The Sun's In His Freaking Eyes

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The Sun's In His Freaking Eyes


Post by ViolentMedic »

((Marley Jenkins: start.))

Marley glared at the basketball hoop. He was not in a good mood. He'd screwed up a Math test earlier that day and stubbed his fucking toe, and on top of that hadn't brought his violin to school, so he'd decided to vent the anger by tossing a few baskets during lunch. But he wasn't on his game that day and kept missing the damn baskets, so it was just making him angrier.

"Come on."

Still a good sense of direction, though. Just him, the ball and that fucking hoop that was taunting him with it's... fucking... hoopiness or whatever.

"Come on."

He bounced the basketball a few times, the hollow sound of the basketball almost sounding like a heartbeat of its own.

"Come on, you..."

He threw the ball into the air. It soared over to the hoop and bounced off it.


Today was not a good day.
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Felicia LaChapelle continued from It's An Inky Dinky Doo Da Morning))

Felicia had decided to eat lunch outside today.

As she sat down on the benches outside the basketball court, she couldn't help but note how bright the sun was today. It was actually quite nice out as of that moment. A few clouds hovered in the sky, a warm sun. Actually pretty pleasant weather.

She pulled out a sandwich she had made last night from her bag. Turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, and mustard on sourdough. How delicious was that? Sometimes you just need a good sandwich for lunch.

As she unwrapped the plastic covering it, she couldn't wait to take a bite. It had been a while since she had a good sandwich like this.

She raised the sandwich to her mouth, taking in the wonderful taste.

Unfortunately, her attention was interrupted by a voice loudly shouting something rather... for lack of a better word, inappropriate.

Felicia stopped chewing and swiftly swallowed, feeling a little nervous. Okay, who said that? She couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid this days. After all, the word "whore" was pretty much the main descriptive word used for her at school these days. And it didn't sound too happy.

Her eyes looked at the other benches, then at the court. The only person she could see was Marley Jenkins, who appeared to be shooting hoops by himself. She knew him to have a rather bad temper, based off what she knew of him.

A quizzical look based over her face as she watched him. Was he the one who said that? If he was, then she kind of doubted it was directed at her. He seemed engaged in his game somewhat, from what she could tell. Then again, it did sound like him, didn't it?

She said nothing, and just watched. Felicia knew it wasn't good to stare, but you know.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
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Junko Kurosawa
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Post by delicateMachine »

((Ashley Sydor: Start))

Having finished lunch a bit early, Ashley planned to find Marley and hang out with him a bit before her next class. He hadn't been in the lunchroom, but she still had a pretty good idea about where he was. First stop on the epic journey: the basketball court!

And so she cheerfully walked to the court, hands in her sweatshirt pockets, humming the main theme of her favorite Last Legend game. Ah, memories. The epic train-top final boss fight. The absolutely adorable Elgoom companion. Farming that one enemy for six hours straight because it dropped an item that was the only way to save said Elgoom, but it had a .01 percent chance of dropping. Not all the memories were good memories.

Ash could see two figures as she drew closer to the court, though she couldn't quite make out the feat- "YOU FUCKING WHORE!" yup, she found Marley. This was a pretty shitty epic quest. No obstacles or anything, just a somewhat refreshing walk. Oh well, she'd take what she could get.

"Hiya, Marls!" She called out as she reached her boyfriend. "Bad day?" Hopefully he'd feel a bit better now that she was here. Ashley glanced at the girl sitting in the bleachers, who had apparently been enjoying her lunch in peace before Marley's outburst.

Ash smiled somewhat apologetically and waved a bit at her. She knew how surprising Marley's temper could be to people who didn't know him well.
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Oh, he was so going to get that damn hoop this time. He'd get that hoop and it would be fucking glorious. As glorious as throwing balls without anyone to actually compete against could get, but still. Fucking glorious.

Marley retrieved the basketball and threw it at the hoop again. He barely aimed that time. He just wanted to throw something at that stupid hoop. As such, it didn't hit anywhere near the hoop.


Marley was searching for more festive language to describe the hoop with when a voice came from behind him. He immediately tailed off, recognizing Ash's voice.

"Ah. Hey," he grumbled. He wasn't unhappy to see his girlfriend, of course, just that she'd wandered over during one of his (many) swearing sessions. Despite that, his mood actually lifted a little. Still grumpy, but... less grumpy. He reached out and gave her a one-armed hug, briefly patting her hair before letting go. "Yeah, shit day. But whatever, it's not that big of a deal, just... yeah."

He noticed that Ash was shooting a mildly apologetic look at some girl nearby that Marley hadn't even noticed. Girl was staring. What's up with that? Er, who's that, anyway... oh, Felicia. Marley didn't really know her, but there were rumors. Mostly concerning things she'd done with guys. Ah. That might explain the staring, if she thought he was yelling at her or something.

"Wasn't aimed at you. I was yelling at the hoop!" Marley called out. "Quit staring."
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Post by Fenrir »

((Aaron Chalmers: Pregame Start))

The basketball kept rolling after landing from Marley’s misaimed shot, stopping several feet past the boundary for the basketball court when Aaron Chalmers put out his foot to bring it to a stop.

Aaron had finished lunch earlier than usual today – usually he took his time with his food, lunch being one of the few times during the day when he really got time to relax – and decided to take a walk around the school grounds to see if he could find some of his Minutemen teammates to pass the time with. He had been walking past the basketball court when his attention was caught, unsurprisingly, by the loud yelling from the person shooting free throws every time he missed.

The jock bent down to pick up the ball and then stood there idly juggling it from hand to hand as he took in the scene unfolding before him. There were three people around and in the court that he could see from here and he was close enough to make out their faces as well.

The guy shooting – or attempting to shoot – free throws was Marley something-or-other. Aaron had seen him around and knew who he was more or less but had never spoken to him; he was on the schools basketball team and was known to have a bit of a temper, which he was displaying right now.

The girl standing next to Marley was someone Aaron didn’t know. She looked kind of familiar but then so did most of the people in his year; that’s what happens when you spend a few years in school with people, you get used to seeing them around. Judging by the way Marley seemed to calm down as she spoke to him he was guessing they were friends.

The last person was someone that Aaron was a little more familiar with, though again someone he had never really spoken to. He recognised her from the cheerleading team and had probably said hello to her the halls a couple of time, but even without that most of the people in school were familiar with Felicia LaChapelle – especially the male students – due to the rumours circulating around school about her supposed promiscuity. Aaron had never really bought into that sort of talk though. High school rumours were things to be taken with a grain of salt anyway, and while a few of his teammates had claimed to have slept with her, most of the time when one of the guys on the football team were bragging about their sexual conquests they were just talking bullshit.

After taking everything in Aaron tucked the basketball under one arm and began walking forward. It had been a couple of weeks since he and his older brother both had enough free time to play basketball together and he was starting to miss their games a little. He figured his might as well offer to have a game with this Marley guy while they’ve got some time.

“Hey. How about a game of one-one-one?”
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by KamiKaze »

The obscenities continued as Marley tried again, failing a second time. Yup, he was yelling at the hoop. Why he was calling it a whore, Felicia didn't know.

But a girl had walked up to Marley, interrupting him. That was Ashley Sydor, right? The theater girl? That seemed to calm him down a bit, judging by the hug. Judging by what she managed to pick up, he was in a bad mood.

Then he called out to her, clarifying that he was referring to the hoop, and that she should stop staring.

She knew it was impolite to stare! But there you go. She was staring because he said something about the hoop's sexual activity. This was totally awkward. It wasn't helped by Ashley's almost apologetic smile.

"I was just... yeah. Sorry about that."

With that, Felicia looked down, and took another bite of her sandwich, taking in the taste once more. That... was awkward. Not as awkward as the whole cafeteria thing a while back, but still pretty awkward.

She heard a third voice asking to join in, and Felicia couldn't help but look up despite the awkwardness.

Oh, Aaron Chalmers. He was known for "hazing" people on the football team. He was pretty much the athletic type, as far as she knew.

Okay, time to mind her own business.

Felicia took another tug on the sandwich, chewing once more.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
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Post by delicateMachine »

Mission complete! Marley certainly seemed to be feeling a bit better, judging by the hug. Ashley smiled. It was pretty much impossible to not feel happy after hugging or being hugged. She was certain that was a scientifically proven fact. Well, maybe not, but it should be.

She heard a new voice behind her, belonging to someone she sort of recognized. Aaron something? Ash was pretty sure that he was on the football team. She didn't really pay attention to the school's sports teams, other than attending Marley's games whenever she was able.

"Ooh, a challenge? I'll get out of the way of you guys, then!" Ashley said, quickly hugging Marley again, (more hugs never hurt!) then retreating to the bleachers. She'd provide moral support from the sidelines!
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Post by ViolentMedic »

Marley didn't do much more than make a vague grunting noise in response to Felicia's apology. Not that it mattered, some random girl staring at him was less annoying than a lot of other parts of his day. There was a Hierarchy Of Shit going on there, and random chicks staring at him were somewhere down the bottom of the list, at about the same level of stepping in chewing gum (with shoes still on, obviously.)

He'd turned back to Ash and had been about to ask if she wanted to go somewhere else (he didn't really want to challenge her to a game of basketball, because he got way too intense about that kind of thing and, while normally he didn't give a shit about pissing people off through competition, it wasn't really the greatest idea to bellow 'fuck yeah, who's the bitch now?' or something similar at his girlfriend) but before he could ask, some other guy turned up and challenged him to a one-on-one match.

Marley had only the vaguest idea who this guy was. He knew his name was Aaron and that he was on a sports team, although it couldn't have been basketball or baseball because then Marley would have known him better. But a challenge had been issued. And Marley could never, ever turn down a challenge.

"Oh, it's on. It's so on. Er." He looked sideways at Ash. "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes, just gotta do it because, you know, it's basketball and all. And fucking challenges. Challenges gotta be done."

Ash hugged him again before retreating to the bleachers, although it was such a quick hug that Marley had barely enough time to reciprocate. Marley watched her leave, while some odd thought about wishing he had his violin so they could both mess around with musical instruments together floated around in his head, before he turned back to Aaron. The challenger.

"Right, so how you wanna do this? First to three, first to five? I mean, gonna kick your ass either way, might as well give you the choice."

Yes, his game had been off all lunch time. But Marley was not gonna lose. He hated losing, and he didn't want to look like a bitch. Not in front of Aaron, not in front of the girl who'd been staring at him, and especially not in front of Ash. There was also the principle behind just generally not being a bitch, but the extra incentive didn't hurt.
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Post by Fenrir »

"Oh, it's on. It's so on.”

Aaron smirked at the confirmation. Seemed like this guy was as eager for an opponent as Aaron was. The jock took the ball out from under his arm and walked onto the court, bouncing the ball idly as he closed the distance to Marley.

"Right, so how you wanna do this? First to three, first to five? I mean, gonna kick your ass either way, might as well give you the choice."

The football player smiled wider; this guy was cocky, confident, he liked that, it reminded him of his eldest brother. Andrew was the kind of cocky, insufferable winner that made it all the more satisfying when Aaron or his other brother were actually able to beat him.

“Three sounds good. Don’t want to keep you too long. You want to start off?”

Aaron took his place on the court between Marley and the hoop, bouncing the ball a couple more time before catching it and holding it for a second, then passing it off to the taller boy to let him start things off.
[+] Supers
SS33: Andrew Martin - The sound of silence
Gift: Hush
[+] TV3
MM02: Sarah Lillian Whitlock - Is anybody out there?
Weapon - WASP Injection Knife
Team - Malcolm's Mariners
Current Location - There's a Fire in the Sky That Only I Can See
Memory Location - Close encounters

ES10: Akeno Kudo - Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.
Weapon - Wire Garotte
Team - Emmy's Selkies
Current Location - Upset
Memory Location - Coulomb's Law

Relationship Thread
[+] INTL
O28: Zander Lin - Don't you know who I am?
Weapon - None
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Post by KamiKaze »

((Sorry folks for the delay. I'll just escort Feli out so you can continue your business))

Felicia, again, knew it was rude to stare. But it seemed they were having a minor game between themselves.

And she couldn't help but smile.

Really, things seemed to be going well.

But oh. She needed to find someplace a little more... private. Perhaps the basketball court wasn't the best place to eat lunch.

So Felicia picked up her things, and slowly stepped away from the benches.

"Have fun!" she called out, and went on her way.

Perhaps underneath the trees was better?

((Felicia LaChapelle continued elsewhere))
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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