Subject C05 - Simon Matthews

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Subject C05 - Simon Matthews


Post by Hallucinogenic* »

Name: Simon Matthews
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hometown: Chicago
Grade: 12
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, movies of most genres but especially scifi/horror, music again of most genres but any type of rock especially.

Appearance: Standing at around 5'10" and roughly 150lbs, Simon matches the description for an average male of his age. His brown hair is cut fairly short but is still just long enough for him to run a hand through his hair which he does whenever lost in thought and it remains unstyled. The only outstanding thing about him is his dark green eyes.

He has a slightly rounded face which ends in a slightly pointed chin below his thin lips. His nose matches the proportions of his face, which is to say that it does not stand out that much compared to his other features. He maintains a slim build which is especially evident in his skinny arms.

The clothing he wears is casual, usually consisting of plain dark blue jeans, black trainers and a t-shirt with some kind of band logo on it.

Biography: There is not much to say of Simon's early life. He was raised in Chicago by a well off, though not wealthy family, as an only child. His father worked in an office as a middle manager for some local company that Simon never really bothered to ask about, though he remembered it having some cliche name such as Globodex. His mother on the other hand worked as a kindergarden teacher at a local school, though she never taught Simon personally.

Most of his interests, his taste in music and movies especially, were fostered at an early age. His choice of music was actually something that he discovered on his own and, suprisingly, was not influenced by either his parents or his friends. His preference for scifi and horror movies came from the fact that he would often, at a young age, sneak downstairs after he parents had gone to bed to watch movies that he was too young to see, mostly of the scifi/horror variety. His interest in video games are the only thing where he let another person influence him, because, while he already played game by that stage, he found his favourite genres slowly coming into line with that of most of his friends.

In school he was always achieved above average grades. He usually fell somewhere between being one of the best average students or one of the worst smart students in the majority of his classes though his best subjects were maths and science. He would probably have done better overall in his studies were he not so easily distracted and prone to procrastination. He also finds that he has a okay eye, and a good memory, for details, meaning that anything he notices, he tends to remember.

He never at any point found himself interested in sports and his physical abilities and coordination show this. Although he had at least kept himself reasonably fit over the years and could at least hold his own if he found he needed to do something physical. Most of his attempts at extra curricular activities tended not long for one reason or another. He tried joining clubs for his interests; movies, music, video games, but found that the oppinions of the members never matched his own and he always quit.

While not the most popular guy in school, he has a decent amount of friends who share his interests. He does, however, tend to have a sarcastic and snarky sense of humour, with the occasional bit of acerbic wit, which it must be said has earned him more enemies than friends over the years. This also tends to make people think that he has a cynical outlook on life, which in some cases might be true, but for the most part he considers himself to be an optimistic person.

Romantically he did about as well as any highschool boy, which is to say not well. He had a few dates and a few fairly long relationships over the years but nothing particularly serious and at the moment there is no special girl waiting for him while he is in the game.

Advantages: His intelligence and his eye and mind for details could come in useful during a game where a quick mind can be just as useful as physical ability. His optimism and sense of humour may help get him through the harsh reality of the game, but they could just as easily lead him to underestimate a situation as well.

Disadvantages: While not exactly out of shape, he might find himself lacking in terms of strength of stamina if he ever had to do anything particularly strenuous, such as fight or run for his life. He also has a habit of getting lost in his own thoughts occasionally and losing focus when he had nothing to hold his attention, potentially allowing someone to sneak up on him where he usually wouldn't. His personality will most likely not help him to win over any friends during his time in the game.


Mutation Classification: Scorching Palms

Conclusion: Ah, my personal favourite, although it's really too bad that he'll never be able to use those weapons of his. A shame, but one to watch.
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