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It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:07 pm
by Arscapi†
((Logan Cadagon continued from What a Rush))

Logan left the convenience store quickly. There went all their careful planning. They had a pretty sweet set-up going, even if Joseph was a stick in the mud the majority of the time. He shrugged and continued walking, he didn't have a direction other than away. Get out of the danger zone. He'd been walking for about ten minutes when he realized he'd left his "weapon" behind.

Now that he was outside again, a tent might actually have come in handy. Especially seeing as how he'd managed to find himself in a fairly wooded area. He rolled his eyes, if there was one thing that didn't mix it was Logan and the outdoors. Which meant that even having the tent probably wasn't going to do him any good, since he'd still have to put it together, or put it up, or whatever the term was.

Heaving a small sigh, he turned to survey his surroundings. The clearing wasn't bad and Logan was betting if they put their minds to it, they could defend this place as well. However, using their ingenuity to secure places and then having to leave them behind might not be the best strategy. Hopefully, their stay here was temporary and they'd be back in the convenience store before anyone else could lay claim.

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:07 pm
by ChainmailleAddict†
((Joseph Chaplin continued from What a Rush))

Joseph never really liked the outdoors.

With a sigh, he continued his trek through the woods. Jessica and Logan were still there, it looked like. Sleeping had helped with keeping his bad thoughts at bay, but he wasn't so sure how much longer he could keep going on like this. Of course the terrorists would take the one luxury they had away. Based on the announced weather, they'd probably planned to stick everyone out in the rain as if to give yet another middle finger to everyone caught in this whole ordeal. He took a breath, put his hands on his head and looked straight ahead at... it looked like a clearing.

Logan had stopped, and none too soon. Joseph sat down around the clearing, looking around and taking a swig from his water bottle. He didn't really care that there would be rain. Rain was alright, if a damper on the day. What he more cared about was... no, don't think about it... getting to the convenience store again. Yeah, that was a good goal. One he could try to fixate on for the day. "Does... this look alright to you, Logan? I'd rather not wander any further from the store."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:08 pm
by Arscapi†
Logan avoided rolling his eyes. Of course it looked alright to him, that's why he'd stopped in the first place. Instead of saying that, he smiled and turned to face Joseph. He'd decided it was best to play nice, especially since they were out in the open and not in their barricaded store.

"I agree. I want to be able to get back to the store as soon as we can. I'm assuming the danger zone will lift. I'm not a big fan of the outdoors, but I don't want to wander further and further away. Of course if we could find away to stay dry, I'd be all for that."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:08 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
((Jessica Sanders continued from What a Rush))

"Last I knew," Jessica said, "you were the one getting all stir crazy on us, weren't you?

As much as she wanted to glare at Joseph, having an attitude wouldn't help anybody. The dude sure was being a wet blanket about everything, but if she tuned him out and listened to Logan instead, those strands of sanity that kept her grounded to everything seemed to be a little closer in reach. So, Jessica stared at the ground instead as she traced their chosen area.

"But now you want to stay close to the convenience store. I mean, sure, whatever, I want to stay close to it, too." She kicked aside some leaves with her foot. "So when we go back and we hole ourselves up, I don't want to hear anymore damn complaining. If I do, so fucking help me..." Her care for the situation was dropping rapidly. Might as well move on to something else. "You know what? Forget it."

Perhaps Logan had mused on it, but Jessica couldn't help but also think that bringing along the tent really would have helped out. Instead, they were left to work with... more than she initially thought, actually. The first thing that was apparent was a fire pit - if they could get the proper material to light it, probably a bunch of sticks or leaves then wood, they could have themselves a source of warmth through the night. There was also a half-rotten picnic table. Something to sit at or possibly organize things, but not extremely useful.

What struck her most was a ratty old tent that somehow avoid her gaze the first time. She shuddered to think, if only for a moment, what horribly mangled corpse might be lurking inside it... or worse, the killer. All a fabrication of her mind, she had to assure herself instantly. She hadn't even seen anybody die.

Heard it, sure. But seeing was believing, yeah?

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:10 pm
by ChainmailleAddict†
Joseph kept his eyes on his surroundings. Namely the torn tent. It was a quite unfortunate that nobody thought to pick up Logan's tent, but he digressed. There appeared to be a rotten picnic table, one which, given the right circumstances, could possibly be broken off and used for warmth in the fire pit. He was fairly sure that they could make it back to the convenience store, barring any possible bad circumstances which had weighed so heavily on his mind. He honestly just wanted this day done and over with so he could have the comfort of shelter for another day. His observations were cut off by Jessica, who, in better circumstances, he thought to himself, would not have acted so bitterly towards him. He tried to think of something to say, but sometimes silence was the best wording.

Joseph looked at Logan, who said something about staying dry. He wasn't sure how he planned on attaining this, but he was in full support of the plan. It would be something to do for the day, and the further he could psychologically distance himself from his situation, the better.

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:11 pm
by Arscapi†
"There's a difference between going stir crazy and safety, my lemon drop," Logan reminded Jessica. "Besides I found a pretty good way to cure my boredom. How are you feeling anyway?"

Logan surveyed the area like his classmates and realized that standing around feeling sorry for themselves and their new situation wasn't going to get them anywhere. He walked over to the tent and dropped his bag on the ground.

"Do you think there's a way we can refashion the tent? Maybe not protect us from all sides, but at least above us so that we won't get wet. Anybody have any rope? Did you grab anything from the store on the way out. I grabbed a couple of cans on the way out. I'm not even sure what's in them."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:11 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
"You know what would've been helpful? The tent," Jessica exclaimed from a ragged sigh. She paused, took a moment for re-composition. "Okay, okay. If we leave the tent like that, you're right, it ain't going to do anything much against the rain. Speeeeeeeaking of which..."

Jessica looked up and squinted her eyes in an effort to thwart a few sunbeams from poking behind a thick layer of stratus. "Yeah, tut-tut, looks like rain." She looked to Logan and, having set her daypack on the worn-looking pic-nic table, began to rummage through it. "The best thing we have to patch it is probably the canvas from one of these bags. Obviously, that's kind of a problem. Aside from that, I brought a whole bunch of bags of chips with me. If there was some kind of fool-proof way to like.... stick the wrappers together or something you could make a makeshift patch, but I'm not exactly McGyver over here."

She unearthed her hygiene kit and swiftly tucked it away once more, albeit it in some corner where she could quickly retrieve it. With the hurry surrounding them leaving the store, she was glad that she had the foresight and common sense to have remembered to bring it along. Otherwise, if Joseph thought she was unpleasant NOW...

"Granted, you could always lean some branches over it or some shit. Whatever works. We just need to figure SOMETHING out before it rains."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:12 pm
by BetaKnight
((Rebecca Kielsing continued from Not Like Any Previous Sleepovers))

After spending a night wandering aimlessly after abandoning the elementary school, Rebecca just tried to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other and NOT thinking about Yasmin's swinging body.  Nope, not going to think about that at all.

She picked up the pace as if walking faster would some how let her outpace her memories.  After a few moments, Rebecca stopped and looked around her.  "Well, I have absolutely no idea where I am now," she announced with a huff and  a worried frown that her face.

As she stood in the woods, she could hear the murmur of voices nearby.  She shuffled back and forth, trying to figure out if she should try and find them or try and hide from them.  As she listened, one of them seemed very familiar.  The desire not to be alone beat out the impulse to flee.

Walking up slowly, she called out greetings to the group to announce her presence.  "Hello?  Is it okay if I come on over?"  

She reached up and brushed back her hair in a nervous gesture as she emerged from the trees.  Spotting the trio standing nearby, she waved awkwardly.  "Umm, hey there.  Is it okay if I stay for a little bit?"

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:12 pm
by ChainmailleAddict†
Joseph really didn't like rain. Anything that he could do to lessen it's impact on his day would be excellent. Oh, if only he liked camping. Then, maybe, he'd know what to do about the whole situation. He was sure he could think of something, he just needed time. "Hello? Is it okay if I come on over?"

At once, Joseph turned around upon hearing a voice to see a girl. He knew he'd seen her face around school before, but, as usual, he couldn't place his finger on her name. She looked unnerved. Without really thinking, he just said "Uh, hold on, you..."

That was awkward.

In any case, Joseph turned back towards Jessica and Logan to discuss their next course of actions with regards to the pale girl. He knew that they weren't too keen on accepting Casey and the rest of her group into the store, but this time it was only a single person. He kept his voice low. "So... what do you think? She doesn't look too threatening."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:14 pm
by Arscapi†
Logan was focused on figuring out how he could rework the tent. He nodded at Jessica's idea and was about to suggest that he and Joseph start gathering wood, when a voice broke through their discussion. A voice that Logan recognized. A smile broke out on his face. Rebecca, he pinpointed the voice when she spoke again. He barely heard Joseph's question to whether or not she should be allowed to join the group.

He crossed over to Rebecca and enveloped her in a hug. "Rebecca, my snap pea, I'm so glad to see you. Come, come and join us. We were just trying to figure out how to make this tent a shelter. Any ideas?"

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:20 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Jessica found a nice, broad tree to lean against, allowing her a nice position to rest while watching the happy reunion between friends with a smirk on her face.

"No, Joseph," she said with whatever bits of patience she had left with the boy in her voice. "No, she's probably not going to be a threat." Granted, while she could say that with absolute confidence now, she had to admit... privately, to herself and only herself, that her heart may have skipped a beat when the new person made their presence known.

The loss of a base, of four walls around them had sent a wave of unease through her, and it was a feeling she wasn't particularly fond of. She wondered what could replace the infallible security of the store, the sense that nobody would be coming to kill her. As naive as it was, she couldn't help but feel that maybe she had found the answer in Logan's smile. The moment he saw an old friend and relaxed so much, well... she relaxed a little too.

She'd relax more if Joseph could get the fucking ants out of his pants. She really was starting to worry about that boy.

"Hey, guys. We can sing kumbaya when we know we won't get rained on, 'kay?" Jessica shouted with a laugh. "Nice to see you, Rebecca. We were about to jerry rig a shelter over our friggen' heads."

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:21 pm
by BetaKnight
Rebecca's jaw dropped as Logan grabbed her up in a friendly hug.  For a moment, she wasn't sure if her legs would support her.  For the first time since this whole thing began, something good had finally happened.  She leaned into the embrace, reveling in the warm, soothing gesture.  

Rebecca grinned at Logan's newest pet name as she followed in his wake.  She had missed his wit and general blasé attitude toward challenges.  It was familiar and comforting. Maybe....  Maybe it was okay now to not be the one in charge.  Maybe, for a little while, she didn't have to be Answer Girl.

"Hi Jessica."  Rebecca waggled the fingers on her free hand in greeting.  As she eyed the remains of the tent they were working on, she realized that she could attempt to be Answer Girl for a little while longer.  "So what kind of stuff were you hoping to patch that hole with?  I mean, it looks kind of, um, big."   Feeling a little bit foolish, she added, "Could we drape another tent or something over it?"

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:21 pm
by Arscapi†
((Time and post skipping...because danger zone))

Logan woke up and groaned as he climbed out of the tent. He definitely shouldn't have complained about sleeping on the floor of the convenience store. Logan had to admit they'd done a pretty good job at patching it. He'd spent the night mostly dry. Logan bent forward stretching his lanky frame and walked around in a small circle.

What he wanted to do was sketch. "It's not fair," he muttered. "Finally have an idea and now I have nothing to write it down with." He sat down carefully on the old picnic table and put his head in his hands. Before he could brood too long an announcement came on.

Logan listened intently, shaking his head at the deaths, but perked up at the end. "Guys, did you hear that," he called to the tent. The convenience store is free. We can go back. C'mon grab your stuff before someone discovers our stronghold."

Following his own advice, Logan recovered his bag and headed back in the direction he'd come.

((Logan Cadagon continued in I Better Light Another Candle))

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:21 pm
by BetaKnight
((Abandon ship!))

Rebecca scrambled out of the tent, eyes wide in alarm.  Thankfully, Leona's name still hadn't been mentioned.  If that was the only thing she had to worry about, she might have been concerned since it was so unlike Leona to stay out of the limelight for any kind of extended period of time.  But since they had been informed that they would all die unless the left, survival crowded out all other thoughts.  Well, almost all other thoughts.

How could Logan sound unaffected by everything?  People were dead.  They could be dead. Rebecca tripped over her own feet as tried to stuff her feet into her shoes and gather her belongings.  "Wait, where are we going?"

She chased after him, awkwardly wiggling her toes.  "Logan, wait for me!"

((Rebecca Kiesling continued in I Better Light Another Candle))

Re: It's a Sign with Neon and Everything

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:22 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
So, as it turns out, they draped something over it.

Real bit of girl scout handiwork, that was. Jessica never did a whole lot with her hands that wasn't involved with music in some way, and was never the type to do arts and crafts but she was damn proud of how they managed to patch up that holy tent so they didn't all get drenched when the rains inevitably fell.

Granted, the tent was crowded as shit, she was uncomfortable to start with, and the experience was unpleasant as fucking hell, but it was a dry, relatively safe place to stay. Jessica was glad to wake up and see the next morning, though the announcements played... again.

An entire day without seeing anybody new but Jessica. Where were they, and where were everybody else?

The announcements didn't give her too much time to think. She picked up her bags and ran for her life yet again.

((Jessica Sanders continued in I Better Light a Candle))