To The Dregs


The highest peak on the island. A viewing platform build atop this position gives a commanding view over much of the area.
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To The Dregs


Post by Grim Wolf* »

(Sho Tsukioka continued from Black Canvas)

He climbed up what was by far the highest point on the island (nothing remotely symbollic about this, mm?). He knew exactly why he was doing it; there was someone else here.

Who, exactly? He wasn't sure. He'd seen a small shape, found droplets of blood here and there. The figure seemed to be having trouble moving. Had they been hurt?

Was it...

He hadn't followed Hiroshi. Had Kuronaga ignored him? He wasn't sure, but if he had, there must have been a reason. Chasing after the last of the Family had a certain appeal, but...

Then he'd seen him. Moving on his own. The lithe, clear catcher-made shape of Ryuhei. He looked injured. What if he...

What if he was playing?

And what am I doing here? Tsukioka wondered. He had sworn to survive, hadn't he? For that reason he had gone a different way from the family, for that reason he'd been unable to help Mitsu and Hiro when Kiriyama had turned on them. For that reason he'd let Akamatsu leave without challenging him, knowing full well the difference between their levels of firepower. Going after Ryuhei...

Maybe I'm feeling guilty, Sho thought wanly, sneaking up the path as best he could. No, no deceit. Definitely feel guilty. No time for deceit if he was to survive, but...

Could he afford to worry about others?
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Grim Wolf. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fiori »

((Ryuhei Sasagawa continued from Count on Me))

It didn't take long until Ryuhei realised that he had absolutely no idea where he was heading. After all, whilst the island itself was relatively small, it didn't take a genius to figure out how easily it'd be for somebody like Ryuhei to get lost in the woods or something. That, and the fact that he was feeling dead tired after all he'd been through, was the reason why he eventually decided to make camp in the Viewing Platform on top of the lighthouse.

It took a while until he'd made it up there, and by the time he did he fell over flat on his face from exhaustion. It hurt, naturally, seeing as he'd fallen face first onto the Platform's wooden floorboards. But it was not enough to stir him from his lethargic state. The only thing stopping him from falling asleep there and then was sheer willpower alone.

Ugh... Can't doze off now, not yet anyways... Gotta... Gotta stay awake somehow...

At first he tried getting himself up onto his knees, maybe onto his feet if he was lucky enough. Sadly, his body thought otherwise, and all his efforts were to no avail. He then tried to just drag himself into the corner of the Viewing Platform, so that he could just curl up and fall asleep in safety. However, he felt far too tired to do as simple a task as that. In the end, he just gave up trying altogether.

Ah, fuck it... Its so dark outside, who the hell's gonna spot me anyway? Not like i'm in plain sight of anythin'...

Of course, he was still blissfully unaware of the fact that he HAD been noticed. By none other then a certain Sho Tsukioka...

Just... Just a couple of hours, no more... Gotta keep up my strength, y'know?

He closed his eyes, ready to allow himself to fall into a deep slumber. Until a familiar voice ringed out across the island...

"Good morning, children! ♥ I hope you all slept well? Those of you who are still alive, that is."

Oh you fuckwad... Just leave me alone for five fuckin' minutes at least! Jeez...

He closed his eyes again, desperately trying to get some well deserved sleep so that he could be up and ready to take down the competition like a TRUE badass... When a certain name mentioned in the announcement caused his eyes to widen suddenly.

"First off, Mitsuru Numai. Guess being the leader's lapdog didn't pay off so well, did it? Not to worry, though, because he was shortly followed by Kazuo Kiriyama, the boss man himself. Tough luck, boys. Pay attenti......"

He'd said it so offhandedly, so casually that Ryuhei could have easily missed it if he'd not been concentrating. The shocking news caused him to bolt up suddenly, his exhaustion temporarily delayed thanks to a sudden boost of adrenalin gained from hearing the revelation that Mitsuru and Kazuo, the two people he'd wanted to kill more than anyone else on the island, were both dead.

No... No, no. This isn't fair! This isn't fucking fair at all! They were mine to kill, MINE! But they had to go ahead and get themselves killed by some other dipshit! Selfish mother FUCKERS!

He clawed at his filthy hair with his left hand, his right one gripping onto his shotgun's handle tightly.

Now how am I gonna get back at Mitsuru for treating me like SHIT all those years ago? Or at Kazuo for stealing all the spotlight all the time? Bastard didn't even say WHO had killed them so I'd know who to look out for! Does this mean theres a guy out there whose more hardcore than the boss? WHO!?! Mitsuko? Shinji? Who the fuck took down Kazuo?!?

Whoever it was, they've gone ahead and robbed me of my satisfaction! The bastard! The fucking selfish ASSHOLE!

"WHY GOD DAMNIT WHY?!? Why does this shit always have to happen to ME?!?"
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

Too loud a cry, for anyone sensible. How had Ryuehi managed to make it this far? Had it only been dumb luck? It certainly hadn't been combat skill, based on the way he was moving...

Sho more or less ignored the announcements. Keeping track of the situation was a bit exhausting, and anyways the names that would have been big shocks to him he had already been forced to deal with. He had...well, not watched them, but seen the aftermath. He knew exactly what had gone wrong. No need to relive the tragedy.

But what was Ryuhei shouting about? Had he...

Had he been looking for the Family?

I will survive,, Sho reminded himself. But...

But, hell, what was the point if he just felt guilty later?

He picked up the pace--he was a good deal faster than Ryuhei, especially with the difference in the size of their stride. "Ryuhei!" he called, moving out from the shadows he'd been clinging too and into the smaller boy's line of sight. As he moved into the open, a single troublesome thought occurred to him; Ryuhei isn't much good in a fight, but...he was always better than me.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Grim Wolf. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fiori »


Ryuhei stopped his complaining instantly. He recognized that voice... Far too well for his liking. That creepily effeminate tone could only belong to one person... And sure enough, there he was right in front of him.

"Sh... Sho? Is that you?!?"

He was confused, to say the least. Of all the people he'd expected to run into on the island, the last person he ever expected to see again was Sho Tsukioka, the fifth member of the Kiriyama Family. After all, the camp bastard was never around whenever the Family had important business. And he always stuck to the shadows whenever the REAL fighting started... Hell, sometimes he forgot altogether that the guy was part of the family to start with!

But here he was now, clear as day. If it weren't for the fact that Ryuhei had sworn off his allegiance to the family he'd of been glad to finally meet him. After all, whilst Sho wasn't exactly one to rely on in a fight, the guy made up for it with his smarts. There was no denying that he'd have made a great ally in the situation. But, at that moment, Ryuhei wasn't interested in teaming-up with anyone... Instead, he was far more interested with knowing what fate had befallen his two ex-bosses...

"Sho! What the hell happened man?!? I heard the boss an' Mitsuru got wasted on the announcements! What the hell is going on?!?"
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

Sho smirked. "Confused as always, Ryuhei?" he asked. "Pity that's never worked to my advantage..." He was feeling a bit more in control now. Ryuhei had obviously come off the worse in at least one fight (probably more). He didn't look to be at his best, even if he did have a shotgun in one hand. And Sho had always found it easy to lord over the smaller, scrappier, rodent-like boy.

Sho stuck to the woods, though. Better safe than sorry.

"I wasn't with them, but..." he began. "I think Akamatsu ambushed them. Looks like our favorite butterball actually managed to find some balls, hmm?" He was remembering the bloody scene, his face sharply creased in a frown. "Looks like Kazuo turned on them. And wouldn't you know it, Numai made him pay." He lifted a cigarette from his pocket (Last one, he thought distantly. Bad luck, that) and lit it before continuing. "A pity. Muy macho and all that." He took a deep drag of his cigarette, savoring the smoke.

"I walked in at the end of the fight. Hiroshi got away, but..." He looked off to one side moodily, pursing his lips.

"And you?" Sho managed, opening an eye. "That gun...compensating for something? It doesn't seem to have done you much good."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Grim Wolf. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fiori »

(Godmodding done with Grim Wolf's permission... It was his idea after all)

Ryuhei listened intensely to what Sho had to say. For the most part he didn't give a flying fuck for what Sho had to tell him. Not about Hiroshi, or about how "confused" he was... All he wanted to know at that moment where names... Specifically the name of the bastard who'd wasted Mitsuru and Kazuo. The motherfucker who'd stolen HIS kills... Who, as it turned out, was none other than Yoshio "Man-Tits" Akamatsu.

Akamatsu? HE wasted Mitsuru?!?

He wasn't exactly sure what to say... Of all the people on the island, the last guy he'd of ever expected to be able to waste the two top dogs of the Kiriyama Family would be Akamatsu... The guy was WAY too much of a pussy for Ryuhei to imagine him doing anything like that... Far too sickeningly friendly for Ryuhei to imgaine being the least big dangerous...

Which, as it happened, was something he just couldn't help but snicker at...

"You're shitting me, right?" he said, his snicker slowly turning into a chuckle.

"I mean, you've gotta be joking right? I mean... Akamatsu? REALLY? THAT blubberball?!?"

Soon enough, the chuckle turned into a light laugh.

"But that ain't the kinda thing you'd joke about... So I guess this means that Akamatsu really DID kill them, huh?!?"

Before long, Ryuhei had completely erupted in laughter, utterly forgetting about the question Sho had asked him only moments ago.

"Who'd of thought the fat fucker would of had it in him? That the same guy who cried like a baby when he lost his fucking video game would also be the same guy who offed Mitsuru!" He said, holding himself steady as he continued to laugh manically.

"I mean... God FUCKIN' Damnit! And to think I was complaining a moment ago that somebody got 'em before I did! If a fucking blubberball like Akamatsu could take down Misturu, then why the fuck should've I been so concerned?"

He was cackling so hard by this point that he nearly dropped his shotgun onto the floor several times, his legs barely able to keep him standing as it was.

"I guess this means Mitsuru's REALLY hard now! Seein' as he's a stiff an all!"

His laughter got more and more hysterical as time went on, tears pouring down his cheeks freely.

"I'm sorry... Its just that... Just that this is just the funniest fuckin' thing i've heard for a long time now... Don't think i've laughed this much since... EVER!"

Eventually, he managed to calm himself down... His laughter slowly dying out as began to regain his composition. As he looked back over at Sho, he couldn't help but notice him slowly backing off. Ryuhei couldn't help but grin to himself as he did so, slowly moving forwards as he began to speak.

"You know what Sho... I've always found you REAL funny, you know that? The way you talk, the way you move, the way you look, all your little faggoty mannerisms... I just find it all real fuckin' hilarious, you know that? You were always just one big walking punchline... A real fuckin' comedian.

But the thing is... What I never noticed before is how I was always the butt of your little jokes. And not just yours, but the whole goddamn Family's! I've always been the guy whose been pushed around into doing whatever the rest of the family wants... Never what I fucking wanted.

But you know what? For once I wanna be the top dog. ME you hear me! The guy every motherfucker looks up to and respects. The guy who pulls all the shots, you know?"

At that moment, Sho turned and ran suddenly. Only to to crumple over in pain as Ryuhei took the opportunity to fire at him from behind, hitting Sho in the legs.

"Now where do you think YOU'RE going? I ain't done talking with you yet!

Now where was I... Ah, yes. Now I remember... It'd be like in one of those Yakuza movies... Some guy starts out small time, doing jobs for his bosses and what not... And its only after he decides to put matters into his OWN hands and shoot his way to the top that he has it all... Money, fame, women, the lot! And thats EXACTLY what I'm gonna do! All thanks to THIS little baby I inherited of some shortass bastard who probably didn't want it anyway!

And you know what... I think i've been looking at this from the wrong perspective. I mean... With Kazuo AND Mitsuru dead, its finally my chance to be the centre of the spotlight for once! I should really thank Akamatsu for what he's done... Blubberball actually made my job A LOT easier...

Only... Theres this ONE little speedbump I have to deal with first before any of this is possible..."

And with that, he grinned. Cocking his shotgun and aiming it in Sho's direction as he did so...

"... Take a wild guess what it is."

Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

Sho Tsukioka made it a rule never to make assumptions about people. They were too complex, too twisted and strange. His father owned and operated a bar for some of the most uninhibited queens Sho had ever met, yet somehow somewhere he had taken interest in a woman and somehow somewhere Sho Tsukioka had been conceived. Born from suck unlikely circumstances, Sho could never dismiss the twists and turns of other peoples' personalities, the oddities that might lead them to do things you couldn't expect.

But even with this rule in mind, Sho never saw Ryuhei coming. He started laughing, which unnerved him, but then...then Sho himself had been making jokes, hadn't he? It was just a way of accommodating oneself to the game, even though it couldn't really be understood or handled. But as Ryuhei's laugh grew louder, Sho began to edge backwards. Something felt wrong here; he felt a keen sense of danger. And Sho had learned a long time ago that his instincts were worth far more than that shitty little voice in his head people called 'logic'.

But Ryuhei saw him. And, still talking, Ryuhei advanced. Anger filled his voice and face, his eyes practically burned with hate. Pushed him too far, Sho thought stupidly. The game, i-it...pushed him too far.

But he was faster than Ryuhei, he knew he was. He turned, moved fast--faster than he'd ever gone, eating meters beneath his feet in the space of a second, almost reaching the full cover of the woods and


He didn't feel the pain, at first; he was just aware of a sledgehammer force being delivered into the back of his legs, sweeping him off his feet. Not comprehending, he tried to move, to force himself up, but his legs refused to support his weight, and then..

Oh god oh god oh god oh god it HUUUUUUUUUUUURTS.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he screamed, reaching back without thinking and running his fingers along hole-ridden flesh slick with blood. It hurt so much, worse than that big motherfucker who'd decided Sho was just pretty enough to be interesting and had slipped him that roofie, worse even than the time he'd been caught by those Yakuza fucks, worse than all the mean and petty bastards who'd hurt and mocked him over the years.

He turned. Ryuhei had his gun cocked, a mad grin on his face, double-barrels aimed at Sho.



It was a crimson mess of hazy pain. His body wasn't responding to his commands; it had all gone numb. He could only see through one eye.

Ryuhei Sasagawa was walking away, still laughing. Sho had never stood a chance; shotgun versus a crossbow, from which Tsukioka had not managed to fire even a single bolt. No contest.

But...Ryuhei's back was turned.

I've always been the kind to...c-come from behind. He laughed, a weak wheezing noise from the back of his throat. His neck and face were mostly exposed to the open air, his chest wrecked as well. More pain could not be had, but he laughed anyways.

Only one way Tsukioka was going out. Firing one least shot into a boy's unsuspecting rear.

He lifted the crossbow with his right arm, glad he'd managed to cock it, and fired.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Grim Wolf. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Fiori »

He blinked... Once... Twice...... Three times......... FOUR times............

I... I did it again! Holy shit, I can't believe it! That makes... Jesus Christ, FOUR people i've killed so far! Oh my god......

......I really AM a hardcore badass! Fuckin' SWEET!

"In your FACE Sho! Woops, i'm sorry... You don't HAVE one! HA!" he laughed, punching the air in sheer excitement. Barely a day or so ago, the idea of killing someone as close a friend as Sho would've seemed abhorrent to the greasy-haired delinquent. Sure, he didn't get along with him as well as he did with Mitsuru or Hiroshi, but the fact still remained that the two were close compadres to a certain extent. Whenever the Family went out to eat at the local fast food restaurant, Sho was always there ordering a light salad. Whenever they went bowling on Saturday nights, Sho'd be there with his weedy little pink 6lb bowling ball (Which, incidentally, he happened to share with Ryuhei from time to time). Even whenever the family would be going about it's "business", Sho would always be present... Sure, he'd never actually do anything other than cheer from the sidelines, but that didn't make his presence any less meaningful...

But by this point, after having spent the last 48 hours getting kidnapped, having an explosive collar put around his neck, accidentally shooting and KILLING a guy, being forced to sleep under a tree, getting used by Mitsuko like some throwaway blow-up doll, smashing through a glass window, getting the shit beaten out of him by some karate motherfucker, KILLING said karate motherfucker (Or, mortally wounding at least), shooting some small fry in the face with a shotgun... Quite frankly, any sympathy Ryuhei might of possibly had was long gone. And with the rest of the family dead except Hiroshi, all that was left for him to do now was win. Win so that he could return home to the respect and admiration he deserved.

Everyone loves a winner, right?

He turned his back on Sho, blissfully unaware of the fact that he wasn't quite as dead as Ryuhei assumed... At that moment, he took the opportunity to fantasize about what it'd be like once he finally returned.

I can see it now already... As a golden helicopter lands to the screaming crowd of fangirls, all of whom are wearing their favourite "I <3 Ryuhei!" see-though T-Shirts, out from the mist comes none other then the living sex-god himself Ryuhei Sasagawa! Baring in his right arm a mighty looking shotgun, scorched black after blowing apart so many unexpected skulls, whilst in his left he holds a fearsome looking sickle, fresh blood still dripping from its razor-sharp blade! He is a gorgeous sight to behold, his godlike abs alone capable of causing women to swoon in ecstasy at their mere presence! Already he's been recognized as the greatest badass Japan has ever known, rivaling that of the most legendary of samurai warriors! And, as a consolation prize just for being so freaking AWESOME, he is given his own playboy mansion along with several golden swimming pools and a hoard of big breasted sluts who'd love nothing better than to...



By this point, Ryuhei was almost certain that he'd gotten used to all the pain the island had inflicted upon him the second he arrived. Waking up with a splitting headache hurt... Tripping over his shoelaces hurt... Smashing through a GLASS WINDOW hurt like a bitch... Being on the receiving end of some karate master hurt like a bitch too... But this, getting shot in the ass with a freaking CROSSBOW BOLT, hurt like a REAL fucking bitch! Possibly more than anything that ever happened to him in his entire life!

He incautiously ripped the bolt from his ass, screaming in agony as he did so. He gripped the bloodied bolt in his grimey hands, the clogs in his head finally clicking as to what had just happened to him. The realisation alone was enough to bring a vicious scowl to his face as he turned around to see Sho lying there with a grim smile on what was left of his face and an unloaded crossbow in his right hand.

"...son of a fucking WHORE!"

He wasted no time in retrieving the sickle from his belt and pouncing on top of the mortally injured boy, ferociously stabbing him in the face repeatedly without any sign of remorse. He hadn't a clue whether he was already dead or not... Either way, it didn't matter. As long as he ripped that smug-ass grin off his face once and for all, Ryuhei would be satisfied.

"Nobody... Fucking... Stabs me... In the... Ass... And FUCKING GETS AWAY WITH IT! Nobody, you hear me faggot! NOBODY!!!"
Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Grim Wolf*
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

Something had been royally fucked up inside of him; he couldn't hear Ryuhei's screams, though he could see them. Saw the fury, contorting his face; saw the absolute rage, the wide-mouthed wrath with which he drew the sickle at his side and advanced.

Saw nothing else.

He didn't feel the pain, not really, even as his nose was shredded, even as his teeth were smashed by a sharp blade. Pinpricks of pressure, but Ryuhei was angry, he wasn't thinking; he focused his attack on the lower half of Sho's face, not the brain.

He curled and uncurled the fingers of his right arm.

He had only a moment, a single second in which to move. He took advantage of it, as the loss of blood became too much. In this sightless blackness he couldn't really know he was dying, but the feeling in his body was diminishing slowly, so slowly, and there were still pains in his face and an odd pulling in his eyeballs, right at the backs--like a migraine exposed to the world.

Sho Tsukioka would not survive. But he'd be damned if he didn't make one hell of an exit.

He lifted his hand and drove it forwards. He found his target, to his surprise; his fingers curled tight around Ryuhei Sasagawa's balls, tightening further and further, catching the shaft in his embrace. His grin refused to leave his face, in spite of the fact that he was dying. O-o-one...last...job. Before I go.

They say rigor mortis sets in awful fast.

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Grim Wolf. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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