
This is where the bulk of the island's inhabitants lived. The buildings offer plenty of shelter, but contestants should be wary of their peers having the same idea.
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Post by Namira »

((Hirono continued from The Worst Game In History))

As soon as she had felt she was clear of the school area, Hirono Shimizu had opened up her bag to check two very important things: her weapon, and her map. When Hirono's hand had fallen upon what felt very much like a gun, a smile had ghosted across her face. A gun was good. It meant that she could defend herself when the inevitable happened. She was cynical. Even so-called 'good' people like her classmates would get scared, and there wasn't a lot people wouldn't do when frightened. Add that to more guns like her own, and even taking stone-cold guys like Kiriyama and Souma out of the equation and sooner or later, Hirono was going to get attacked.

Rummaging around a little more, Hirono had located her map and perused it for as long as she dared. There was a clinic marked on it, but... Hirono had headed south from the school instead of east, and undoubtedly some of the others that'd left had gone that way by now. So, the residential district it had to be. One or the other of the houses had to have bandages or something, right?

Hirono's left arm was throbbing as she moved cautiously up the street, both hands on her pistol. So far as Hirono could judge these kinds of things, it was a good weapon, and she'd taken care to make sure she understood the instructions. Better, much better safe than sorry. 'Sorry' here would be dead. All the same, she wasn't too concerned yet. There could be six people, at best, ahead of her, and this was a big area. So, Hirono's guard was up, but she wasn't jangling with nerves.

Since leaving the school building, Hirono had cooled off a little. Yeah, she was still pissed off at that asshole Kamon, but as of right now there wasn't a whole lot she was able to do about him. Besides... with her reputation, it wasn't like it was the first time somebody had made remarks about sleeping with her.

Enough about that, Rono, kinda doubt I'll be screwing anybody here, besides.

Hirono hesitated for a few seconds, then crept up to a house, fenced off from the street. It looked undisturbed, but she found herself clutching her gun more tightly. People could always be subtle, lie in wait for somebody like Hirono to come along... Walking up to the front door, she tried it, and was surprised to find it unlocked. Slowly pushing it open, there was a slight creak which seemed to Hirono the loudest thing she'd ever heard. Then, Hirono stood and waited for a few seconds. No reaction, nobody coming screaming from the darkness with a weapon. Good, that was good.

Hirono stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She paused a moment wondering whether to get out the torch she'd found in her bag, but then decided against it. That would be dumb. Indoors or not, the light would carry, and Hirono had no desire to broadcast her location. She quickly moved through the house in the dark, checking every room thoroughly. Lounge, kitchen, study, a number of bedrooms and bathrooms. At the end of her sweep, Hirono breathed a sigh of relief. Empty, or at least, empty so far as she could see.

Less tensely, now, Hirono began to search the house again, looking for a first aid kit, or at the very least something that could double as a bandage. Her wound needed binding, she knew that much. Otherwise she was just asking for an infection. You didn't need to be a professional to be able to figure something like that out, and Hirono had seen people hurt before.

Whilst I'm here... might as well try to figure out a gameplan. Is there anybody I can meet up with? I've got a pretty bad rap, people'll look at me and think 'Souma's gang', won't they?

"Who can I rely on...?" Hirono murmured as she picked her way through the house, wracking her brains. "Mitsuko?" Hirono shook her head and chuckled softly, stopping for a moment or two as she mulled that one over.

"Oh like hell I can. Hardcore wouldn't think twice about killing. Trusting her would just make me first in line. No, she's out for sure," Hirono thought a little more. "Yoshimi?" she smiled to herself. "Yeah, she'd be a much better option. Ugh but wait, that boyfriend of hers..." Hirono frowned. "Kuramoto. Crap, she's crazy about him," that wasn't good. A Yoshimi Hirono could rely on was a timid Yoshimi who'd do as she was told. Kuramoto... would come between that. So not Yoshimi.

Hirono thought for a little while longer, then laughed again. Nobody. There was nobody.

"Looks like you're on your own Rono," she said. "Might as well make the best of it."

Her search had taken her to a bedroom, and as Hirono picked her way through it, an idea came to her. She cast about briefly, and there it was: a wardrobe. Here was hoping there were some sporting types living here before some government stooge decided it would be a good place for a program.

Upon opening the wardrobe, Hirono smiled. She was in luck. Pooled upon a high shelf amongst some underwear was a bandana. Perfect. Hirono quickly retrieved it, then went to sit on the bed, dropping her daypack alongside it. Rolling the sleeve of her injured arm up, she grabbed a bottle of water from her bag, broke the seal, and began pouring the liquid onto the wound. It stung, but at least it cleared the injury of much of the blood (hopefully anything that had made its way into it, too). With the gash clear, at least for the moment, Hirono wrapped the bandana around it as tightly and as best as she was able to. Pulling it snug, the delinquent regarded her handiwork.

"Not too shabby. I could be a doctor or something."

Hirono was about to make good her exit when a thought occurred to her. She looked back to the wardrobe, considering something. This was a girl's room (the underwear alongside the bandana made that clear, if the decor hadn't been enough of a clue), and the school uniform Hirono was wearing wasn't exactly easy to move around in. Skirt was too long, for one thing. (not that Hirono liked wearing short skirts, not unless she was trying for 'clients'. Not something she was proud of, but it paid well enough). For another... she had blood all over her. Hirono hadn't really picked up on it earlier, but she'd caught a lot of blood splatter when Shuuya had been shot.

Taking one last look around the place, Hirono closed the room's door, made sure her gun was nearby and quickly got out of her bloodstained shirt and skirt. Then, she walked over to the wardrobe, checking out the contents and hoping she'd be able to find some jeans (preferably), or failling that just some article that wouldn't restrict her movement so much. Failing that, something that wasn't covered in blood..

Come on... after winning the 'lottery', karma's got to owe me some luck, especially for something as small as this...
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Post by Rocky* »

((Yukiko Kitano continued from The Worst Game in History))

Upon leaving the school, Yukiko wasn't surprised that no one was around. She had considered for a moment of waiting for Yoshitoki, but inevitably she decided against it, searching through the supplied bag for her map. First, she would try to find some supplies of some sort, so she had one of three options. She could go to the clinic, the farm, or the residence. She figured there would be more to find in the residential area, and so she decided to head there.

As she walked, she looked through her bag, finding what she supposed was her 'weapon', if you could call it that. Removing the curves piece of wood, she realized it was a boomerang, and in this case, not very useful. Tossing the object, it flew through the air, landing uselessly on the ground some distance away. Guess they don't always come back... Yukiko thought to herself, continuing to walk without even bothering to retrieve it.

Reaching the first houses of the residential area, Yukiko tried to remain focused. She had to be careful, in case someone else was in the area. Trying to be as quiet as she could, she tried the first house she came upon. Locked. Moving cautiously to the next house, she tried it's door. this time the latch released, allowing the young girl into it's dark hallway. Closing the door behind her with an audible click, she began to look around the house for supplies, not even bothering to check for other people. Although considering the house she had entered, it may have been a good idea...
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Post by decoy73 »

((Shinji Mimura continued from The Worst Game in History))

Shinji Mimura had, the second he'd cleared the school, looked into his bag. He'd taken out the map and compass and, using those, had been able to guide himself to the zone he had specified. He'd checked the map in the moonlight, so he wasn't too surprised to see the houses in distance. He went to the first house, and set down his pack, furtively looking around to see if anyone was there. After a satisfactory look, he went into his issued bag again, feeling around for his flashlight. Upon finding the long meal tube, he took it out, oriented it in his left hand, and switched it on, pointing it into his bag.

Food, check. Water, check. Huh? He noticed a small box included in his issued pack. Removing it with his right hand, he turned off his flashlight, placing it back into his bag so he could open the box. Inside the box were two shiny metal objects, each with four holes as if they were meant for his fingers. Brass knuckles. Damn. On the one hand, he could use it to his advantage. On the other hand, it wasn't a gun or a knife. Still, he put them on. Better to have them on just in case. He dropped the box into his bag and zipped it up, putting it back onto his shoulder. Looking around, he saw someone in the darkness. A girl. He couldn't exactly make out who it was, but he noticed her open a door and enter a house. Carefully, Shinji walked over to the door that the girl had gone through and slowly opened it, stepping through as soon as there was enough room, and carefully closing it behind him, attempting to make as little noise as possible. He took a step inside, crouching down to make himself a smaller target, and looked around, noticing a girl poking around, looking for supplies. He whispered out, keeping his voice as low as possible while still being audible.

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Post by SRJJJB* »

((Yukie Utsumi continued from Worst Game In History))

Yukie was now running in a light jog. In her right hand was her baseball bat that was assign to her. In her left hand she had a flashlight. On her left shoulder was the heavy bag. She kept jogging towards the residential district as Shinji had plan. Hopefully he was there as he had left before her. To add her small break should of also gave him plenty of time. She remember his note well enough...


Yukie ran out of the school at full sprint. Fear suddenly took over as she left the school. The thought of someone trying to kill her, someone that she knew, frighten her. At first she didn't worry about it but her anger quickly shifted into fear at the thought of someone waiting to ambush her. All she was doing now was running. Eventually after a few minutes she realized no one was around.

Or was there.

She was paranoid.

Suddenly she remembered the two notes in her hands. Risking it she sat down and open the first note which was given to her by Shinji.

Meet me at H8 once you leave the classroom. Will explain everything when we meet. was written on the note.

Shinji had a plan it seem. Yukie smiled and realized her folly. She had let fear take over her due to a small assumption that someone was going to kill her. She felt silly for letting it happen... Then again it was human... Shaking her head she mentally prepared herself. She knew her friends were probably scattering across the island. They would need help. Of course Shinji might have a plan... She consider the options. Search for her friends or find Shinji? She didn't want to abandon her friends but... Where was she suppose to meet them? What if she look the wrong way and died? No as much as it pain her she knew finding Shinji would increase the odds of success to escape. If he could defeat the system then she could for them.

If they're still alive... she thought then shook her head. No she couldn't think like that. They were strong girls... They'll survive somehow.

She then open the second letter from Yuko. This time it struck home.

Help Me

The words stung her heart. Yuko... She was so frail... Yukie realized how scare everyone must be. She herself had ran like a frighten cat. Unlike them she had a plan, a goal, an idea to get off the island to keep herself strong. She even had Shinji to help her out. But they... They were lost, confuse, scare and lonely... Anger rose again. That fucking pig. It was cause of him that everyone was suffering and that Shuuya was dead. She look at the note one more time.

Yuko... I'll save you... I'll save everyone... she promised herself. She rip the notes into small unreadable pieces. First she had to find Shinji and organized something.

As she started to stand up she remembered her bag. That's right she had a weapon and other supplies. Opening she found a baseball bat. Part of her felt relief that she didn't had a gun. It would of felt wrong to have a weapon that could kill someone with a simple pull of the trigger. Then again it would of been the best defense against someone else who had a gun. Of course having a baseball bat she could potential break a leg or something. A way to not kill someone. Except Kamon. She would make sure that he would die. Most of all she wanted to kill him with the very weapon he assign her. Apart from that she look through her supplies and then found a map, compass and a flashlight. Perfect. With her tools she found the directions to the area H8. She pick up the bag and started a light jog in the direction. She was going to find Shinji and escaped this bastard island with everyone.


Yukie left her thoughts as she notice the residential district appearing before her. She knew Shinji would be here. Or at least she hope he would be. Arriving she saw several houses. Great now how was she suppose to find him? Call out his name? What if it threw in hostile students? But if she waited any longer sh-


She barely notice a boy creeping inside a house. While she wasn't 100% sure that it was him she felt this time that she could risk a small shout.

"Shinji!" She call out. Hopefully it wasn't too loud.
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Post by Namira »

For all her hopeful thoughts of karma, Hirono's luck wasn't much in. Not so far as clothes scavenging was concerned, anyway. She discovered a few sets of trousers in the wardrobe, and none of them fit her properly. Maybe breaking into a complete stranger's house and expecting their stuff to fit was a bit of a tall order, but dammit, how skinny did you have to be to fit into this shit? Hirono had always considered herself to be in pretty good shape, particularly because she hadn't really 'filled out' too much in her figure (and if that meant having a chest the size of Mitsuko's, Hirono would much rather it stayed that way), but damn. Whoever once wore these pants had to have had a micro-waist.

At length, her rummaging did produce something which looked as though it would fit, and Hirono smiled in relief. Thank god for that. She was beginning to think she was going to have to start going through the skirts, and none of them looked too modest. Cargo pants, camouflage pattern, absolutely fine by her. Hirono slipped them on without much difficulty, noting that although they were pretty snug, they weren't at any risk of cutting her in half at the abdomen either. Hirono was about to return to the wardrobe for a shirt of some description when she froze.

Was that...? I could've sworn...

Hirono immediately sprung for her gun, scooping it up and clasping it in both hands. The comfort it offered was a little disturbing. What, she felt better because if that sound had been somebody entering the house, she could kill them if necessary? That was a little fucked up. All the same, Hirono had to concede she would rather have the reassurance, screwed up or not, than have no way of defending herself...

The delinquent remained poised by the door, straining for any further noise. Maybe she was being jumpy, but damn, if there ever was a time she had cause to be a little on the nervious side, this was it. Hirono could've sworn she heard the faint clicking of footsteps moving around... She was trying to make up her mind on what to do when she heard the creaking sound again. Of all the - was somebody following the first person!? Of all the houses, they just had to pick THIS one didn't they?

Okay, okay, just stay cool. Nothing's saying they're out for your blood, Rono. S'just... nothing's saying they aren't, either.

Then somebody called out, and Hirono's mind went into a thinking overdrive. Shinji? Shinji was fucking Mimura! Yeah, he'd helped her out, but nobody genuine could that be cool in that kind of situation. Wasn't Nanahara supposed to be one of his best friends? All he could say was 'Can I mourn him?' - Hirono didn't care what that guy said, he was bad news. Sooner or later, somebody was going to find themself on the nasty side of Mimura.

Enough was enough. They were attracting too much attention in here. Hirono kicked her daypack under the bed to conceal it, then stepped out of the room and slowly went down the stairs, holding her gun out in front of her. It was dark, and she couldn't make anybody out, but dammit she'd heard them, there was somebody there. More than one, most likely.

"I have no fucking idea who's down there, but if they don't give me an idea in a hurry, I'm not gonna be happy. Who the hell are you, and what the fuck do you want?"
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Post by Rocky* »

Yukiko was poking around the kitchen when she heard the door behind her open quietly. Spinning on her heel, she saw a figure of someone walking towards her. Clasping her hand over her mouth to stop herself from making any noises, she tried to make herself less visible by crouching down. She wasn't fast enough however, as whoever it was had seemed to see her, calling out to her. Well, technically they called for Yukie, which was a bit perplexing to her. She was able to recognize the distinct voice however, and felt a bit of relief. Shinji may have been known as a womanizer back home, but he wouldn't hurt anyone... right?

"It's Yukiko" the girl replied with a shaky voice, standing and walking towards the boy with her hands up, so show she was unarmed.

Yukiko was glad that someone else had shown up, or rather, someone who she felt would be trustworthy. Shinji was a good man. If anyone could think of a plan, it would be him. Of course, Yukiko wasn't even sure if he was even thinking about a plan, or if he would be as trusting as she was. Yukiko wasn't thinking about this thought. After all, she was scared, so anyone at this point would be welcome company. Well, almost anyone. At least it wasn't one of Kazuo's thugs, or Mitsuko, or Hirono...

..Just as she had this thought, a gruff, female voice came from the stairway. Yukiko felt like her heart stopped. Although she was unable to see who it was, she immediately reconized the voice. Why her? Yukiko thought, as her voice made an involuntary yelp. In her panic, she found herself somehow behind Shinji, using him as some sort of cover from Hirono. Somewhere in her head, an absurd thought of this is almost like a romance novel popped into her head as she tried to stop her body from trembling.
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Post by decoy73 »

The girl stood up. Before she even spoke, Shinji immediately realized that he had spoken to the wrong girl.

"It's Yukiko." Yukiko Kitano (Female Student #6) raised her hands, revealing that she had nothing to attack him with (Hopefully. He hoped Yukiko wasn't lying). It was then that he heard two things, almost at the same time: the first was from outside, just audible through the closed door:

"Shinji!" He realized that he had timed it wrong. Rather than having arrived just in time for Shinji to notice him, as he had believed, Yukie had just arrived in zone H8 and caught him. He was about to open the door to motion to Yukie when the second voice came in:

"I have no fucking idea who's down there, but if they don't give me an idea in a hurry, I'm not gonna be happy. Who the hell are you, and what the fuck do you want?" It was at that moment that Yukiko yelped, immeditely crawling behind Shinji. Of course. Hirono Shimizu (Female Student #10). She was probably still cranky about her incident in the classroom. Who wouldn't? Shinji just stood up and backed away slowly, opening the door behind him and looking as far out as he could without taking his eyes off (which wasn't very far). In spite of that, he was barely able to make out a third girl some distance away. That girl was Yukie. He stuck his left hand out and waved over to Yukie, signalling for her to come over. Accordingly, he put his right hand behind his head.

"It's Shinji. I'm just looking around for some supplies. I don't have a good weapon," (technically true, how was a pair of brass knuckles going to help against a gun?) "but I'm looking for allies. I think I have a way out of this game. Without having to kill people."

Please be receptive. Any ally would be good right now ...
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Post by Namira »

Hirono's threat bought nothing more than a yelp, which at least confirmed that she wasn't just being paranoid. There was somebody else in the house, and they sounded like a girl to boot. Hirono was slightly relieved by that discovery; most of the girls in the class were saps. Apart from maybe Mitsuko and Chigusa, Hirono couldn't pick out a single one that would be up for the game. Not from the get go, anyway. Still, somebody had called out the name of the class's basketball star, and they hadn't been far off. It would be just her luck that he was in the house too.

Pushing herself up against the wall of the stairwell, Hirono cautiously peered around the corner to see if she could pick out who it was wandering the corridor. Then she swore under her breath and ducked back again. Whoever the girl was, they weren't alone. Silhouetted in the dim moonlight had been a figure, a distinctively non-female one. This was just looking better and better. Inwardly, Hirono thanked her anxiety for getting the best of her. It seemed as if it had paid off.

On the flipside, though Hirono was armed, she would have to go back upstairs in order to retrieve her bag (and by extension, ammunition and supplies), and she didn't particularly want to go running around without a shirt. She'd freeze to death before anyone else did the job for her.

Serves you right for getting all squeamish about blood Rono, doesn't it? Quit complaining and start focusing.

Hirono swore again when the figure started speaking. Fucking Mimura! It really was him! Of course, he started right up with laying it on thick, pretending he wasn't intending to play, but Hirono had his number. She kept thinking back to the classroom. Nobody, nobody was that cold, not in that kind of situation. It didn't matter that he was charismatic, a ladies man; the guy was a snake. Hirono didn't doubt for a second that if he had been given a good weapon, it would already have been blazing.

"Not interested," the delinquent replied firmly. "Relying on you to watch my back would be asking for you to stick a knife in it," Hirono stepped out into the hallway proper and trained her gun on Shinji, whose face she could now make out in the low light. "Scavenge somewhere else Mimura. I don't have time for your games, and I'm not dumb enough to fall for 'em."
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Post by Rocky* »

Yukiko didn't know what to do. After Shinji had moved to open the door, the young girl had pressed herself against the wall, so that she was between Shinji and Hirono, but not in Hirono's direct line of sight. Shinji had offered to team up, which sounded like a good idea to her. Get as many people together, try to figure things out. It all made sense to her. Hell, not even Hirono was that bad, she wouldn't kill anyone... right?

Moments later, Hirono's response came, and she moved into view, holding a gun. Yukiko's heart skipped a beat, as she saw the delinquent aim the weapon at Shinji. This was not what Yukiko wanted to see. They should be trying to stick together, not fight. If they fought, then they'd all die, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. If they just stuck together, then they would surely be able to figure something out, especially with a mind like Shinji's. If she didn't do something now, things would go horribly wrong.

"W-wait!" Yukiko called out. "Please, don't fight. Fighting doesn't solve anything." Yukiko stepped out, obstructing Hirono's view of Shinji. What are you doing? a voice in the back of her head yelled out. She'll probably just shoot you to get to him! Ignoring the voice, Yukiko pressed on. "Look, we're all scared, I know, but if we fight, then we'll just end up dead. So please, lower your weapon, and let's try to talk this over. I'm sure Mimura has his reasons for why he's acting the way he did. Just, try to hear him out."

Her heart pounding, tears starting to form in her eyes form the nerves, Yukiko looked at Hirono, to see what she would do. Please... please listen to reason...
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Post by Namira »

Just as Hirono thought that Mimura was going to reply, somebody stepped in front of him. The mysterious 'gasper' from before. It took a second in the low light, but Hirono identified her with little trouble. Yukiko Kitano. Definitely one of the saps, especially if her best buddy Kusaga wasn't at her side. They seemed to be joined at the hip most of the time, so much so that it was actually a little odd for Hirono to see one without the other.

Hirono cocked her head to one side as Kitano spoke, then rolled her eyes. "I'm not fighting anyone. Do I look scared to you, Kitano?" Hirono motioned towards Mimura with her gun. "There's a difference between fear and distrust, got that? I don't trust him, and that's as simple as it gets. I don't give a fuck what Mimura says his reasons are, because he's not gonna tell the truth."

She was getting tired of all this bullshit. All she wanted to do was get her stuff, find some clothes, and get out of there. Whatever would get these two away faster was fine by her.

"Will you two get the fuck out of here more quickly if I let him lie through his teeth to 'explain' himself?"
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Post by decoy73 »

Shinji was hoping that Hirono would join him (or at the very least put her gun down), but Hirono didn't seem to be interested in either, explaining quite bluntly that she had no trust in him. Now that his eyes were adjusted to the darkness, he could see that Hirono was dressed differently. Not only was she wearing pants (he didn't know whether they were hers or not), but the fact that she was shirtless revealed that she was wearing a bandana on her arm. I guess she didn't come out of the classroom unscathed. As he looked around the room he was in, he hardly noticed Yukiko coming to his defense, stating that fear shouldn't allow possible allies to be turned away. He got snapped back to reality when Hirono answered.

"I'm not fighting anyone. Do I look scared to you, Kitano? There's a difference between fear and distrust, got that? I don't trust him, and that's as simple as it gets. I don't give a fuck what Mimura says his reasons are, because he's not gonna tell the truth. Will you two get the fuck out of here more quickly if I let him lie through his teeth to 'explain' himself?" Shinji breathed in deeply, keeping both his hands above his head, where they were plainly visible. He had one chance to extend his stay. Given her stated attitude, it wasn't like she was just going to shoot an unarmed man. Would she?

"I'm looking for a way out of the game. I'm missing some stuff that will help me. That's why I'm here. You give me two minutes to look around, and we'll leave. Whether you come with us or not is up to you. I'd highly recommend you follow us, because it's much riskier going it alone. At least in a group, you can be reasonably sure that we won't hurt you. Even if I was armed, why would I kill you? You aren't shooting at me." That last statement was, in fact, completely true. He had no intention whatsoever of hurting anybody. Why should he? He didn't even want to play. He'd be halfway out of here, except that the guys government had taken his laptop, probably while he was out. He could cheat the game easily if he could get his hands on one. He had a cell phone and his programs, but without a computer, it was all useless. All he needed was a computer. Maybe some other stuff, too. It wasn't really going to be much of a plan if he pulled it off and then got shot two minutes later. Just put the gun down, Hirono. Shooting me won't help you, and it would certainly screw me over.
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Post by Namira »

Mimura just didn't know when to quit, did he? Just as Hirono had expected, he'd fed her what she considered to be a pack of lies. His way out of the game was the obvious one, it had to be. The one that the asshole from the government had given them; kill your way to victory. Mimura was playing, but he was playing smart rather than hard. Not every asshole out there was in your face about it, you had the subtle ones, too. She decided to say as much.

"You're not stupid, Mimura, but then, neither am I. You know just as well as me that you don't need to be trying to murder everybody you run across to be playing. There's snakes as well as bulls out there," Hirono sighed and stepped back. In truth, even though she mistrusted Mimura, she didn't really want to pick a fight with him. Going after him would just be buying until the government's bullshit. So long as she could keep him at arm's length, it was all good to her.

"All I'm saying is that you two had better be the hell out of here by the time I get back downstairs."

With that, Hirono stepped back into the stairwell and trooped back up the steps, backwards so as to keep an eye on the bottom. She didn't want anybody sneaking up on her.

Now Rono, all you gotta do is find some damn clothes.
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Post by The Director »

((Yoshimi Yahagi continued from The Worst Game In History))

Yoshimi Yahagi trusted one thing, and one thing only; the uzi that she'd found in her daypack. Although she'd initially been terrified, the uzi had calmed her a little. Undoubtedly the others would still be out to kill her; after all, she was one of Mitsuko's gang. They wouldn't trust her any more than they would Hardcore herself, and not trusting people, well...

That amounted to being willing, if it came down to it, to kill them before they killed you, didn't it?

"Kill or be killed. That's what it's got to be," Yoshimi murmured on her way up the street, gun pulled up tight to her chest. That's the way it was, and no amount of talk would persuade her otherwise. Talkers were just looking to get closer to you, make you let your guard down, then catch you unprepared...

As such, when Yoshimi spotted a figure standing outside of a house, seemingly deliberating over whether to go inside, her first reaction was instinctive indeed. Kill or be killed. Nothing else to it and no other option. She raised her uzi and sprayed away at Yukie Utsumi, the recoil throwing her aim a long way off, but ultimately enough rounds were on target to do the trick.

Yukie never even saw it coming. A bullet hit her square in the back of the head, splattering her brains across the fence of the house Shinji had called for her to enter, and she pitched forward to land face down on the front lawn.

Ninth Grade/Class B – Girl #02: YUKIE UTSUMI: ELIMINATED
[+] Surprise
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Post by decoy73 »

Even though Hirono didn't trust Shinji, her answer was acceptable. At worst, she was playing defensively. So was he. She was just lucky enough to be armed. As Hirono backed her way up the stairs, Shinji breathed a sigh of relief as he lowered his hands, took out and turned on his flashlight, and began to rummage around for whatever he could find, starting with the kitchen.

Let's see. Cup, string. Could make a nice alarm out of this. He dropped a spool of thread into his bag, along with a cup (making sure to get one with a handle) took out some of the silverware and placed it in his duffel bag along with a mug and a spool of thread as he noticed something to his left. Looking around, he noticed a knife rack, wrapping up the largest one he could find in some paper towels, tucking the knife into the waistband of his pants and dropping the rest of the roll in his bag as he moved to what looked like an office. As he shone his light around the room, his attention was directed to the desk, where what he saw gave him the first smile since he had woken up in the classroom. On the desk sat a laptop computer. Not a top of the line model, but still usable for his goals. He picked it up and tucked it under his left arm as he headed for the door he came in through, when ...


Quickly, he stole a glance outside, noticing two figures: one standing up, holding what seemed to be a large gun, and one closer to the door, lying facedown. He squinted to make out the pigtails of the girl lying on the ground, those of Yukie Utsumi, and the child-like face of the girl with the gun.

"Yoshimi?" Shinji exclaimed in shock as he ducked back in as a crackle came up around him.

"Good morning my brave little warriors! My, have you not been busy?" It was Kamon, making light of the plight of Class B as he listed off the dead: Keita, Sakura, Tadakatsu, Fumiyo ...

"... Male student number 12, Yutaka Seto ..." Yutaka's name hit Shinji like a brick to the face, hardly hearing the manes of Megumi and Yukie. His best friend was dead. Some friend he was turning out to be. Of course, it wasn't going to matter if Yoshimi blasted him full of lead. Shinji had to make himself scarce. For the moment, he just crawled behind a couch, looking at the door, hoping that she wouldn't enter the house.
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Post by Rocky* »

Everything happened so fast. Shinji and Hirono seemed to have come to some form of truce, as the former began to rummage through the house looking for supplies. Yukiko sighed quietly, thankful that things hadn't degenerated to the point of violence. She didn't know what she was going to do though. She wasn't too keen on sticking around, but at the same time she knew there was safety in numbers. Well, for now at least.

Yukiko's train of thought was broken by the sounds of gunfire, and it was really close. She put her hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming, but her feet remained glued to the spot. She tried to force her legs to move, but she just couldn't get herself to do so.

Things may have turned out differently, if not for the fact Shinji decided to see what the commotion was, and opened the door. The voice of the director permeated the air, but Yukiko wasn't paying attention to that as her eyes took in what was going on outside. She was able to get a clear view as Shinji rapidly backpedaled from the door to hide behind the couch.

There were two figures outside the house, one standing, and the other sprawled out on the ground. Yoshimi had looked up from the other body when Shinji had opened the door, and was now looking directly at Yukiko. There was a moment where nothing seemed to happen, then Yoshimi raised her hand. The sound of gunfire went off again, and Yukiko felt herself hit the ground. Through her fading vision she could see some sort of red substance on the ground before she faded completely. There was nothing but silence.

Ninth Grade/Class B – Girl #06: YUKIKO KITANO: ELIMINATED

This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Rocky.
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