since then, he has not consumed human blood, but he still craves it. nothing else has ever given him the same feeling of power and excitement.
  • During the period when Anatoly was feeding from his sisters, the three of them learned how to treat and hide their wounds, to avoid tipping off their parents. As a result, Anatoly has some first aid experience, especially when it comes to stopping bleeding and treating cuts.
  • Anatoly has been an avid reader since youth. He mostly reads non-fiction- he loves history books, science books, and memoirs. His father also has a lot of books on biology and wildlife around the house, and Anatoly has read most of them, gaining a wealth of knowledge on the flora and fauna of places around the world; their habits, abilities, and how they survive their environments
  • When best by cravings, Anatoly distracts himself with his hobbies. Reading, playing video games, and talking with people all help distract him. His biggest coping method is journaling: he will write aimlessly about any thought that come to him. Anatoly has a whole stack of filled journals in a locked chest in his bedroom.
  • Anatoly his friendly with everyone and an engaging conversationalist. As a result, he is fairly popular in school. Anatoly keeps his gift a secret from his classmates, thinking they would be afraid of him if they knew about it.
Personality: Anatoly is a relaxed and friendly person. He enjoys pleasant conversation and always remains courteous to others. Anatoly is in a constant state of lethargy due to his gift, so he has low energy and is easily distracted. He never gets angry or raises his voice: when faced with a setback, Anatoly accepts it and goes with the flow. He is not ashamed of himself or his gift, keeping it secret out of a sense of self-preservation rather than embarrassment. The only time he’s ever distressed are when his cravings are particularly strong; in those times, he tends to be visibly nervous and withdrawn.

Other Skills: First aid, knowledge of animals and plants
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Catche Jagger
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Post by Catche Jagger »

Hi Polybius! Anatoly's looking pretty good, but is currently DENIED pending a bit of expansion.
Power Details: When Anatoly consumes human blood, he enters an enhanced state similar to an adrenaline rush. In this enhanced state, Anatoly has heightened sight and hearing, faster reflexes, slightly increased strength and speed, and a higher pain threshold. This enhanced state lasts about half an hour when Anatoly consumes a quarter-pint of blood, with higher blood intake leading to a proportionally longer duration.
The basic's of Anatoly's gift seems interesting, but it requires some clarification. To what degree is Anatoly enhanced by drinking blood? It would be helpful to have a more specific amount (double, triple, 1.5x, etc) to work with.
Other Skills: First aid, knowledge of animals and plants
It would be helpful to elaborate on these skills in Anatoly's background. Specifically how he came by them and some indication of how much he has studied.

Once these edits have been completed, I'll be sure to give Anatoly another look!
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Post by Polybius »

Aye aye cap'n
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