The Whole Enchilada

Day Five, Daytime!

The parish is set somewhat apart from the ruins of the main dwelling, and takes the form of a non-denominational chapel. Designed in a classic configuration with several rows of pews facing a raised stage, it nonetheless doesn't boast any traditional religious icons out in the open. Cupboards and closets contain an assortment of bibles, crucifixes, copies of the Torah, and other items of worship... as well as a few bottles of a particularly good rum stashed behind the pulpit. For some miners, alcohol held more sway than God.
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Post by Somersault »

Blink. Blink, blink, and then another one. Then, a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, not really up for that at the moment."

It took a feat of herculean effort to prevent any more sarcasm from slipping into her voice, but there were people dying out there, people now laying dead out there, and Chuck was asking about backrubs? Natali would've cried at the uselessness at it all if she could, but it felt like there were no more tears inside her now. All drained out like a river after a drought, puddles in the summer, rapidly sizzling up and disappearing.

Instead of crying, then, she just stood up, looking around at the church once more. Not because there was really anything that she wanted to do here, but because there was nothing really to do while sitting as well. Either way, nothing, and at least by standing, she wouldn't lose the blood flow to her legs.

That was pretty much a myth, really, but anything she could convince herself was true to get up and moving worked.

The gun still made her sick, but it was still there, right by her. Ready for her to get it, ready for her to go, even if she had made any motions towards at that for the moment. Maybe she would, eventually. Maybe she would go tonight.

Still, though there was something that had to be done. Like, actually something this time, a memory that popped into her mind in a rush, bubbling up memories of fear and running and the fire. The burning, the acrid taste of rotting bodies in her nostrils mixed with the flames and the heat.

Tina was still alive. Tina was still after her, and Kyran. He probably deserved to know, and maybe they would realize. Maybe then, they would know what was happening. Back to earth, either in a fall, or a crash. Deep into the soil.

"Hey. Hey, Kyran."

It was a statement, simple as that. Didn't really need to be anything more than that, and Nat didn't want it to be either. Maybe it was meant to be a secret, but they all had to know. Had to have some of the fear inside, the kind that clawed and tore it's way into you.

"Remember Tina? She's still after us."

Her voice was rough, raspy from some misuse and tiredness. The words were the important part, anyways. Not the delivery.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Scarlett glanced over at Chuck and she felt somewhat embarrassed by his question. A backrub would be nice, but she didn't feel like she deserved it. She was just thinking about how glad she was to see him and Michael safely alive. She hoped that the group would stick together for a while. She didn't really know Kyran and Natali that well but still, a group made her feel safe from danger. From Bunny, from Miranda.

She let out a small chuckle at Chuck's humor. "I would love to, Chuck. But...." Scarlett leaned back on the pew she was sitting on and her smile faded a little. "....There are some people I am worried about out there."

She had actually managed to get the shield and the icepick from outside while Michael and Chuck had been doing their thing. The shield was beside her on the pew. While the icepick was tucked away in her bag with her gun. The scarf that Tania had strangled her almost to death with, was around her neck. She didn't know why she was keeping it. Maybe it was a reminder of what she did.
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Post by Cake »

Tina was hunting for them. Course she was. By the sound of it, she had taken their gun battle in the forest personally. However, something was amiss.

Days had gone by, but she hadn't taken any lives. It was good to know she hadn't, but strange considering their encounter where she was clearly trying to attack them. She couldn't have been that incompetent at slaying people, when she had a gun while someone like Saachi had been taking out people left and right with a meat cleaver.

It no longer stung, but the bandage on his face from that very same cleaver felt ever-present. A reminder that he was only a few centimeters away from having the same fate, first before anyone.

Maybe Natali was right, and he was wrong after-all. Maybe Tina wasn't planning on taking them out in the first place. She had only asked about Blaine after all. Had a vendetta against the guy for something personal. Nevertheless, her approach was nonsensical, shooting first asking questions later, would no doubt earn her distrust. It could be that Tina just had her mind messed up because of this situation and didn't know how to take it. Blaine had offended her somehow by how Michael and Natali had described him, so maybe it was some real justification. Now that Blaine was gone, he and Natali were the new target of her rage. Guess he'd just have to watch out for her.

"Alright, I'll keep watch," Kyran spoke to Natali first, before looking at the rest of the group. "...and thanks for the offer bro, but I'm good."

Yeah, he meant it at first, but the toll his body had taken from his previous day of exhaustion, thirst and blacking out, told him otherwise. He could probably use a massage, but there were more important things. People on his danger list were still out there and someone needed to take look out duty. Especially since Michael had gone to fulfill his part of 'the plan'.

Kyran lifted the AK47 over his shoulder and stared up at the church roof. Dang, he really would have liked the lighthouse as a base right about now, would have been so much easier to be perched and looking out. Was going to be a long night.

Despite his pain he had kept up with guard duty, his AK scoped and pointed at any on comers approaching the Parish. At one point he grumbled to himself for having dozed off, but fortunately no one else had showed up. At least he managed some form of shut eye which he still sorely needed.

Announcements had come up again. Adonis was dead. Saachi. Again. Why hadn't he just taken her out at the beginning when he had the chance? Adonis his school time nemesis turned out to be his closest ally for some time and now he was gone just like that.

He hoped Michael and Chuck's plan succeeded and they could all get out of here, so that everything Saachi had done would have been pointless and she would know it, feel it and be haunted by it. So that Saachi would live in the real world and be forever known in the media and worldwide as "Chop Susie" the cold-hearted, sociopathic monster among the Denton teens kidnapped then rescued from demented terrorists. She deserved no better.

Kyran attempted to listen to the rest of the announcement closely, catching as many names to add to his danger list of which he'd share with the others. Two of those names just about made his jaw drop.

First Kris Hartmann. The friend he had lost when Tina shot and been looking for, for days, had made the list. It was a hit to the gut. The first of his friends on the 'safe list', who hadn't been safe after all. By the sounds of it, Rachael, the girl he had defended from Adonis at that cafeteria what felt like ages ago, had been led on by Kris and strangled to death. Kris had been acting strange as well when he had seen her, but had she really taken the dive into the dark-side? Then again, Adonis did describe Rachael as a danger, so who knows what went on there. He hadn't had enough time to process due to the second name mentioned among the rest of them.

Scarlett had done something similarly. She was inside the church as well. Though hadn't Natali done the same? Scarlett hadn't decided to attack anyone either, even when he had taken the assault rifle with him and kept watch outside. Maybe he could still trust them. Just had to keep a little of that watchful eye always, despite it. Kyran wondered if he would have to get his hands dirty too.

Footsteps on twigs and grass. Kyran held the rifle at ready, still remembering the practice he'd had at the quarry. Someone was approaching.
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Post by ItzToxie »

The trees ruffled. The bushes shuffled. A walking packet of Toilet paper carrying two more packets of toilet paper underneath it's arms appeared.

((Michael Crowe continued from Life Has Many Doors Ed-Boy!))

"Shey, shit shoining shat shit sha she!" Michael yelled at Kyran, one of the packets being held by his teeth. He spit it out onto the ground below him. "Could blown my head off man, damn..."

At the very least, Michael was happy to be back, and even happier to not ever have to go back to the warehouse. He'd never enter that POS of a place again. Took a whole day just for this part, and to complete this whole thing would take another day, but that was okay. Nighttime was the perfect time for everything to come together anyways, and when it does, ho-ho-ho nelly! Shit's gonna hit the fan.

"Anyways, can I come back in? Got everything we need to make our trail to the parish, just gotta mark out the areas on the map we need to visit, and we're set."

Michael bent over like a chicken, and picked up the remaining TP bag with his teeth, standing back up.

"Herd rahhnr nnn shay shere."
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by General Goose »

At this point, Chuck was numb to being surrounded by killers. His deontological impulses still called out, still hollered to be listened to, for Chuck to make assumptions and adopt some over-bearish survival strategy. But Scarlett was acting demure and dovish. Chuck almost didn't ask her why she'd killed. His mind had already concocted all the needed rationalisations, all the justifications and apologies, the redeeming context, for her.

But, as he sat there twirling a crossbow bolt idly (but not too idly because ow pointy) between his fingers, he realised he probably should ask. Chuck felt numb to this whole thing. Divorced from it. Almost like it was a faraway news report discussing the turmoils of a part of the world that had already been written off as "troubled". And that couldn't do. He had to stay sharp. Stay vigilant. Stay empathetic, even to those horrors that, at this point, seemed so numerous as to be approaching the routine and the incorrigible.

"So, why did you...Scarlett? Why did that happen with Tania?"

Almost before they could react, though, Michael returned. Chuck jumped up, excited to see some progress. Excited to see some deliverance, some return of autonomy, in the form of toilet paper delivered by an erstwhile bully with the appearance of a mummy. Chuck opened the door.

"Toilet paper carrying toilet paper. I've never seen a more beautiful sight."
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Post by Somersault »

She went back to her pew, and tried to sleep.

Sleep didn't come to Natali easily. In fact, it didn't really come at all, except for her closing her eyes and then opening them again, before finally sort-of passing out for an hour at dawn. If she wanted to live, she would have to actually sleep, she knew that, but sleeping would also mean that she would have to trust these people not to kill her. She didn't. Not yet, maybe not ever. It'd be too easy for them to get the jump, do what could have happened so easily before, and she couldn't let that happen to her.

She couldn't let what she did to Aria happen to her, because what was the worth of anything anymore if she ended up dying in the same way she killed someone else? It was all so she could live, and that was a good thing.

As long as she kept telling herself that her continued survival was a net positive for the world, maybe everything would work out. At least, maybe it would help herself stay afloat for a bit longer, rather than drowning in her own doubt and depression. Just had to keep . her head above the water, and keep on treading.

The bag was still next to her when the announcements began to ring out, and her own fears were confirmed. Only two people in the whole church weren't killers, only two people in the whole fucking building hadn't felt how it was for someone's life to ebb away from them, and be there watching.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chuck trying to make sense of it, asking Scarlett why she did it. The other girl hadn't answered, but Natali felt like she could pretty much guess the words that were about to come out of her mouth. She was scared, she didn't want to die, it was self-defense, something like that. Natali knew that was probably going to come out of her mouth, because that's what she kept on telling herself. Kept on telling others, what she had told Chuck yesterday.

None of it was right, and that was why she didn't want to be here right now. She didn't want to have to stare guilt in the face, feel her hands trembling as she realized things were probably going to manage to get even worse.

Michael was here now, too, but Natali had already put her duffel bag over her shoulder. Leaving could come soon, leaving could come in just a bit, but the sight of Michael in all his mummified glory with a roll of toilet paper was just too much to handle. It was so ridiculous, something so odd to see here, and so she started laughing.

It was a hyena-like laugh, wild and uncaged, and as soon as it came out, she knew she was about to start crying right after that.

Everything had gone to shit, and so she fell to pieces as well. Her tears were falling down her face now, undeterred by her frantic attempts to wipe them away. Maybe they wouldn't go, not now, but maybe she could still pretend that she wasn't losing her mind. That it was still all worth it.
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by Primrosette »

Hearing herself on the announcements wasn't that big of a surprise to her, Scarlett knew that it had been coming. Just hearing Tania's name was making her heart feel heavy with guilt. It was still hurting to even think about what she had done. Her hand went up to the scarf around her neck to lightly touch it.

A reminder of how I took Tania's life....

Chuck was asking her about what had happened with Tania. How could she even explain it? She wasn't sure if she was ready to talk about it. But still, everyone in the group had a right to know the truth. She just had to speak up and not be afraid of others not believing her.

"Chuck, I-"

She never got a chance to tell him the truth. As Michael was back. She felt relief wash over her. She had been scared that Michael wouldn't had come back to them. But there he was with toliet paper.

Then she noticed that as she got up to her feet, Natali was pretty much having a breakdown. And Scarlett didn't know what she could do about that.

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Post by Cake »

Kyran landed balanced on two feet with a sweet thud at the entrance door.

He stood up from his crouch, nodded and popped the church house doors open for his mummified but still walking friend, arching his brow at the supplies he had gathered as Michael entered the building first.

"Alright, what's the plan Cap'n Crowe."

The question was followed up instead with sobs from within and Kyran looked in.

Aw jeeze.

"Scarlett, Natali," Kyran collected with as much gravitas as he could muster in his words, hobbled, still weakened, but slowly recovering, toward the girls then took a seat. How could he console them? It wasn't anything this Dean was used to. He didn't know what to say that wouldn't sound generic or hardly useful. Maybe a metaphor? A way he could relate. Or something motivating after the hit to morale that those morning roll calls always became.

Then a thought came. Words that felt natural and flowed through his mind as if he'd said them sometime before. Something he could pour a little heart into. A few minutes passed as he let them get as much out of their system as possible, before finally speaking up. "I uh- have something to say."

Kyran took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"This," he carefully lifted the heart shaped pendant he was wearing to show them both, "Belonged to Dr. Angela Dean."

"My mom," he said with a short smile as he looked at the girls to see if he had their attention, before letting it fall from his hand and back to his collar. His mom had given it to him a few years back while on a trip to Disneyland without her. It was a slight joke to say that mom would always be close by or something jokingly like that. He accepted it anyway, because why not, right.

"I wanted to be like her, before we got sent here - she's an animal doctor, you know; a vet. I wanted to help save lives. Not end them."

They still could. He still could.

"However, sometimes it's necessary for the vet to put a mad or frail dog to sleep." It was called euthanasia. He'd just chosen to avoid the harsh realities of it, but it was indeed a practice he was well aware of.

"Look, I'm not the trusting sort, but you know what, I don't care what those announcements said about you guys. At this point it's probably just gonna happen for everyone eventually. I might even end up doing the same. But I'm still all about saving lives."

Much like they saved his life.

"Just thought it would be animals not people."

Kyran Dean didn't share much about his goals with others, but it felt strangely relevant at the moment. It was weird and he kind of felt like he was saying too much, so he stopped, to nod with his thumb jutting up in the direction of the toilet paper totting Michael behind him.

"Cap'n Crowe's back and has something to say."
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Post by ItzToxie »

First thing upon entering the door was to swing his head upward and open his mouth, sending the plastic packet of toilet paper bouncing along a nearby pew with a 'poosh'. Michael was surprised that Natali thought it was funny. It was weird to see her laughing, she didn't seem too sure of the whole thing.

It surprised him further when those laughs turned into sobs. She was breaking down right in front of them, and Michael didn't know what to do, what to say. Michael dropped the other two TP packets as he moved over toward her. "Erm, hey, Nat, Natali, are you okay?" Michael realized that he probably wasn't helping with his janky-ass face, and quickly pulled his mask back up over his mouth.

Kyran spoke for him. He showed them his necklace. Told them what it meant. He was like his mom, he wanted to save lives, not end them, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. For one reason or another it was better to take a life then not to. Michael understood all too well what he meant and that was enough. When Kyran metaphorically tossed the mic to him, he figured he knew what he had to say.

"Listen, I know it hurts to...have to do some shit like that. For whatever reason, be it to protect yourself, because you think it's the right thing to do, or just because you're not sure if there's any more options. It's okay, I understand, everyone here does. Outside of this shithole game, none of us would ever do anything like this. Nobody wakes up one day excited to kill people." Well, almost nobody...

Fuckin' Blaine.

"But whatever reasons you got, whatever reasons anyone here has for doing it, let it be known that that shit don't matter now. It's over, it's done, and we can't take it back, but you know what? This, this right here? It ain't over, and there's something we can still do about it."

Michael brushed his hands through his hair, thinking of his next move, his next words. They were so close now, too close. They couldn't give up, he wouldn't let them give up.

"Remember why we're here in this building. The first reason is that we were kidnapped outside of our will, some creeps saw us as nothing more than animals, livestock for entertainment. The second reason we're here, right here inside this building, is that we don't agree with that. We ain't down with being nothing more than fodder for these sick fucks. We got some fight left in us, and we know it ain't the others here that are our targets, but those bastards right there."

Michael pointed to the camera. "That right there is our fuckin' enemy. Not Blaine, Saachi, not Bunny, not K.K. They're still scum but they're nothing compared to the freaks who forced us here in the first place. That leads into my third reason. We're all here because we want to go home, we're scared, and we don't want to die."

"That's okay."

"There ain't nothing wrong with being scared. We're all scared, everyone here. There ain't nothing wrong with being scared, but you know what is wrong? Being a coward. Selling out your friends because you wanted to live. Eating out of these fuckers hands because it's the easiest way out is coward shit. None of those names on the announcements are the big bad wolves Danya makes them out to be. They bleed, they break, they kick, scream, cry, and shit their pants like the rest of us when the bets are off. Those 'big bad wolves'? They ain't shit."

He needed to wrap this up, the time was ticking and they might not get a window like this ever again.

"Listen, nobody in this room is a coward for doing what they had to do. What makes us different from everyone else is that we want to do the right thing, not the easy thing. It's not enough that we make it home, we want our friends home too. There's a lot of people out there still counting on us, people who have no idea what we're here to do, what we're capable of. If we sent them the message, if we brought in more good people, then maybe, just maybe we can actually beat this thing. We're all here because we want to beat this, and we're not giving up our principles, who we are, or what we believe to do so."

"Who's with me?"
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by General Goose »

Chuck normally was quite good at comforting crying people. That ability, however, required a certain amicability, comity, to work. Not necessarily a close bond, no, but at least the absence of any frigid tension. And well, Chuck had not connected with Natali on any meaningful level. Even in the shared ordeal of being on the island, they had gone through entirely different things. Natali wasn’t stuck wearing an impromptu eye patch (which, at this point, Chuck was keeping on solely for effect), but she had gone through far more emotionally tiring stuff.

He rested a hand on her shoulder, muttered some generic words of comfort, but could not do anything more affectionate. He was doing what most people would do when trying to comfort someone. Which was fine, but Chuck could do better than that.

Luckily, salvation came in the form of more monologues.

Chuck listened to Kyran’s speech, and then Michael’s speech, and did not say much, nodding vigorously throughout with exaggerated movements, fulfilling his self-appointed role as hype man and source of levity. Their speechcraft was, as always, impeccable. Kyran’s nimbly phrased appeal to emotion, his reminder of what lives were waiting for them back home. Michael’s - no, Cap’n Crowe’s - unique brand of profanity-laden charm and charmisma. Chuck added some flourishes of his own at opportune points. He remained more stoic and respectful during Kyran’s speech, but during Michael’s speech, there were some opportunities for audience participation.

Chuck wasn’t sure he agreed one hundred percent with what they were saying. Didn’t exactly agree with the analogy between putting an animal to sleep and killing on the island. Chuck was now rid of the utopian notion that there was no reason to kill, but still. Bad analogy. But he suppressed his natural urge to debate.

Partly because, well, Chuck didn’t want to be a dick, but mainly because there was no point in picking apart such minor details. This was important to them all. Getting all pedantic and fixated on minor details was pointless. They were all roughly of the same mind, no point in bickering over the exact details of how they reached that shared conclusion. Deontology and consequentialism guided Chuck to the same conclusion.

And so when the speech ended, Chuck hollered and clapped. Added in a few references - a joyous “boo-urns”, a “your game is bad and you should feel bad” directed at the cameras - for flavour. And then, he gathered up his assigned allocation of rope and toilet paper, gave everyone (even Natali) a hug, a thumbs up, and a “good luck!”, and went off his merry way.

((Chuck Soileaux continued in Me Eyes Want a Change.))
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Post by Primrosette »

Scarlett listened as Kyran and Michael spoke their minds. Their words were more comforting and realistic than what she would have said to Natali. She was glad that she was quiet during it all. She couldn't bear to interrupt the two boys. She still felt a bit of sadness over Tania but she decided that she had to live for Tania and her group of friends. She couldn't sink into pity for herself. That would be too selfish of her to do.

She felt somewhat more motivated and more determined to keep going. She couldn't give up right now. She give her scarf a light tug to remember Tania before things went wrong between them.

Tania, I'll continue to stay alive, I'll promise you that.

She got a hug from Chuck which made her blush a little and then he left with what they had to all take. The plan was being put into action. She herself got some rope and toliet paper and she left Michael's shield on the pew. She didn't need it at the moment.

"Good luck, guys! Be careful, okay?" She smiled gently at the other three and then she headed to the outside world.

((Scarlett McAfee continued elsewhere))
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Post by Somersault »

The tears were still falling, but Natali didn't really feel them. In fact, she didn't feel much of anything now, barely registering the water streaming down her face like a river. They were trying to comfort her, she could tell that much, but it wouldn't work. She knew that. It wasn't about finding the will to live, or anything like that. It was just so hard to go, and she felt so lost, but she was still listening. Still hearing, still breathing.

Michael's speech about taking in their own hands, trying to escape the fate foisted upon them as if saying no to it was enough, was charismatic, most definitely, but it couldn't change her mind. Not that her mind was exactly made up as to what she was going to do after this, but she almost for certain knew it was not going to be running back here like a coward.

Being alone wasn't going to be hard. She just had to go, right? Just push herself out, run out into the great unknown, she thought, as she wiped away the last of her tears away with the back of her hand. Just had to be brave, that was all it was.

Stop running, start fighting. Not with the people here, but eventually she'd have to do so. She was ready, wasn't she? Abandon the plan, get far away, then she would be safe, right? Had to be right, had to be, because she had to push herself here, continue going, because stopping meant looking back, and looking back meant -

Meant nothing. Nothing at all, she could just go and go and go and that would be alright, as soon as she pretended to them that everything was okay. No returning, no going back. She was strong, she could do it. The guns were in the bag, ready. The tears were gone now, absent with the redness of her eyes being the only reminder of them. No crying, no more, she could hold herself together with some twine and hope, because broken and breathing was better than not breathing at all.

It was with deft hands that she grabbed some rope and toilet paper, and chanced one last farewell.


The more she said, the more that would be felt in her absence, and so she left with not a single word more, refusing to look back, even as her legs ached from the burning sensation of sprinting.

She could pretend it was water, at least for a bit more. Float away from here. Until she was a speck in the galaxy, just a mix of brown and black to a bird flying above.

Further, further. Would she?

No, she already was.

((Natali Greer continued elsewhere))
plot tv3 thangs with me
TV3 Current Appearances
MM11 Hailey Thompson is trucking along.
SB10 Nattaworn "Nate" Suchinda is getting some breathing room.
[+] Characters
[+] SCDos
Natali Greer drifted away. - One moment there, and then in the next, like it never existed at all.

Ramona Shirley gave it her all. - "This isn't about you, this is about them."
[+] PV3 Prologue
Yvonne Barnett prayed for a miracle, and it finally came. - Blessed be his name.

Mekayka "Keke" Baker was probably still shouting when it all ended. - "Seriously, you got nothing?"
[+] SCTres
Alicia Murazek has got it all. - "There's PromCom at 4, skating practice at 6, then a Yearbook skype call at 8. It's all worked out!" - (Thanks Cactus!)

Carly Jean Dooley is trying her best. - "I mean, look at it! No one can tell this isn't real A&F!" (Thank you D/N!)
[+] Concepts

Hope-Joy Tuitama is on top of it. - "We got it all covered, okay?"
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Post by ItzToxie »

They could do this. They were ready for this, they had this.

"I'll see you guys when you get back."

Michael grabbed the packet of TP he'd need for both his area and for the second part of the plan.

"And you guys will make it back, you ain't allowed to die on me, not today, not ever."

This was it then. The End Run was approaching, and there was no stopping the train on the way there. It was time to finish this shit.

((Michael Crowe continued elsewhere.))
Catche thinks my squirrel is Fisk so here's my daily reminder that he is not.
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Post by Cake »

Natali wasn't feeling it.

Even through his own heartfelt words and Michael's inspiring pep talk. It looked and sounded that way and Kyran could tell.

Her one word answer, expression and quick get-away.

He let out a held breath as Natali disappeared with the rest of them. They were to spread out and leave a paper trail to their base. While Kyran had the closest area between the ravine and parish to cover, so he wouldn't have to travel too far due to his still recovering health and could continue to keep guard of their stronghold. Chuck, Scarlett, Mike and himself were coming back after that. They were a team, but one member didn't want to play ball. More likely than not, that remaining member, would not come back.

Kyran looked over at the toilet paper left on the pews. He sighed.


[[Kyran Dean Continued To: One Sided Smile.]]
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