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RC's V8 Character Shack

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:47 am
by Sh4dE
[+] Spike Havighurst
viewtopic.php?f=64&t=268 (with some updates)
is into hardcore, punk and metal. Goes to the gym regularly and is into bodybuilding. Goes to festivals. Could be part of a band.
Looking for: metal heads, gym buddies, book buddies, festival buddies.
[+] Janice Cresner
athletic, competitive. Into street ball and economics. career-focused. plays the violin. geocaches in her free time
Looking for: athlete friends, business friends
[+] Quentin Skinner
gamer, weeb, stoner. Into speedrunning, cooking. "fan of the 80s" who loves "vaporwave" and "watching movies"
Looking for: manga/anime friends, gamer friends, cooking friends, stoner connections
[+] Calvin Rawls
chess player, volleyball player. cocky, overconfident, attention whore, big ego, likes to dominate others
[+] Drake Byers
bully. chemistry genius. stone cold, selfish. bullies classmates, doesn't get along with people. maybe part of a gang
EDIT: Note - I thought about it and if you pitch me great storylines, I might consider doing pregame only characters. So I made up my mind
EDIT EDIT: added placeholder names to make planning easier
EDIT EDIT EDIT: gave the placeholder names real names
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: removed character d
EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT: rewrote things properly

Re: I am old and I'm using this only to write down the concepts before I forget them again for the twelfth time

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 12:49 am
by KamiKaze
then, I also have a bully. chemistry genius who is stone cold, arrogant and a bully. causes trouble, probably has beef with your character. If there's a gang or a bully gang, he's part of it.
Ty looms ominously in the distance.

(I have the fighty Ty this time around. She's a buff cheerleader who has a bit of a bully-hunter side.)

Re: I am old and I'm using this only to write down the concepts before I forget them again for the twelfth time

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:30 am
by Yonagoda
Character C: Ren’s a cook

Character D: Isaiah’s into parties and veganism.

Character F: I’m fine with beef.

Not sure about storylines yet, I’ll think about it.

Re: I am old and I'm using this only to write down the concepts before I forget them again for the twelfth time

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:00 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Hey RC! Here's a list of vague feelings directed at your vague concepts.
  • Character A: Amaryllis' band at the moment is full, but Char. A could certainly be a fan or someone who could fill in in a pinch. Maybe they've been to a concert together and embarked on some late night hijinks.
  • Character B: I've got a lot of athletes and former athletes and sort of athletes this time. Amaryllis, Mai, Coda, and Eugene might be aware of Char. B.
  • Character C: A few of my characters smoke weed, but this character feels most like a fit for Eugene's interest w/r/t gaming and cooking. Getting blitzed, making some food, playing some games; the most chill hangout sessions of all time. Coda might also be a hanger on with Char C, since they like weed too.
  • Character D: Got a few partiers, like Coda, Eugene used to party but not so much anymore, and Amaryllis also parties.
  • Character E: Chess? Nerd. Amaryllis dislikes nerds.
  • Character F: Let's just say beefs with all the characters since I'm not doing any bullies this version and leave it at that.

Re: RC's V8 Character Shack

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:34 am
by ViolentMedic
- Marshall West at least know Spike if they both regularly spend time at the gym.

- Molly Ramirez would work as an acquantance with Quentin, as she’s also into the games, though she’s more chill than a speedrunner would be regarding playing them.

- Roberta Pyne would either drastically clash with Drake or get along with him. Bad-tempered, likes breaking things, doesn’t get along with people and might also gravitate towards a gang if one existed.
- Marshall would clash with Drake. He takes issue with bullying.

Re: RC's V8 Character Shack

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:56 am
by Irredeemable
Got some relationships with Max to share:

Skinner's dealer? Maybe? Definitely a dealer, that much is for certain, so there's likely overlap even if Max doesn't regularly partake with any stoner group skinner's in.

Calvin and Drake: Both seem like they'd bully the shit out of Max.

Re: RC's V8 Character Shack

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:03 am
by Deamon
If Janice plays streetball she would know Darryl as the only basketball he plays is streetball.