Impatience and Survival

An abandoned coop, constructed on the hill overlooking the school building.
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Impatience and Survival


Post by MurderWeasel »

((Kyoichi Motobuchi continued from The Worst Game In History))

Kyoichi staggered up the hill, away from the school, to an old chicken coop, part of a farm. It was the best location he could see; he was quite surprised that none of his fellow students were here yet. A flash of paranoia hit him, and he ducked into the coop, checking for ambushes. There were none. He was alone.

He walked back outside and sat down, keeping a low profile so he would be harder to see, and watched the school building. He had moved quickly. Students were still trickling out of the school. He had to keep an eye on them, make sure they didn't see him. Of course, most of his class was already out on the island. He would have to watch behind him, too. They were everywhere.

They were everywhere, and some of them would certainly be trying to kill him. He couldn't kill them, though. That was unthinkable.

Dying was unthinkable too. Kyoichi shivered. What could he do? He still couldn't see so well, so he pulled his glasses off, opened a water bottle from his school pack, and rinsed them, wiping them clean on his immaculately-kept school uniform. When he put them back on, the world looked a little brighter. Things were a little clearer. He couldn't murder anyone, but if someone came after him, well, that made them fair game, right? No one could fault him for defending himself.

It was time for him to open up his bag. Kyoichi had almost torn it open outside the school, but he hadn't wanted to be caught by Yahagi, who was to leave six minutes after him. Mitsuko's gang was bad news all around, even if there was something... alluring about many of them. Now, though, Kyoichi could stand the suspense no longer. He unzipped the bag, and pulled out his "weapon".

It was a vest of some sort. He frowned. Clothes? He got clothes? The vest was heavier than it should have been, though. As he looked at it, turned it over, and read the writing on the inside, he realized what it was.

It was bulletproof. He had a bulletproof vest.

Smiling broadly, Kyoichi pulled off his school jacket, put the vest on, then buttoned his jacket over it. Maybe he had a chance after all. With this, maybe he wouldn't just be shot to death. He returned his attention to the school building, watching for Yoshitoki's departure. If he had calculated correctly, Kuninobu would be the last to leave.
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(Satomi Noda continued from The Worst Game in History)

Satomi had left before Kyoichi, but on leaving the school she had immediately taken shelter beneath the copse of woods a little ways outside of the school (she was very careful to check her map first--as far as she could tell, it was outside of the Danger Zone). It was while she was digging through her back that she found the most useful part of her arsenal.

A gun.

She recognized the type, though she didn't know what it was called. It was the same kind of gun cops used in movies (mainly the ones where the villainous American police oppressed the patriotic, humble Asian immigrants). It was also the kind cops used in the illegal American movies they would occasionally download (usually much more fun to watch; the Government-sponsored flickers were trash).

Decent. Very decent.

She read through the instructions, keeping one eye on the school. Unbelievably, no one came towards her; they all cut just around, never drawing close enough to worry her.

Gun, loaded. Instructions...well, not read, she didn't want to turn on her flashlight and let people know there was someone hiding here. She'd read the rest later, but for now...

For now, she thought she could fire a gun. Or at least hold it threateningly in someone's direction.

She got to her feet. Her nerves had calmed, her trembling faded. She found the weight of the gun in her hand oddly comforting, as she smoothed out her skirt with her other hand (Stupid, stupid, stupid, she thought. Not like anyone's gonna notice) and made her way up a nearby hill, frowning at the Farm Coop at the top. It seemed like a good place to weather the night, assuming no one had...

Assuming no one had...

She froze, then stepped backwards and quickly pressed herself against the wall of the farm

There was Kyoichi, sitting on the ground. He finished pulling something on, smiling broadly. Satomi hesitated; Kyoichi had been flipping out inside the building. Why was he more under control now?

Maybe he'd calmed down...?

These are your friends, Satomi. These are you friends.

She took a steadying breath and put her gun down by he feet, right at the corner of the building. Just because this was a "friend"...

She stepped out from behind the building, hands in the air. "Motobuchi," she said quietly.
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Someone called Kyoichi's name, and he spun, panicking a little.The voice was that of a girl. He hoped it wasn't Yahagi. At least he had gotten the vest on. He might be safe, well, safer. The girl wasn't Yahagi, though. It was Satomi Noda. A fellow academic. Kyoichi breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't necessarily safe, but Satomi was far less likely to try to kill him, he thought.

Still it would be best to have a backup plan. He couldn't really trust anyone now. Noda could decide that it was worth killing him just to skew the odds a bit more in her favor. Nobody wanted to die. They all had plans, dreams, futures. It just happened to be that Kyoichi's future was brighter than theirs. His father was in the government. He, too, had been headed that way. He would probably get a job with the government after his secondary schooling, assuming he survived the next few days.

His plan was simple. If Satomi threatened him with a gun, he would run, head down, and hopefully she would shoot at his back. If the vest worked well, he wouldn't be too badly hurt, and she would either leave or he could kill her when she came to check him. He wasn't quite sure how he would do that, but he could figure that out if the time came. If she attacked him with a melee weapon, he would just run. He hoped it would be harder for her to chase him because of her skirt.

"Noda," he said, forcing a smile, which likely was not too convincing. He saw that she had her hands up, so he raised his, too. She wasn't holding a weapon. That was good. Maybe he could overpower her, kill her quickly to reduce the competition—no. No, he couldn't do that. He couldn't panic. He couldn't kill a girl without provocation.

He started breathing more heavily, almost hyperventilating. She was making him nervous, but he would keep himself under control. He had to, if he had any hope of getting out of this "game" alive.
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

He was breathing heavily, but she wasn't going to fault him for that. He had every reason to be panicking; hell, it was taking every ounce of her self-control to not collapse into a sobbing heap right there in front of him. She stood in place for a few moments, taking slow, steadying breaths. "Motobuchi," she ventured against, cautious. She slowly brought her hands out in front of her, palms in the air. "I don't have my weapon on me. You''ve got the advantage, if you..."

She trailed off. What was she saying? Giving him the advantage? Why on earth would she do this? Trust got you burned, trust got you hurt, trust gets you...

Fuck it. I don't even know if I'll play.

"Look, Class Rep," she said firmly. "I won't promise you safety, but...but there's no need for us to..." She trailed off, frowned. "I don't think we need to resort to violence so soon. After all, we've...we've got twenty-four hours." There it was. Bleak but true. They had time, if they wanted it. She was struggling to approach this as logically as possible. "I just...I need to talk to someone. To get my head in order."
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Post by MurderWeasel »

She needed to talk to someone. Noda needed to talk to someone. She needed to talk, and she'd picked him, never mind that it was probably just because he was the only one around. She was turning to him, and that... that was good. Kyoichi's breathing slowed a little. He could do this. He could avoid panicking, hold on for a little and keep calm. She brought up some good points, too. They did have twenty four hours, at least. In reality, Kyoichi knew they had more. There was no way they'd all be blown up this early. Someone was bound to snap. And once the killing started, it wouldn't end until there was only one left. The game would be played. It always was.

Talking with Noda now, that wouldn't change the outcome. He knew this. He felt as if he was being stupid even considering it. He'd been so sure he wouldn't hurt his classmates, but now that he knew she was unarmed, part of him wanted to lunge for her throat, take another complication out of the equation. He wanted to live. He didn't want to kill, but he definitely would do his best to survive.

He couldn't just attack her, though. He still couldn't bring himself to act with violence towards someone who hadn't treated him with any malice at all.

Besides, she was treating him with respect. His authority was back. He could do this. Maybe... maybe he could even organize everyone to band together and escape. He almost snorted at the thought. There was no escape. He was one of the class' highest achievers. He was smart enough to know there was no way out.

When he had calmed down enough to be sure he could speak coherently, he raised his empty hands and said, "Come over here, Noda. I... I won't h-hurt you. My 'w-weapon' can't even hurt people, so we can just talk for a few minutes. I... need to sort some... things out too, I suppose."
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Post by Grim Wolf* »

Satomi nodded. Now that she knew Motobuchi wasn't going to...wasn't going to...

She closed her eyes, a brief thought of Shinji intruding on her consciousness. Not all guys are like that, she thought firmly. Motobuchi is...he's not exactly reliable (he'd freaked out in class, and she still found his words faintly troubling. They implied a level of arrogance she didn't really want to dwell on) but he's no monster.

"Okay," she agreed. "Hold on, I-I left my weapon back here." She paused. "Its a gun," she said, not wanting to surprise him. "I'lll keep it handy."

Just in case.

She circled back around the Coop, lifted the Glock from its place on the ground. She hesitated; it was heavier than she'd expected, and there was something slick, comforting and dangerous in the feeling. Motobuchi, after all, had said his weapon was useless for harming her, which meant she had the...

No. No no no.

She exhaled and stepped back around.

"So," she began. "What do we do?"
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Noda nodded, and seemed to calm down a little. Things could still work out. They could talk and... sort things out, come to some sort of understanding or consensus. What could they possibly decide, though? What answer could there be? They would fight until one survived. Kyoichi was no murderer, but he was the smartest person in class (because, dammit, Kazuo didn't count; that boy was a freak, good at everything), and he knew that people would panic. He would panic himself, probably, if he couldn't keep himself very carefully under control. He had to, though, if he wanted to make it out. He had a future. That precluded getting shot to death here.

Noda was going back to get her weapon. She said it was a gun. A gun. That would be a big help in this game. Maybe he could fool her, get her to "kill" him, then take her out when her back was turned. No. That just wouldn't do. It was totally wrong, for one thing, and it might get him killed if he messed it up.

"Alright," he said. He concentrated on his breathing as she went. In, one, two; out, one, two. He was regretting his poor sleep habits right now. He spent so much time studying, rest had to take a backseat sometimes. One pro of that was that he was no stranger to late nights and early mornings; a con was that his endurance was going to suffer before too long. He'd need to find somewhere safe, snatch some rest at some point. Then maybe he wouldn't be so jumpy. At least he was slightly rested, courtesy of the gas.

Noda reappeared, holding a nice, big handgun. For a second, Kyoichi's breath caught. That was pretty serious firepower. Pretty frightening. He almost did... something. He didn't even know if he would have attacked or run, just that it was terrifying for a moment.

Then her words reached him. She was turning to him. She needed his leadership, his wisdom. He could do this.

"W-well," he started. "I think the... major issue right now is, what do we do, right? I m-mean, do we... participate... or not? Right?"

That was a good start, and cutting straight to the chase, besides. Who knew how much time they had left? Someone else could stumble on them at any moment, and that would be very, very bad, especially depending on what Noda said.

"H-how I see it," Kyoichi continued, "we can't hope to b-break the system. There are programs every year. There h-have been for decades. If there were flaws, somebody would have found them by now."

There it was. No way out. What now? Well, in some ways, that made it easier. He could resign himself to that, kill that last bit of hope. There was no miracle. Maybe Nanahara could have inspired them all to throw their lives away in some fruitless act of resistance, but he was dead. There was no hope.

He could talk calmly now.

"So, I suppose it doesn't matter." He picked up his water bottle and took a long sip of the liquid inside. "I don't really see how it makes any difference if we participate or not. One lives. I want that one to be me. You want it to be you, probably. Whether we kill other people on the way there or not, well, I just can't see how it changes anything. If I live longest and don't kill anyone, and the runner up bleeds to death, well, I win just as much as if I kill each and every one of the others. There's no reason to go shooting people unless you think it'll help your chances, but... I guess if you can stomach it, and you do think it'll help you, there's no reason not to, either."

Had he really just said that? Had he really just told Satomi Noda in a completely frank manner that he saw no reason for them not to kill if it was in their interests? Well, what if he had? It was true. It was painfully true. Granted, it might not have been wise. She was holding a gun, and he was only partially bulletproof. He didn't think she'd blow him away, though. She'd wanted to talk, to get her thoughts straight, and so had he. Kyoichi understood, now. Before, maybe he would have panicked, gone after whoever crossed his path, tried anything in his fear. Now, though, pragmatism was the order of the day. He wanted to survive. He would survive. That didn't mean he had to kill anyone.

It didn't mean he wouldn't, either.
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She stared at Motobuchi, though her eyes did not widen and her hand did not tremble upon her gun. She was considering Motobuchi's words, in all their stunning impact and frightening force. She by no means considered Motobuchi the smartest in the class (if she had to be honest with herself, she would have chosen Shinji--clever bastard--with herself as a close second) but he was certainly intelligent and if he'd reached this conclusion...

"There's no reason to go shooting people unless you think it'll help your chances, but... I guess if you can stomach it, and you do think it'll help you, there's no reason not to, either."

Pragmatic. Pragmatic to the core.

She glanced down to her gun, frowning. "If you're right," she began. "Then I should really take you out now."

She did not lift the gun.

"Motobuchi," she continued. "I'm not going to kill you. I have no reason to...I don't want to kill you." She glanced over her shoulder. The school, she saw, was still in view; someone might come upon them. Someone dangerous. She felt exposed, weary; Motobuchi, smart, calm Motobuchi, had already made his choice, mentally if not physically. What would the other students be like? The students with no control? The ones who'd never learned to be...

To be...

What did she need? Friends? A place to hide? How could she escape from the carnage? She didn't want to kill anyone, but this was the Program. You weren't left with a choice. And who would turn on her? Which of her friends could no longer be trusted? Who had the control to resist the game?

"We can't hope to b-break the system."

Motobuchi's words came back to her all at once, and she blinked.

Break the system.

She walked past Motobuchi. "I'm going," she said. "I feel too exposed up here, and anyways, I...well." She paused and looked back over her shoulder, smiling sadly. "I can't give up hope yet," she said helplessly.

She strode down the hill, away from Motobuchi. She needed to find someone who might be able to help her. Someone smart enough to beat Kamon and the government at their own game. And if he couldn't, well...

She needed to find the one person she might honestly want to kill.

(Satomi Noda continued elsewhere).
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Post by MurderWeasel »

Noda said that maybe she should kill him while he spoke. It made Kyoichi tense, but not as much as he'd expected. No, he would be fine if she shot him in the chest. Just fine. He finished his spiel, and waited. Then Noda said she was going. Just like that. Well... that made things easier on Kyoichi. It meant he didn't have to worry anymore. It meant there would be no conflict here, no combat. And, who knew? Maybe Noda would find something he'd missed.

No. No, he hadn't missed anything. Noda could do what she liked. If she didn't give up now, it just meant she would later, if she lived that long. Otherwise, she would die, ideals intact. That was the likely outcome. Too bad. Noda was smart enough, but she just wasn't adapting. It was almost a blessing, though. It meant Kyoichi wouldn't have to worry about her attacking him for a while.

Then she was gone, down the hill and away, once more outside his immediate reality. Kyoichi shivered. That had... it had seemed so fine, so easy, but now that he was alone, his fear came crashing back. She'd had a gun pointed right at him. He'd held it together, but only barely. What would happen next time? Could he possibly keep going? Could he possibly make it, survive this horrible game and live to see his future fulfilled? He had to. He didn't want to die. He was terrified. At the core of it all, he was a selfish person. His classmates, they were fine, but he didn't have to suffer their pain, feel the anguish of their fear and snuffed hopes and dreams. Better them than him.

Kyoichi walked over to the coop, opened it again calmly and quietly, and vomited on the floor. Then he knelt, hunched over, wheezing for a few minutes. He had to maintain his composure, and beat this stress. He had to.

He needed a weapon. He needed something to defend himself with, and, more importantly, something he could pretend he'd been assigned. He had no idea what other people had gotten, but, well, they couldn't all have as good gear as he and Noda, right? There had to be someone who got screwed.

Kyoichi looked around, then wandered around the coop, searching for something he could use. There had to be something, a mop or a knife or an axe, but no, nothing whatsoever presented itself. Then, at one edge of the building, he found one of the pieces of wood used in its construction that was lifted slightly. He dug his fingers underneath and pulled, grunting with the effort. After a couple minutes of work, he was able to pry free a foot and a half long piece of wood, about six inches wide and two thick. It was not a good substitute weapon. It was slightly damp, possibly old and moldy. There weren't even any good nails in it; the end that had been loose hadn't contained any, and the other end's had snapped in half, rusted and worthless, when the board finally gave. Still, it was better than nothing.

Kyoichi tucked the plank under his arm, and set off. Everyone had surely left by now, so this position no longer held any advantage. It was more likely to attract other people, and he was not ready to be ambushed.

He made sure to head away in a different direction from Noda. There was no point in her getting the wrong impression.

((Kyoichi Motobuchi continued in Grief))
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