Swan Song

The abandoned, dusty streets of the ghost town... outside, it almost feels like the world is holding its breath. Watch out for tumbleweed.
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Post by K-Robe »

Rebecca was running. Renee supposed that was to be expected.

This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though. It gave her the opening she needed. She pointed her submachine gun squarely at Rebecca's back. She shifted her aim just a little lower to the legs. No need to outright kill her, yet. They hadn't yet had the chance to talk.

Renee squeezed the trigger.

The back of the gun pounded against Renee's shoulder. Gas went out of the exhaust at the front of the gun. A breeze of bullet went out, toward Rebecca.

She hoped she was doing the right thing. If not for for her sake, then for Sam's.
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Post by Courtography »

The dusty street muffled her quick steps of her run. She heard the clatter of the gun just moments before she felt it. A burning pain at the bottom of her left leg, just above her ankle. Even the shotgun hadn't hurt this badly.

But the final push had been enough to get her into the alley, as her arms braced her fall against the wooden frame of a house, scraping her hands. No, she had to keep moving. If she didn't then they'd catch her and kill her. She knew they would. That's why she had made sure to grab the shotgun. She had a chance with the shotgun.

Rebecca tried to regain her balance. The burning pain changed to searing as she tried to put more weight on the leg. No, she had to escape. She couldn't be damaged like this. Not yet. An injury like this meant she would lose! She couldn't lose! She kept limping down the alley. She would survive if she just got away from Renee.

One torturing step at a time.
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Post by Iceblock »

Rebecca took the shotgun, and his legs, which had been shaking almost as badly as his arms, gave out at last. Sam fell to his knees, landing heavily in the dry, packed dirt. In an automatic movement, he made to break his fall, and winced as he used the wrong hand.

He heard Renee fire her gun.

The movement was painful, but he inclined his head slightly upwards. Just the empty street. Rebecca seemed to be out of sight; had she gotten away?

Sam glanced at Renee. Opened his mouth, closed it again, clenching his teeth once more as a wave of pain made its way through his arm.
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee hit Rebecca. She knew that much. That and that it wasn't enough to bring her down. She'd ducked into an alley before Renee could fire off any more shots.

Renee wanted to go after Rebecca, but she'd heard Sam hit the ground.

Well, he was on the ground, an expression of pain on his face. He was grinding his teeth together, and it looked like he couldn't even talk due to the pain.

Renee realized then that the wound in his shoulder had gone deeper than she'd hoped.

Renee shrugged off her backpack and put her MP5 on the ground next to it. She knelt on the ground next to Sam, pulling out the first aid kit and opening it.

"Hang on," she said quickly. "I'm going to fix this."

She looked over the items in the kit. Renee saw Sam's look of pain again. Hope was beginning to draw out of her mind.
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Post by Courtography »

The pain in her leg was still burning hot, but Rebecca managed to slip out of the alley and keep moving.

Moving away from Renee and her gun, but she had her own gun now.

She could survive.

(Rebecca Clark continued in Blood Bargain)
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Post by Iceblock »

Sam shook his head. Renee was only trying to help, but she couldn't. Not this time. She'd have to get the arrow out to patch it up any, and if his current blood loss was any indication, taking the arrow out was a bad idea. Rebecca had probably hit an artery or something. Even now, she was getting away.

"It's alright," he lied, knowing that Renee wouldn't be fooled. Alright or not, though, his next words were the truth. "Nothing you can do. Go after her."

This would probably be the last time he'd see Renee, then. He wanted to thank her for sticking by him since they'd met in the saloon, something that would reassure her, but he couldn't afford all the words he wanted anymore.

Trying to smile, his lips twisted into a grimace.
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee didn't want to leave Sam. She could tell he was dying.

Then agian, there wasn't a lot she could do at this point. He was bleeding from the shoulder and it was becoming very clear that he was going to die of blood loss very soon.

But Renee was not going to leave Sam like this.

"I can't save you, Sam," Renee said quietly. "But I'm not leaving you. I told you that I wanted to die with a friend at my side. I'd like to offer you the same courtesy."

So she sat there by his side. She placed a hand on his uninjured shoulder, recalling the first time she'd done that, in the saloon. Renee tried to smile, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

Her eyes were getting wet, goddamit. This didn't need to happen.
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Post by Iceblock »

She wouldn't leave him. Rebecca would get away. Then again, there wasn't anywhere to run. Not anymore.

So Sam just nodded.

His hand wouldn't support his weight much longer; he felt weaker and weaker every second. Somehow, he pushed himself over, so that he was lying on his side.

He could feel Renee's hand on his shoulder. He appreciated it. Appreciated her words. Didn't have the strength to say anything.

It was hard to think. His eyelids drooped slightly.

Faintly, he thought he saw images before his eyes. They weren't actually there, but he could almost pretend they were. He thought he saw Delilah, flashes of her eyes, her lips. That movement in her mouth that he could have sworn was a smile, when they had been down by the river, before everything broke down.

His vision dimmed for a second, maybe more. He didn't know how much time had passed. It came back, slowly.

He'd gone looking for Delilah for a reason. It was more than the bags, he was pretty sure now. More than stopping her, even. Protect or stop or fear or- He couldn't quite figure it out, with his brain so muddled.

Sam was aware of his sleeve, sticking wet to his shoulder. It was hard to care anymore. He felt like he was slipping away.

Maybe soon he'd see them, all of the classmates he'd met and lost. Richard, Clair, Amelia... He'd tried to do something, and he could explain that to them. He'd see Delilah, and they'd have all the time in the world to figure things out. Maybe not; maybe there would be nothing.

But he'd tried. Tried to make a difference, at least. It was one of the last things that made sense to him.


His eyelids drooped lower.

Yeah, he could hold on to that.

M02 - Samuel Wilson: GAME OVER
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee ran away, faster than she thought she could. The tears didn't flow as much as she expected or wanted, but they were there. Sam was dead and there was nothing she could do.

So she left him. Left his things, left his body to rot in the desert air.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice whispered something. Find Rebecca. That was a plan, wasn't it? Renee liked it when there was a plan. It wasn't a very good one, or even a very specific one, but it was a plan.

Renee looked back at Sam. He was on the ground, an almost unnervingly peaceful expression on his face. Somehow, Renee hoped that Sam would see Delilah again and be far, far away from this wretched place. He deserved that and more.

Renee still didn't stop running.

(Renee Murphy continued elsewhere...)
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