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Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:33 pm
by CondorTalon
((Nancy Kyle continued from 見てください.))

Back at the asylum, but this time, there was no fear in Nancy's steps, even as her shoes and socks got soaked from the layer of water on the floor. She pushed open the doors to the large room, taking in the sight.

This room was dank and unpleasant. Nancy scrunched her nose in disgust and shivered. In any other circumstance, she would have avoided this place, but...

It was a peculiar thing, the basement. If Nancy was going to enact her plan, she needed to play it smart. She needed to avoid large groups, and in her mind, that meant this was the perfect place. Because it was gloomy and creepy. And loners would look for dark, hidden places to hide away in. right?


"Nancy-chan's big break is starting," she said, her voice echoing through the room. She giggled, a slight creepiness edging it, as she slowly stepped over to the back of the room. The doors there led to another area. If someone were to come in here, her best bet would be to hide in this room in the back.

One push against the doors proved her wrong. The doors were heavy and made quite a bit of noise as they creaked against their rusted hinges. The room was large. If she hid in the back, someone could have fled by the time she pushed open the doors and ran at them. She didn't trust someone to try and hide out in the room either, so...

Even if it meant getting her legs wet...

Nancy crouched down behind one of the tubs, making sure to duck low. She kept her ears perked.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:33 pm
by decoy73
((Sabrina Luz continued from AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH))

Sabrina stopped to catch her breath. She'd been running for who knows how long, in this hospital, or asylum (had they drawn someone getting their brain removed?). Was there anyone alive who wasn't out to kill her? Possibly not. Now she was just walking around trying to get away from those guys. She looked around for a door. Any door to lead to an isolated room where she could get her brain into gear.

Luckily, there was one right by her, with nobody around. She opened the door and stumbled in.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:34 pm
by CondorTalon
It wasn't long before Nancy heard the set of footsteps. One. Singular. Solitary. There was a lone person coming this way. Either that, or someone was carrying someone else on their back.

Nancy doubted it.

As the footsteps approached, Nancy held her breath. She looked down at the axe, which was still caked in Scarlett's blood. Even though she had prepared herself to enact this plan, she had to make sure... had to make sure she could handle it. If she went through with it and then realized that she couldn't stomach it, then how would she...

The door to the room opened. Nancy steeled herself. In a few seconds, she would find out if it was true what they said about the first kill being the hardest.

Nancy waited for the door to fully close before jumping out from behind the tub. She took a second to connect a name to the face. Sabrina Luz. She vaguely recognized her from when she passed her in the halls back at school.

Then, she swung.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:34 pm
by decoy73
There was someone else inside. A girl. Maybe she was going to ... was that an axe? What was she doing with that?

Sabrina screamed as she got out of the way. She reached into her bag as she did so, looking for something anything to fend her off.

No, no, no. Wait, maybe this could work. Her hard wrapped around something hard, round, and plastic, quite unlike the other objects in her bag. She pulled out the screwdriver. It wasn't much, but it would have to do.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 pm
by CondorTalon
She missed.

Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Nancy expected it. Sabrina dove backward, pulling something out of her bag. In the dimness of the room, Nancy couldn't quite tell what it was, but there was glint of light as Sabrina held the object. Was it a gun? A knife?

Whatever it was, Nancy wouldn't give her a chance to use it. She swung again, in a wide horizontal arc.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 pm
by decoy73
What was she doing? Why?

Sabrina jumped back as the axe passed her by, grazing her stomach. She then gripped her screwdriver and charged, stabbing the screwdriver forward, at the attacking girl.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 pm
by CondorTalon
There was a flash as the thing Sabrina was holding surged forward, catching Nancy in the shoulder. There was a sting of pain, and Nancy stumbled back as her shoulder began to bleed. There was pain, but Nancy didn't slow down. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but there was a fire in Nancy's heart that couldn't be quelled.

But this presented a problem. Nancy couldn't let Sabrina get many more hits in.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be," Nancy said, before thrusting the hatchet forward, if for no other reason than to knock the wind out of her.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 pm
by decoy73
Sabrina pulled on the screwdriver, as the other girl approached her. Sabrina moved for the door as the other girl hit her in the stomach with the ax.

Sabrina collapsed as the wind was knocked out of her. However, she still had the strength to move for the door as she tried to get up.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 pm
by CondorTalon
Sabrina went down, but she definitely wasn't out. That would have to be remedied. Nancy noticed that she was going toward the door, trying to clamber to her feet, trying to escape.

Nancy shook her head. She couldn't have that.

Nancy hefted the axe, her shoulder stinging as she did so. She muttered a swear under her breath, gripping the handle tighter.

Aiming square for Sabrina's leg, she brought the axe blade down with all her might.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:37 pm
by decoy73
Almost there ...


Sabrina hit the ground. She then looked at the other girl. Her hands were holding the ax at what


And then the pain hit. Her leg burned as she saw what had happened - the ax was stuck in her outer thigh. She wriggled in blind pain, swinging her screwdriver around, trying to get to the door and away from her.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:37 pm
by CondorTalon
The axe finally connected, digging itself in Sabrina's leg. There was the blood again. Nancy grimaced as the it began to spew.

"Ugh... disgusting," she muttered.

And then Sabrina began to scream, swinging her weapon wildly in her general direction.

"Stop that!" Nancy yelled, pulling the axe out of the wound before swinging it again, this time aiming at the other girl's flailing arm.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:37 pm
by decoy73
The other girl took the axe out as Sabrina inched away, flailing. The other girl was yelling something that she couldn't hear over the agony. Then she saw the ax swing down into her arm and connected.

Sabrina screamed again as the tears started to come out. The screwdriver dropped to the floor as Sabrina collapsed, sobbing.

"P-Please ... don't ..."

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:37 pm
by CondorTalon
That was it. Sabrina's weapon dropped to the ground, which meant that Sabrina was no longer a threat. She calmly walked over and picked it up, examining up close.

It was a screwdriver. A screwdriver caked with Nancy's blood.

Nancy couldn't help but laugh at that. More absurdity. She dropped it, gripping the axe with both hands.

Sabrina was crying. Nancy couldn't help but feel... just a bit guilty. She was just unfortunate to be here when she was.

Would Nancy have felt different if it were someone else?

Maybe. Maybe not.

"Sorry," Nancy said.

Nancy wasn't sorry. Not for killing her. Maybe she felt sorry for her, but that wasn't the same thing.

She brought the axe down. No way to miss.

One would have been enough, but Nancy went for three.

Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:38 pm
by decoy73
The other girl picked up something. It was blue and silver and red all over.

No! Give it back!

She dropped it before clutching the axe.


No! Don

"AAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" Sabrina's stomach BURNED as she felt a wet, sickening splurch. The other girl took the axe out, creating a new wave of pain before swinging again.

Blood sprayed out of her mouth as she coughed, unable to do anything more other than wish she would be healed and . She dropped to the floor.

She never even felt the third blow. By then, she just stared.

Please, make it



Re: 幽霊屋敷

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:38 pm
by CondorTalon
Sabrina died. It was easy to see that, as the last blow hit. Nancy paused for a few seconds, before pulling the hatchet out of Sabrina's body.

Nancy really didn't want to look down. Sabrina had been struck by the axe five times, at least. That was a lot of blood. Even Scarlett had only been hit twice. Nancy breathed heavily, but tried to calm her breathing. She looked down cautiously.

Yep, definitely a lot of blood. She coughed a few times. She... should probably do something about the body that was currently lying right in front of the door. She didn't want to touch it. But she would have to. She looked around the room, and got an idea.

Nancy grabbed Sabrina's body by the legs, dragging her over to one of the tubs lying on its side. She rolled the body into the tub, before moving to the other side.

With great effort, she tipped the tub over, so that Sabrina was completely hidden underneath the tub. She walked around the tub, making sure none of Sabrina was poking out from under the tub. She then tapped the bottom of the tub a few times.

"You stay there."

Nancy walked over to the dropped screwdriver, picking it up before moving over to the back room and sitting on one of the benches within. She got to work treating her wound.