The Funniest Joke in the World

Spanning the river at its deepest points are a pair of bridges, one of them situated far beneath the other. Close to the flow of the water is a sturdy wooden structure, designed to let those on foot cross - though any crossing will surely not be easy. The other bridge is far more modern, reinforced and reinforced again to allow for the weight of the train to pass over it. This railroad bridge, no longer in use, is probably the far safer option to cross the river.
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Cash Money*
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Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2018 4:14 am


Post by Cash Money* »

Benny felt the shadows of Ramona and Patrick looking over his shoulder. It made things easier to read - the map didn't look as washed out as it did illuminated by so much bright light. From what the two of them had said, he started to agree with them. The town would probably have a lot of people, not to mention that they would pass through a lot of territory on the way there - someone might have the same idea they did and hop on the railroads in search of people.

Patrick had also just dubbed them the Theatre Trio. That had a nice ring to it. It made them sound intrepid, it gave them a context - anything but aimless wandering and wondering. He figured he should make the arrangement official.

He said, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's head into town." He took a look up at the sky to try to figure out where south was, before realizing there was a much better indicator - the river. It was flowing to his left - that meant they would have to go across the bridge. That just so happened to be in the opposite direction Ramona came from, if he remembered correctly. It'd be a shame to have walked all the way across to exit stage left when you were supposed to enter on the right in the next scene.

Benny stood up and folded his map up neatly. He put it in the sporran on the front of his kilt - better to have easy access. As he reached in, he noticed it was conspicuously missing his wallet and cell phone. Did they seriously think that he was going to be able to use his wallet out here? You couldn't do anything with money out here - there was probably nothing to buy. For some reason, the possible real utility of cell phones, and the consequent lack of towers, never came to his mind. He said, "I think it's this way." And with that, he started to walk off into the great expanse, with only a couple of people and a couple of metal rails for company.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the handler Cash Money. While this handler hasn't been around in quite a while, should they return and wish to take custody of this account and/or its posts, they are welcome to do so by contacting staff.
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Post by K-Robe »

"That sounds like a good idea. Let's head into town."

Patrick nodded. "Alright, then. To town." This was good, they seemed to be making progress. Hopfully they'd find some of their friends there. They needed as many allies as they could find if they wanted to find a way out of this place.

Benny folded up his map and put it back in his backpack. He picked it up and slung it over his shoulder. "I think it's this way," he said and proceeded to march off with Ramona toward the south end of the bridge.

Patrick slung his own backpack on, following the pair toward what seemed like a vast desert. With luck, they'd find a way through this.

Luck did seem nice right now, didn't it?

(Patrick Reynolds, Ramona, and Benny/The Theatre Trio continued in I Can Hear the Bells)
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