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5.2 The Garden

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 4:04 pm
by SOTF: Discord
The garden of the mansion features several areas each with different types of flowers. It also has a small maze. But even in the normal garden, getting lost is no hard task since the caretakers were quite careless with keeping the green in check, believing that the family owning the mansion would never come. Some ways are completely overgrown.

Re: 5.2 The Garden

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:37 am
by SOTF: Discord
[+] Black Roses
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 11/26/2021 4:37 PM
Name: Black Roses
Time: Late evening, nearing dawn
Status: Open
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 11/26/2021 4:38 PM
((Cosima Love continued from I Will Believe Your Lies))
Cosima dropped her sack and plopped herself to the ground of the garden. It had been a long run from the mansion. It had also been a lot of running today, more than she was used to.

"This fucking suck," she said, opening her bag to find a bottle of water.
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 01/19/2022 6:29 PM
Cosima took a long sip of water, then put the bottle away. She cozied up into the root of the tree. Hopefully she could get some sleep hidden here in the garden.
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 01/24/2022 3:03 PM
((Theodora "Theo" Reed continued from I Will Believe Your Lies))

In the end, Theo had decided that this spooky mansion was a little too spooky for her taste. So after packing what little possessions she had, she quietly left the house and made her way through the garden.

... made her way through the garden...

... made her way through the garden...

... made her way-

Okay, she was lost.

Turned out that the garden was even more of a maze during the night than at day, when she had arrived.

For maybe half an hour, Theo fruitlessly tried to find the exit, to cautious to ignite her flashlight. In the end, she gave up. It appeared that the garden would be her resting place until dawn.

She let the heavy scythe fall to the ground and sat under what looked like a tree.
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 02/03/2022 11:09 AM
Cosima snapped awake at the sound.

“Who the fuck is there?” she snapped.

Crap. She probably should have stayed quiet
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 02/05/2022 6:35 PM
Oh. Looks like she wasn't as alone as she had believed herself to be.

"Me, I guess." As with the last girl, Theo didn't introduced herself. In the end, what did names even mean in a place like this one?

"Just to make sure: You don't have a gun, do you?"
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 02/15/2022 6:28 AM
"No. I wasn't lucky," Cosima said.

Cosima stood up and looked over to the other girl. She then pointed at the bag of cans.

"I'm left to improvise."
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 02/15/2022 4:00 PM

Theo was unsure if this information was good or bad for her. It was clearly bad for the other girl, but she saw no reason to point that out.

Above them, the rain poured down on the island. Thankfully this part of the garden was thick enough to give them shelter. One more argument against leaving this place.

In the darkness, she couldn't make out much, but she got a picture of her current company. Not someone she recognised. Good.

"They gave me a scythe." She finally picked up the conversation. "One of these very big ones. Is kind of a pain to carry around and I doubt I would do well in a fight. No clue what they were thinking."


"Would you mind if I hang around here? I just want to catch some sleep and quiet."
Cosima Love wrote:Laurels | Flora — 03/01/2022 3:15 PM
"Go ahead. In fact...."

Cosima grabbed her sack of cans and her supplies and immediately bolted from the area. No point in staying around another person, especially one who would encourage Cosima to fall asleep and trust her to not slit her throat.

She could find another place to get forty winks. This wasn't it.

((Cosima Love continued elsewhere))
Theodora "Theo" Reed wrote:DerArknight — 03/02/2022 1:13 PM
"In fact what?" Theo asked the darkness the girl had disappeared into.

It took her about a minute to realise that she had been ditched in the middle of a sentence.

"Well, then goodnight." She spoke into the darkness, more for her own sake than whoever wasn't listening anyway.

A part of her was glad that she was alone once more. This gave her more time to sit back and stay out of whatever happened on this island.

Theo knew she couldn't avoid trouble forever. The scene in the basement had already shown how fast things could go to shit. Maybe the next person she met would try to kill her.


Whatever. For now she would look for a big tree to sleep under.

((Theodora "Theo" Reed continued elsewhere))