There Will Be Blood

A hit song by Kim Petras! PRIVATE

This refers to the vast array of smaller vessels that form the filler of the flotilla. They are primarily old, junky sailboats, though rowboats, lifeboats, and dinghies are also well-represented. Generally speaking, no single boat in the sprawl exceeds twenty-five feet in length, and none are vessels designed for long hauls or lengthy habitation. The inner sprawl is densely packed, but likely safer for it; should a student fall overboard, something will always be close to hand, though the risk of getting trapped or crushed between boats is high.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

You really think she stuck around for that horror show?
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk inhaled under his mask. Exhaled.

Well Cass, that was rude! Couldn’t give us a breath before we started running? Didn’t she know the longer she ran the longer this was going to take? Why couldn’t people make it easy as Seth and come to him?

“Cmon Vas.”

Fisk grunted as he broke off into a sprint behind Cassini, metal heeled brogues click clack clanking across the boardwalk. Sprinting in a three piece suit was such a bitch, and this whole situation made Fisk curious as to what his fanservice outfit would be and if it would be more useful or comfortable attire for what he’s doing.

“Cass! Wait! We just want to talk! Slow down!” The probability of lulling her into a sense of security was pretty much nill, but at this point anything was worth a shot. If she got away, it would make ambushes much harder, announcements not withstanding.

“We’re not going to hurt you!” Another half truth. Killing technically wasn’t hurting if you did it fast enough after all.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

For the second time tonight, Vasily took off.

What Fisk said was bullshit. Fisk knew it, Cass knew it, Vasily knew it, everybody knows.

Cass was here to die.

And turns out, Vasily wasn’t very good at being fast, either. Maybe it was the fact that he was exhausted. Maybe it was the fact that he wanted a nice nap after it all.

(Maybe it was because he didn’t want Cass to be caught.)

Maybe he just wasn’t very athletic. Should have spent his time looking up how to chase someone instead of how to kill them- stabbing a guy is easy. Pulling a trigger is easy.

It was getting there that was the toughest.

With every step they took, Cassini seemed almost like she was further away, despite the pair’s longer limbs- but it was so dark, and he didn’t have depth perception, and his brain was fuzzy and unreliable. Stupid. He should have known she wouldn’t stick around.

His limbs ached, and he couldn’t care.

His breaths were heaving, and he couldn’t care.

All he needed was to be fast. All he needed was to be there. To reach her.

Vasily could see Cassini, shining away under the moonlight, in between the strands of his bangs flying against his face. So close.

So far.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

This wasn't the glide that going up against Junji had been. These dogs were hunting, and whatever it was that Vasily had become, Cassini had no desire to-

The worst part had been the sounds Seth made. It had been behind her, but she'd remember those agonized gurgles for the rest of her days. She hadn't helped, or even tried to.

Scout's honor. What a joke.

While she wasn't the fastest girl in the school, all the twirling around for tiktok had made her decent at endurance. Her legs pumped as hard as they could, her arms knocked over anything within her reach, flinging clothes from her bag along the way. It wasn't much, but all she had to do was keep going. She could do this, it was a luxury.

When a body broke down slowly, that was the real cruelty.

There was a spilt up ahead where she could hopefully shake these fools. Seriously. But for a moment, she stopped.


Leech launched, aimed at her gaudy pursuers face, before running down the right side of the ship.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

"Hey, Ghouldia. This thing on?

What's my horoscope say today?"
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Post by ItzToxie »

Cassini was using every tool at her disposal to get away from The Respects. Were she not their quarry, Fisk would have considered it an admirable attempt. As of right now, he only found it tiresome. She was too far away from any of the larger boats to find help or respite, and Fisk was confident that they would catch up to her by then.

They turned down a path and Cassini tossed an old metal barrel behind her. Fisk only barely hopped it, the toe on his rear foot caught it, stumbling him. It didn’t take long for him to regain his footing, but Cassini took a notable lead. Fisk groaned in agitation as he tried to pick up the pace.

They would catch up eventually, but Fisk would have to put in a lot of extra effort to close the distance. Cassini was slowing noticeably however. She was certainly getting desperate as Fisk noticed, she began throwing her spare clothes at him. They flew hopelessly to the ground for the most part. A shirt clung to his shoulder until he peeled it off. Cass would have to do better than that to get him off her tail, it would take more than- what the hell is th- *THRASH*

A glass jar shattered off of Fisk’s forehead, pumping his vision with stars as his head was whiplashed back. Something moist and floppy; a lot of somethings, spilled out around him, along his mask, across his chest and neck, down his shirt as he lost his balance and stumbled forward, running on his toes until he rolled head over heels into the deck.

Forehead pounding, Fisk reached a hand up to pull whatever membranes were glued to him off his mask. When he pulled away a handful of leeches however, he shrieked. Fisk hated leeches and his hand was covered in them. His body was covered in them! That bitch threw leeches at him! They were on his neck, down his shirt, on his hands, in a puddle below him, they were everywhere! He began patting and pulling as he clambered to his knees slapping away at his arms and body as he frantically scrambled away, completely forgetting that Vasily was most likely right behind him.

“Hoo- Aaagh, eugh gyah ahhh aaah- whauh why what the fuck!”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Yonagoda »

Something flew right at him and Fisk.

As his friend crashed down, Vasily tried to skid to a stop with an expression of ‘oh shit’ on his face.

That was also exactly what he shouted out when he tripped over Fisk’s fallen form. Rolled on his back. Came up on hands and knees a little ached, maybe bruised, and saw Cassini a good distance away. He weighed his options a bit. The best defense is a good offense, but this wasn’t really a war. Too one-sided.

So he listened to all the voices in his head screaming at him to stop and actually stopped. Knelt down besides Fisk. Grimaced at the leeches, even though he thought he was overreacting a bit. Part of him wanted to yell. And yell he did.

No ‘we’ll get you next time,’ or ‘I won’t let you get away with this,’ all he said to the girl that got away was what’s almost a plea.

“Cass, stop fucking delaying the inevitable!!”

(She wouldn’t, but that didn’t stop him from saying that as she got on the ship.)

“Whatever,” he dismissed between deep, wheezy breaths, yet still talking twice as fast with all these thoughts running through his brain, turning back to Fisk. It felt almost unreal. He just killed someone, tried to kill another, and dismissed that failure as a whatever. But the odds are low. Cass was small. She didn’t have someone with her. She didn’t use any weapons against them, other than the- he glanced the things on Fisk’s-

Well, actually these are pretty effective.


Someone’s going to pick her off, simple mathematics. They can get her later if someone else didn’t.

“Already got one today. Save her for later. You alright? You want me to pull it off for ya?”

Fisk continued to-

“Allright, not actually asking,” he continued, half-walking, half-crawling awkwardly on only his knees as he placed his hands on Fisk’s chest and ripped a handful of leeches off of the bloodied shirt. They picked someone bad to mess with, they paid for it. Like what happened with rest and Keegan. Vasily’s gotta own up to it.
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Post by ItzToxie »

“N-no, nobody does this and gets away from me. She’s gonna pay for that.” Vasily helped peel some of the leeches away. Fisk’s eyes caught a glance at the trail Cassini took. He smiled through a grimace under his mask, and pointed.

“Look.” He threw another leech off. “These docks make one big fucking circle right here. You follow her, and I go the other way.” Fisk stood up, patting himself down as he picked up his shiv. “W-we’ll pincer her.”

Fisk’s body twitched at the phantom sensation of maybe leeches still being on him. Nobody does this to him and walks away. Fisk pulled a leech ofF his neck. “T-then... we make her pay.” He squished and threw it, getting back into a run.
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Deamon »

The collar buzzes to life as Cassini continues to run.

"Well, it says that your situation is probably better than it seems on the surface. Lack of information clouds the issue. Check the facts and judge them for yourself before making yourself crazy. Tomorrow also seems good for you, says here that if you're currently romantically involved, expect your relationship to reach a new understanding and sense of unity."

There's a short silence.

"Hey did you know that you're a Yin Water Goat?"
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Post by Sunnybunny »

"I didn't! Not the Yin Water anyway, I'm still getting into that side of the Zodiac. I-"
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Post by Espi »


As Cassini ran past a stack of barrels, two hasty footsteps answered her own. Without a word, Eric stepped out from behind the barrels, sword drawn, and drove it deep into the running girl as she all but crashed into him with a grisly screech of steel and bone.

((Eric Cunningham continued from No Rest for the Wicked))
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Post by Yonagoda »

He lugged himself up with sore limbs and tired lungs, almost ready to run again.

Cassini took another corner, and suddenly, she ran into a sword.

A sword held by a boy he couldn't see well in the dark.

Someone else was here.

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Post by Sunnybunny »

It was almost romantic.

Well, almost in as in the opposite. Instead of of a savior, she'd literally run into a blade of another classmate after her blood. It would be another really gnarly scar, which she'd comment on, except she was too busy.

Eric had left her breathless.

She was too shocked to scream. There was just pain, and a sword sticking through her chest. She wouldn't be able to say it, but he'd managed to slip right through her ribs into a lung. That organ parted for the cutlass like it didn't have a job to do at all. Traitorous.

Her words wavered, agonized and choked with her own wretched blood.

"Lack of information..."

It was as if her assailant wasn't there at all.
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Post by Espi »

...Holy crap.

Eric had waited. He'd been looking for a place to sleep for the night when he'd heard the scuffle. It had been clear that things might escalate, so he'd watched. A risky play, but if he could take the opportunity to attack when they were off-guard, or injured...

It had worked. Better than expected, actually.

Eric didn't know the girl, but he'd recognized the voices of Fisk and Vasily. He supposed their actions weren't a surprise; they were exactly the types to buy into the hype and start camera whoring. They'd killed someone else from the sound of the fighting, not to mention someone named 'Ivan', though maybe that person was alive? Eric wasn't sure.

This girl was alive, too, but not for long. Eric ripped the blade free and stepped back, staring down at the gaping, red hole. He stopped breathing, eyes wide.

Eric stood, unmoving, and stared at his first victim, fingers clenched around the hilt of the murder weapon.
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Post by ItzToxie »

Fisk stopped around the fork as he watched what happened to Cassini. He turned his head to look at Vasily, then back to the scene in front of him. “Wha-th, who the f-“

A pause and a blink. “You motherf-“ He was a little bit winded from all the running and stabbing, but he probably had enough to take out the inconsiderate shit that decided to steal from him, and maaaybe even get Cassini back too if she wasn’t a fast bleeder. He ran again, this time the short way because now they saw them coming and there was no point in running the long way if he didn’t have to.

“Hey! Heeeeeey you asshole! She was ours you fucking thief!” He ran his way to about twelve paces away from where Cassini got bushwhacked, slowing his run to a stop. If he was going to stab this guy to death successfully, he needed a breather. “You- You...”

Fisk bent down, hands and shiv on his knees, taking deep breaths. It was fucking Eric that stole his kill! Oh he is gonna pay when Vasily gets here. They were gonna fuck him up worse than Seth for this, maybe even Ivan for such a transgression. He stood up, putting his hands behind his head and extending his shoulders to open his lungs for more sweet oxygen.

Once he caught his breath, he pointed his shiv at Eric.

“That was our kill, and you’re gonna regret this.”
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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