No One Checks in Unless Their Name is Smith

Open, G05 Start

Holding hundreds of people at its maximum capacity, this hotel features a beach front pool, and nearly every room has a view. However the most common complaint that the management used to get was the paper thin walls, and how easily the building carried noise.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Splitting up as a possibility?

Carol was reminded of Scooby Doo. Fred would always go "Let's split up, gang!" and he would wander off with Daphne. Everyone always said that they were off doing "things", but Carol didn't see it. But then Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma would get into wacky hi jinks with the monster, usually involving lost glasses, Scooby and Shaggy dressing up, and then at the end the monster turns out to be an old man who just wanted to get money or something.

Maybe Danya was an old man who wanted money or something.

Carol couldn't help but giggle to herself at the mental image of them splitting up, only to encounter someone in a monster outfit. "Old man Reeves! But what do you want with an abandoned hotel?" "I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for your meddling kids! And your stupid Kidz Bop too!"

It was pretty funny, despite what was happening.

Oh, she just giggled out loud, didn't she?

"Sorry. Just... a weird thought", she said, composing herself slightly while still smiling. "Anyways... about that plan..."

Carol didn't think splitting up would be too good, actually. Karl said so himself. What if something happened and the others didn't know? Sure, she and Carol had the chair legs while Karl had the gun, but their classmates were probably also scared. That's all they were. Scared. That's all. But it would be a good idea to stay together while they did so.

"I... kinda don't like the idea of everyone going off alone. Too risky, you know? Maybe we should like... stick together. I kind of think it's safer, really."
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Post by Laurels »

Amber listened to what Karl and Carol thought about her idea. They seemed to be okay with the idea of checking the hotel from the ground up. Karl had the idea of splitting up, while Carol thought it would be better to stay together.

"I sort of agree with Carol. It is pretty risky to split up. Any horror movie can tell you that. Well, if anything, we can spread out in large rooms, but should probably not leave a room alone."

Amber looked up and down the hall they were standing in. There was a door to a stairwell to her left.

"I say we head down. Karl, since you have the best weapon, you should take the lead. Carol and I can cover you."

Amber clutched the chair leg in her hand.

"If we do find anyone, we should be cautious. Best case scenario: no one else is going to play, and we can wait for rescue. Worst case scenario: someone tries to kill us. Let's not provoke anyone into the worst case scenario."

She gave another look at Carol and Karl.

"Okay, let's go."
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
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Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by CondorTalon »

Both Carol and Amber dismissed the idea of splitting up, and indeed it was a pretty stupid idea. Sticking together would allow them to handle any threats safely.

So, stick together it was, then.

Amber suggested that he take the lead, since he had the gun. It made sense, so Karl didn't object to it. Amber pointed out a stairwell to the left that they could use to go down.

"If we do find anyone, we should be cautious. Best case scenario: no one else is going to play, and we can wait for rescue. Worst case scenario: someone tries to kill us. Let's not provoke anyone into the worst case scenario."

Karl subconsciously gripped the gun tighter when she said that. If someone was playing... could he actually point the gun at them? He wasn't even sure of that. These were still kids. Kids his age, even if they were playing...

"Okay, let's go."

"Right," he replied, and started heading towards the stairs.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh god. Now her thoughts had changed from Scooby Doo to horror movies... and that wasn't so good. Carol thought horror movies were alright when she wasn't... you know. Nothing to get worked up over in any way, shape, or form. But in a way, Amber just made it worse. Sure, Scooby Doo could get kind of freaky, but it was mostly creepy in the way of plastic Halloween decorations. The goofy kind. Horror movies, though... yeesh.

A small shudder passed through her as she nodded.

Right. Stick together. It'll be fine. She was sure of it.

As Karl approached the stairs, she followed, holding the broken chair leg.

The steps creaked underneath her feet with each movement. As she slowly went down, her thoughts began to wander a bit. She just had to pretend that this was like some bad Scooby Doo thing, right? And honestly, the best thing would be if they all got rescued quickly and-

Carol slightly stepped incorrectly on the stairs, and she felt her foot wobble at the edge of the step. She almost fell down due to her lack of balance, but she managed to stay upwards. However, she ended up dropping the chair leg.

A few thumping noises rang out as it rolled down the steps, ending about five steps away from the group. Carol's eyes widened. Oh crap. That wasn't good. Carol was, to put it simply, a space cadet. And occasionally that resulted in her being clumsy and... well, doing stuff like this. They were supposed to be quiet! Dropping things and making noises while dropping things wasn't exactly quiet!

Carol swiftly whipped her head around at Amber and Karl. The look on the Nevadan's face said it all. She would hiss out an "I'm sorry", but she didn't want to make any more noise. Was it even a good idea?
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
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Currently: In the student lounge
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Post by Laurels »

Amber stayed close to her allies as they moved down the stairs of the hotel. If they did run into trouble, they would likely be in a pickles, since they had very few places to go between floors, and the were still somewhat weak in the weapons department.

She breathed slowly as they made their way down. Amber tried to run the statistics in her head. How many kids were on the bus? How large was the island? How long were they out? It was all very difficult to ponder.

It was then that there was a loud clanking sound. Carol had stumbled and dropped her chair leg. Amber froze, holding her breath.

Am I already that frightened of my surroundings? Holy shit, this is what they want to happen, isn't it?

Amber bent at her knees and picked up the chair leg before handing it back to Carol.

"Try to be a little more careful," she whispered.

Soon, the trio had reached the ground floor of the hotel. The hotel must have been very nice in the past. Amber imagined that people came from far and wide to stay in the many rooms of the building. Those days were far gone. Everything in the hotel's lobby had the air of a horror film, especially The Shining.

The front desk was covered in cobwebs, with water damage to the wood and dust an inch thick. The clock on the wall had stopped ticking and was frozen at 6:17. Amber continued to look around until she found a map on the wall. It was a map of the hotel, screwed to the wall behind some fiberglass.

The hotel seemed to be lacking in a lot of special features. There was a pool, apparently. The map did tell her at least where a dining hall and kitchen was, along with bathrooms, a ballroom, and some offices, as well as the exits.

"So, where should we go?" she asked the two with her.
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by CondorTalon »

As Karl made his way down the stairs, he mentally reminded to be careful. With both his hands on the gun, there was no way to stop himself should he trip. And if he stumbled, there was a good possibility that something like...

He was interrupted by a series of loud thumping noises. He watched as a chair leg made its way down the stairs.

...something like that would happen.

Karl whipped his head around to the other two, noticing that Carol has this look on her face. This was all Karl needed to see to know what had happened.

Amber went, picking up the chair leg, before giving it back and telling her to be more careful. Karl just nodded grimly.

Soon enough, they had made their way down to the lobby. The old, musty, dilapidated lobby.

Amber had found a map on the wall and looked at it. Karl stood a bit behind her, getting in as much detail as he could.

"So, where should we go?"

"Hmm... well, I think we should work from the outside in. Secure the perimeter first, and then check any of the inner rooms."
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Post by KamiKaze »

As Amber handed her the leg and reminded her to keep quiet, Carol smiled. It wasn't a happy smile. It wasn't even a nervous smile. It was the kind of smile you make when you know you messed up.

Really, how embarrassing. She should pay more attention sometimes.

She mouthed the word "Thanks", and slid down with them.

Once she was at the bottom, she shuddered.

This hotel gave her the creeps! It was like something out of some horror movie. There she went, thinking about horror movies again. But seriously. It looked... dead. Cobwebs and everything. Good god. The clock had stopped ticking. The desk was clearly messed up.

This whole place was messed up. Carol couldn't wait until they got back upstairs. At least it was less creepy up there.

As she looked at the map with Amber, Carol looked at the locations. A pool? No, let's not go there for the love of god. The ballroom? Worth checking out. Dining hall? Kitchens?

"Yeah. What Karl said", Carol mumbled.

Something occurred to her.

"You think the kitchen might have something we need?"

Carol knew all about how to prepare food. If it needed refrigeration, it usually wasn't edible if it had been out for this long. But some food lasted for a while, especially if it was canned or jarred. What if there was some canned food still there, or something at least somewhat edible? Carol probably wasn't going to go for the meat that's clearly rotten, of course. However, canned or jarred food generally stuck around for a while. And other foods, like rice, had a pretty good shelf life.

And heck. Even though she doubted it, there could still be something their kidnappers didn't account for and there could be something that could be easily be used as a weapon. She doubted it, but that was there.
HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
(Meanwhile in the past...)
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Post by Laurels »

Amber listened to what Karl and Carol said. Karl wanted to check the perimeter of the hotel. Carol wanted to look at the kitchen. Amber simply pondered.

"Hiding in the kitchen won't matter if we can't figure out where the exits are and can't secure them. I think we should start by checking the area around the hotel first. A kitchen would probably have a fire escape, so maybe we can hide there."

Amber noticed the exit of the hotel behind her.

"So, yeah, let's check outside. Stay close. Be careful."

Amber clutched her chair leg and moved to the door, pushing it open and stepping out. She looked at the area around her. It appeared that most of the walkways around the hotel were becoming swallowed by weeds. She saw a sign leading to the pool, and decided to check it out.

The pool had been drained long ago. The tiles and concrete around it were cracked and full of weeds. The only water inside the pool was brown rain water from the amount of leaves and filth from whatever had fallen into the pool over the years. The walls of the pool were also stained brown.

"Hey Carol," Amber said, "looks like you don't have to worry too much about the pool. It's empty."
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by CondorTalon »

They had made their way through the hotel exit, out onto the the back walkway. Amber had decided to make her way over to the pool. The pool had already been drained, and showed tell-tale signs of disuse. He simply looked in as Amber talked to Carol.

Eventually they had made their way around the hotel, securing all of the exits.

Karl hadn't got any sleep.

After securing the perimeter, they had holed themselves in the kitchen. There was a lull in conversation throughout the day, and Karl had used this time to think about the situation. Once in a while he'd respond to Amber and Carol, but for the most part he sat, thinking about long-term strategies for surviving this "game". Even though he didn't think anyone would actually play, it didn't hurt to be at least a little prepared. These thoughts followed him throughout the night, preventing from getting a good night's sleep. As the sky brightened outside, he felt his eyes closing once more.

His eyes shot open as a sort of crackling noise echoed throughout the building. Karl shot up, frantically shifting his eyes around for the source of the noise.

"Good morning, kiddies. You've all survived your first night away from home."

Karl recognized that voice. It was the guy who had hijacked their bus. The guy who'd shot Kiel. He'd called himself Danya.

"Isn't this just the vacation you've always dreamed of? Well, those of you who are still alive, that is. Yes, that's right—not everyone has been so lucky."


Karl listened, as Danya listed off the names of the dead, and the killers, as he went over the Danger Zones. That didn't matter to him though. He had only half-listened to make sure the hotel wasn't a danger zone, but his mind was focusing on the deaths.

There were already killers. They'd been here for only one day, and yet people had already started killing. Karl mentally berated himself for thinking otherwise. This is what anarchy was, anyway. Leave people alone without a society, or without law, and chaos is inevitable.

He slowly stood up, grabbing the Remington, and exiting the kitchen. He wasn't particularly careful or quiet about it either. He didn't know or care whether the others would follow him.

He just needed some time to think.
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Post by Super Llama* »

{{continued from They Could Have At Least Left Me Something}}


If Lyn had to pick any word to describe her current condition, it'd be that. She ran for quite a while after fleeing the hospital, not slowing down until it finally got dark, after which she wandered aimlessly for a while. Jesus Christ, she was worn out, and her arm still hurt like hell from trying to climb through the broken window. She'd reached up a while ago to feel where the shard of glass got her, and there was definitely blood. It looked like the bleeding stopped, though, but she should still stop and treat it so she doesn't get an infection. She didn't want to stop, however. Not until she reached someplace safer.

So instead she wandered. She wandered, and so did her mind. Trying to think of something, anything other than what she might have to do here to survive. No, not might have to do. DEFINITELY have to do. The guy who kidnapped them made it perfectly clear that there was to be no coasting through the game without killing someone. She could hole up somewhere, maybe get lucky and not end up in a dangerzone, or find herself a new place to hole up if she did. She could go through the rest of the game without meeting a soul, let everyone else kill each other off. But it wouldn't be any good. They'd just make her do it again. That's what they said.

She had to kill someone.

She had to...

The large shape of a building appeared before her (she'd weighed the option earlier of using her flashlight with the consequences of telegraphing her location to anyone nearby, and decided against it.) As she came up to it, she reached out and felt along the wall, until her fingers ran along letters.






Hotel? This seems like a good spot to rest. Treat her injury and get some sleep. No more thoughts about killing people. She could leave that shit for tomorrow.

As she walked towards what looked like a door, Lyn winced as a loud crackling noise offended her ears, followed by a recognizable voice.

Shit. So many dead bodies. So many killers. So many people that'd get to go home if they made it to the end. This was going by faster than she thought. Dammit.

Lyn opened up the door to the hotel and stepped inside, heaving a sigh.
This is an archival account used by staff to port posts belonging to the former handler Super Llama.
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Post by Fiori »

((Marty J. Lovett continued from With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility))

I killed a living person. I killed a living person. I killed a living person...

Those were the only thoughts running through Marty's head as he dashed through undergrowth, pure adrenaline alone being the only thing stopping him from passing out and falling to the floor.

How could he have been so stupid? If he had just ignored Maria's yelling then none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have gotten spooked, and nobody would have gotten accidentally shot. But no, some part of him had to know for sure. He just had to get a look in case someone was in trouble, despite the fact that if someone WAS in trouble he'd probably of been too much of a chickenshit to do anything about it.

But no, he just had to look, and now because of his curiosity two people were dead. Innocent, friendly people who would have never done anyone any harm. And he had more-or-less murdered them thanks to his stupidity.

Eventually, the young boy found himself nearing a large building. A hotel of some description from the looks of things. Guilt aside, after running for so long Marty felt as though he could collapse any second, so he quickly made his way inside so he could find a place to rest for the night. Too tired to even consider the possibility of there being anyone else inside, he made his way towards the nearest bedroom, closed the door behind him and slumped down on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Several hours and one disturbing nightmare later, Marty was awoken by a familiar voice that began listing out the names of his classmates.

Oh shit, is he... Is he listing out the names of the killers as well as the victims?!? Oh fuck, now everyone's gonna know that I killed Maria! Oh no, oh god no this isn't happening... Shit, he just brought her name up! Wait, he isn't mentioning me. Maybe I'm not going to be...

"Oh, right, her murderer was Martin Lovett. Almost forgot to share that with you."

Oh fuck you!

Great. Not only was he reminded of what he'd done, now all his classmates will know as well. The fact that he wasn't exactly the most popular guy in school was bad enough, but now that he everyone knew what he'd done nobody with half a brian would trust him for a second. Why should they? Not only was he that scrawny loser with no friends, but he also killed someone who was well known for being perfectly harmless. He sure as hell wouldn't trust himself if he was in someone else's shoes. What about Carol? Would she think that he was a psycho too? Well duh, of course she would. It wasn't as if she knew him any better than everyone.

Oh well, better find somewhere to hide...

As he exited his room and made his way into the lobby, he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as a sight caught his eyes.

Wait, is that... Karl? With a shotgun?

Sure enough, it was.


Thankfully, managed to hide behind a couch before the other boy noticed him, his heart beating furiously as he tried to figure out what he should do next. Okay, don't panic Marty. He hasn't spotted you yet. Just wait for him to move on, get up, and sneak out the front door...

For the most part, his plan went on swimmingly. Karl eventually moved out of sight, and Marty was able to sneak away quietly. The only thing that stopped him from achieving the last step was the fact that none other that Lyn Burbank on the other side.


Panicking, Marty sneaked away before she could notice him, quickly yet quietly making his way down the nearest hallway until he came across a door that had been left open ajar. Looking back to make sure he wasn't being followed, he quickly went through the door and closed it as quietly as he could.

Phew, thank god, nobody saw me. Alright, guess this means I'm getting out via the back door. God, I hope there's no one else here...

Sure enough, as he turned around to get a proper look at the room he entered, it was only at that point that he finally noticed the two girls back at him. One of whom happened to be none other than Carol Burke herself.

Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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Post by KamiKaze »

The pool was drained.

That was a relief, wasn't it?

Carol smiled. Well, they could just stick here for the time being....


Carol had been woken up by the announcement, and ever since she had buried her face into a pillow, hugging it like it was a teddy.

Her eyes were bright red and swollen, Carol having worn herself out with crying.

People died. She didn't like that.

Craig was dead. Sidney was dead. Liz was dead. Maria was dead. Quincy was dead.

They were gone.

Gone. Just like that. Gone.

Really, she still thought they all were scared. Maybe Maria panicked and shot Craig, and then Marty panicked and shot her. Or maybe Sidney and Anthony were freaking out and it killed her. Maybe Liz and Quincy were accidents.

They weren't bad people! None of them were bad people. Far from it. No one would willingly kill their classmates, heck, their friends that willingly. She was sure of it. And she still thought they were going to be rescued. That the military was still coming to save them. That they'd find a way home.

But it filled her with horror, with dread, that five of her classmates weren't coming home. They were gone. Just... gone. For no good reason.

Carol hadn't said anything. How could she say anything? All she did was sob.

She knew they had to keep hope, but at the same time, hope did nothing for Craig, Sidney, Liz, Maria, or Quincy, did it?

No, she needed to keep strong, stay hopeful. Someone was coming to save them! They were going home and then she'd go back to her family and the rest of her friends in Highland and then meet her friends in Nevada a year later and then graduate and then get a good job and then...

Very loud footsteps.

Carol lifted her head, listening for the noise. Karl was on watch, and frankly, she doubted he was making that noise. The noise steadily got louder, and then the door swung completely opening as a shape appeared through it. It closed the door, and Carol recognized it.

But he didn't seem to realize he and Amber were there until he turned around.

HARERAISER (Winter Castillo)
The synthwave bunnygirl programmer roller weeb!
Currently: Confused? Horrified?

Junko Kurosawa
Think Johnny Knoxville but a teenage girl.
Currently: Ridng a shopping cart (in-between threads)

Bella Bianchi
Ballet dancer with pressure.
Currently: In the student lounge
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Post by Laurels »

The hotel was theirs. They were able to find all the exits and secure them. They left the main entrance open so they could escape in case the area was made a danger zone. It was risky, but they figured that anyone who came to the hotel would go for one of the many rooms instead of the kitchen.

The kitchen itself was pretty bare. None of the stoves or ovens worked, they were too old and broken to produce a single spark. The kitchen had most equipment removed, meaning they had no knives to use, but plenty of spoons and forks.

The three spent the day trying to remain calm and ignore the situation. Amber tried to get Carol and Karl to discuss various things such as favorite foods, favorite movies, and more. It didn't amount to much, and Amber went to sleep early, lying down in a bed she made from some sheets she stole from a room in a corner of the kitchen. The dreams were unpleasant, but the darkness was comforting.

And then that bastard had to make his presence known.

Amber woke up when Danya made the morning announcement. She grabbed the map, prepared to figure out where they would have to go if the hotel was a danger zone. That had to be all he would discuss. No one could be dead yet. Their class was full of reasonable people, no one could be dead. The Army would be there soon and take them all home.

Craig. Sidney. Liz. Maria. Quincy.

They proved Amber's hypothesis wrong. They were dead. Her classmates were willing to kill. Amber quickly wrote the names of the killers down.

Maria. Anthony. Jennifer. Marty. Adam.

They had taken lives. Maria died soon after, so Amber knew she wasn't a threat anymore.

Well, if only five people died in twenty-four hours, that has to mean that our class might be a little resistant to playing.

Amber grabbed her chair leg and turned to her companions. Karl was gone, probably patrolling the hotel. Carol had been crying into a pillow. Amber walked over to Carol and held her close.

"It's going to be fine Carol. There has to be some explanation. They can't all be bad."

That's when the door swung open. Amber jolted up and saw a figure close the doors before turning around. Amber was frozen.

Marty Lovett. The murderer of Maria Graham.

Amber's grip tightened on the chair leg. She turned to Carol.

We need to be careful. I can't let Carol die if Marty is playing. I got to be certain. Need to ask the right questions.

"Marty, it would be very kind of you to not hurt us. We won't do anything if you don't. We know you killed Maria, but could you tell us why?"

Oh shit, where's Karl?
G014: Mayumi Tendou
[+] Former Characters


Program V2
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
Louisa Bloom: Deceased

Program V3 Prologue
Rodney Vasicek: Escaped
Ambrose Lexington: Deceased
Helena Christensen: Deceased

Program V3
Philippa "Pippa" Andolini: Deceased
Nastasia "Nastya" Zharkova: Deceased


Asa Rosen: Deceased
Taylor DeVasher: Deceased

Dale Hawthorne: Deceased
Shoshanna Kowalczyk: Deceased

Second Chances:

Second Chances V1
Paige Strand: Deceased
Amber Whimsy: Deceased

Second Chances V2
Sophie McDowell: Deceased
Brigid Paxton: Deceased
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Post by CondorTalon »

Craig. Sidney. Liz. Maria. Quincy.

They were all dead. Karl still couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that there were already deaths. It was barely twenty-four hours, for chrissake! He had done a loop of the hotel, on edge. Every movement sent his eyes towards that location, and he had to convince himself that it was just his imagination. As he made his way back to the kitchen doors, he felt that something was off. He was sure he hadn't closed the door as he left, but there it was. Closed.

He swore he heard voices too. There were too many voices to just be Amber and Carol.


Karl's eyes widened. Marty. His name was on the announcements, wasn't it? He was a killer.

Instinctively, he opened the door, gun raised.

There he was. Marty was right there, and he didn't know why he was here. But he couldn't let anyone else die, and if Marty was here there was a chance he could try to kill again.

The shotgun was pointed at Marty's back. If he didn't act now they could all be in danger.

His finger curled around the trigger.


He hesitated.


But only for a moment.

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Post by Fiori »

...Oh god, why?

Out of all the people in the world who I could have bumped into, why did I have to bump into her? Christ, I don't want her to see me right now! Not after what I'd done...

As glad as Marty was that Carol seemed to be fine, the fact that she looked absolutely terrified made his chest ache. The fact that he was the one who was scaring her just made it all the more worse, to the point where he almost completely forgot about the two other people in the building.

Well... The fuck are you waiting for Marty, say something!

"I... Maria, I... I...." he stuttered, unsure as to what exactly he should say. What the heck COULD he say? It wasn't as if he had anything to hide, but would Carol and Amber believe him if he told the truth? He certainly wouldn't if he was in her shoes.

Then again, unlike Carol, he probably wouldn't trust anyone regardless of how truthful they are. He'd spent almost half his life never trusting anyone outside his own family, and look how well that turned out. Carol on the other hand was the complete opposite. SHE actually knew how to trust someone without knowing all the facts. Sure, it meant she was a little gullible, but at least it meant that she had friends to rely on. She was a good, honest person who would never harm anyone regardless of what some fat bastard said. If anyone on this island deserved to go home, she did.

Was he just being biased because of his crush on her? Maybe, not that he cared. At any rate, just thinking about it gave him the resolve to take a deep breath and speak coherently.

"...Yes, I... You're right, I did it. I'm not going to lie and say that the announcer guy was making shi... stuff up. But I never MEANT to do it. It was a complete accident, I swear! And Maria didn't mean to shoot Craig either! We were all scared, and none of us knew what to do... I think Maria's gun went off by accident, or something, I don't know. Maybe mine went off first. Whatever the case, someone we'd both made a mistake and in the end, I..... Look, I don't want to hurt anyone! Especially not you... Either of you, that is, or anyone else! I... I-I-I'm just scared, okay."

He paused for a moment, allowing them the chance to think. Hmm, maybe I should put the gun down as well, just to make sure...

"I-I-If it makes you feel better, I'll just put the gun dow-"


Suddenly, everything seemed to happen in slow motion as Marty slammed into the floor in front of him, his vision going hazy as he clutched his chest. Judging from the sudden impact and the infernal pain in his torso, it didn't take much deduction to realise that he'd been shot in the back. Surprisingly, given how paranoid he had been up to this point, now that the killing blow had been dealt he suddenly felt relaxed for the first time in hours. After all, how could things possibly get any worse for him?

Oh shit, this hurts... Fuck, guess this means I should probably make some fancy last words before I pass out...

"Carol... I.... I've always li.... Liked......."

...Eh, close enough.

Kicking Akamatsu in the face since 2010
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