Leonard "Leo" Kenter


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Leonard "Leo" Kenter


Post by Ohm »

Name: Leonard “Leo” Kenter
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, reading, photography, soccer.

Appearance: Leo stands at 5’6 and weighs 130 lbs. His physique on the slender side of things. His black hair is kept short for convenience and usually slicked back with hair gel. His face is oval shaped with round brown eyes above a short nose with a square mouth and a mole on his left cheek. Leo takes great care of his looks, showering daily along with regular shaving. He is caucasian with a tan from being out in the sun. Leo has a soft spoken voice to him.

Leo often dresses nicely, usually taking dress shirts and the like in his wardrobe to wear. He is fashion conscious and likes making sure his outfit matches. On Casting day Leo was dressed in a blue dress shirt with grey dress pants with a pair of brown boat shoes.

Biography: Leo was born to Meredith and Martin Kenter on August 12th 2004. As an only child, Leo grew up with full attention from his mother as she stayed at home to care for him. His father wasn't around as much as her, due to his work as a lawyer. Becuase of this he's much closer to his mother than his father and due to this she's more supportive of his hobbies than his father.

In elementary school, Leo was prone to shy behaviour. Not speaking up for himself and closing off. Concerns about this were raised, in particular from his father who wanted his son to enjoy outdoor activities. Attempts at pushing Leo outside only furthered his isolation and soon, he would spend his spare time indoors.

Instead Leo grew more interested in books and poems, having learned how to read from an early age whilst being encouraged by his mother and his uncle Johnathan from his mother's side. This interest was sparked by a visit where he showed Leo a book he had written and loaned a copy of it to him. At first Leo didn’t want books and was more occupied with the gifts he got from his other aunts and uncles, but he sat down to read it one day and found he couldn’t put it down afterwards.

It was in middle school that Leo started becoming more sociable and showing an interest towards being more social with others. As this was around the time he showed an interest for photography, his mother having walls full of photos she had taken on trips with Martin across the world or around the US that Leo would study for hours on end until one day his mother took notice. His mother used it as an opportunity to get him used to being in the outdoors. With his mother's gentle coaxing he slowly started going outdoors more, till he would do so by himself. On these trips she would take pictures of nature and would show Leo how to catch it on camera, sparking an interest for nature and its beauty. As such Leo would bring these pictures his mother would take with him to school to show to others and through that started to open up more socially and going with others outside, opening up more opportunities for him to get friends.

While he had friends in elementary school, his tendency to close himself off to all but his closest friends meant there weren't that many. With his change in attitude being encouraged by his parents, Leo slowly made more friends and acquaintances.

As part of this change and because Leo was on the fragile side as a child his father got him to join the soccer team as a way to toughen him up. At first Leo resented this and did badly, but over time has developed into a capable soccer player who’s good on defense, although he still doesn’t have much love for the sport and mostly plays to keep his father happy. He also took up jogging in his spare time to keep himself in shape.

It was around this time Leo grew more interested in the practice of writing himself. Inspired by his uncle's example, as he was a writer himself, he started small scale with simple short stories before expanding his ideas further into what he hoped would be a full fledged novel. Often he would practice his writing during class, in free periods and at home.

Close to his uncle since childhood, Leo would often send his Johnathan examples of his writing for critique and advice as to get better. He has kept his novel ideas a secret to suprise him with a book of his own one day.

It was also around this time Leo got an interest for doing his own photography. Borrowing his mother's camera, at first it was pictures of birds and local fauna, before he graduated to taking pictures for people and catching the scenery. Eventually he bought his own camera and often has it with him to catch something in the moment.

At the end of middle school, Leo decided to take the Mangrove Garden entrance exam, his parents having talked with him over giving it a try. In particular his father, who wanted him to have a good high school to go to. Studying tirelessly beforehand, he managed to pass on his first attempt. Whilst always having taken school work seriously before, Leo felt pride in himself for passing and decided to continue with that work ethic in Mangrove.

As such Leo takes school and studying very seriously and his grades are for the most part excellent, frequently netting himself b’s and a’s. Because of this, his ranking is above average which pleases his father and is one of the things he praises him for frequently. Despite this he still finds himself worried when exams and tests come up, but years of soccer practice, helped by the position he has on the team helps him keep a cool head and get through them rationally.

In high school, Leo kept up his sociable attitude towards others and became known for being willing to talk to almost anyone. He tries to be polite towards others as often as he can and think the best of others, which has given him a bit of a reputation as naive. As for clubs he joined the soccer club to keep up with what his father wanted from him.

Leo knows of SOTF TV, but he doesn’t watch nor follow it. Neither of his parents are fond of the program and would switch channels if it came on, and Leo caught an episode of it once and the blood and violence disgusted him on a moral and physical level, therefore he steers away.

Leonard's relationship with his father is complicated. He resents his father for forcing him into hobbies that are more like his own than what Leo is interested in. At the same time he wants to impress him by being good at soccer and with his writing. Due to this their relationship varies day by day, sometimes Martin heaps praise on his son for his grades and others criticises him for his lacking physical strength.

His relationship with his mother is more stable, as she was more supportive of his hobbies growing up than his father was and would go out of her way to help him become better at interacting with others. A through and through pacifist, she's the reason behind Leo's moral compass that he follows, telling him that treating others kindly and fairly was the way through life and killing or harming another individual was out of the question.

Leo plans to take up writing after he’s done with school and work on creating a book. He has frequent disagreements over this with his father who’d rather he’d become a lawyer himself, while his mother plays mediator between the two.

Advantages: Leo is a very sociable and affable individual at Mandrove grove, with a reputation to match which could help him social situations and earn him some allies. Leo likes to keep a cool head and think things through rationally, even during stressful situations. Leo has spent years playing soccer and jogging in his spare time, resulting in his better than average stamina.
Disadvantages: Violence and blood in particular makes him squeamish, combined with his morals would make it unlikely that he would try to kill someone. Leo tries to think the best of others and has a reputation for such, which can be taken advantage of by others. Leo is physically not very strong, mixed with his slender build and soft spoken tone and he gives a very non-threatening presence.
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Post by Namira »

Hi Ohm, Leonard is pretty good but could use some more depth: meat on the bone. The framework's all there, so let's add some more detail.

"His black hair kept short for convenience and usually slicked back with hair gel."
is kept short

Leo seems kind of heavy for somebody described as having a slender build: he also doesn't appear to be a super athlete from soccer alone so he probably wouldn't have heavy muscles to result in being slim but heavier. I'd suggest bringing his weight down some if he's intended to be slender.

What do you mean by his voice being 'light'? Is Leo softly-spoken? Is his voice high-pitched? I don't quite have a sense of what you mean with light by itself.

You say he's not close to his father but his father also seems to take an active interest in him and trying to get him to take up activities. In fact his dad's influence is in there throughout the profile. So, is Leo actually distant from him? Does he have issues with his dad pushing him into doing things? Does he want to make his dad proud? I think we've got much more space for elaboration about the parental relationship, especially because there's a touch on Leo disagreeing with his father on his future right at the end.

"This interest was sparked by a visit where he showed Leo a book he had made and loaned a copy of it to him. At first Leo didn’t want books and were more occupied with the gifts he got from his other aunts and uncles, but one day he sat down to read it one day and found he couldn’t put it down afterwards."

'written' would be a better word than 'made' here.
was more occupied
'but one day he sat down to read it one day' is redundant
This section is the only time his uncle really comes up apart from Leo being mentioned to be inspired by him. However, this segment here seems to suggest there's a greater relationship between the two of them. I'd like to know more about the two of them. Does Leo go to him for writing advice? Does he try and share his writing with his uncle? Does he keep it secret, wanting to impress him? More room for expansion here too.

Leo suddenly has an uptick in sociability even though it's the same coaxing that drove him into his shell previously. Since this is the start of a big turnaround in Leo to become very sociable, I'd like more detail on how exactly this started.

"His mother having walls full of photo's she had taken on trips with Martin across the world or around the US"
"he graduated to taking pictures for people and catching the scenic."

"Leo takes school and studying very seriously and as a result his grades are for the most part excellent, frequently netting himself b’s and a’s. Because of this, his ranking is above average which pleases his father and is one of the things he praises him for frequently."

This paragraph is repeated.

Disadvantages in particular but also advantages could use a bit more depth. I'd like one more apiece or additional depth on what's there.

Leo's weight, as mentioned in appearance, shouldn't really be much of a factor.

Let me know when edits are done and I'll review again.
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Post by Ohm »

[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet
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Post by Namira »

Hi Ohm,

Leo's much better, just a few more pieces of cleanup.

"but one day he sat down to read it one day and found he couldn’t put it down afterwards."
You still have the double 'one day' here.

" till he would so by himself."
he would do so by himself

"As such Leo would bring these with him to school to show to others and through that started to open up more socially and going with others outside"
What are 'these'? The context makes me assume photographs but it's unclear.

"It was in middle school that Leo started becoming more sociable and showing an interest towards being more social with others. As this was around the time he showed an interest for photography, his mother used it as an opportunity to get him used to being in the outdoors. With his mother's gentle coaxing he slowly started going outdoors more, till he would so by himself. As such Leo would bring these with him to school to show to others and through that started to open up more socially and going with others outside, opening up more opportunities for him to get friends."

The addition of photography to this paragraph now makes the later paragraph about photography come across very strangely; according to this one he's already interested in photography but the second one references him just becoming interested in photography in middle school. My suggestion would be to rewrite both to an extent to make it clear the first paragraph is about the photos sparking his curiosity about nature (and hence wanting to go outside) and the second paragraph more obviously about him wanting to take his own photos.

"His tendency to close himself off to all, but his closest friends meant there weren't that many."
Remove comma.

"and others criticises him for his lacking physical strenght."

"more supportive of his hobbies growing up than his fahter was "

"Leo likes to keep a cool head and think things through rationally, even during stressful situations."
This added advantage doesn't come up in the biography. Can you elaborate somewhere with an example?

Drop me a line when you're done!
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Post by Ohm »

[+] Program
Prologue V3
M11 Jason Rosser
M24 Derrick Thomson
[+] TV2
ZP4 Zoe Walker
Image (Adopted from Espional)
[+] TV3
Seth Dunn

Leonard "Leo" Kenter
[+] SC2
B15 James Mulzet

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