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Post by Namira »


Name: Logan Sorenson
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Hobbies and Interests: Basketball, being a troll

Appearance: Logan is fairly tall for a girl her age, standing at 5'9", while weighing 145 pounds, much of it muscle from her athletic pursuits. Her face is vaguely heart-shaped, if somewhat rounded, framed by layered, dirty blond hair that hangs around the nape of her neck at its longest point, usually adorned by a red hairband. Her notably petite nose is flanked by sharp, green eyes, themselves framed by naturally long eyelashes.

Were it not for the trademark hairband and the B-cup breasts, one might wonder at first glance if Logan actually was a girl. She eschews makeup altogether, and favors hoodies and jeans, the baggier, the better. Her skin is tanned and toned from plenty of time spent outside. On the day of the announcement, Logan was wearing a Penn State hoodie, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Biography: Logan Sorenson was born on December 12, 2009, the only child of Melinda and Colonel (then Gunnery Sergeant) Martin Sorenson, a fact that never sat well with the colonel, a sixth-generation Marine who wanted a son to carry on both the family name and tradition. He made no secret of this particular disappointment to his daughter, and when Melinda succumbed to cancer when Logan was 3, things scarcely improved. While Logan was too young to really remember her, Martin no longer had his wife to hold him back. Where most children would simply do what they were told out of fear of their Marine father, however, Logan offered only mutual resentment and rebellion. Fortunately, if it could be called fortunate, the war between the two was a cold war; verbal and psychological abuse took the place of anything physical. The sharp tongue she sports today was forged into what it is through these battles, as was a certain dislike of Marines.

Growing up, she developed a love of basketball, something her father halfheartedly approved of. It was a masculine enough sport, and it got her out of his sight. Since her schools didn't have girls' teams, however, she was forced to find pick-up games with whatever guys were hanging around the blacktop that day. She'd usually be shooed off at first, but through sheer persistence, and a bit of trash talk about someone's mother, she was given the opportunity to put her money where her mouth was, which, it turned out, she was fully capable of. Such games soon became a regular thing, and her friends on the basketball court eventually became more of a family than her father. Her personality, as a result, was shaped into something of an abrasive tomboy, to better fit in with the other guys. Despite this, she hates being called "Logan" precisely because it is a typically masculine name, reminding her exactly why her father picked it in the first place. As such, she only answers to "Sorenson," or "Sor."

Having developed something of a mouth growing up, Logan takes great pleasure in using it to get a rise out of people. She's something of a prankster, often screwing with people just for the looks on their faces. While her friends see it for the good-natured ribbing it generally is, most people are not her friends for precisely this reason. However, those who look past her attitude will find that she has her own, if slightly warped, system of values, and that she puts loyalty to those she cares about above all else.

In school, Logan can be considered average at best. She's not the most book-smart person in the world, and her general apathy towards academics only compounds matters. She manages to pass all her courses, most of them by the skin of her teeth, though she tends toward a B average in mathematical subjects, all by virtue of how much the school system weighs grades toward test scores. Most of her friends attend other schools, if they're in school at all, so she tends to mind her own business until the bell rings, reserving her usual antics for lunch break.

Advantages: Logan is quite physically fit, quick on her feet, and slightly stronger than her size would indicate, all of which could prove advantageous in combat.
Disadvantages: Unfortunately, her attitude earns her few allies, and a fair share of enemies. Compounding the issue, she despises fighting, seeing it as "dad's business, not mine," and is not particularly flexible regarding her principles.

Designated Number: Female Student #19


Designated Weapon: Hatchet
Conclusion: Daughter of a Colonel, Physically Fit. Even though she doesn't quite enjoy the idea of fighting, she may get a feeling that the torch has been passed. Definitely a contender.

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