(Un)Happy Camping

Closed! Day 1. Around two hours after everyone woke up.

The southern edge of the rainforest contains evidence of a long abandoned expedition in the form of several large (but completely empty) degraded canvas tents, alongside tables, chairs, an empty fire pit, and several metal tent frames long since stripped of their coverings. Close to the nearby river as well as high hills blocking easterly winds from the ocean, this camp showed no sign of being anything but perfectly placed for its purpose, which makes it all the more suspicious as to why it no longer contains any useful items or human inhabitants.

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Post by ItzToxie »

(( Ajay Bachmeyer continued from The best songs are played on the oldest fiddles.))

Ajay had lost Jaxon. Even worse he lost his biggest chance for security, by getting lost from his first group. He tried retracing his steps, but couldn’t get nothing out of it.

Dumb cunt. Ajay’d kick his ass if he found him again. At least he found a familiar trail. He’ll just come back, let them know Jaxon ran off and that’s the end of it. Wait.

This wasn’t leading to the river. Shit. Just made a big fucking circle. Back to the camp again. Except...

The footfalls of someone retreating and two people on the ground. One other person. Ajay gripped his spear and jogged up to the scene, maybe he could stop whatever-

Nevermind. Bit too late for that.

Wasn’t the first time he saw someone dead like that, and that wasn’t including the yankee at the brief. Wasn’t the first time he saw someone’s throat blown out too.

Ajay stopped, and stared at the corpse behind his shades. He didn’t know enough of the situation to just jump in, wasn’t about to get his ass killed for a dead body neither.

He looked at the two live ones, as the footfalls of the third got more and more distant.

“Fuck happened here?”
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Post by Kotorikun »

Harun was surprised by the sudden aggression from Austin's side when he was so calm in his arms just minutes ago. He knew better than getting himself involved in a fight between two others, he believed so. When he did fight, he preferred a one-on-one but "fair game" might be something he needed to forget here.

It didn’t matter in the end, he got his share by having a tent launched at his face.

Jumping back didn’t work fast enough and the fabric got to him. By the time he pulled it back to see properly (it was now draped over his head like an oversized raincoat, sudden drip potential—), Fabiano was gone and just like a magic trick, there stood a new person that seemed more threatening just for the spear alone.

Harun glanced at Oscar’s body at the question, frowning, the fabric crinkling with the slightest move.

“Probably the right thing if you ask me.”
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Austin groaned as he sat up and he rubbed at his winded chest, taking a few moments to catch his breath. He heard the bastard running away like a coward and Austin was tempted to go after him. But he then heard another voice and he turned his head sharply, staring at the newcomer with clear suspicion across his face. He wasn't sure how to calm his mind that had gone into a fragile rage at Fabiano. He hardly even knew Oscar but....

As much as Austin had his own reasons for wanting to take people out, just seeing Oscar dying in a horrid way. He didn't want Fabiano to get away with it and if he saw him again.... He needed to be more prepared. He needed some weapon that could take him out, not like he was going to ask the newcomer for his spear. Unless the guy felt generous enough to hand it over himself, but Austin doubted it.

"...Argh. The guy who.... who just killed Oscar got away...." He said with a small wheeze and he slowly got back up his feet, letting out a shaky breath. "Complete asshole..."

He cautiously made his way back over to where Oscar's body was, while keeping an eye on AJ and he glanced over at Harun a few times. Wondering what he was going to do now.
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Post by ItzToxie »

‘Probably the ‘right’ thing...’

Well at least Ajay knew there was no love lost for dead man there, at least not from the fridge, and Ajay almost found himself scowling, but pursed his lips instead. Ajay wanted to keep his best poker face, regardless of how he felt in the moment. Also that answer basically told him nothing.

Other boy, the one smaller than fridge here, but still taller than Ajay have his answer. Still vague as balls though. Already knew the other one ran away, figured he were the killer unless these two were playing him for a dom nool. Ajay just nodded along. Frowned in sympathy.

“Ag, shame. You did all you could than, ja?” Ajay was positive that neither of the two did all they could. “Bad as it sounds, sometimes shit happens. Sometimes it’s not avoidable, no?” Ajay acted in assumed empathy on the likely chance that it weren’t those two who did... all of that and not runner boy, but he wasn’t down to just bend over backwards for them to shove a tent stake up his ass neither. They still didn’t answer him about what happened after all.

“What’s Jan Allerman’s deal? What was he doing here before bolting off like that?”
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Now again, Harun didn’t judge others based on their appearance but he assumed Ajay had seen some shit happen, as he had mentioned, and the island would only pile up on it. Personally, Harun thought, the pile could grow if it wanted to. It was all about how one took it and dealt with it since there was no other choice. And who the hell was Jan Allerman?

Harun pulled and threw the tent fabric off of him and stomped on it with one foot. No aggressive stomp, but a firm one.

“I was the one who barged in and held you hostage, Chilli. Wasn’t he trying to help you?” He frowned at Austin. The reason why Harun had chosen that kind of entrance? It was to create more reasons of a different kind. “For the literal minute I knew him he was annoying anyway.” Everything was, currently. “But he said something useful while I was waiting… To uh, watch out for someone? A girl? I forgot the name already.”

She wouldn’t be the only dangerous one, would she?

“If you want to go after him and die, that’s fine by me.”
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin could only stare at the weirdly-styled Ajay and at the strong-looking Harun as they were speaking and he really wished that he was alone so he could broad and be all sullen over Oscar's death. He also didn't want to leave him in such a horrid state and he knew that he had just the thing that he could wrap his body up with. It was the least that he could do for someone so bright and positive. God, everything had became a mess too quickly. Oscar should still be alive by his side right now, but reality was just too cruel.

He also didn't know why that guy had called him chilli. It felt like a strange nickname, but he wasn't going to make a big fuss about it. Starting a fight with the guy would be pointless and that wasn't what he wanted to focus on at the moment anyway.

"He was doing a terrible job at trying to be a hero. I didn't trust him before you showed up and took me as a useless hostage. He threatened you with violence...." He said to Harun in a calmer tone of voice as he was thinking more clearly without any rage now and then he glanced at Oscar, letting out a small sigh. "...And Oscar paid the price for that. Even if he didn't deserve to die like that. Oscar was trying his best to be helpful and nice. ...Just didn't work out."

He paused to take a breath and he still didn't like talking this much to people. It just wasn't him. Maybe he was in a strange type of shock that made him speak more. He didn't know at all.

"He could have been lying about that girl. Maybe he had wanted to kill her too. Who the hell knows?" He knelt down beside Oscar's body and he moved his hands up to where Oscar's head and neck were, hesitating for a moment. "...Fabiano. At least now I have a name to remember if I do run into him again. ...Could one of you help me move him? I want to at least do something respectful for Oscar since he was my ally for a while. I don't want to leave him like this."

Talking was too much work for Austin.
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Post by ItzToxie »

"What? You?"

So Fridgeman was messing with string bean, and dead guy here and runaway intervened and now dead guy was dead and...

"You're not... You're not making any sense. Could someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" No fucking answers, it was a simple goddamn question. Ajay held out an open palm to the two of them, pointing to the body.

"Who killed this guy?" He was getting pretty agitated.

He pointed his hand at bigger guy. "Did you?" Pointed it at less bigger guy. "You?" Pointed it in the direction runaway man ran. "Him?"

"Could someone explain something? Holy shit!"
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Post by Kotorikun »


Harun was about to give the newcomer the facts, but he thought that was pretty boring. He wanted to get to know him first.

"First of all, moving him is pretty stupid. It will leave a mess." Removing Oscar's head like a piece of meat from a skewer? It was a no thank you from Harun's side. Unless Austin was going to leave the metal piece inside him and pull it out of the ground if it was possible. But even then it was still a no because covering him up should be enough. He shrugged and sighed quietly through his nose.

"So what if it was one of us that killed him? What if it was me?" Harun's eyes were sharp, looking down at Ajay in spirit. "What are you gonna do about it?"
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Post by Primrosette »

And that was the moment of Austin ignoring the two guys who were just making things worse and being of no help whatsoever. He decided that he had to do this all on his own and he was going to leave those two idiots alone to their unhelpful yakking.

Austin let out an annoyed sigh.

"Sorry, Oscar. This'll be a bit messy." He said to his body quietly and he was being as gentle as he could.

He then pulled Oscar's neck as carefully as he could from the tent pin and he held his breath as he could see more blood leaking out of the wound. He set Oscar's head back down on the ground and he let a small exhale back out. He noticed the bits of skin and blood on the tent pin and he glanced away from it, feeling a bit woozy.

Right, right.

Need to take his bag. Can't let ever of them have it. Then I can just get out the blanket and then wrap Oscar up. Then I'll get out of here and figure out what I want to do next.

He glanced at the bag that was on Oscar's person and he reached out, tugging at it to get it off of his shoulder.

He didn't know what the other two were doing and he wasn't going to care unless they both came at him or yelled at him or whatever.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“Ja? You actually wanna play this game?” The fridge wanted to square up. See, at this point Ajay didn’t really care if the fridge did... this or not. His shit attitude was really inviting a moer’n.

“I got a fuckin’ spear ya dof cunt. Even if I didn’t I stole shoes from boefs bigger ‘n you jou bliksem.” They were captured in a death game and these dumb fucks got nothing better to do than talk shit and get in pissing contests.

“I‘m looking for someone and I don’t have time for your bullshit, and I don’t give two fucks you take these shits for their word and jou think they gonna let you go, but you take me for a mark and you won’t walk away from it.” Someone wanted to find out the hard way what happens when you fuck with Ajay, he was more than happy to oblige.

He slapped his chest and stood arms open. As much an invitation as any.
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Post by Kotorikun »

Harun understood only half of what Ajay was saying but enough to make out most of it. The last gesture made it pretty clear though.

“You seem to give a lot of fucks, actually,” he said while throwing his own bag off of his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground behind him with an audible thud. Just in case. Lunging at someone wasn’t his style, so if anything Ajay had to come at him first. The spear made this a bit unfair, no?

He lifted his hands slightly and stepped closer towards Ajay.

“Not gonna lie, I don’t want to crush you just yet.” Of course. “See, I’m booked out already. If you want to fight, I’m free in the evening.”
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Post by Primrosette »

Austin could hear the other two trying to man each other up and he had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at how foolish they were both being. If they wanted to beat the crap out of each other, then so be it. It wasn't Austin's place to stop them and he couldn't give any more of his attention to them. He just had to make sure that only he could have his hands on Oscar's supplies. He had a plan for Oscar's 'weapon' after all. It might be a dumb plan, but he wanted to see if it would work.

He got the bag off of Oscar's arm with a bit of difficulty and then he took off his own bag, making sure that he was ready to do this. Then he unzipped his bag with ease and he got out the blanket, setting it down on the ground as neatly as he could. Then he moved to get up to his feet and he pulled and nudged Oscar's body onto it, sweating and panting a little. Then he made sure to cover his body up completely with the blanket as he didn't want anyone to see his body in a horrid matter.

"...God." He let out a tired sigh as he stared down at the covered up corpse and he made sure that he had both of the bags on his shoulder(s). He needed to say something, didn't he? "I'm sorry, Oscar. I should never have asked you to come with me, but I dunno.... You seemed like nice company and I guess I wanted that for a while. I hope they will send you back to your family so that you can have a proper burial or something. ...It wouldn't be fair to have you just rotting here like this. Again.... I'm sorry for being a terrible ally."

He then glanced over at the two guys that were just be nuisances.

But he needed to say something to them as well, didn't he?

"I'm leaving now...!" He said a bit louder so that he could be heard by them and he glanced at them with a more serious expression. "If you both want to come with me and I dunno, just explore more. Come with me. Or don't. Up to you. I don't care what you will do really."

And then he disappeared into the world of madness once more.

((Austin Song continued in Ad Astra Per Aspera))
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Post by ItzToxie »

Beter bang Jan, as dooie Jan. You know what that means? Better a scared man, than a dead man. Kinda hard to guess just by hearing or reading but honestly, a lot of Afrikaanisms were easy to understand to someone from the outside world.

Ajay hadn’t said it out loud, but that was his first thoughts when the big one decided to call a rain check. It wasn’t worth it. Ajay knew it, big man knew it. Didn’t know if because he didn’t have it in him, or if he just wanted an easier target, but he did know that man wasn’t no bossie. Didn’t matter to him, that was one person who wouldn’t try shit today.

“Agh, shame then. You name a time and place then if we get off this rock. Until then, you got the rest of your life to decide.” In another world, Ajay would’ve reveled in it. ‘Damn right you better be scared ya dikgat cunt.‘ Or something along those lines, but he wasn’t gonna add to the chances of dying on this island in the middle of nowhere. Instead, he said what he said, smiled, then shrugged.

Tall boy took his leave. Wanted to explore, or in reality wanted to get away from here. Couldn’t blame him really. Beter bang Jan, as dooie Jan. Lost anything important you had going for you here, no point in losing nothing else. Good on you.

It narrowed it down for sure, wasn’t tall boy. Big boy was possible, but Ajay had his doubts so it left runaway. Couldn’t get his word so he didn’t know. Wasn’t gonna trust big boy yet neither, way he acted was sketch even if he got his wits about him now.

Nah, he was gonna go on his own way, look for the people he woke up with, find a way out. Best chance of making it if anything. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn’t but he wasn’t gonna give these fuckers the joys of watching him dance and play to their sick pony show. Beter bang Jan, as dooie Jan.

He stared down the fridge behind his shades.

“Well? What now?”
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Post by Kotorikun »

Harun turned his head towards Austin when he announced his leave and made a small noise of surprise in the back of his throat that was probably only audible to himself. Not that he expected him to watch or wait — maybe a little — but oh well, the ass-kicking wasn't happening just yet. He hadn't expected him to move Oliver either while he had been so focused on Ajay. Minding his own business, eh? Good for him. Harun was curious to see how far it would take him minding his own business like that within a business that was everyone's now, everyone who was on this island. Harun was sure it made sense somewhere.

He sighed.

Lifting his bag back up, his stern expression returned. It was hard to tell what Ajay truly felt since his eyes were hidden.

“Meet me here at sunrise.” That was the only option he was going to give him.

Was Ajay still expecting an answer to his original question? If so, Harun was leaving him in the dark on that one. They had already told him it was Fabiano from the beginning and if Ajay didn’t catch or believe it, it was his own problem.

“I want to follow him. Quietly. See you.”

With one last prayer and blessing playing in the back of his head for Oscar, Harun hurried in the general direction of where Austin went.

((Harun Tee continued elsewhere))
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Post by ItzToxie »

What the fuck?

Meet him here at sunrise? Ajay opened his hand in front of him, his brow furrowed. Didn't have time to die right now, but you could do it tomorrow? His arm lowered, and as the larger one left, Ajay was left looking around all confused like John Travolta.

Ajay wasn't even going to waste his breath on such a dumb fucking answer. Ajay didn't have time to honor the wishes of some dumb suicidal cunt. He had to find a way out of here. If the fridge wants someone to kill him at a convenient time so bad, he could find someone else.

He figured he should follow the fridge and the tall one, but honestly, he didn't know what happened here outside of most likely the runner doing it. He felt like the fridge was following the tall one to kill him, but he honestly couldn't tell, not enough information, not enough reason to go sticking his neck out. He had more important shit to deal with. Last thing on that list was kissing trafficker ass in the hopes of not getting a .45 reward to the dome for being the last one to die. He was smarter than that.

"Fuck it."

Runaway's name was... Fabiano. He'll have to remember that. For now, he had to find Rainbow and the others.

Fuck Jaxon. He wants to die on his own, he's more than welcome to.

((Ajay Bachmeyer continued elsewhere.))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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