Blue Angels


After is the place to tell the stories of the surviving PV3 Prologue students. After threads may be set from the point at which the helicopters take off with students onboard until roughly the current moment of time in PV3 Proper (or even further, with staff approval). Please carefully review the rules for important information related to use of the After forum. Characters in After may be in up to two threads simultaneously, and may have one-shots at any point, regardless of being in other active threads.
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Blue Angels


Post by Ohm »

Derrick prayed. Kneeling in front of the window still, eyes closed as he mumbled words as close as he could remember.

Derrick wasn’t all for praying. It was hard to believe when it felt like everything was stacked against you for years. He wouldn’t reach his dreams and his family… they needed him more than he needed those dreams.

But now, he was not there for them anymore. An ocean apart with no chance for a journey back. They would kill him if he did and there was no way they would rescue him again. It was tantamount to suicide.

He would never see them again. Tears formed in his eyes as the thought crossed his mind. It was easy for those thoughts to stay away, when he had her to take care of. When his mind weren’t on them, it was on her. Would she make it? Did his efforts help? Did he do the good thing?

A prayer for them and a prayer for Nanna-Fiora. It had been hectic after the rescue. Fiora had to be taken care of, his attempts at the time could be construed as admirable, but she needed help from real professionals on those wounds. He was wracked with worry as it seemed she wouldn’t make it.

He could not help them anymore, be there for them anymore. but he could for her. That’s why...

A voice called out from the door. He turned his head, someone standing in the doorframe. His mind couldn’t make out the words before he started to move.

Out the door they went and down the hall. A hand unconsciously reaching towards his face, feeling a side that had been slashed. He still didn’t know who did it and whether they survived or not, The same person that had inflicted those wounds on Fiora.

He hoped they hadn’t. Maybe it was hypocritical to feel such worry for someone that at one point had a gun pointed at him, but she wasn’t playing. She was surviving. A big difference in his eyes.

She had not lost what made her human.

Soon they were at a door. A number plate splayed on it that looked no different from another. Until the door was opened.

She was on the bed.

A few uncertain steps into the room and he stared over at her. Shaky breaths and a short turn to look at the door. A few of them at the door frame now. He turned back. One, two more steps and he reached for the rail at the end.

She was breathing.

His legs felt weak as he sat down at the end of the bed. He held his breath as he felt the slightest stir in the bed.

He looked up to her face and a smile greeted him. One he returned.

She looked better than she did back then. Beautiful even.

His hand reached out for hers. A familiar feeling as her thumb traced along the back of his hand.

Everything was going to be fine. It had to.
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