Harun Tee

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Harun Tee


Post by Kotorikun »

Name: Harun Tee
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Place of Residence: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Language/s: Malay, English, Mandarin, some Cantonese
Hobbies and Interests: Mobile games, gacha games, octopuses, weightlifting

Appearance: Harun is a boy of Malaysian-Chinese heritage who stands at 180 cm and weighs 77 kg. His skin tone is beige with a golden undertone that tans easily. He has a strong and well-built looking frame and a rectangle body shape with notable muscles. When not relaxing, his posture is always upright.

His face is oval-shaped and has a healthy glow with three small beauty marks scattered in the upper area of his left cheek. His slightly down-turned dark brown eyes sit below naturally straight eyebrows that emphasize his usually worn serious facial expression. Furthermore, he has an average-sized nose with a wider tip and full lips. His hair is black and styled into a medium length messy side part. Since he doesn’t use many products it often hangs down slightly touching his brows.

Harun’s everyday fashion consists of simple well-fitted famous brand t-shirts, loose shorts, and trainers or leather sandals. On the day of the abduction, he was wearing his school uniform which consists of a burgundy polo shirt, beige pants, black leather shoes and black socks. Over the polo shirt, he put on another baby blue t-shirt that he had gotten as a gift from a friend on the same day. Depicted on the shirt is a coral-coloured dabbing octopus surrounded by white sparkles. Above its head, the word “tough” is written in Katakana.

Biography: Harun was born on January 12th, 2003, as a second child and first son to his Malaysian mother Dyana Fazura and Chinese-Malaysian father Zhao Jian Tee. The two of them met through a family friend after Zhao Jian finished his Bachelor of Arts degree while Fazura was working as an accountant. Two years later they got married and Zhao Jian became the executive chairman of a property firm, founded by his father, one of two brothers who started the group in the 1930s. After Nora, Harun’s sister, was born, Fazura joined said firm as part of the financial management.

Harun’s early life was simple and carefree. As a child he was very cheerful and always surrounded by many family members, often spending time at various places, mostly his cousins’ who he grew very close with alongside his sister. He didn’t mind that he wasn’t seeing his parents as often at times since he knew that they would shower him with love whenever they got back. One of those gifts they bought was a large gray plush octopus Harun grew very fond of. He would always carry it around and it turned into a harmless inside joke among his family and close friends who picked up on it when coming over. To this day he still sleeps with it at times.

Entering school life, Harun was sociable and quick to make friends, if a bit bossy. Where he hadn’t felt competitive before, over time, the environment shaped him to compare his affluent lifestyle to those of others. He realized he was very fortunate in his upbringing and saw himself as superior. If anyone crossed him he didn’t hesitate to shoot back a response since he knew that those close to him would have his back. After an incident that turned into a physical fight, his parents had several talks with him and stepped in harder to manage those issues by working together with the teachers and always explaining the importance of a good education to him. Once Harun switched to a different private school in middle school, things calmed down naturally, though his attitude remained.

Moving on to middle school, Harun quickly adapted to the new surrounding. He had a small group of friends among the popular kids, making it easier for him to climb up the social ladder and forget about his contacts from his old school except for one friend he's still close with. Since it was a private school, he felt more at home since most students were from a similar uprising. There were some smaller disputes between him and other peers every now and then when things didn't go his way, but nothing major that needed intervention. Out of respect to his parents and them demanding a monthly report to avoid him from slacking off, Harun was trying harder academically with an overall low B average in his subjects with History being the worst one since he simply found it boring. His sister always offered help when he needed it.

With these positive changes, Harun’s confidence grew even more, thriving once he reached high school. People either hate him since he can be very dismissive of those he considers below him, or love him for simply who he is. His grades had a slight drop at the start but he picked back up to a B average when his parents threatened to take away his phone. His favourite subjects consist of Malay, PE, and Biology where he finds it easy to get A's. Harun is fond of the friends he found and keeps them close.

Since most of his free time was spent outside, his parents found it a necessity for Harun to have a mobile phone from a young age, the rationale being that it is easier to know where their son is. He was quickly hooked on any game he could find, often playing with or against his cousins who shared the interest. It started with racing games and over the years the variety grew and he picked up whatever looked interesting to him. Recently, he upgraded to an actual gaming smartphone. Thanks to social media he was introduced to gacha games that kicked off a slight addiction. He finds it easy to spend a lot of money on them, irresponsibly, and enjoys the perks that come with it. His current favourite is Genshin Impact. Harun's parents are not aware of these new spending habits due to Harun having his own bank account. They deposit a monthly allowance directly into it and that money is his to spend or save. Harun knows that it doesn't hurt his parents' account so he doesn't feel bad about it.

Weightlifting became an interest of Harun’s as a result of an accident that his older sister got into. While they were out on a remote beach, Nora’s leg was stung by a stingray. She could barely walk and when Harun wanted to pick her up to carry her to get help, he barely managed to do it. She was taller and older but it made him feel weak regardless. After the incident, he started to learn more about sea life to avoid something like this from happening again, learning more about his favourite animal, the octopus, along the way too. Around the age of 16, Harun started to go to a gym semi-regularly until he got bored of all the CrossFit mush and joined an actual weightlifting club at 17 where he started learning cleans.

Of his family, Harun is closest to his sister. They're spending less time together than before due to her own studies, but when they do it's like nothing has changed. His relationship with his parents remained relatively stable. His personality can be difficult but he’s very kind to his family and people close to him despite the general snarky comment from him every now and then. He’s often seen hanging out with his group of friends in Kuala Lumpur, not thinking about the future and living in the moment. He wants to go to college to follow his father’s footsteps and hopes to help him out in the firm.

Advantages: Harun is not afraid to speak his mind and doesn’t let anyone belittle him. He is physically strong and durable. Thanks to his confident nature he would have an easier time to make allies.
Disadvantages: Harun’s words can easily rub people the wrong way and while he may be strong, he is not the fastest and needs more food rations due to his build. He can be stubborn when not in charge and doesn’t look the most welcome with his naturally stoic expression.
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ImageHarun Tee will yeet you ten feet into the air
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Post by Ohm »

Hello Kotori, I'll be your critiquer for Harun. There's a few bits here and there that could use rewording and expansion so let's get started on that.
Harun’s early life was simple and carefree. As a child he was very cheerful and always surrounded by many family members, often spending time at various places, mostly his cousins’ who he grew very close with alongside his sister. He didn’t mind that he wasn’t seeing his parents as often at times since he knew that they would shower him with love whenever they got back. One of those gifts they bought was a large gray plush octopus Harun grew very fond of. He would always carry it around and it turned into an insider among his family and close friends who picked up on it when coming over. To this day he still sleeps with it at times.
I did not grasp the meaning of "insider among his family and close friends" until I asked you about it, and whilst I now understand it I feel it's best for it be reworded so there's no confusion.
Entering school life, Harun was sociable and quick to make friends, if a bit bossy. Where he hadn’t felt competitive before, over time, the environment shaped him to compare his affluent lifestyle to those of others. He realized he was very fortunate in his upbringing and saw himself as superior. If anyone crossed him he didn’t hesitate to shoot back a response since he knew that those close to him would have his back. After an incident that turned into a physical fight, his parents had several talks with him and stepped in harder to manage those issues by working together with the teachers and always explaining the importance of a good education to him. Once Harun switched to a different private school in middle school, things calmed down naturally, though his attitude remained.
How were things in middle school and high school for Harun? Were there any further incidents of any kind as his attitude remained the same as before? How are his grades? Does he take school seriously or is he as carefree as he is in his spare time? How is he viewed socially by his peers?
Since most of his free time was spent outside, his parents found it a necessity for Harun to have a mobile phone from a young age, the rationale being that it is easier to know where their son is. He was quickly hooked on any game he could find, often playing with or against his cousins who shared the interest. It started with racing games and over the years the variety grew and he picked up whatever looked interesting to him. Recently, he upgraded to an actual gaming smartphone. Thanks to social media he was introduced to gacha games that kicked off a slight addiction. He finds it easy to spend a lot of money on them, irresponsibly, and enjoys the perks that come with it. His current favourite is Genshin Impact.
How does his parents feel about his spending as it’s said he’s spending irresponsibly?
Harun’s relationship with his parents remained relatively stable. His personality can be difficult but he’s very kind to his family and people close to him despite the general snarky comment from him every now and then. He’s often seen hanging out with his group of friends in Kuala Lumpur, not thinking about the future and living in the moment. He wants to go to college to follow his father’s footsteps and hopes to help him out in the firm.
How is his relationship with his sister? Has it changed over the years?

Let me know when you've hit up these bits and I'll take another look.
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Post by Kotorikun »

[+] edited
(...) He would always carry it around and it turned into a harmless inside joke among his family and close friends who picked up on it when coming over. To this day he still sleeps with it at times.

Moving on to middle school, Harun quickly adapted to the new surrounding. He had a small group of friends among the popular kids, making it easier for him to climb up the social ladder and forget about his contacts from his old school except for one friend he's still close with. Since it was a private school, he felt more at home since most students were from a similar uprising. There were some smaller disputes between him and other peers every now and then when things didn't go his way, but nothing major that needed intervention. Out of respect to his parents and them demanding a monthly report to avoid him from slacking off, Harun was trying harder academically with an overall low B average in his subjects with History being the worst one since he simply found it boring. His sister always offered help when he needed it.

With these positive changes, Harun’s confidence grew even more, thriving once he reached high school. People either hate him since he can be very dismissive of those he considers below him, or love him for simply who he is. His grades had a slight drop at the start but he picked back up to a B average when his parents threatened to take away his phone. His favourite subjects consist of Malay, PE, and Biology where he finds it easy to get A's. Harun is fond of the friends he had found and keeps them close.

Since most of his free time was spent outside, his parents found it a necessity for Harun to have a mobile phone from a young age, the rationale being that it is easier to know where their son is. He was quickly hooked on any game he could find, often playing with or against his cousins who shared the interest. It started with racing games and over the years the variety grew and he picked up whatever looked interesting to him. Recently, he upgraded to an actual gaming smartphone. Thanks to social media he was introduced to gacha games that kicked off a slight addiction. He finds it easy to spend a lot of money on them, irresponsibly, and enjoys the perks that come with it. His current favourite is Genshin Impact. Harun's parents are not aware of these new spending habits due to Harun having his own bank account. They deposit a monthly allowance directly into it and that money is his to spend or save. Harun knows that it doesn't hurt his parents' account so he doesn't feel bad about it.

Of his family, Harun is closest to his sister. They're spending less time together than before due to her own studies, but when they do it's like nothing has changed. His relationship with his parents remained relatively stable. (...)
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Toma Jeung is snoozing in the sun forever
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ImageHarun Tee will yeet you ten feet into the air
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