Flexibility Of His Mind's Eye


The end of the long path stretching from the village along the island’s eastern edge, this large farmhouse was previously home to an unknown number of farming animals, with several varieties of enclosures surrounding the property, including a large wooden barn. The house itself, two storied with an attic and basement containing several modern, if slightly dated, conveniences, stands out amongst the island’s architecture as a late addition.

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Flexibility Of His Mind's Eye


Post by Primrosette »

((Austin Song continued from Ad Astra Per Aspera))

Austin didn't know how long he had been wandering around on his own and he let out a small sigh. His feet were aching like hell and he was feeling the exhaustion hitting him harder than ever. He guessed he should be relieved that that big dude had listened to him and had not followed him after all. But still, being alone really did have it's disadvantages. No one was there to have his back and Oscar's murderer was still out there doing whatever the heck he was doing.

Austin wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel now.

Was he still considering the idea of actually killing people that he didn't know?


Was he actually going to get blood on his hands?

I don't know, I don't know. Maybe...?

As he moved into the area, he noticed the farmhouse and the barn nearby. He could really use the house to rest for a bit and then he could try to plan on what he wanted to do next. He just had to hope that there was no one inside and he let out a small croaky cough. Ugh, he really needed to take a sip of his water. He didn't realized how thirsty he was. But first....

He approached the farmhouse with cautious steps. Branch and rock at the ready if he had to use them.
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Post by Lilith »

The Bloodied Girl wheezed more than she breathed.

She wasn't bleeding anymore, or at least externally. She was still wheezing and coughing and contorting. Her lungs weren't the issue, but they felt full of fluid. She couldn't eat anymore. She couldn't drink. She tried. She tried and it burnt her throat. She still had to cough.

She coughed again.

The Bloodied Girl headed for the Empty Farmhouse.

Titles and titles and locations to other locations. It felt like a loop. Constant. Pushing. Her body shook again.

She moved toward the building. She stopped in her tracks. She looked around. The Bloodied Girl had her rifle in her arms. Her pistol was in the bag that wasn't hers. None of what she had on was hers. The only thing that was hers was her foot let to the air because she had lost her shoe when Rainbow had killed her.

And then she had killed her and she couldn't get her shoe back.

The Bloodied Girl moved toward the farmhouse.

She just wanted a real bed.
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin had walked into the house so he didn't see or notice that someone else had been heading there as well as he had and he glanced around at the state of it. Everything looked so dirty and dusty from what he was looking at so far. Was that a crack in one of the floorboards? He was making note of that and to make sure that he couldn't step on it as it was likely faulty and fragile.

He let out a small exhale of breath that he hadn't realized that he was holding.

Would this be a good place for him to take shelter? He guessed that he could explore a bit more.

Just in case there were people hidden in there somewhere. Ready to fight him? Or just to hide away and hope that he wouldn't hurt or kill them? He hoped it was the latter to make things easier for himself.

He then started to walk down the hallway as he was making sure that he was safe there and he was sure that he had heard something.

Was he imaging things now? Or was it his paranoia taking over his mind again? It could have been an animal.

Humans are animals, Austin.


He opened up one of the doors and he headed inside, making sure to close the door behind him quietly. Just to be safe.

He was now making sure to be as quiet as possible.
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Post by Lilith »

The Bloodied Girl had to remind herself that she was never alone despite how badly she wanted to be. She desperately wanted to be alone, with nobody ever looking at her again the way that Rainbow had.

She didn't remember the names of the other boys, but if she did, she would focus on them. Rainbow was the only she remembered. She reminded herself that if she lived, she would remember them. She didn't know how she would remember them. She hoped by not their last moments where the Bloodied Girl let her Self be overtaken by the selfishness.

But her grudge was still there. She still wanted to kill Ajay. She still wanted to kill everyone. She wanted everyone dead. She wanted them to die for her, and she wanted her to kill them. She wanted them dead, she wanted all of them dead, she wanted them dead by her hands and nobody else's.

And she didn't know where that anger came from. She didn't know if she was something she had felt for a long time and pretended that it hadn't been there ever. She wanted to scream, but she didn't talk when she could have had, and now she could never talk again.

She swallowed through her fractured larynx. Her shattered voice box. Her broken lung. She didn't know what went wrong with her throat. She knew what happened, but she didn't know the specific.

She could already be dead for that matter.

She coughed, signalling her presence.
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin couldn't allow himself to breathe or let out a sharp gasp of air as he heard someone cough. He couldn't give away his own presence to whomever it was and he knew that it could possibly be risky if he did so. So he just breathed through his nose as quietly as he could. In, out, in, out, in, out....

Just continuing that step over and over again.

His grip was tighter on the branch in his hands and his skin was even more paler than normal. His expression was never turning, just an empty shell of no emotions.

He glanced at the door that was beside him and he made sure not to stand where it could swing towards him. He needed to be close to whoever it was. He needed to be prepared to take them out. It didn't really matter if they were innocent or a foe.

He just needed something. He wanted to know what that was like.
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Post by Lilith »

Through her stridor, the Bloodied Girl didn't hear anything. Or rather, there wasn't anything to hear, so her death rattle echoed as she entered the home. She had her gun out. She didn't want to kill again. She already killed once that day. Once was enough to keep death away. She had to kill again tomorrow, or the day after. She was already over the amount she needed.

It didn't mean she couldn't stock up.

She raised her gun. She didn't blink.

She only coughed.

She couldn't speak, or call out. It was a just punishment. She wasn't going to call it out to the Gods above, but it felt deeply wrong to be unable to speak. It was a punishment, and she was good at dealing with punishments, but she didn't want to deal with it right now. She wanted to be able to speak, to call out.

And to find Ajay. She had to kill him. She had to kill him like he had killed her. It was fair. Only fair.

She moved in the home, searching for a bed.

A whistle. Her stridor echoed again.
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Post by Primrosette »


Until a whistle sounded off.

His hair were raising like goosebumps on his body. A shiver went up his spine.

Austin needed to get out of there.


He noticed one of the windows that were slightly open and he slowly started to make his way over to it. Hoping to God that he could avoid whomever it was out there.

He needed safety elsewhere.
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Post by Lilith »

The Bloodied Girl closed the door behind her with her foot. Her gun was still in her hands. She kept it tightly closed to her chest, the butt lodged in the shoulder. Her breathing was inconsistent, sometime forgetting that she had to manually make herself take a deep breath.

She wheezed. She coughed.

She moved slowly. The floorboard beneath her crack. This was the most furnished, taken care of place she'd enter on the island. The church didn't count. It wasn't... it wasn't what she thought it'd be.

She shook her head. The Bloodied Girl remembered Rainbow falling to the ground. She remembered her movement, her ragdolled lolling of her joints. It didn't make the Bloodied Girl feel any good but... it felt better than nothing.

She shook her head, moving her brain away from her stupor. She raised her eyes up, scanning. She coughed, and moved toward the kitchenette she spotted. She needed a chair.

It was getting late.
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin heard a coughing sound that was getting closer and he muttered under his breath quickly, making himself more a bit faster on his feet. He managed to pulled up the window fully and he almost dived out of it onto the grass outside. But he made sure to climb out of it with ease and some kind of graceful landing on his feet. He wasn't going to look back as he didn't want to take the risk of getting caught in the act of escaping.

Just run and get somewhere better than this, Austin!

And that was all it took to make him book into the night.

((Austin Song continued in Cornucopia))
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Post by Lilith »

The Bloodied Girl sat down in the wooden chair, and once she closed her eyes, she didn't reopen them.


She reopened them. She tried to sigh, but she was stuck in a coughing fit. Her stomach was ripping itself apart from hunger and from the pain.


She got up, and walked away.
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