Rebel Without a Clue

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The shrubbery forest is made up of several small and dry looking trees and shrubbery stretching over many acres of land. The forest is open and quite simple to traverse with only uneven land forming slopes both up and down being the only real obstacle. A section of the railroad passes through it.
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Rebel Without a Clue


Post by Mini_Help »

[[Julia Wilson Continued From: Holding Out For A Hero.]]

Julia had no idea where she was.

Some time after following the tracks on these open fields, she had found herself in a forest of some kind with small trees, nothing like the sort you'd see in Canada.

Well, it was some shade at least and she was tired anyway. So she took a seat on the edge of some railroad tracks. Her delicate leg muscles needed some rest and for her stomach some food and water. It was a smart idea to continue following the railroad, because sooner or later, if a train didn't come and find her, she'd end up in a town or something. Maybe she'd sue the pants off whoever put her through this out of control joke as well, once she got there.

Julia shook her head in displeasure and took a bite out of her beef jerky sandwich concoction which she created from the beef jerky and loaves of bread she was provided. These bastards didn't even provide her with anything decent in this stupid reality show of theirs.

Aside from the shade, the sky itself seemed to be getting dim. Probably late afternoon. This was not good, she couldn't continue this whole thing in the darkness. All by herself. She was now starting to regret not going with that Renee girl back at the train station. At least then this whole thing might have possibly ended much sooner.

"Hey, this isn't funny. It never was. Somebody better come out now, or someone is SO, getting sued!"

She looked around, half expecting people to come rushing out from behind the trees, but still no one showed. Julia put a hand on the fake gun as she sat on the tracks, waiting in defiance. She fiddled around with it, actually amused by how realistic the prop looked.

Julia smiled, stood up and held it in her arms, posing with the gun up in the air like Sarah Palin did in that one picture.

If she was going to have to be caught on candid camera like some sort of idiot, she'd at least make sure, she'd look good doing it.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Vivian Cathwell continued from Inexplicable.))

Vivian wasn't exactly sure what had led her to come back here. She had stopped walking when she narrowly avoided hitting a tree with her face. She looked around, seeing where she was. Back here again? she thought. Maybe it was a subconscious influence, like something deep down in her mind convinced to come back here. Maybe she wanted to find Samantha again. Maybe it was the comfort of being surrounded by the greenery.

Or maybe, just maybe, it happened completely at random.

Anyway it happened, Vivian wanted to find Samantha again. She needed someone around who wasn't hungering for the wrong kind of action. Before long she had found a dark red stain, pooling and trailing off. She cringed just seeing the blood again. But, it was the best lead she had and she wasn't going to give up the ghost.

"Samantha!" She yelled, hoping she would hear her. They... couldn't have gone far, right?

Something caught her attention in the periphery of her vision, and she turned her head in that direction. There was another person there, beyond a line of trees. Setting aside her search temporarily, she decided to see who it was. Maybe she could convince her to join the group?

Hopefully she wasn't like Renee...

"Hello?" she called out.
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Post by K-Robe »

(Renee Murphy continued from Inexplicable)

Brian was gone, that much was apparent. It honestly didn't surprise Renee. He was always a bit slippery with this sort of thing and he was really good at leaving things behind, if nothing else. He trotted off while they weren't looking, but Renee was certain he'd pop out at any time. She was more worried about what he might do without them, or whether or not he'd get killed doing it. Time will tell, right?

Renee trailed behind Vivian by only a few yards. She didn't want to get too close to her yet. Renee seemed to make the girl uncomfortable.

Any idea why, Renee?

The obvious was that she was disgusted with Renee's behavior; the bribing, the shamelessness of it all. Plus the fact that Brian didn't seem to mind at all. But Renee wondered if there was anything deeper to it. She knew that Vivian cared about Brian in some form. Renee knew that Brian cared about Vivian as well, even if he didn't know it. Did Vivian think Renee was hurting Brian by propositioning him? No, that couldn't be it. It was a matter of dignity, probably. But what use was dignity out here, in the most dangerous place in the world?

It didn't make sense to Renee, but why couldn't Vivian see that? Brian certainly saw it and he was taking advantage of the situation like Renee expected him to. Albeit, he did it in a very aggressive way but he had the right idea.

Or maybe it was jealousy that caused her to shun Renee. Jealousy... because of Brian. Renee mused that Brian was causing emotional harm again before her head started hurting. This only happened when Renee started thinking emotionally, and Renee absolutely hated it when that happened. Better to think ahead, to think about what to do next.

Renee followed Vivian. They entered a forest with trees that were small and far apart. The place seemed easy enough to traverse but Vivian seemed to navigate the place like she'd been here before.

It was all but confirmed when Vivian called out for Samantha Atterman, the vet volunteer. Renee recalled reading Samantha's mother's books actually. Good stuff.

Renee's momentary distraction was interrupted when Vivian called out to someone beyond some trees. Renee walked ahead of Vivian and approached the person. Renee pulled her Tec-9 out of the backpack and loaded a magazine into it. Better safe than sorry. She held the gun in a nonthreatening position, pointed at the ground. Renee kept walking and she got a good look at the one behind the trees. Who she found surprised her.

"Julia Wilson," Renee said in an almost smug way. "Are you going to talk to me this time?" Of course, Renee said this despite the fact that Julia was currently holding a submachine gun. Maybe Renee should have thought this through a litte better.
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Post by Mini_Help »

"Well, it's about time!"

With one hand on her hip and the other hand with the prop gun to her side, Julia sighed and stared from her position on the railroad to the surrounding trees, in the direction of where she heard the voice calling out to her.

"Come on out then."

Sure enough, it was the very same girl from the train station, the one she was meant to follow.

The girl's tone seemed rather satisfied at seeing Julia this way. Perhaps they had been watching her all this time through cameras and enjoyed making her suffer. Then she asked if Julia was willing to talk to her this time.

Oh, the nerve.

Julia gritted her teeth silently, but controlled herself. At least now she could possibly end this whole bothersome experience sooner, rather than later.

"Sure, I'll play along. Whaddya want?"
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Well, it's about time!"

About time...?

Vivian saw Renee walking in front of her, taking out her gun. Vivian cringed, looking at it, but there was something else she was more concerned with.

The girl, it was definitely a girl, sitting under a tree in front of them. Renee called out to her like she'd met her before, and the way she said the words sounded like the weren't on the best of terms.

"Hey, Renee, you saw her before?" Vivian asked.

She took another look at the girl. Julia Wilson. From what little Vivian knew of her, she was a former child model who had quite the ego. Other than that though...

Julia had asked what they had wanted... or was it what Renee had wanted?

"J-Julia... right? We... uh... we're looking for people. You heard that guy on the train, right? If... if we stick together, you know, there's less of a chance we'll get killed..."

Vivian's voice was scratchy and hoarse, and she didn't sound convincing at all, but she had to know what was up, right? And it made sense, right?
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Post by K-Robe »

"Sure, I'll play along. Whaddaya want?"

Before Renee could answer, Vivian questioned her about Julia. It didn't surprise her; they didn't have a lot of chances to talk along the way. Actually, they did. It was just they were too uncomfortable to talk.

"I saw Wilson at the train station. Long story short, she refused to talk to me and I walked away," Renee said to Vivian. Renee looked at Julia again and she trained her eyes on the model. Then Vivian began talking about looking for people and sticking together as if those were the first things on their agendas. No Vivian, it wasn't. It was getting away from the place that made her so upset, the place where Renee and Brian made their little deal. Not that the deal led to anything, anyway.

Whatever. Deal with it later, Renee.

Renee kept looking at Julia. How to deal with the situation, how to deal. She hadn't expected to see Julia Wilson again so soon. How to approach it? Make ammends and get her to join the group? Unlikely, even if they weren't in this situation. But damn, she had to do something, didn't she? Julia would at least prove a distraction to ward away hostile elements or something.

Yeah, Renee'd go with "or something."

"Listen Julia," Renee said careful to keep her gun trained on the ground, "I admit that we probably got off on the wrong foot at the train station. But we can make up, right? Team up, go find a way to survive out here. Sound like fun?"

Renee glanced at the submachine gun again. She shifted her gun arm slightly toward Julia, just in case something went amiss. Nothing serious right now, but if something happened... well, she didn't want to get shot.
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Post by peregrineink* »

(Brian Larke continued from Inexplicable)

Brian had really intended on ditching the girls, that was literally the only plan he had.

And then he got lost.

There was something horribly boring about wandering a desert of nothing, doing nothing, achieving nothing. He figured maybe he could go back to the forest where he started...perhaps that Frodo character was still there. Perhaps he could finish him off.

Imagine Brian's surprise when he heard the voices. He arranged his features into a sort of worried look as though he had gotten lost by accident, which was the truth, he just hadn't expected to end up here again. This, of course, was in the event they even noticed he had been gone.

It seemed that Frodo and company were gone, but there was a new girl...

Damn, was anyone really out here with a dick besides him? Perhaps he just wasn't paying attention. He didn't really recognize the frail little thing sitting under the tree, but Renee certainly did.

He tightened his grip on the shotgun...what a little waify thing.

Focus, Brian. Be good for Viv.

He looked at her, trying to gauge her facial expression. Unreadable as always. What a waste of time...
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Post by Mini_Help »

Julia laughed.

Less of a chance we'll get killed? Team up, go find a way to survive out here? They sure were determined to play this thing out weren't they? She didn't know what the heck they were going on about, but Julia was still not buying it.

"Hah! I'm sorry. This whole thing is just silly! You two are trying really hard to scare me aren't you? Nice try."

Containing her laughter was a challenge. Her face broke out into occasional smiles, as she tried to keep herself from laughing some more.

"Next thing you'll tell me is this gun is real too."

She lifted her prop gun up into the air and pointed it at the two girls, fingers placed onto the trigger, closing one eye and staring at them as if taking aim.
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Hey! Don't... don't point that thing!"

Julia had lifted the gun towards them, aiming it at them. Oh god what was she doing? There was... she didn't know the gun was real? She was acting really dangerously.

Then she heard the crackling. Then a voice that was coming from all around them. They... they're announcing the kills?

She listened closely to the announcements, while keeping an eye on Julia.

There were two things that Vivian realized listening to the announcements.

One, people were killing. People were willing to kill and doing so of their own accord.


"Bruce Nightingale was playing with a gun, and when it went off Martha Stock was in the wrong place. Tough luck, cowgirl."

The same thing, the same sort of accident, could very well happen to her.

She shifted slightly.

"You heard him right? The guy playing with the gun? Please, just put it down."
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Post by K-Robe »

Julia Wilson laughed at them. She laughed and laughed. She then sarcastially remarked that they were doing a good job at scaring her. Then she started waving her gun around like an idiot. Which she was, if she thought this whole mess they were in was fake.

So, it didn't really come as a surprise that Renee was now aiming her pistol at the model.

What the hell did Wilson think was happening anyway; some kind of TV show? Renee had half the mind to just shoot her in the knees to stop her from doing anything dangerous. Then, a voice came out of nowhere, booming across the forest. It didn't seem to come from anywhere. Must've been speakers in the trees or invisible aircraft or something. Renee started to not care when she realized what it was saying.

It was the Sheriff again. But God did he sound so scary this time, not because of his voice but because of what he was saying. They were the names of her classmates, her friends. Vienna, Patrick, Ramona, Elliot, Bruce; all dead. No, that couldn't be true, could it? They couldn't be dead. They weren't supposed to die yet. And the killers, what about them? She recognized the names. Had people really started playing this game for real?

Focus, Renee, focus. You're no good like this. You knew this was going to happen sooner or later. You didn't need the Sheriff to tell you that...

"Look," she said shakily, "our classmates are dead. Did you hear that? They're dead! Now you put that gun down right now if you don't want to share that fate." Renee's gun arm began to wobble and she tried to steady her aim to no avail. The announcment made her heart beat like it hadn't ever before.

Oh what am I doing? I should just shoot her right now. She's going to die anyway, isn't she? She'll need to if I'm going to survive. Renee looked at Vivan. She thought of Brian and the rest of her classmates, the ones that weren't dead. They were going to die too, weren't they?
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Post by peregrineink* »

Some insane announcement was listing dead people and Brian didn't care. That wasn't nearly as important as what this Julia bitch was doing right now; pointing a gun at them and laughing about how it was fake.

Brian raised his shotgun and took a step forward.

"You keep pointing that gun, sugar, and I'll show you just how real these guns can be," his voice was low, even, and he didn't really want to kill a girl just yet. However this fragile little shit barely counted, and she was laughing and he didn't understand why Vivian or Renee or anyone else was giving her any kind of benefit of any kind of doubt. He walked slowly forward, keeping his eye on the girl. Had they even noticed he was there? Perhaps the whole gun pointed at them thing was a bit more pressing than that.

As the names were listed he didn't care about anyone in particular, Frodo's name was conspicuously absent so it looked as though the gunshot to the leg hadn't done him in yet. Shame. It must have hurt like a bitch. All this proved to him was that people were playing, surprise surprise, Brian Larke was right.

He knew they weren't going to step aside, and he had a feeling that Viv wasn't going to let him go ahead and rip this girl's chest cavity open with his remington, however he kept his gun raised and stood his ground behind them anyway.

Maybe if a couple of eggs were cracked, Vivian would learn that the omelet is necessary.
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Post by Mini_Help »

"Oh please. Do you actually expect me to believe that? I start pointing this gun at you guys and then right on cue, some announcement pops up to back you up? Yeah, I don't think so."

Renee walked forward with her own gun and started to threaten Julia. To that Julia rolled her eyes. If this thing was supposedly real as they said it was, then it would have been really dumb for the girl to threaten her, considering the fact that Julia was holding a machine gun looking thing while Renee had this tiny little thing, but that was beside the point.

She had to admit these girls were pretty darn good actors, though. The wobbling was a nice touch.

Then a boy Julia hadn't noticed popped up from behind the trees and threatened her as well. He had something that looked like shotgun. Bitches were dedicated to this.

"Okay, I've had enough. Look - this gun isn't real. See..."

Julia squeezed the trigger, sending a spray of gun fire toward her three classmates. The sound of the bullets, unexpected, had also caused her to lose concentration and stumble backward onto the rail road tracks. She picked herself up and held her gun, her authentic gun in her hands as the realization of the whole situation hit her all at once.

It was real.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Vivian almost didn't recognize the gunshots for what they were.

The muzzle flash almost didn't register in her mind.

The sound of the bullets whizzing around her, hitting the ground around her, were all background noise.

She was already running forward.

Something inside Vivian had snapped, and she was running towards Julia at full speed. She'd tried to kill her. She'd pointed the gun at her. And tried to kill her.

Vivian wasn't even sure whether she'd been hit or not. She didn't care.

"Because this is a game. And I'm pretty sure that if we don't play, we die."

Brian had said that... earlier, at the ranch.

She didn't think it was true, then.

She thought things would work out, that this could all be over without anybody dying. But no. Julia had shot at her and Vivian was in the line of fire and so was Renee and so was Brian...

Oh, god. Brian.

She had closed the distance between herself and Julia. As she looked at the other girl, there was but one thought playing in her head.

"Kill or be killed."

The Sheriff had said that.

"Kill or be killed."

Vivian didn't want to die.


She lifted the tomahawk up...

"...or be killed."

...and swung it down.
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Post by K-Robe »

Renee looked toward Brian, who was now pointing his shotgun at Julia. Well, at least Renee had predicted correctly that he'd pop up at some point. Renee couldn't say anything to Brian before Julia started talking, once again, about how the whole situation wasn't real. Then she squeezed the trigger on her gun to show that the whole thing really was a charade.


Renee ducked as a hail of bullets flew through the air. She dropped to the ground, covering her head but what good that would do against bullets, she didn't know. Is she insane? Did she not even bother checking to see if the gun was real before firing it at us?

As the bullets stopped firing, Renee looked up. She saw that Julia was now on the ground, eyes fearful at her own gun. Renee got up, glad that Julia was finally understanding just how real their predicament was. Renee looked around for Vivian and Brian to see if they'd gotten hit.

But Renee didn't like what she saw.

As far Brian was concerned, he was fine. But Vivian, she was running toward Julia. She was holding her tomahawk high in the air. Renee caught a glimpse of her eyes and saw how wide they were, how mad they were. She saw how twisted Vivian's expression was. Renee realized what was happening.

"Viv, no! Stop!"

But it was already too late. Vivian brought the axe down on Julia.
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Post by peregrineink* »

Brian's stomach slammed into his rib cage as bullets kicked up dust in the air at his feet. Was that bitch fucking crazy!? His finger twitched on the trigger, he was going to blast a bloody hole in that bitch's fucking chest...he was going to make a goddamn coffee table out of her he was going to-

His finger jerked away from the trigger as he watched Vivian run forward.

"What are you doing?!" He hissed. "I got this."

Was she cramping his style? A little. Part of it a...

She raised the tomahawk in her hand high and brought it down...





Brian drank in the look on her face, how dark and twisted it was. He drank in her anger and her need to survive, he watched the arc of her body as she swung it down onto that little fucking waif.

"," Brian whispered.
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