After Rules

Mandatory reading for After participants!

After is the place to tell the stories of the surviving PV3 Prologue students. After threads may be set from the point at which the helicopters take off with students onboard until roughly the current moment of time in PV3 Proper (or even further, with staff approval). Please carefully review the rules for important information related to use of the After forum. Characters in After may be in up to two threads simultaneously, and may have one-shots at any point, regardless of being in other active threads.
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After Rules


Post by MurderWeasel »

With the first announcement of Program V3, the After section of PV3 Prologue is also now open. That said, there are a few rules and guidelines to be aware of here.

After takes place in the time following the rescue of the Prologue kids from game. It can comprise almost anything in that timeframe, from the helicopter ride up (taking place on December 15, 2025) to the current time in PV3 proper (January 21, 2026) or even beyond, though if you want to range too far forward please check in with staff first—it won't be a problem if it doesn't touch on wider-scale stuff, but there may be thing relating to the UK response to the kidnapping that are important.

A brief timeline of events may prove useful. Prologue students were rescued on December 15, and were ferried by helicopter to a UK-controlled installation roughly an hour's flight away. There, they were transferred to a plane and quickly shipped back to England, arriving on December 16. The students were taken to a medical facility/safe house and were kept there for a week relatively isolated from the outside world while their injuries were treated and while the secret service did its best to make sure that the US wasn't planning immediate retaliation against the rescued students.

After that first week, students were allowed more freedom, and are able to roam London so long as it's during specified hours and they have a chaperone. These rules are for the students' own protection—violating them, sneaking out, etc. results in a talking-to, but so long as there's no suspicion that they're trying to communicate with the US there are no real teeth behind the enforcement and if one of them really wanted to just walk out and go it alone, they would be allowed to and given what assistance is possible.

Students are allowed and encouraged to speak with MI6 about The Program specifically as well as anything else they might know, and are similarly given opportunities to make statements to the media, though these will not be broadcast if they're decidedly pro-America or anti-UK; the censorship is less than what the students are likely used to, but they won't be given free reign to sabotage their rescuers efforts.

The safe house is large, modern, clean, and well-staffed. It's partially a military medical facility, and it is in use besides the rescued students, though they have a wing to themselves. Medical attention for those still requiring it is top-notch, and those who have recovered beyond that point are afforded privacy and dignity; each student is given their own small room, set up more like a tiny apartment than a hospital room, and is left to do as they please so long as they're no danger to themselves or others, though there are pretty regular brief check-ins to make sure nobody's hurting themselves, and any places where students can interact are monitored in case of violence. The facility also features an expansive garden with sporting areas, a library, a games room, a mess hall.

As After is its own thing and is not on a strict OOC timetable, we're working with thread limits slightly differently. Right now, characters may be in up to two simultaneous After threads at once, to allow for more space to work with. One-shots are always okay, even if your character is already in two active threads. This limit may be tightened or relaxed depending on how things play out, but we hope it'll work well this way. Otherwise, you have pretty free reign.

After will remain open at least until the start of PV3 Endgame, and potentially longer—if there's activity and interest, we don't plan to cut it short prematurely, especially as it has little potential to cause issues elsewhere on the site. In any event, at least thirty days' warning will be given before After closes.

If you have any questions relating to After please contact staff or post them to this thread. Please be aware that staff's primary focus right now is PV3 proper, so responses for After issues may take a little longer.
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