
Semi-Private. (Please PM, with plans before entering. Thanks!)

Although not particularly luxurious, the two story building which comprise the officers' quarters is hardly spartan. Along with several well-outfitted bedrooms, the quarters contain a rec room, a small gymnasium, a lounge and a miniature library.

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Post by Fiori »

Sophie wiped a tear from her eye as she waited for a reply from either of her classmates, her eyes quickly darting between them to see if either of them were actually armed. As far as she could tell, neither of them seemed to have any weapons. At least, none that she could see at a first glance. Undoubtedly, they would have been assigned some kind of item with their bag at the beginning of the game, such as a gun or a knife. But seeing as the only item she found in Henry's bag which could qualify as a weapon was a brick of all things, the chances of them being assigned useless items was not improbable.

"Oh, no that's horrible Sophie! Where? Where did you see that! We'll do the best we can to help!"

Ah, good. Stage 1 is complete... Now onto stage 2.

"Th-th-this way! Come on!" she said, motioning them to follow her as she darted down the hallway. The pale girl then made her way through several corridors, past one or two staircases, and around at least one dead end before she finally made it to the open doorway leading into the room where Henry lay with a duvet covering his body.

As Sophie looked back to her classmates, she couldn't help but notice that one of them happened to be missing. Marilyn to be exact. No matter, it didn't change a thing. In fact, her absence made her job a lot easier. Too many people made plans like this too complicated, and the fact that it was already somewhat complicated to begin with didn't help. So the fact that Marilyn had decided to abandon her two classmates at the first sign of trouble was something of a pleasant surprise. Then again, considering the type of person Marilyn is, I'm surprised she didn't run sooner...

"H-he's in here! Come, quickly!" she called out, standing right beside the doorway as Luke and Logan entered the room to examine the body.

She only realised a second or so later that she'd unintentionally revealed that she knew the gender of the person inside, despite having stated earlier that she wasn't aware of the person's gender. No matter, they didn't seem to notice anyway. At least, not at first... Still, its not as if it would matter in a few moments anyway.

And sure enough, as Sophie stood outside the doorway and turned to her left, standing there waiting for her signal right around the corner was none other than Stephanie wielding the shotgun she'd been assigned as a weapon.

((Stephanie Mason continued from Status Quo))
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Post by Cake »


"Th-th-this way! Come on!" And with that Sophie hurried down the hall, not even looking back to see if they followed.

Luke waited as Sor shoved her hatchet into her bag before following Sophie's path. But something seemed wrong. They were missing somebody.

"Shit." Was all Luke could say as he saw the back silhouette of Marilyn Williams running in the opposite direction of Sophie Mason. A predicament. Follow one lose the other.

"Sor! Marilyn's running away." Luke said. Logan turned around hearing that. "Dammit..." Was her response.

"I'll go after her." Luke said as he turned around to begin toward their escaped acquaintance.

"No!" Logan had said in a tone, almost defensive, that surprised Luke a bit. "Leave her. I think.. I think she heard just enough from us. Let's just follow the Sophie chick for now." All Luke could see was the hair of Marilyn Williams disappearing into the shadows of the far end hallway. "Ok." Was all Luke could say as he followed Logan down the hallway after the "Sophie Chick."


They caught up to Sophie standing outside of a bedroom. He saw that wink earlier. Logan Sorenson had something in mind with this, and he was simply curious where this was all going, to fit into the larger 'plan' Logan had.

Following the instructions from both Sophie and Logan, Luke was first to enter the room, his hand ready to pull out the Revolver, should the maniac who caused this body to be here in the first place, decide to stick around the crime scene. But it was difficult to concentrate, seeing as there was some sort of liquefied mess on the floor. Oh god, man this is so fuckin gross. Luke kept his face up, his eyes away from looking at the carpeting below him. Just don't look, Luke. Try not to think about it, and everything will be-


What the... What the fuck was that? I just fuckin stepped on it!

What he didn't want to think about, but was what he stepped on, was a piece of skull bone from the cap of Henry Barren.

He felt nauseated. There was no freaking doubt that the body laying on the side of the bed, in the middle of the floor, was a Dead Freakin' Body. The rusted smell of the blood was something he couldn't stand.. Couldn't stand at all. Fuck!

No, Fuck you, Luke! Stop being a fuckin wuss. Listen you got to man up? What will everyone think of you if a couple of girls can handle this, but you, Mr. Smooth Guy, can't? Look at Sor, she's not even phased! What would Mom think? She didn't raise you to be weak, kid.

His inner voice was right. At least he was experiencing this now, so later, maybe. Maybe it won't be as bad as the first time. He was instructed to pull the Duvet cover off the body... See who it was. 1... 2... Hard Breathing - It was his own breath. This was gonna be tough. He just was not looking forward to this at all. BUT.

But it had to be done... 3!




The image was the worse thing he ever saw. The boy's head was caved in, face smashed up, all in a freakin mess. He could hardly tell who the hell it was anymore. Shit!

Luke pulled his head up closing his eyes for a moment, just trying to erase the image from his thoughts. Think Happy Thoughts. He pressed his fingers to his temples to clear his mind a little, and to maybe prevent his brain from throbbing so hard. Ok... back to business.

"He's dead." Luke said over to Logan, before picking up a piece of paper, trying to ignore the body before him. Show no fear. This is something you have to get used to Luke.

And... What's this? Luke thought to himself as he opened it up. It was a note...
"Please forgive me..."
He read out loud. What is this supposed to mean?
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Post by Cake »


So, what a deal. The Sophie girl was running off now, and so was Marilyn Williams. But in opposite directions.

Luke offered to chase after her, but Sor wasn't about to let that happen, no. There was No Way in HELL, Luke was about to leave her sight. She wasn't about to let him chase after Marilyn, and risk getting him shot. No. She found her self sounding more concerned then usual with her big "No!" To stop Luke from running off. He promised he'd stay with her.

But quickly Logan Sorenson, covered it up: "Leave her. I think.. I think she heard just enough from us. Let's just follow the Sophie chick for now."

It was the truth. At least they had already worked on talking with Marilyn, with some words and convincing. They could let her think about things for now, maybe Marilyn might even... consider. Besides, they could always go find her later. For now, it really was time to work on Sophie.


They found Sophie looking confused almost lost, trying to find the right room, but they finally made it. But Logan, could sense... Something wasn't quite right, here.

Sophie. The Sophie girl did sound familiar, and she had a sister? Stephanie. The Mason Twins. Twins who were pretty much a team. She heard about how they were at tennis. The team work between those two were incredible.

"H-he's in here! Come, quickly!" Sophie had yelled for them, pointing Luke into the room, with Logan following.

The bedroom floor was bloody. Blood was everywhere. She could even see fragments of bone and flesh on the floor. It was typical for the Program. It was obvious. There was no helping this person. Luke pulled the cover off the face of the dead body. It just about confirmed what was already known. The poor guy was dead. Very unfortunate. Too bad it wasn't Stephanie Mason...

Wait a minute.
Something wasn't right.
Something wasn't right at all.

"H-he's in here! Come, quickly!"

How the hell did she know it was a dude? She claimed she didn't know if it was a guy or girl earlier...

No... SHIT.



Sor turned around slightly to notice a grinning Sophie Mason. It wasn't an obvious one, but it was there hidden under a facade of terror. Bitch.

She looked over at Luke, he was completely unaware of everything. Just examining the body, closing his eyes and thinking. His mind was just gone, from the sheer thought of seeing a dead body for the first time.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Sped up heart beats were a bitch.

She had to think fast. Time had slowed down. She couldn't get the hatchet. It was stuck in her bag, and it would be too late to pry it out. God Damn!

She turned around again to see two girls, both completely alike, standing just outside the doorway. There was no escape here. One twin, the one with dried tears all over her eyes, the one who wasn't smug - Stephanie, was holding - In her hand - A gun. A Big Gun. A Shotgun. The barrel of the shotgun was pointed, in the direction of the body, the very one, Luke was examining.

Luke was in the way.

"Please forgive me..." the one boy she ever cared about, said out loud.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sor Screamed, as she shoved Luke Mendoza with all her might.
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Post by Fiori »

Stephanie hated waiting.

Not because she was impatient or anything. God forbid! She was just worried, that's all.

Especially seeing as Sophie said she'd only be gone for a minute.

How did they get into this situation again? Ten minutes ago, they had both been sneaking along the corridor, trying to find a way out so that they could explore the rest of the compound. However, as they were about to turn around a corridor, Sophie had stopped them after hearing a noise. After a quick peak, it turned out that once again they two girls had come across more of their fellow classmates.

Three of them to be exact.

That was the point when Stephanie began to get scared again. Three?!? One person was dangerous enough, but three people? There was no way that she was going to risk going up against three at once. Thankfully, Sophie felt that same, and as usual came up with a clever idea for how they could deal with three of their classmates at once.

Basically, Sophie was to convince them that she had come across someone who needed immediate medication, hopefully convincing them to follow along. Meanwhile, as they examined the body, Sophie would signal Stephanie to come along and gun them down whilst their backs were turned, hopefully taking more then one of them out with a spread of bullets. A simple enough plan in theory, one which Stephanie didn't doubt would work, but there was one part about it she still didn't quite understand...

...Why had Sophie instructed her to be the one to shoot them?

Surely it made more sense for her to be the one who convinced the others to follow her, and for Sophie to be the one who shot them in the back? Stephanie was more sociable then her sister after all, not to mention the fact that Sophie knew fine well how much she hated killing Henry. Why would she force her to do something she quite clearly detested?

The only reason Sophie gave her was the fact that she was still covered in blood, which would make her come across as being more suspicious then Sophie would if she ran up to them calling for help. As much as Stephanie hated to admit it, Sophie was right about that. Whilst she wasn't quite soaked in Henry's blood, there was enough of it on her for it to be easily noticeable. Sophie was right, she WAS the most suspicious looking of the two of them. Sophie even entrusted her with her crowbar for safe keeping, which the frightened young girl kept in her back. Plus, there was also the fact that Stephanie wasn't as reliable as she'd wished to be, so to entrust her with such a vital task would probably not be a good idea...

...and yet.

Stephanie's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of numerous footsteps pounding along the corridor, prompting her to attention. She waited with baited breath as she listened to her classmates pile into the room, getting into position so that Stephanie would be able to get a clear shot of them. Just as Sophie had instructed her...

Come on Stephanie, you can do this! I-It'll be easy, you'll see! Just close your eyes and pull the trigger, let the bullets do the rest... Oh god, what am I doing? What have I become? I've started thinking about committing murder as if it was just a simple everyday task!

No, don't think about it like that. Remember what Sophie said? You've got to stay strong. Nobody else on the island is going to protect you except Sophie and yourself. Not Siobhan. Not Louis. NOBODY! Just pull the trigger, and it'll all be over sooner. You'll see...

She turned her head around the corner, gulping as she did so. Sure enough, the only person currently not in the room was none other then Sophie herself, who was looking in her direction right at that very moment...

...She nodded...

Okay, its now or never!

With that thought in mind, she quickly ran down the corridor, stopping when she'd reached the open doorway. She only took a second to take a good look at the people inside, the people she was about the kill, the people who had to die so that she and Sophie would be safe, before finally raising the shotgun and aiming it in the direction of the boy who was kneeling over the body of Henry Barren.

She then closed her eyes, nervously bit her lip, and pulled the trigger.

I'm sorry... I'm SO sorry!

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One second, Luke was reading a note, the next he was being forcefully tackled to the other side of the floor, banging his head slightly against the drywall, but enough to daze him for a bit. What was going on, exactly? Loud noises, out of nowhere it seemed. He felt deaf in the ears. First a scream, and then... Then a loud bang. A gun shot. "Sor... SOR? SOR!" Luke scrambled across the floor, to the laying girl. "Sor... are you...."

No. No it couldn't. NO. ARGGGGH.

Right in front of the dead body of the unknown dead boy, Sor, lay, heavily breathing. Heavily... Heavily..


"UHuuuuh, Uhhh! Oh my Oh my Fuck, Oh god..... SHITSHIT...SHHIIITTTTTT!!!!!!"

He turned toward the doorway, where the gun shot had supposedly come from. Standing there, were Sophie and Stephanie. The Mason Twins.

One of them, Sophie, the girl from earlier, looked slightly panicked. The other who was probably Stephanie, had blood splashed against her shirt. She seemed to be trying to recover from the recoil of the shotgun blast, struggling to get back to her feet and finish the job. It all made sense. They killed the boy, and used him as bait to bring Sor and him, here to their deathtrap. And they... she, SHOT SOR, They FUCKING SHOT SOR!!!

Without hesitation Luke pulled out his Rough Rider Revolver, from his jacket and ...





Gonna lose bullets... Gotta get some more.. Luke practically ripped the zipper open on his bag.







He dumped a few of them out of the container in a hurry, and stuffed some more in. CLICK. In Place.

Sor Saved him. Pushed him out of the way. They SHOT Sor. And now these bitches needed to die.

Without saying anything more, with a quiet, almost robotic cold exterior to everyone watching, despite his boiling rage in the inside; Luke stood up, went after them and shot at them some more...
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Post by Namira »

It was the gun that did it, in the end.

Them telling her so casually that Matt Gourlay was dead hardly helped. Seriously, how the hell did they expect her to react to that? Gourlay was a douche (and she remembered him... he'd made fun of her a few times, not the worst of them), true enough, but did that mean that Marilyn wanted him dead?

She didn't think she even had it in her to wish somebody dead.

Mostly though, it was the gun. It was being handed the gun and told that she could do whatever she wanted, go out and cause all the pain and misery that she herself had suffered from. Take her revenge on all the people that had kicked her to the curb. It was being told that for once... she actually had the ability to fight back.

~Marilyn... a lot of people get resentful and angry about their situation. What they don't understand is that... when you fight back, when you act like a rabid animal... All it does is confirm everything they believed all along.

All it does is keep the cycle going...~

She couldn't do it. She just... couldn't. Maybe it was all those years of being at the bottom of the pile, maybe it was just that Marilyn never really had that streak in her in the first place.

She couldn't do it.

And when the girl came running up, screaming and yelling for help, Marilyn took it as her opportunity to run, run from their expectations of violence and their horrible encouragements.

That's... not me.

((Marilyn Williams continued in Standing Eight))
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Post by Fiori »

The recoil of the shotgun proved to be much stronger than Stephanie thought it would be, causing the young girl to stumble over onto her back in a heap.

She lay there for a second or two, her body in a state of shock at the sheer power the large gun had. She was amazed that Sophie had managed to stay upright when she had used the gun herself, considering the mean kick it had when it fired... Then again, Sophie would have been more prepared for it wouldn't she? So of course she wouldn't have been taken by surprise like Stephanie had.

After she had gotten over her reaction to the shotgun blast, she clumsily tried to get back onto her two feet, grabbing Sophie by the hand in an attempt to help herself up. Despite this minor setback, and as much as she was about to dread what she was about to do next, she still had a job to finish. She'd hit one of them, Logan from the sound of it, but she wasn't aware if the other had been dealt with as well.....


....Logan Sorenson....

.....She remembered Logan from PE. She was one the basket ball players, wasn't she? She always went around wearing a hoodie and pulling pranks on people. Stephanie never particularly liked her to be truly honest, and yet........

NO! Remember, she's the enemy! Well, she WAS the enemy... Just cock the gun and finish off the other one before its too late!

Shaking her memories of Logan from her mind, looked over in the direction of the boy she was about to kill as she fumbled to cock the shotgun.

...It was at that point that she realised that the boy had pulled a gun from his jacket and aimed it directly at them.


Just as Luke had pulled the trigger, Sophie grabbed her sister by the wrist and pulled her out of harm's way, the bullets slamming into the wall. Not stopping for a second, the Twins ran down the corridor, looking for the nearest exit they could find. As much as Sophie and Stephanie wanted to win this game as quickly as possible, getting themselves into a gunfight was practically out of the question. Especially seeing as their gun was large and clunky to use, whilst Luke's was far lighter and could fire at a much quicker rate.

In many ways, Sophie was disappointed that they couldn't have taken his gun with them. No matter, there would plenty of other chances for them to acquire a more practical gun then the one Stephanie had been assigned. They just had to be careful, that's all...

Just then, Luke had run out into the corridor and began to fire upon them again, most of the bullets missing them completely.

The sole exception being a single bullet which managed to graze Sophie's right arm, causing her to cry out in agony.


"Not now Steph! We'll deal with it later, just RUN!"

Ignoring the pain in her arm, Sophie pressed on, with Stephanie quickly following along in her wake. Eventually, the two managed to finally find an exit to the Officer's quarters, and didn't waste a second in throwing the door open and fleeing the sight of chaos they had caused.

((The Mason Twins continued in Deception))
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Post by Cake »


He was livid.

Giving chase, through the corridors of the officer's quarter's, firing wildly at the twins who already had a head start running away, when he reloaded his Rough Rider gun. He wasn't a very good shot, no one was, in a nation where guns were outlawed outside the military. But with the bullets he used so far, surly there was a probability of one, at least nicking them? But nicking wasn't enough. These Viet Cong like ambushers, SHOT SOR! They shot Sor! They SHOT SOR!

"Promise you'll stay with me. That you won't leave my side until this is all over."
It was Sor's words. Sor's voice. It echoed throughout his brain. She saved him from getting killed, and here he was breaking that one promise, she wanted from him. She saved him, and he just left her there.

It was only then that he noticed his whole body had stopped the chase in mid-thought. It was guilt, and it was eating him up. By now the Mason twins were long gone. But he didn't care, at least not right then... Right now, getting back to Sor was the primary objective. She saved him, and now it was up to him to save her...
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Gun shots, multiple, ones. Then running, was all Logan Sorenson heard. So... this is how it feels like to be shot.

She barely paid attention, due to the daze and throbbing pain, she was in. She was wet with blood. Some her own, some from the body next to her. She was face to face with the boy's mangled head and bloody face. At least her condition was no where the levels of that poor soul.

"Hey." She said - chuckling a little from her prone position on the floor.

Yeah, it wasn't normal. She was just shot, and she was making jokes, and having a chat with a dead boy. But THE HELL, she would let getting shot, the Mason Twins, The Program, The General, this whole DAMN NATION, or her father get the satisfaction of seeing her suffer.

She was on a high. She knew it. She just saved the boy, the only boy she legitimately liked, from certain death. Now... Now she was happy. She gave him another chance at life, something he very well deserved, that this place wanted to take away. Now he was chasing after the two persons responsible for the chaos, in... In her honor.

It was just really touching for Sor, she almost teared up in happiness. Ignore the pain, only happiness.


About a minute or so later, footsteps were coming back to the room. It was Luke. He came back for her. "Sor, Sor! FUCK. Fuck Sor? SOR! Talk to me!" He said, kneeling next to her. His voice in complete worry. His jacket stuffed halfway through his duffel bag.

"Hush. I'm still alive, nimrod." Was Sor's response, with a struggled smile on her face. Luke forced a laugh and had a weak smile on his face.

"You're bleeding Sor, they shot you! I.."
"Did you get them?"
"No.. I, I had to come back. Like I promised..."

There was a short silence. Sor remembered, she couldn't forget. She made him give her, his word, and here he was. Nobody cared. Or so she thought. Luke.. he cared.

Sor knew she was dying, but her determination, her spirit, was keeping her strong. If she was gonna die, she was gonna die happy dammit!

"Let's get you out of here, into a cleaner room, away from this mess."

Sor was watching, feeling sorry for the boy. Luke was trying his best, hopelessly trying to help her. If she wasn't on the verge of dying she would have said something snarky, but whatever, she didn't mind. She let him try. In her final moments, she was going to spend it happy together with Luke. He helped her up... giving her support on his shoulder and in his arms to a better room, away from the carnage.

She, looked down, and saw the wound. It was a large one. Blood was leaking from it, dripping on the floor. Sor knew she would sooner or later, bleed to death. At least she found happiness to know it wasn't an instant death.. That, that would have sucked. Luke was completely avoiding looking at the wound all together. The large wound had shot through the left side of her body, from her back to the front. It didn't hit any major organs, at least that's what she thought, that would have killed her, and she was thankful for that.

Luke helped her onto the bed, of another bedroom a ways bit out. He secured the door, locking it, and having his gun near by in case, someone decided to bother them once more.

He was ruffling through his bag, her blood on his white T-shirt. He pulled out the first aid, to help her. He did his best to medically aid her, cleaning her off from some of the blood, applying medications, and bandaging her. Sor, merely watched. He was desperate. It was sad, but Sor kept up her smile, albeit increasingly weak one.

Blood was oozing from her wound, soaking into her bandaging wraps, some cloth, that Luke had ripped from some garments of the dresser nearby. Some blood getting onto the bed.

Luke was sitting on the side of the bed, in silence. Sor put a hand on his shoulder. After a few minutes he spoke.

"Sor... why? Why did you take the bullet?"
"To save you, silly, I didn't want you to go dying on me."
"Yeah, I know you did it to save me, but. Dammit Sor, now I think you're going to die on me.."

Sor smiled at him. She forced herself, to sit up against the bed side.
"Don't worry, Luke... it was all part of the plan..."
Luke's face changed again, it looked like he was about to cry.

"Hey, Luke. Stop it. Stop. Don't you even cry on me Luke! This is NOT the Luke I know. Don't you cry!" Luke struggled, he could barely look at her, but he forced himself to stop. His face was in agony.

Sor, spotted a small personal shelf case of wines, or hard liquors, belonging to the officer who owned this room. She remembered, it was something Luke liked to do.

"Luke, do me another favor will ya? There's some hards there. Let's have a drink shall we? Come on! Don't tell me you don't want to, you love drinking!"

Luke's head was down. "Come on Luke, this might be the last time... for me?" Luke got up and pulled out a bottle, pouring a glass for each of them. They clinked glasses together. And downed it. The alcohol, seemed to numb Sor's body a whole lot. She loved the feeling, it took her mind away even more from the pain.


She didn't know how long they were in this bed room. They played some cards for a little while, using the set that Luke found earlier, from that other bedroom. Sor's mind was getting even more groggy. She felt weak. She could hardly concentrate anymore.

"...Luke.. I need you to make a few more promises for me..."
"Anything. Anything Sor."

"Good, First, don't let me... get you down. I want you to be the same cool handed Luke you've always been. Not any of those other bums, who let depression get the better of them. Got that?" Sor coughed a bit, the alcohol was coming back up, burning her throat a bit. Luke Nodded.

"Second... Luke... Try to stick to our plan, but... Raise some hell. Don't go getting yourself killed, but Raise some hell." Luke nodded again.

"Lastly... Luke, make sure that video camera focuses on me, I have something.. VERY Important to say..."

Sor was pale, weak voiced, yet still managed to keep some sort of smile on her face. Oh yes, this was gonna be really good. She didn't forget about her most favorite person. In. The. Whole. Wide. World.

"Dad... before I go, I just want you to know... I know where you buried those hookers."

With a large grin on her face... that was that.

Female Student #19: Logan "Sor" Sorenson, Deceased.
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Post by Cake »


A few hours had past during his time spent with Sor. Like a trooper, Logan Sorenson, ate up the pain, taking herself dying in stride. Doing as she could to keep, him, Luke from breaking down.

There was nothing he could do. Had it been somewhere else, medical attention could have kept Logan Sorenson from bleeding to death. But they were in the Program. He tried, but there was nothing he could do.

And she passed on. He didn't know what she was talking about, with her father and hookers, but all he knew is that, it made him smile, it made her smile, and she died, with a smile on her face. A happy death.

Luke didn't cry. He promised it to Sor, it was one of her last requests. Yes. A single tear, slid down his eye, falling to her hand as he held it, but he didn't cry.

He wasn't going to let this get him down, it was another of her requests. Stay Strong. She wanted him to stay strong.

Sor's eyes were still open, a closed-liped grin on her face. He slowly closed her eyes. He lay beside her for a while, just reflecting for a bit. Recuperating.

With his gun nearby, he closed his own eyes and faded into a sleep.


The announcements blured on waking him. Sor wasn't on it. She just died, so that was a practical reason why.

There were much more deaths and kills this go around. People he knew of, offing one another. It was part of the game. He accepted it. Sor knew it for a long time, and now Luke wanted to carry on that mind-set. It's just how things were.

The Brigadier General, was singing the National Anthem, while Luke was cleaning himself off. He was in the bedroom's personal washroom, washing the blood off his hands and body. He discarded his white shirt, in the hamper to the side. Staring at himself in the mirror. His torso had a few bruises from the collision earlier. He looked tired, and spent. Sor's blood had soaked through his shirt onto his bare body.

He was surprised. Harris Van Allen was killed. By Benjamin Latimer. Harris was violent and aggressive so it shocked him to be killed this early. Also shocking, was that, fun easy going, big Ben Latimer, was responsible.

Luke splashed water onto his face from the sink, looking at his own face in the mirror. His blue eyes staring back at him.


"Lastly, good ol' Henry Barren learned why you should never trust a clone. Or twins, I guess. Stephanie... or, was it Sophie... uh, well one of the Mason twins busted a hole in his skull. If you go into the officers' quarters, please try not to slip on any chunks of blood and brain, those are a bitch to get out of the carpet."

Henry Barren? The kind hearted Texan? HE was the victim of those two vile witches? HE was the dead body he was staring at earlier?

The image of the blooded unrecognizable mess of a face, flashed into his mind.

He shook his head, and splashed more water onto his own, trying to get the image removed from memory.

Using a nearby towel, he wiped the blood of one or both of them, Henry or Sor from his shirtless body. Water, trailing down his chest, as he dried himself. A camera facing on him. He felt timid at first. But he needed to keep up his cool persona.

He gave the cam a wink, and a confident side mouthed smile.


Going back to the bedroom, he found a different plain white shirt to wear. It surprisingly fit well, on his body.

Luke got dressed: Fixing his hair, putting on his fortunately blood free jacket, and last but not least his shades. He was the same old, smooth and cool, Luke. As Sor wanted him to be.

He went up to her body, still laying on that bed. From his bag, he found his chain necklace. He sat next to her, and laid it across her neck. Something from him to her; he didn't have flowers, but it was something... He gave her a kiss on the forehead, and covered her head with the bed sheet.

Luke transferred what supplies she had to his own bag. Hiding her duffle bag under the bed after he was finished. Sor's hatchet was there. He could use that. Maybe... as a personal tribute for Sor later. He strapped it to his back. It was dark outside now, he didn't know what time it was, but it was either really late, or really early.

With his bag on his shoulder, and ready to go; he headed out...

Goodbye Sor. Thank you for everything...

((Luke Mendoza Continued to: Vera))

End of Chapter / Thread.
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