
(Subject C02 - Iris Landon START)

Gleaming, tall, stained-glass windows shine on every wall of the impressive little church, with rows upon rows of empty pews filling the inside of the hall, and a graveyard lays out in the back.
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Post by GameMaker* »

Cristo heard muttered conversation, and it heard like they were moving around stuff inside of the church. Before they even spoke to him, he heard their voices- from what he could gather, there was two different girls inside of the church. That made things easier... girls were, in general, far more likely to fall for an appeal to emotions. And although Cristo didn't like to flatter himself- well, actually, no, that was a blatant lie, he loved to flatter himself- he was very handsome. A really good looking guy, suffering already from an attack by some psychopath on the island, looking for companions and help? They'd fall for it, hook line and sinker.

Give us a reason to trust you! One of the girls shouted this through the door. It was obviously a test for Cristo... he thought of what to say for a second, and then smirked. The words easily came to his mind, words that the girls would eat up. "There's... there's nothing I can say to convince you to trust me. You don't know who I am, and I don't know who you are. But, that... that shouldn't matter. I trust you guys to do what's right... just please let me in. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I don't want to die. I just need help, and I need some safe place to be."

Cristo kept talking, and poured emotion into his voice. His face itself was a sad mask, the smirk replaced by a believable look of sadness. "Please, let me in. I want to help you guys, and right now, I need you to help me. There's nothing I can give you to trust me... but I'm just hoping that you are good enough to just trust me based on what you've heard."
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler GameMaker. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Ciel »

Holly wasn't buying any of this. Yeah, sure, Cristo sounded very convincing on the outside. But on the same coin, Holly had been skeptical of trusting Iris too despite how innocent she appeared on the inside. It was just hard for her to believe this guy, especially considering that she couldn't see him. He was beyond the door - for all Holly knew he could have a gun pulled out ready to shoot her and Iris like cattle. No! She wasn't going to let him in! No!

"Sorry, but I don't think we will!" She said, her hand holding her gun as tight as possible. She pressed her back closer to the wall.

The girl to her side narrowed her eyes, tilting her head. "H-Holly... Maybe we should let 'em in..."

Holly turned to look at Iris disbelievingly. Iris was just standing there, not taking cover, not doing much of anything at all! She really believed there was no trouble at all! She whispered, her voice mixed between a growl and a mutter.

"You don't even know what you're saying Iris. This guy could have his gun pulled out and he could shoot us both! You don't want that, do you?"

The meek girl just stared at Holly, her mouth quivering. She looked very sad, like Holly had just insulted her. "H-He sounds nice tho..." she pleaded, pulling the gun out of her pocket. "A-An' t-there's like two'a us and one'a 'em. W-We could just run... W-We could fight... I-If we need'tah... Please?"

Holly just stared. Iris had to be kidding with her. She couldn't be serious. She HAD TO BE JOKING. Holly did a double take, between the door and Iris. The girl looked serious considering the big puppy eyes she was giving her, and the quivering lip. Holly rolled her eyes, holding her head in her hand. Damn it. Damn it all. This was going to be a stupid idea, a very stupid idea.

"Alright," Holly said begrudgingly. She turned back to the door, gritting her teeth. "Alright, whoever the hell you are! If you want to come in here fine but just... Keep your hands up! No funny shit!"

Iris winced at the curse. It wasn't everyday she heard someone curse. Momma was not a violent person but she had slapped Iris when she used damn once, pretty hard too. Hard enough to make her start crying. So to hear Holly curse like she did made her grit her teeth. She would have gone so far as to tell Holly to tone it down but frankly it was none of Iris's business. So she stayed there, standing weakly, gun wrapped in both of her hands as though she were having trouble just holding it.
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Post by GameMaker* »

Cristo listened at the door, and when he heard one of the girls denying him access to the church, he felt anger rush through him. He didn't say or do anything yet, though- there were two people in there, at least, and he hoped the other one would speak up for him. And he was rewarded for his patience, he saw, when he heard the other girl speak. She sounded nervous, caring, and naive- in other words, she sounded like a real version of the persona that Cristo had attempted. It was a sharp constrat to the standoffish, paranoid stance of the other girl inside the church, and that made Cristo wonder about their relationship. They talked as if they were friendly, and he imagined they were- but what would Ms. Careful do if push came to shove with Ms. Naive? Cristo thought he knew... and he also knew the girl who he would have to focus his efforts on.

"Alright, whoever the hell you are! If you want to come in here fine but just... Keep your hands up! No funny shit!" As a greeting, it wasn't exactly the best one Cristo ever had, but he'd take it. It meant that he'd have access to the church, and if he did, that was all he needed. He could take care of the rest when he got inside, dealing with the situation as he saw fit. Most of all, it would give Cristo some time to think, and it would allow him to at least get his story to these girls before Otis spread stories about him. Otis would be pretty pissed at Cristo when he woke up, and he'd probably want revenge. Well, that was fine- Cristo had meant what he said earlier.

As he thought this, he felt a voice from inside speak up, condemning him for even thinking something like that, for even thinking things close to that. Cristo pushed it to he back of his mind, and ignored it. The voice already seemed weak, and it was fading the more time he spent on the island. At the same time, another voice had begun to speak to Cristo, one that seemed to be getting stronger. This voice was cold, calm, and rational, and all it cared about was survival. Nothing else- not who he had been, who these other kids were, his morals, his innocence, good and evil- none of those mattered in the wake of that voice. It cared nothing for them, only for telling Cristo what was neccesary, what he needed to do.

Right now, it told Cristo to put on a face to match the voice he had used- a scared, innocent kid, who's a little frightened of himself right now for what he had to do to the boy who attacked him. It told Cristo that when he got inside, he'd have to explain the story to the girls- he'd have to make it short, and he'd have to make it believable. It told him that there were a lot of things Cristo would have to do later, ones that weren't so pleasant, but right now, he had to focus on those simple things. Cristo pushed open the door, hands held high, and although his face told nothing but fright and a little relief, inside, he felt himself smiling. Well... perhaps the voice wasn't so cold after all.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler GameMaker. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Ciel »

Holly was having trouble buying into Cristo's story, but she had simply chalked it upto her feelings in general. She was going to have a hard time believing in anyone, even Iris, so lowering her gun was going to be hard. She studied Cristo for a moment. He was good looking, though it didn't impress Holly in the slightest. She was more of the "Never Judge a Book by it's Cover" kind of girl, so for all she knew this attractive guy had less of a personality than a grapefruit. For all she knew, this guy could be a damned sociopath looking to dismember the both of them... wow. Holly grit her teeth. That was extremely morbid of her.

"Iris," Holly ordered. "Iris, pull your gun out."

Iris didn't answer. She just stared at Cristo, her eyes staring wildly. Iris's mind went straight to the little secret that she kept buried in the back of her bed. She had found a lacy men's magazine once on the road when she was walking into town, and she hid it away from her father. Iris couldn't stop looking at it. She had heard that these magazine's EXISTED but she had never seen them before. Page after page, men of all shapes and sizes were spread out, on beaches. There was nothing even remotely dirty in it, though the men had less clothes on than Iris had ever expected. It was a tame secret and it probably paled in comparison to some of the secrets many other girls her own age had, but Iris felt dirty all the same. To be honest she had forgotten about the magazine's existence until that very moment, and she remembered it only because of Cristo. He looked like he had just stepped out of that magazine!

Iris looked away from the boy, her cheeks on fire. She didn't respond to Holly.

"Iris?" Holly looked at Iris, perplexed.

Iris didn't hear Holly. She looked in Holly's direction but she didn't respond or give any indication that she had been paying attention. Holly just rolled her eyes.

Holly thought Iris's reaction was strange. She felt a smile creep across her lips. She easily figured out where Iris's mind had gone off to. She just shook her head and pretended not to have noticed. It was almost cute. Even so, it was clear that Iris wasn't thinking seriously about the game at all. The last thing Holly would do is daydream. No matter. Holly just looked back at Cristo, holding the gun tight.

"What's your name?" Holly said, a little annoyed that Iris had gone off into another world. She didn't give Cristo alot of time to answer her question. In truth it was the last thing she was wondering. She barked at Cristo, lifting the gun up slightly. "Empty your pockets. Take everything out. A-And don't try anything! Alright?"
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Post by GameMaker* »

Cristo walked in, and was met with two girls staring at him, one an agressive looking girl with clearly dyed red hair and the other a smaller, timid looking almost petite brown haired girl. It was very easy to tell which girl had been saying which things- the girl who was currently pointing her gun at him was pretty obviously the paranoid one. He looked back at the smaller girl, and watched as she looked at him, mouth open, and then turned away, blushing. Cristo felt pleasure cross his mind as he watched this- the girl had a crush on him, did she? That was something he could use...

Iris, pull your gun out. Cristo had to struggle hard to keep from laughing at this, and more importantly to hide his face from showing anything. Was this girl serious? She wouldn't be pulling a gun out anytime soon... not on him, at least. And she didn't, and as the other girl looked at the brown haired one, Cristo watched a smile cross the red haired girl's face. This was even more interesting; what game was this girl playing at? But Cristo realized what had made her smile, just the thought that the other girl was falling for him, that she was weak, that she didn't know how to deal with Cristo. And that meant the red head thought that she knew exactly how to deal with Cristo... well, that was funny. Perhaps later on he'd have to teach her a lesson or two about that.

"What's your name? Empty your pockets. Take everything out. A-And don't try anything! Alright?" Perhaps the red head had meant that to come out as confident and threatening, but to Cristo all he got from it was that she was afraid- she was afraid, and she didn't know how to deal with the situation. Even when she clearly had the upper hand, she was nervous. Hmm... that could come in handy later on too. Cristo opened his pockets, revealing his compass and his map, which he put on the ground beside him.

"My name's... Cristo Ruiz" He said slowly, pulling his bag off his shoulder. He tossed this to the ground in front of the red headed girl. "If you want, you can look through that too." There was nothing bad in there- just the typical contents of the day pack. Cristo had tossed the paper with his power somewhere on the island on his way to the church, thinking of a situation like this. "And, two things, from me. One- what are you girl's names? And two... could you, umm, please put that gun down now? You're starting to scare me."

Cristo took a seat on the floor, and slowly and deliberately, he unbuttoned his shirt a few more buttons, revealing almost all of his chest and most of his upper abdominal muscles. "I'm sorry, I hope you girls don't mind- it was a long walk over here, and it is really hot out there." Well, well... this would give the brown haired one something to think about.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler GameMaker. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Ciel »

Holly wasn't impressed. Sure, Cristo was hot as hell. He had a damn nice body, she wouldn't deny that. However she had seen plenty of guys with even better bodies. And besides, it wasn't hot enough for him to sweat so much. She didn't know what this guy was trying to pull but she didn't like it. Not one bit. She kept her gun pointed at Cristo.

"Hell no!" Holly shook her head. "Give me a reason to lower this gun!"

Iris wanted to think the same way as Holly. Getting to close to this boy was probably the worst decision Iris could make. However, she was incapable. Cristo was so darn pretty, and those abs oh lawd those abs. All the boys in her town were either stringy, musclebound or fat. None of them looked like Cristo! So when Holly was treating Cristo like a bad boy, telling him that she didn't trust him, it was Iris who stepped up. It was what Momma would have wanted after all. Then again, her Momma would be surprised to see her own girl thinking the things she was.

"N-No!" The brown-haired girl told Cristo, taking a step forward. Her hands were prodding together, her eyes glaring down at Cristo's chest. She looked back up at Cristo's face. Iris had never kissed anyone before, but if she had the choice she would definitely kiss him. Her chest was pounding. "W-We dun' mind, right Holly? It is pretty h-hot." Her voice cracked. She motioned for Holly to put the gun down. "A-Ah, um, now, there ain't no reason tah be so rash! We all friends 'ere!" She looked over at her companion, her puppy eyes in full show. She turned back to Cristo. "M-Mah name is I-Iris L-Landen- um- Iris LanDOn! I'm from Iowa! A-An' this is Holly. Holly Chapman! She's from Nevada. R-Right Holly? That' where you from?"

Holly just looked at Iris, disbelievingly. This girl wasn't just innocent, she was downright stupid. She didn't understand exactly where Iris had come from - from where she was standing, it seemed like Iris was coming onto Cristo. Was she trying to get herself killed? She could understand, maybe, just a little, but this wasn't the time or the place!"

"Iris." Holly said wearily. "Iris." She wanted to say, "Iris, you idiot! Stop trying to hit on this meathead! What the hell are you thinking?!" but it sounded too rude even for her. She just sighed. Alright. This was harmless puppylove. Let Iris be that way. Let herself get killed. That sounded cold, but it was true. She lowered the gun just enough so that it wasn't pointing at Cristo, but held it close regardless. "Whatever. Yeah. I'm from Nevada. My name's Holly. Nice to meet you, I guess." She glared at Iris. "Iris, could you go check his bag?"

Iris blinked. "Okay." She smiled at Cristo. "I dun' mind."

Iris lowered herself to the floor and pulled the bag over to her place. She zipped it open, digging through it slowly. Iris wasn't really paying attention. In fact she was using it as an excuse to look up at Cristo everyone once and awhile, almost hypnotized by his open shirt. Holly didn't catch this, but if she had she would have a huge problem. She needed Iris on her side!

"We were all given a gun," Holly said bluntly. "Where's yours? In the bag?"
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Post by GameMaker* »

Cristo watched the proceedings from his seat, getting more and more displeased. The only good thing, from what he could see, was that his shirt idea had had its intended effect- the girl (Iris, he thought) looked like she was about ready to jump him right there. Holly's looks towards her had been right, in a way- she was a very naive girl. But that was good for him, he thought, as even though Holly seemed to have not let up her aggressive attitude, Iris was arguing for him. She was backing him up, and they haven't even really talked to each other yet. Yes, Cristo could definitely use her.

He heard Holly's resigned response, an apathetic "nice to meet you" and a confirmation that yes, she was indeed from Nevada... why the fuck would he want to know that? And she lowered her gun a little bit, but not nearly as much as Cristo had wanted. Just so it wasn't pointing directly at him. But what could he do... he had tossed his bag- and then he heard it. He heard her mistake, as she asked Iris to check Cristo's bag. Iris smiled at Cristo as she agreed to do it, and Cristo gave her a warm smile back. It was one he had perfect with his modeling years, a genuine care free smile that was guaranteed to make a girls heart beat faster.

"Nice to meet you, Iris and Holly." He said this as he scooted a little closer to the bag, still smiling at Iris. He saw as she checked through his bag, taking quick looks up now at him- she knew he was looking, and she was shy about it, but that was better. That meant she wasn't really well versed in relationships- wasn't used to the idea that guys could use girls. And that was when Holly said it, bluntly, rudely, and agressively, the way she always had. She asked him where his gun was, and that was when Cristo decided that he was done with it. He was doing with being this girls timid little bitch, following all her orders to the T. Fuck that. Time to show her that she couldn't boss him around.

"It was in my bag," he said, and in a swift lithe movement he closed the distance between him and the bag while simultaneously reaching into, pulling out his gun with one hand and switching off the safety with the other. He pointed it straight up at Holly. "and now it's in my hand." Iris was right next to him, their faces only a few inches apart, and he whispered, in a voice just low enough for only Iris to hear "I'm sorry- I don't mean to scare you."

"Holly, I don't want to hurt you- I don't want to hurt anybody. But I've already been shot at twice, and it disturbs me that I have to tell you twice to put your gun away. Frankly, you're frightening me, and I'm sure you're frightening Iris too." He looked at Iris's face, his browns gazing deeply into her own. "Isn't that right, Iris?" Then he quickly turned his head back to Holly, gun still pointed up at her. No time for her to try something funny.
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Post by Ciel »

Iris blushed as Cristo's face came within a few inches of her. She wanted so badly to move a few more inches and close that gap, but she was squeamish. Not because of his closeness but more because he just pulled a gun out and pointed it at Holly. That made her nervous. Who the heck would do that when someone is pointing a gun at them? It showed that Cristo had a spine and she liked that but he didn't have to be so brash. But she said nothing.

Iris was naive, sure, but she knew it when something wasn't right. She looked at Holly, then over at Cristo. Iris ran a hand over Cristo's arm lightly. Both because she wanted to calm the boy down, and because she felt the urge to do it. She felt a shiver run along her spine as the tips of her fingers connected with his arm, rubbing down his arm slowly. She bit her lip, It was a motion that Holly wasn't aware of,. "C-Cristo, I ain't sayin' this tah be rude but she has a point." She pushed his hand down. "I-I get where yah comin' from, and I don' mind, but whippin' that gun out isn't gonna' help you git on her good side."

She leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I know you're scared. But s-she's a nice girl. Don't worry." She rubbed his arm again.

(Edited for Kami. You go girl!)
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Annnnnnnd I'm back. Credit goes to Ciel for the actions in this post.))

Who the HELL did he think he was?!

He was now pointing a gun at the two of them. He was going to fucking kill them. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck Iris for letting him in and being distracted by his looks, and fuck Cristo for being... well, he was a potential murderer, for crying out loud! Hell, he probably had killed someone by this fucking point!

Holly was nervous as hell. There were so many things she wanted to say to Cristo right at this moment. But, would it stop her from shooting this bastard's head off? Hell no, or at least, she hoped. As much as she wanted not to kill, she wanted to... you know, live.

"Where the HELL do you get off?!" she screamed, as she felt the gun in her hand shaking as it pointed towards Cristo. "I'm pointing my gun at you because I don't exactly want to trust anyone right away! I mean, if you're going to go and pull a weapon on me that's even more suspicious! Why should I go trusting you now?"

Iris, however, was trying another tactic. She was trying to talk him down, make him calm.

Wait... would this work...?

It wasn't as if Holly wanted to shoot Cristo. But she felt the need to. But... perhaps they needed to talk this out? Iris seemed frightened too, but she seemed... a little more clear in thought. But, on the other hand, she did not seem to be very bright, and not only that, but she had a fucking crush on him as well.

You know, maybe the one who wants to bone him has a point this time, the thought appeared in her head.

Although Holly did not lower her gun, she found herself smiling at Iris, though only just a bit. "Thank you Iris. Really."

Then she turned back to Cristo.

"Now if you don't mind Cristo. Lower the gun and we can talk this out."

Well, if he did not agree... what then? Holly knew she was going to have to blow his fucking brains out. She knew that at her very core, she was not a murderer. Heck, never before in her life had she ever considered killing to be an option. But, she had to live, and someone like Cristo... well, he was pissing her off. And yet... she was frightened, too. It was a strange feeling, actually. But she had no time to ponder it now!
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Bella Bianchi
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(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by GameMaker* »

Their reaction was not what Cristo had wanted, at all- Iris didn't help him at all. She grabbed his arm, rubbing it and lightly pushing it down, pointing his gun back at the ground. She was whispering in his ear, trying to get as close to him as possible- and the whole time she was, Holly just stood there with that angry, bitchy look on her face, screaming about how she had the gun because she didn't trust anyone. Iris was trying to calm him down... what the fuck was she thinking?! For a moment, Cristo felt a very strong, almost unstoppable urge. A wave of deepseated hatred washed through him, and he saw what he wanted to do in his head- he'd shoot Holly, shoot her until his gun was about of bullets, and then he'd kill Iris. He'd claw her, and he'd gut her. His knife was still in his bag- it would go through her as easy as paper.

And for a moment, he almost did it. He felt his finger press down lightly on the trigger, preparing to shoot Holly- and then the anger faded, and Cristo was left with a sick, hollow feeling. He had no problem with attacking, even killing people to survive- he had already proven that with Otis in the holding cells. But this was something different- there had been a sick desire there, a desire to kill both of them, almost a need. It disgusted Cristo, and more, it scared him. It was a part of him he'd never seen before... and it was strong. But Cristo had resisted it, and he pushed the gun down with a sigh, his hand letting go and letting it drop to the floor.

"I... I'm sorry. I'm really tense right now." Cristo said, speaking slowly and carefully. The feeling was still there, he realized- not nearly as strong as it had been for that moment, but it was most definitely still there. He'd have to be careful now. "I woke up in these... prison cells, by myself, I thought. I was trying to figure out what to do, and this kid... a muscular black teen, my age, slightly taller than me- walked in. He started firing at me, we got into a struggle. He... he almost killed me."
Cristo then put his own hand out, and put it on Iris's arm, and looked her in the face.

"I'm sorry, to both of you... especially you, Iris." He brought his other hand, and slowly and gently, stroked her hair. "You were so kind to me, speaking up for me, defending me; and then I went and did something like that. I embarassed myself..." He put his hands to his shoulders then, and sat on the floor again. "I apologize... I just..." Cristo let his voice crack, let all the fear that he had been feeling out "I just don't know what to do!" But that was a lie. He knew... and he had resisted, but he knew. He knew what to do, and it would happen. Sooner or later.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Chris Richardson continued from Awakening))

Chris hummed softly to himself as he approached the church. The humming was a simple nervous habit, one which he felt no need to quash. He might have sung something if not for the fact that singing while walking left you with very odd note patterns of rising and falling pitch and loudness. In layman's terms, it sounded bad, which was never something Chris wanted his singing to sound like. He slowed down as he got closer to the church and picked up the gentle murmur of voices. Of course, these were less "gentle murmurs" and more "threatening inflections" and "careful liar." Tone was remarkably important in communication, and between singing and acting, Chris had gotten really good at picking it up. His lying tendencies also helped. As a precaution, he slid his sock-wrapped knife out of his pocket and unwrapped it, cradling it in his hand with the flat of the blade to his wrist and the handle resting on his fingers. He practiced spinning it into a ready position with a deft move and ended up dropping it onto his foot. Fortunately, the handle hit his foot instead of the blade. He grumbled softly, picked the knife up and wrapped it again. He could get it out of his pocket fast enough to make it a threat, but he'd probably rely on his "natural charisma" (which is to say, he'd act and lie his ass off and hope he didn't get shot) more than violence.

He approached the open door with his hands readily visible. It seemed like whatever had been happening inside had calmed down, with only the voice that seemed off somehow speaking. He didn't really catch the words as he approached, but he imagined it was something weird and non-threatening. He stepped forward and knocked on the open door.

"Um... hi. I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, allowing fear to flow into his voice. It was interesting how much more he used emotion in this sick experiment than he had at home and at school. In the interest of sounding non-threatening, he spoke in a slightly higher register than his normal tones. This caused a slight voice crack, which helped to communicate his non-threat and general fear.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler armeggedonCounselor. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by Ciel »

Iris would be the first to sympathize with Cristo. He told them about how he was attacked by a black teen, muscular, and how he almost died. Iris felt pity for him but she couldn't help but wonder what happened exactly in the prison cells.

There was this yellow snake flag that a good few of the residents of Battle Creek had - it said in white letters "Don't Tread on Me", and it really wasn't something like the American flag. One of the girls name Suzie in her class asked what the flag meant, and one of the more sarcastic boys named Billy answered. He said that it was a "Rite a' Passage", something that said how someone stood. Iris was one of the smarter kids in her class and Billy had a tendency to talk out of his ass, so Iris corrected him.

"T-That ain't true," Iris stammered. "A Rite a' Passage is a mark from one sta'as symbol tah' th' other, like a religious thing. I think."

Billy raised an eyebrow. "Tha' 'ell uh' talkin' 'bout Iris?"

"Well," Iris continued, "It's sorta' lik'a Baptism or your first Confession. Marks where y'are, how far y'are from becomin' an adult."

Billy just sneered. "Uh' don' know what ur' talkin' bout Iris, seriously, shaddap."

The rest of the kids just laughed, but one girl did give her a pat on the back. Iris was filled with pride.

Iris had an idea of what the flag meant though. It was more of a symbol of how people in Battle Creek did things - they'd be very happy to help you, give you food, gas your car up, but if you ever decided to try to screw with the way they had been doing things for years then Battle Creek would be nothing more than a snake bite to the veins. It really showed too. They were kind and considerate to the passerby, whether they be any ethnic or racial background and most of the people who came through town had been nice as well. A few of the people living in Battle Creek were hateful though and Iris could never understand why.

"Momma always told me that all people are tah' same, deep down inside. Ain't no reason tah be unkind just cuz someone don't look th' same as you." She had said once to an old woman who had a bad taste in her mouth once she heard about a black couple moving into a house in the nearby town of Arthur. The old woman gaped at Iris, told her to mind her own business and left.

Iris was no racist, not even in the slightest. Then again she had seen a movie called Boyz 'N the Hood, and while she had never really remembered much about it. But her mind began wandering back to that movie. So much violence. There was this one guy, Doughboy, was that his name? It was a strange name, Iris didn't think it was the characters real name. Doughboy had done some bad things but in the end he was never really bad, just mislead. Was this guy who attacked Cristo like Doughboy? Were black people like that in other parts of the country? It seemed very ignorant to place a movie character's personality on-top of a real person but Iris couldn't help it. Was the boy just scared and had Cristo simply assumed that he was bad? Or was the boy evil, looking to kill everyone else? It was hard for Iris to really picture someone as bloodthirsty or inhuman. The boy had to be a rational person, like everyone else she had met. Iris just knew that -

Iris couldn't think anymore. She felt her head go weak as Cristo touched her arm and stroked her hair. She felt her whole body go numb, letting out all the tension that had been built in her body from the moment before. Cristo looked ready to cry, and it made Iris ready to cry. She wanted to hug him, tell him that it was going to be alright...

But Iris was no idiot. Sure it did not take very long to gain her trust, but that didn't mean that she wasn't willing to simply let an episode such as this fly by. She wanted Cristo, oh god how she wanted him, as perverted as that sounded. Yes, that sounded very perverted. If it hadn't been obvious from the outset, Iris's mind had gone south very quickly. She was a naive little mouse and the images of passion, with beds and roses and candles that she had seen tossed around in the romance movies she so loved to watch, and those romance novels she so did enjoy to read, seemed to invade her little dreamer mind like a bad virus. Coupled with Cristo's chest, which looked so rock hard that you could break a diamond on it, and his clear interest in her, it was almost impossible to keep herself from, well, ripping off what little clothes he had left on. Iris's cheeks were so inflamed that her whole face was red.

However she still remembered that there were people looking to hurt others. Everyone had guns and knives. Iris didn't like guns or knives. She used knives regularly but never on a real human being. She had also fired a gun a couple of times in the past but that had been father's rifle (nicknamed Anna) and it had been at deer that she purposefully missed. She really didn't have it in her to kill or at least that's what she assumed. But Cristo, while looking like an angel from heaven and just as nice, looked like the kind of boy who could kill. And no matter how persistent her lustful ideas for him were, it didn't change the fact of how nice Holly had been when they first met and how they planned to block the door with a pew only a hour ago.

Holly was as close to a friend as Iris could get, considering the situation. She had spoken to the few boys and girls her age in school, but the girls seemed more preoccupied with either getting out of Battle Creek altogether, about the few boys that were in Battle Creek, or what chores they had to do when they got home, with the slight chance of talks involving makeup or hair cuts. Those were all the things that Iris really did not enjoy speaking about. The boys on the other hand, well, if you were to take Iris's thoughts and increased them tenfold, you would see why Iris never bothered with them. So as sad as it sounded, Holly was the only person her own age that Iris had ever become friends with, despite the fact that they weren't very close to begin with.

And Cristo... he was hot and all, nice too. But what he had just done turned Iris away from him a bit.

So it must have come as a shock to have Iris slowly pad away from Cristo, still looking down at his chest with all the desires of a dog in heat. She felt bad for him, very bad, but it didn't change the fact that he had pulled a gun out. He tried to fill her with encouragement, like she had really helped him, and with all things considered she really had. However, she was still in shock and as much as she wished otherwise Iris thought the best thing to do was to put some space between her and Cristo. Besides Holly looked almost annoyed by the way the two of them had been behaving, and her annoyance seemed to radiate with the strength of a thousand suns.

Iris only got the slightest of glances at Chris. She wasn't that far away from the door, probably the closest of the three to Chris altogether. There wasn't much to see. The unkempt hair covered most of his face, only betraying a single eye. An eye that was filled with more depth and character than Iris had ever seen in anyone's eyes before. She took a moment to study the almost over-sized orb, curious, running her own eyes around in circles along the bands and patterns that stained his modestly hazel eye. The green seemed a nice touch to Iris, though for all intent and purposes she was no judge of color. Iris was the kind of person who liked all colors equally and if anyone were to ask her her favorite, that is if you could get her to answer at all seeing as though she would never talk to strangers, she would simply say "all of them are so nice. I can't decide on one." Which wasn't true. Her clear favorite was green, but with true southernly politeness she never really picked sides even for such pointless affairs. So it was a very welcome surprise when she did realize that there was some green in that brownish hue and it made her smile.

Any other person would have been cautious to Chris's arrival. He seemed to give off the feeling that he was a little nuts, what with the hair in the shape it was. But Iris treated him like she would a neighbor or a store clerk, giving him a little smile and no sign of any devious intent. He was kind of cute in a strange little way, though there would be no difference in how she treated him if he were ugly. Like Cristo and Holly at least, Chris was someone that Iris had never seen before and her momma told her to be nice. So she would be nice.

"Nah', y'aren't interruptin' anythin'." She said in a kind voice, waving the past events away like an eraser to a chalkboard. "We're fine, ain't nothin' to worry about." She looked to Cristo, then over to Holly, hoping that they felt the same. Iris would have invited Chris in but what with Holly having her gun out and Cristo sitting on the floor crying, she didn't want to do anything that might cause even more tension.
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Post by KamiKaze »

At first, he seemed kind of even more upset, then sighed as he let the gun down, and started speaking.

The a-hole began on some sort of sob story about being attacked by some black guy back at some prison cells, or whatever the hell he was talking about. Apparently he had been shot at, and then barely escaped. Was this true? Well, again, it was probably just some story he was telling to get them on their side. For all they knew, he might have attacked first, and came here crying because Baby Cristo had lost his little fight. In which case... not only would he be a potential murderer, he would also be pathetic. Seriously, what the hell?

Though, she lowered her gun a little bit. She was tense too, she had to admit. Wouldn't anyone else in this scenario? At least she had started to calm down a bit. But, she did not want to lower her guard completely.

But, to be honest? The way Iris and Cristo acted around each other was starting to annoy her. Seriously, they were acting like lovebirds straight from the beginning. Okay, one of them acted like a lovebird that pointed guns at people, but the fact remained. Normally, Holly would pick on and tease her friends for having crushes, but right now, in a kill-or-be-killed type situation? It was about as dangerous as it could get.

As the gun lowered a bit more, Holly started speaking again. "Okay, I believe you... for now..."

She had noted that Iris has pulled away, but was still staring at his chest in a very... amorous fashion. At which point, she added something else, her trademark smile just almost forming once more, in spite of how tense she was.

"Hey guys... don't think that I'm not aware that you guys want to make cute little 'gifted' babies... but this is not the time-"

Holly had been interrupted by someone asking if they were in the middle of something. She whipped her head around, and saw that it was some boy. Her smile faded almost instantly.

Oh goodie... at least it isn't Enrique Iglesias this time... she found herself thinking.

In fact, he was anything but. The kid had wild, voluminous hair, as if he had just woken up. He did not seem threatening, but you never know.

Holly lifted her gun towards his direction in a panic. "Alright, who are you?", she shouted almost on impulse.

It didn't help that she was still on fire emotionally from the events of the past few minutes. Seriously, was the church a mating ground for teenagers now or something? It would explain Iris and Cristo's behavior, at least. But, the way she was talking to the newcomer, well, she was aware that it probably was not the best option. Heck, it might have lead to her problems with Cristo, for all she knew. But... better safe than sorry?

But, Iris, as always, tried to talk things through. Saying that nothing was happening... saying that there was nothing to be worried about... it was as if she was barely aware of the danger. Either that, or she knew how to keep a cooler head than Holly did. She was aware that Iris was looking at her and Cristo. Holly sighed, and lowered her gun slightly again, looking directly at the boy.

"Alright... sorry about that... but my question still stands..." she said in a quiet, nervous voice. "Who are you?"

Damn it. She was really getting the jitters here. Holly was aware she was acting somewhat impulsively, but it was not as if she was calm right now, actually. Hell...
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by GameMaker* »

Cristo watched as the situation around him seemed to dissolve, his careful plans beginning to unravel. Holly was still annoyed, despite what she might have said to him- if he stayed here, she'd be a constant obstacle for him to overcome. At the same time, his gun pull seemed to be less and less of a good idea... Iris had backed away from him, evidently scared that he was off hilt, that he was crazy. But her eyes still gazed at him, lustily looking over his body and his face. She wanted him, and she wanted him badly. And from her face, Cristo could tell that she still thought he was a good person- just was trying to be careful. All that bitch Holly's fault... Iris relied on her too much, liked her too much.

And as Cristo thought this, another boy entered the room. He had a wild look to his hair and face, and despite what he had said, something non threatening, a casual phrase, Cristo recognized something in that boy's eyes. Something he didn't like. It suggested that the boy would kill if he had to, that he had no problems with that, and that he wasn't somebody who you should mess around with. And from his look at Cristo, Cristo knew the boy didn't trust him or like him. And that was just fucking great... more and more his position in the church was crumbling. He had to leave- and he saw his chance to deal with this, and the Iris situation, when he spotted the side exit to the church. Just a simple door, standing there, not far from where Cristo was.

Holly had yelled something at the boy, was pointing a gun at him- boy, she's just the fucking greatest neighbor, ready to give everyone on the island a warm welcoming- and they were both staring at each other. This could give Cristo some crucial time to slip away, but he'd have to move fast- and even as he was thinking this, his hands were at work, quickly stuffing his supplies and weapons into his bag and zipping it up. Cristo looked towards Iris, and realized he'd have to makes thing quick. He moved to her, the day pack around his shoulder, until they were both face to face.

"Iris," he said, his voice a very low whisper. "I don't like this situation one bit. I think its bad for me, and I think its bad for you. And... I, I don't really know how to say this, but... I think I like you a lot. Maybe even more than that. Whichever it is, right now, that doesn't matter. I just don't want to see you hurt... I want us to go somewhere safe, somewhere where we can be together, where I can watch over you. This island is horrible, but I think- I think, with you, we might just be able to make it through this. I might be able to find something wonderful in this horror. Come with me." He leaned in towards her, brushing the hair from the front of her face, and he planted a quick and gentle kiss on her cheek.

And with that, he was gone. He made a silent but hasty walk towards the door, approaching it quickly. That was the final test for Iris... if she was someone who he could rely on, she'd follow him now. She'd be quickly behind him. If not, then... Cristo could deal with her later. But he thought she'd came. With what he'd just done, he'd doubt any girl could resist coming. Maybe he could even have convinced that bitch Holly.

((Cristo continued in Lay Your Weary Head To Rest))
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Chris found himself, again, at the wrong end of a gun. It was becoming an alarming trend. He smiled in a way that he hoped looked simultaneously disarming and terrified. It was a hard expression to pull off, requiring smiling with his lips but not with his eyes, and showing an entirely different emotion with his eyes. All it really ended up doing was causing a muscle spasm in his forehead. He focused on the nicer girl for a second. She was cute, in a slightly rustic and tomboyish way. The other male in the room was best described as unsettling. He looked like some sort of male model, and was obviously playing it up. He was also a bit of an overactor, which seemed to work well here. Chris found his eyes drawn to the boy's hands, where he has apparently filed his nails into claws. No sane person ever filed their nails into claws. The... unsettling boy stepped past him after whispering something unsettling to the nicer girl. He hadn't heard what the boy had said, but it seemed likely that it was unsettling. The boy was, after all, unsettling. Chris focused back onto the girl with the gun and swallowed.

"I.... My name is Chris. Uh.... Yeah," he said, swallowing again. "I... uh... have nothing else to say.... Um.... Can I put my hands down? I really don't mean any harm, but I guess my protestations don't mean much...."

He stepped out of the doorway and into the church proper, so the sun wasn't shining on his back anymore. Sunburns hurt, and on an island the sun would burn him faster than at home.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler armeggedonCounselor. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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