Sunnybunny's character

Here are the profiles of all the students who competed in Season 67, as well as the teams to which they were assigned.
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Post by Deamon »


Name: Cassini Evans
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Hobbies and Interests: Rollerskating, outdoorsmanship, astrology

Appearance: Cassini is 4'11" and 115 pounds, with slight hips and a boyish figure. She's ethnically African-American, and is light-skinned. She's active, but not in a way that would tone up her frame by a lot, and has what's commonly known as a baby face. While she does wear bold makeup in an attempt to make her features more mature, it never entirely erases her youthful features. Cassini has prominent cheeks, a round face, wide brown eyes and a snub nose, which are features that she can objectively appreciate individually but frustrate her all together. Her hair is shoulder-length and dark brown, and she has chunky blond highlights throughout it.

As far as fashion goes, Cassini is frequently seen in Ed Hardy, as she enjoys the ease of t-shirts and denim but also strives to be seen. When she does wear other designer brands, she leans toward pieces with the logos front and center, mostly aiming to be noticed. When she was cast, Cassini was wearing a yellow Ed Hardy hat with an embellished tiger on the front, a yellow t-shirt with a smiley face printed on, blue jean shorts and yellow canvas sneakers.

Cassini has a loud tone of voice, and an Inland Southern accent.

Biography: Cassini was born to her mother Pamela Evans and an unknown father on April 20th, 2003 in Murfreesboro, Arkansas. Her mother was a chronically irresponsible woman, who left Cassini to be raised by her grandmother. Her older sister Cressida had been left the same way eight years prior, and while their mother was in and out of their lives through their childhood, Cassini largely considered it a happy one. While her and her sister had the typical sibling spats and growing pains, they ultimately were quite close growing up.

Her grandfather had passed long before she was born, and her grandmother worked from home as a seamstress to be able to raise them. While she had regular customers, the amount of money she made from it was inconsistent, and some periods were worse than others. While the girls's mother had been ordered to pay some child support, it wasn't very much and it went very fast every month between two children's needs.

When Cassini was young, her grandmother frequently took the two girls to Crater of Diamonds State Park, and most of these visits were largely without incident. Once, when she was seven years old, she got separated from her grandmother and Cressida for the better part of an hour. While she was happy enough exploring, and wandered back to her family no worse for wear, her grandmother had been terrified the moment she realized she was gone. Cassini was on punishment for the rest of the day, hardly allowed to leave her grandmother's side, and was enrolled in Girl Scouts the next week in the hopes that she would at least be able to take care of herself if she were to wander off again in that kind of setting.

While she struggled to mesh with the girls in her troop at first, eventually she grew to love everything about being in the Girl Scouts. Cassini acquired a variety of badges in various activities, though what made her happiest was outdoor activities. The only outdoors skill she exhibited a mastery of was climbing, but she was at least average at most of the others. Girl scouts was also the beginning of her volunteering in nursing homes, first for a badge and eventually for how fond she got of the elderly being happy to see her every time she came in for a chat.

Her fondness for the elderly reflected her warm feelings for her grandmother. Cassini was nothing but grateful that she wasn't abandoned entirely, and doted on the older women, even if it seemed like she was going to let Pamela back into her life. Cressida was beginning to resent their circumstances, and the lack of support from their mother, and frequently argued with their grandmother when she told her that Pamela still deserved respect. While it never got beyond arguing, this would lead to Cressida moving out of the state as soon as she turned eighteen.

Cassini was quite upset about the conflict as she grew up, and while her grades suffered some, her attitude suffered more. Childhood teasing turned into a more concentrated attempt at bullying her sixth grade year, about both Cassini's less-than-fashionable clothing and her being a literal Girl Scout. Rather than cower at the negative attention, she retaliated, frequently turning arguments into shouting matches that would disturb the classroom. After a few incidents of this, Cassini was scheduled to start meeting with the school counselor. While she was willing to go to the sessions, and started to have something of a breakthrough, the progress was interrupted by her grandmother having a severe stroke.

Her older sister had moved to Miami, Florida and was a successful bartender and dancer at the time. They both went to live with Cressida, who'd gotten a home caretaker for their grandmother to live with them while she recovered. There was enough space for all of them, but Cassini missed home and her grandmother being able to have a conversation with her. While she kept in touch with the scouts than were her friends back in Arkansas, continuing being a Girl Scout during the upheaval of her life was too upsetting of a prospect for her, and she quit.

With her sister busy with work, and her grandmother busy with recovery, Cassini found herself in an interesting city with no one to explore it with. She frequently found herself at the beach, alone. The beach bodies of Miami residents were both impressive and intimidating to her, and she eagerly awaited puberty to change her body into something she could be proud of, and possibly make money from it like her older sister did. In a more healthy takeaway, she also admired the ease in which skaters glided down the sidewalks, and picked up the hobby for herself. As she grew up and her body failed to change much, her tricks got more and more elaborate. While she never stopped being disappointed her body looked the way it did, she was as familiar with it as one could be, which helped with balance and keeping her equilibrium.

At school, Cassini grew to be rather loud and attention-seeking, though not antagonistic. While some saw her as obnoxious, others were entertained by her bold nature and she found herself on the outskirts of various social groups. It was a welcome respite from her home life, where her sister was busy being the breadwinner and her grandmother was slowly recovering. Soon, her grades were the last thing on her mind to her sister's frustration. They soon came to an agreement: Cassini would get more spending money if she could maintain at least a B average.

The arrangement worked well enough, and by the time Cassini reached high school, her sister had gotten into a relationship with someone that didn't mind the paying the fees for her to attend Mangrove Garden. Her benefactor had started out as one of many people her older sister was dating with compensation, but over time their "relationship" became an actual relationship, and Cressida eventually introduced her to the recently divorced older woman she was seeing. While Cressida played the role of spoiled girlfriend, the pair seemed at least somewhat genuine. Cassini is grateful to the woman for easing her sister's stress, and even more grateful to her sister for insisting that paying for her schooling would be part of the arrangement.

Cassini didn't care much about where she went to high school, but her family felt that it would put her in the best position for her future. Appreciative enough of her family caring, and grateful her grandmother was alive to have an opinion at all on the matter, she agreed to go to the school, though she had no interest in the rigors of academia. Her mother began to attempt to reconcile with them all at this time as well, and the stress of dealing with her combined with Mangrove's ranking system led her to begin watching SOTF. While she didn't revel in the violence, and didn't talk about the show much, there was something decidedly comforting about the spectacle of the suffering.

Her relationship with her mother is rather volatile, and she frequently goes months without speaking to or of her at all. She's as resentful at Pamela for not being there for her grandmother as her older sister was about their former financial plight. Her and her sister still get along well, though Cressida acts as a surrogate mom at times, which irritates her sometimes even though she logically understands it. While she's well aware of how her sister makes her money, she has nothing but respect for her, a respect that she feels just as much for her grandmother. The recovery from the stroke wasn't perfect, leaving the older woman needing a leg brace to walk and with speech issues, but it was much better than it was projected to be, and Cassini is both protective and doting over her.

She also found comfort in astrology, and how it seemed to be able to predict the future, at least in part. Cassini frequently blames other's actions on their signs, has taken the time to remember many of her classmates, and reads her horoscope every morning. She has been known to buy magazines just for the astrology section at the end, and has recently gained an interest in the Chinese zodiac, though she's unsure about everyone in one year having the same sign. While on some level she's aware it's not scientific, she'll rebut anyone who says it's fake loudly and passionately.

Cassini is vocal about how little she feels the ranking systems matters, and not very deferential to authority. Her rank is solidly in the middle, as she refuses to make more of an effort than it took to maintain a B average. With the money she earns, she typically buys flashy clothing and roller-skates, her favorite pair being holographic with light up wheels. She's seen with them frequently on campus between classes and during lunches, and records various tiktoks with her performing tricks.

While she's relatively comfortable about herself for the most part, Cassini never quite got over her complete lack of a figure. She's quite uncomfortable with it, and doesn't like it being mentioned, choosing to lash out at anyone mentioning it instead. Her height is something she would be fine with if the rest of her body didn't make her feel like a child, so height jokes directed at her aren't responded to as harshly. Her insecurity has kept her from pursuing romance, though a part of her's very interested in the prospect even though she's not seen any good examples in her personal life. In her more romantically-inclined moods, she tests her zodiac signs romantic compatibility with various classmates, though none of the answers give her any real confidence in someone truly being interested.

Cassini is in the process of researching schools and degrees, but does plan to stay in the city when she graduates. She's hopeful that attending college or university isn't quite so frustrating as dealing with the ranking system. While she wouldn't say she had a favorite school subject, she's best at the sciences, and is considering going into environmental science once she's graduated Mangrove.

Advantages: Cassini is small, and could easily hide and escape situations her peers could not. She has experience with personal tragedy, and may not be as rattled as others when faced with the reality of the SOTF program.
Disadvantages: Cassini is rather bold, her personality may led her into unnecessary conflict. Her stature means she isn't going to be winning many, if any, hand-to-hand fights.

Designated Number: Claudia's Krakens 04 (CK04)


Designated Weapon: Jar of Live Leeches

Mentor Comment: "I mean...well...hmmm...yep. I guess you can throw it at someone and hope it grosses them out so much they die? Maybe she should just try and meet up with the rest of the team and figure it out from there? That's a rough draw fam."


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