Last of the Alderbrooks

It ends HERE! Virtua Grand Finale!

The train which brought the students to The Zone is active once more, and has been declared the site of the final showdown. Each student will be picked up in town as the trains moves, and only one will leave the train alive.
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Post by K-Robe »

Her thigh still in pain, it didn't take long for Renee to realize that the blood loss was starting to make her head spin.

In a groggy state, she managed to pry open her backpack and retrieve the first aid kit. Opening it, she realized that there wasn't exactly a lot of room or time for a proper medical once over. She'd have to do this quickly. Hurriedly, Renee ripped off pieces of fabric around the wound in the thigh, though careful not to touch the bullet wounds. She opened a container of what looked to be alcohol wipes and immediately began wiping the wounds clean, though this obviously caused a great deal of pain, causing Renee to gasp and groan.

Renee hastily wrapped some more bandages on the wounds. Blood could be seen seeping through, proving that it wasn't exactly the cleanest job Renee had done patching herself up, but it would have to do.

After this, she heard some sounds behind the door and she pressed her ear against it. Rebecca and Katie weren't done yet.
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Post by Courtography »

Rebecca had hoped it but it wasn't going to happen. Katie was doing the stupid thing. She had gone for the gun and Rebecca was a lot more skittish around guns than she used to be. Multiple gunshots did that. Death awaited if she let Katie pull that trigger.

She had her own gun out, but this was more than some classmate, even one that she had known for most of her life. This was a friend, one of her best friends. Could she really claim she was right after this? Sure, Katie would shoot her if she didn't, but...but nothing. Getting shot wasn't worth some moral crusade.

I'm sorry.

She pulled the trigger.
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Post by KamiKaze »

As Katie's finger slowly touched the trigger, she winced a bit.

She didn't want to have to do this, did she? But she had to. She had to. That was the way. And then... after...?

Well, the Sheriff was still out there, and Katie was sure she could take him down. He needed to be taken down. She wasn't aware of where Leo was, or Renee, for that matter. It was safe to presume that they were close by. Renee was injured, wasn't she? Hopefully she was somewhere safe.

Rebecca fired once more.

Katie cried out as a pain hit her shoulder. She got her! That wasn't supposed to...

She felt herself scrambling towards the other direction, trying to get away from Rebecca purely on instinct. Both her shoulder and her leg were flaming with pain. Her vision blurring, she tried to keep a hold on her gun as she scurried away, her eyes still attempting to be on Rebecca.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee listened for only a second.

An exchange of gun fire caused her to jump back, rattling the door of the washroom. Renee cursed under her breath. If they hadn't known that she was in there, they certainly would now. Renee's eyes raced around for a way to defend herself.

Scanning her backpack, she realized that she had nothing to defend herself with. Leo and Katie were still out there, and Renee hoped that Leo would be making use of her gun, but she now regretted giving it to him. The full magazines inside of the backpack reminded her that she never even got to use the damn gun in the first place. And the MP5 was now lying outside the door.

For a moment, she debated rushing out of the door and grabbing the MP5 off the ground.

That would be dangerous, very dangerous. However, there didn't seem to be a course of action that involved Renee getting out of there in one piece. And hell, it's not like it would matter very much from now, whether she lived or died. The words she spoke to Sam back in the saloon still held true, along with the glimmer of hope Sam had given her.

But that was before Sam died and she lived long enough to realize that there was no one left to help. No, not after Delilah. Not after Amelia. Certainly not after Sam or Rebecca.

"Come on," she breathed out. "You can do it."

Renee slammed the door open and rushed the gun, hoping to God that Rebecca would be startled enough to not shoot her.
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Post by Courtography »

Shit no. This wasn't going right. Her friend was supposed to be gone peacefully into whatever came after this place. Instead that friend was wounded and was still pointing the gun at her.

Rebecca's shotgun was out of shells. She tossed it.

That's when she saw Renee running from the other way. Shit.

She hopped up on a neighboring bunk, pulling into her bag, desperately searching for the bow that had saved her so many times before.

It pulled out easily. The next moment she had an arrow, now all she had to do was get it to the string.

Then it'd be over.
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Post by Mini_Help »

((Katie is being handled by staff for the remainder of Endgame at Kami's request. Like with Omar Burton in V4, this is not an inactive kill, and the handler's wishes and plans will be followed to the best of staff's ability. We understand that real life can get in the way, and massively appreciate it when handlers communicate well with us. Kami totally rocked that. Help handling this doesn't reflect on her badly, and we're very happy to have her on the board and as a member of the SOTF community. :) ))

Katie kept hold of her gun, somehow. The train was so narrow. It wasn't even that Rebecca fired particularly accurately. There was just nowhere to go, no way to get out of the way. Katie could feel blood pooling from her shoulder. Her bad leg still ached. This wasn't right. After all she'd been through, she couldn't even stop her former friend? She'd not had much luck putting a halt to the violence, hadn't cleaned up the bandits like a non-crazy sheriff.

But, for once, luck seemed to be on her side. Rebecca didn't take another shot with the shotgun, didn't finish the job. The weapon must have been out of ammunition. The spray had only grazed Katie; it hurt like hell, but she could still move fine. She could move, and now, for just a moment, she wasn't on the defensive. Rebecca drew back, but the shotgun wasn't in her hands anymore, and anything else wouldn't be as bad as it had been.

There was a noise. Renee. She was heading into trouble, and right now only had Katie to cover her. They'd be in trouble if they couldn't gang up on Rebecca. That wasn't really fighting fair, but neither was anything Rebecca had done to them. Leo had vanished, maybe run away, and Katie almost wanted to go with him, but no. She would stay strong, and she would do the right thing.

She raised the gun. Rebecca must have seen Renee, but that meant they could all see each other, and Katie was going to do her best to keep her foe's attention elsewhere. She wasn't used to guns, but the narrow corridors were working for her just as much as they had for her attacker. She didn't have to aim that much.

She pointed the pistol, steadied it, tried to aim through the sights as best she could. There wasn't time for perfection. She didn't have to kill Rebecca with this, not in one blow. She just had to hurt her.

Katie squeezed the trigger twice.
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee picked up the MP5.

To her right, Renee could plainly see Rebecca scaling the bunk, rummaging for something. The shotgun must have lost all its ammo and Rebecca was pulling out her trump card, that ridiculous bow of hers that had helped kill too many people than it had the right to.

To her left, Katie seemed to be readying her gun.

No time to think. Renee had to act fast.

She strafed toward Katie, positioning herself so that she was parallel to her, though not entirely beside her. Rebecca was there, bow in hand with an arrow notched. Aiming wouldn't be an option at this point.

Renee aimed in Rebecca's direction and fired.
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Post by Courtography »

In a place seemingly devoid of any luck, it seemed a miracle that Rebecca hadn't been scratched by the gunfire. She was sure the bullets had worked their way into the wood paneling behind her, but that wasn't her concern at the moment.

Renee. She was the concern.

Rebecca hoped her aim was correct because she wasn't sure she'd get a second chance at firing on Renee. Maybe that would have been best, failing and not getting a second chance.

She brushed the thought away and released the arrow before diving across into the aisle, hoping to make it to other cover.

Keep em guessing.
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Post by Mini_Help »

They missed. Rebecca must have had the devil's luck, because somehow Renee and Katie both missed all their shots, even as the girl basically just stood still amidst the chaos.

Was that it? Was that all that had gotten Rebecca here? Dumb luck? It didn't really matter. Katie had only taken a couple shots. She still had ammunition in her pistol, and Rebecca was taking her time, drawing a bead. The train was rattling, the motion keeping Katie's aim from being perfectly straight, but it would probably also mess Rebecca up. The girl had never touched a bow before this, not as far as Katie knew, and she was pretty sure she'd've known if one of her friends had had a kickass hobby like archery. This wasn't some ambush, where Rebecca would have a huge and unfair advantage. It was a straight fight. Fighting harder wasn't working, so Katie would try smarter instead.

"Look out," she hissed, as soon as she realized that Rebecca was aiming for Renee and not her. She didn't want the other girl killed. No, they could deal with Rebecca and then figure out what they'd do. If the girl with the bow was hesitating at all to target Katie, then she'd capitalize on that as much as she could.

She crouched, trying to be smaller and also closer to the ground, so she wouldn't be jostled as badly by the train's momentum. She took a deep breath, held herself steady.

Rebecca loosed the arrow. Katie was too focused to see if it connected. She nearly fired right then, but intuition stayed her hand. It was a good thing, too, because Rebecca made a move. Katie tracked along, trying to lead her target ever so slightly, and once again pulled the trigger twice, the first while Rebecca was mid-motion and the second as the girl slowed her momentum.

Using a gun was feeling less alien by the second. In another time, that might have been frightening. Now, it was a relief.
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Post by K-Robe »

The gun clicked empty. Somehow, Renee had managed to miss.

Luckily, so did Rebecca. The arrow embedded itself in the wall next to Renee's head, driving her adrenaline levels farther up than they had ever been. Her eyes wide, she ducked aside to avoid any more shots from Rebecca.

Rebecca and Katie had the same idea, Katie even loosing shots on Rebecca as she headed for cover. Renee saw this as an opportunity for a reload and went for cover in the bathroom, her back pressed against the wall.

Fumbling with the gun, Renee found the button that released the magazine and dragged another one out of the bag. Clicking it inside was easy enough; she'd done it before, after all. Julia Wilson had already emptied the gun once before.

Renee turned her head towards Katie, briefly wondering about where Leo was.

Not important right now.

So, Renee decided to ask the only pertinent question. "So, what the hell are we planning on doing now?" She just hoped that Katie could still hear her.
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Post by Courtography »

As Rebecca bounded across the aisle she heard a distant popping sound in her tortured ears and felt what felt like a long scratch across her back. Her best guess was that she had been hit, although it felt different than the other times she had been. She wasn't sure whether that made her more or less scared. Part of her was though, on an even deeper level, that someone who had been her friend had shot to kill. It was different when the shots had missed.

She'd take care of that in a minute, she had bigger concerns. Mainly, that she didn't want to get hurt worse.

From her cover none of them had kept attacking. She fit an arrow to the bow now, only a few left after this. Make or break time. Renee was fooling around with her gun. She needed to take her out before she filled the world with lead again, or her other leg.

Then it looked like she was talking, although Rebecca couldn't hear it. She broke her cover to get in position and let the arrow go towards Renee. No time to waste.
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Post by Mini_Help »

"Stay alive and take her down," Katie called back. That was all there was, wasn't it? What else could there be? The train was a straight, narrow passage, Renee and Katie one one side, Rebecca on the other. If either fell back, it would leave them exposed. Renee was in the best position, since she'd retreated into the bathroom again, meaning she had a wall in the way. It also meant she couldn't really maneuver, though. So they would just wait, trading shots until someone finally got lucky.

Rebecca, it seemed, was dead set on taking Renee down first. Katie could guess as to why; maybe Rebecca was more worried by Renee's gun, or maybe she would rather have Katie live if she couldn't. But no, that couldn't be true. Rebecca was way too far gone to even consider that kind of thing, wasn't she?

There was no way to know, no way to get in her head. All that mattered was that Rebecca broke cover, in a pretty big way. It was necessary, with Renee so concealed, and it gave Katie a lot more time. The gun felt lighter in her hands all the time, and she pointed it and took a deep breath.

Once, she might have done what she thought Rebecca could be doing, prioritizing a friend over other classmates. It was horrible, but she could understand. Now, though, Rebecca had just proven herself too crazed. She didn't deserve to get out of here, not just because she'd killed, but because she'd lost what had made Katie care for her. She'd lost her humanity, her reason, everything that was not devoted to senseless violence. She was a shell, the bogeyman, killing to kill.

It was, at least, easier to think that way.

Katie fired, again and again. She'd need to reload soon, but Rebecca had to reload after every shot. This was still a fight they could win against her.
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Post by K-Robe »

Rebecca missed again, the arrow hitting the wall beside her thigh. Renee suddenly became incredibly glad that she had lucked out by discovering the bathroom door. She hoped that luck would pull through.

At this point, Renee decided to stall Rebecca from firing a bit more. She pulled the MP5 against the wall and blindly fired in Rebecca's direction, unloading about half the magazine in the process. Hopefully, that little blind fire would have stopped her from firing for a while.

On the other hand, none of these series of trading shots was getting them anywhere. It had been the same for the past few, what, second? Minutes? Renee had a hard time trying to keep track of how long they'd been doing this, but it probably wasn't as long as Renee's mind was making it out to be. Regardless, their current situation wasn't going to end very soon in anyone's favor. If things kept going the way they were, then they'd just keep shooting at each other until one ran out of ammo, then where'd they be?

This had to be ended soon and fast, or they run the risk of having to kill each other by tooth and nail. That wasn't going to be pretty.
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Post by Courtography »

Both of them, her opponents and friend, fired back at her. She managed, through a combination of luck and retreating back to cover, to avoid being hit. Her leg felt like it was burning from the inside out, but she couldn't be distracted by that. They'd kill her without a second thought, and then they'd kill each other or Leo or something.

Like it or not though, killing Renee was looking too difficult with having both of them shooting at her. She'd have to take out Katie and then make damn sure that she had enough left in her to take out Renee. That way she wouldn't have really violated the spirit. Renee was going down either way, so it wasn't like she was really killing Katie in malice or anything.

She pulled out another arrow, fitted it to the bow and tried to peer around the corner to see where Katie was.

It was her only option.
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Post by Mini_Help »

At least Renee didn't die on the spot. It was one of the few things left to be thankful for here. On the other hand, Katie's shots just were not connecting. It was almost enough to make her scream in frustration, and a little noise, more a gasped growl than anything else, did escape her throat. This wasn't what life was supposed to be. She should have never been in this situation, should never have been driven to the edge by her own inability to kill one of her former friends. Why, oh why, couldn't the damn Sheriff have just let them have their field trip?

Renee moved a little out of cover, and Rebecca leaned out as well. Katie took the opportunity to fire off the rest of her gun's ammunition in her former friend's direction. She'd land a shot, eventually. She had to. It was simple probability.

Of course, that would only work if she was alive.

Momentarily unable to continue her attack, Katie pulled back behind the seats. She wasn't sure if she'd finally made that connection or not, couldn't think of that right now. Rebecca's arrows would likely not penetrate the seats, so she figured she'd be safe to reload as long as Rebecca didn't come after her specifically. The girl hadn't been doing so thus far, so the pattern should hold, right?

Katie let the empty magazine slide out of the pistol, fumbled a new one out, and snapped it into place, letting that process occupy the whole of her attention, just for a couple moments.
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