The Noose of Time


To the south of the mess hall lies the ruins of what must have once been some form of barracks or living facility.The building, however, has been gutted by fire, leaving only ashes and blackened timber—the result of improper safety precautions in storage of explosives that eventually led to the abandonment of the entire island as an unsafe workplace. The building was clearly rather large, with the wreckage indicating a number of distinct rooms. The entire place is quietly ominous, a situation not helped by the fact that the layout of the ruins makes it impossible to keep an eye on the entirety of the surroundings at once.
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The Noose of Time


Post by Espi »

((Clio Gabriella continued from I Am The Lie, I Am The Liar))

At first, running off and wandering for a short while had calmed Clio down a bit, and she was enjoying wandering the untamed place. A cursory examination of the map made it obvious that the place was inhabited, or at least it had been. It looked pretty deserted, and likely had been for some time. That presented an interesting mystery; she ought to go try to find out the history of this place, if it weren't for-

Oh. Right. Fuck.

She was fuming again by the time she stumbled by chance into view of the scorched ruins. The tight, churning in her gut was seemingly trying to force itself out of her head, like trying to spit molten lead. By the time she was standing at the charred, desolate corpse of a building, she was stopping every couple of steps to close her eyes, ball her fists (or, fist, since the machete was still in hand) and count. It only calmed her a little, but at least it directed her anger towards a specific, solvable problem, namely her impatience at standing still counting.

Staring up at the structure from just beyond its doorway, free hand on hip, Clio found herself fixated with a stony glare upon the distinctly misplaced glint of a lens. She wanted to smash it, throw rocks, do something to express the flash of indignant fury at her own mortality being sensationalized.

She closed her eyes, and started counting. One, two, three, four, five, six...
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Post by Aura »

((Adonis Alba continued from Anger,Violence, and All Those Nasty Things))

Adonis had watched someone die.  He totally just watched someone die.  After that happened, he just started running until he got tired, at which point he switched to walking.  He didn't want to stay in one place, but he didn't know where he should go.  He just wandered the island, looking around like he was searching for something, but not really sure what it was.

His mind was just as restless as his body.  The scene at the tar pits still bothered him, and he had every right to let it do so.  Kasumi had been shot right in front of him.  Worse, she had been shot because of his stupid idea.  If he hadn't launched his snowglobe at Gun Girl, maybe she wouldn't have fired.  Hell, maybe if he would've just played along and...

... Wait, what?  No.  Fuck no.  No way in hell was he gonna throw his supplies in the tar.  That would be the dumbest fucking thing ever.  He did what he did because he wanted to stay alive.  So yeah, he did the right thing.  Gun Girl going nuts totally wasn't his fault.  He was just looking out for himself.

Yeah... He was just gonna keep telling himself that.

Adonis came around the side of the huge, burned-out building and saw Clio Gabriella standing out front, looking up at the sky or something.  Part of him wanted to turn around and walk away, but the rest of his mind came to the realization that, probability-wise, it would pretty damn unlikely for four girls in a row pointed guns at him, so he bit the bullet and waved to her, although he couldn't quite muster his usual boisterous energy in doing so.

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Clio heard Adonis speak, technically, at the speed of sound based on the distance between the two. It took almost a second for her to process that the faint wind and rustling of nature around her had been interrupted by a greeting. A typical jock greeting, at that.

She reacted perfectly rationally, which of course meant that she turned her entire upper body to face Adonis, machete pointed at him with her elbow pulled back, as if she was holding a rapier or something. Her frustration evaporated as panic flooded in. Fortunately, Clio was able to regain her senses quickly enough to gauge that Adonis Alba, while more than a little prickish, was unarmed, subdued, and frankly looked a little pathetic. Not a really threatening combination.

Clio very deliberately softened her expression from one of shock to one of...less shock? She didn't quite meet her goal of calm or confidence, but it was a start. "I...uh..."

Christ, you idiot, say something. She looked down at the ground, up at Adonis, and straightened her posture. The caged-feral-animal-ready-to-pounce look was not a good one on her. "Uh, hi. You...need something?"

Stellar fucking response.
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Adonis tried to open with a friendly greeting, and in response he got another weapon pointed at his face.  Although really, what the hell else should he expect at this point?  He hasn't been able to have as much as a normal conversation in this crazy-ass place without someone threatening him since that morning.  What the hell did he do to deserve this?

At least it's not another fuckin' gun...

He raised his hands, exposing his empty palms to Clio.  "Look, I got nothing."  He said, face and voice tinged with irritation.  "Think you can quit pointing that shit at my face now?  Makes a guy uncomfortable, y'know?"

He would have stepped back to lean against the building, but he figured that making sudden moves while being threatened with death probably wasn't the smartest idea.  Hey, he had experience in this sort of thing now, so he should be able to handle things better this time around.

At least no one's probably gonna get shot this time.
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Post by Sh4dE »

((Lance Adams continued from Fearful Symmetry))

Lance did not know how the fuck he managed to lose track of Clair and Cody. If he had known he was a character in a fictional story, he would have quickly figured out that him getting lost was a plot device to put him in this upcoming scene. But of course he did not know that. He was a media nerd, but not a media nerd that believed in derealisation. That was just stupid. All he knew was that he could not see Cody and Clair anywhere, but he could see Adonis and Clio.

Lance Adams could not figure out where Cody and Clair were and how the three of them managed to lose each other, despite travelling together. Lance's shoelaces were tied tightly, neither of them had to pee, all of them were sane enough to stay together. But still, they didn't.

But how did they manage to lose each other?

Like, it just happened.

That was just confusing.

It was crazy, unreasonable and unrealistic, but Lance would stop thinking about it, because Clio and Adonis were here, so he focused on them. Now, he didn't want to judge them, but he already did so in high school, because both were people Lance absolutely disliked for their attitude.

But here on the island, things could different, right?

He called out to them, with caution:

"Hey! Has anyone of you seen Kasumi?"
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Post by Espi »


Clio adjusted her posture once he spoke out again. Unless she planned to challenge Adonis to a fucking duel or something, there wasn't much point standing there like an idiot. She relaxed her shoulders, lowered her arms and looked aside, returning her gaze to him almost reluctantly.

"Yeaaaah, sorry. You startled me, 'sall." Her mumbled response got even less comprehensible as she became aware that not only was she embarrassed in front of this jackoff, but also in the view of that camera up there, and thus anyone in the world might see her.

Hell, her parents might see her here. Not a great thought.

Luckily as she forced herself to look back at Adonis, arms awkwardly folded to account for the sword, another voice approached, followed by the face of Lance Adams.

That one was an oddball. She knew he went to the practice range sometimes, but they'd never met there as far as she could remember, but for the most part he was just one half of the weird lovebird pair he made with Kasumi White. Clio didn't have anything against him specifically.

All she could recall offhand about their respective personalities was how Maxwell talked about Kasumi from having dated both of them. If anything, that spoke well of Kasumi since Maxwell was a douchebag, but it wasn't as informative of Lance.

He was, unshockingly, looking for Kasumi. Geez, dude, inseparable highschool sweethearts was a movie thing, right? His life was in danger, and he was more worried about his girlfriend? Yeesh. Then again, Clio was probably not someone with good relationship advice. Let's be real.

Clio cupped her free hand to her mouth and called back, "I don't think so! Sorry!"
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Post by Aura »

Adonis continued to stare at the tip of Clio's blade until it was safely at her side and no longer pointed at his face.  She muttered an apology for scaring the shit out of him for pretty much no reason, and he had no reason to turn it down.  Normally he would have been angrier, but he felt like he had burned most of his strong emotions for the day on pants-shitting terror already, so he merely adjusted his held-up hands into a shrug.

"Eh, shit happens."

Definitely a little too casual, but fuck that.  Someone wasn't trying to kill him, so he was gonna appreciate that.

No time to rest though, because then Lance came running up, yelling about Kasumi.  Not really a surprise, to be honest.  The two of them were basically attached at the lips, so it wasn't too surprising that he was looking for her.

Wait... Kasumi?

The events at the tar pits played back in Adonis' mind.  He saw Kasumi come running with the bat.  He saw Gun Girl take her down.  He saw the trigger get pulled.  He saw Kasumi stop moving.  His eyes widened as he realized that he knew what Lance was looking for, and he had a feeling that he wouldn't like what he was about to hear.

"Oh... shit."

Adonis was pretty sure that last part would have been better left as internal monologue.
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Post by Sh4dE »

Lance stepped closer to them. Well, he did not see Maxwell either.

"Well, who have you met, Clio?"

Adonis caught Lance's attention as he cursed.

"What is it, Alba?"

Lance assumed Adonis somehow realised something, because he looked like he forgot to turn off the cooker before going to the trip.
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Post by Namira »

((Keiji continued from It's A Gap!))

Keiji raised his eyes above a blown-out section of burned wall.

Flick left, flick right.

Keiji lowered himself down again.
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Post by Espi »

Who had she met? Define 'met', really. Aside from those immediately present, Clio had interacted with Theo, noticed Bridgette, been aware of Panya, been in the vicinity of Kris and Wendy. Met? Debatable.

Okay, being a pedant aside, she had seen those people, but it was basically impossible to know what any of them were up to. They were on this rock, alive and in a field, as of like 45 minutes ago. Beyond that, who knew?

Clio gave a slight shake of her head, refocusing herself on the actual topic. Just as she was about to try and reply, Adonis answered. Sort of. He basically just swore, but Clio was familiar with the different inflections of emotion in a given phrase. She had plenty of experience there, after all.

Adonis' tone might as well have painted it on the stupid burned ruin's wall, that he'd had a troubling realization. Given the presented topic, that was a bad sign for Lance.

Clio turned her head towards the building, doing a quick double-take at what she thought was movement. God, was she losing her mind? Probably, given her earlier behavior. Still, she watched the wall from the corner of her eye; it wasn't like there was some kind of bear sneaking around obviously, but another student could totally be waiting for a moment to attack.

"Adonis, did something happen to Kasumi?"

The emotion in her own voice was a mixture of cautious inquiry and accusation.
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Post by Aura »

Yeah, Adonis definitely should have kept his stupid mouth shut, because now he to figure out how to explain watching a girl die to her boyfriend without him getting mad.

"Okay, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but you gotta believe me."  He took a step back and put his hands up again, since the look Lance was giving him was almost as scary as Clio's machete.  "I was at these... fuck, I dunno.  Tar pits, I guess?  Anyway, I was there, and this crazy chick showed up and started pointin' a gun at me, y'know?"  He imitated holding a gun, looking between Lance and Clio and trying to make sure they were paying attention before he moved on.

"Anyway, Kasumi showed up and the other girl put her on the ground.  Then she turned to me and, uh..."  He wrung his hands, definitely not looking forward to telling the next bit.  "See, the crazy chick said that if I didn't throw my stuff into the tar or whatever, she was gonna shoot her.  Kasumi, I mean."  At this point, Adonis was mostly looking at Lance, since his reaction was the one that he was concerned about.

"So I..."  Yeah, he couldn't finish that sentence.  Considering that he still had his pack with him, it was pretty much implied what had happened anyway, so he might as well appeal to forgiveness.  "Look man, I tried..."
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Post by Sh4dE »

Alba, Alba. Did you just call Lance's girlfriend a crazy chick?

Lance glowered at Adonis when he began to speak. Then after Adonis continued talking he realised the crazy chick must've been someone else. Of course Kasumi wasn't the 'crazy chick' Alba talked about. Kasumi wouldn't be a person to point guns at someone.

But what came next shocked Lance.

He gave Adonis a confused look. His eyes were wide. His fists were balled. Lance was ready to step forward to Adonis.

Lance swallowed to calmly say the next sentence while closing his eyes. He had to make his heart going faster stop

"Adonis, calm down. Take a deep breath and calm down."

Lance swallowed again as he felt the tears flowing on his cheeks.
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Post by Namira »


That looked tense and Keiji didn't know that he wanted to have anything to do with it.


He started humming to himself to try and take his mind off the fact he was bricking it.
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Post by Espi »

Welp, this could be ugly.

Clio's instincts were all kinds of messed up right now. She was so thrown by Adonis' statement that she couldn't tell if Lance's projected serenity was a good sign or not. Obviously he was trying to hold it together, as one did in this sort of situation, but was he going to break down or launch an attack?

Admittedly she had no idea what had actually happened, but Adonis was probably the least effective bad-news bearer of all time. If Kasumi was really dead as he implied, that was...all kinds of fucked up. She had questions, like 'who was the one with a gun?'. There were more pressing concerns at the moment.

At school, Clio was rarely the mediator in this sort of-well, not this thing, but conflicts. There wasn't a conflict here, not yet, but she could feel the atmosphere, and it felt like she'd gotten thrown down and pinned at her jujitsu class, like the wind was gone. She was admittedly bad at maintaining a neutral stance; she was a passionate person, okay? It's hard not to pick sides, even among friends.

But as her eyes moved between the two, she began to seriously consider that a fight might break out. Not knowing all the facts, Clio was hesitant to say anything, and to make it even more complicated was the fact that, even if there was no reason to fight and no fault was to be assigned, Clio did directly benefit from other people dying.

Awful. Awful and selfish and disgusting and all kinds of words and yet it was true. Mathematically speaking, there were what, 60 seniors here or something? It wasn't strictly random, of course, but still. Everyone else who died meant she was closer.

Fortunately, Clio didn't go much farther with that morbid train of thought because, in the brief and eerie silence that enveloped the area, she heard what sounded like...humming?

Clio looked around the area, unconsciously raising her guard. Still nobody there, or at least nobody in view. Nobody in their right mind would start humming during an ambush attempt, right? But what kind of person hid away from others nearby like this person might be?

Clio didn't know. Clio didn't know a lot about this whole thing. She very slowly, deliberately began to edge towards the incinerated structure, half-remembering something about flanking enemies or guarding your angles. She had a really bad feeling here, but she couldn't bring herself to run away, leave this mess unresolved.

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Post by Aura »

Lance was still staring at him.  Adonis was hoping that he would look anywhere else right now, because the longer he kept his eyes locked on him, the more he felt like he was about to catch an unholy ass-beating.  Lance was telling him to calm down, but he was a little busy hoping that he would take his own advice.  Still not quite feeling safe, Adonis took another step back.

"Hey man..."

Yeah, this didn't seem to be helping.  Lance still had the full-force staredown going, now complete with tears.  Adonis was pretty sure that there were only... maybe three things in the world that he could have said that would have cooled things down.  Unfortunately, he couldn't figure out what those things were, so he was just gonna have to wing it.

"It's fucked up, all right?  I'm sorry.  What else do you want?"
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