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In and Out My Brain, Running Through My Vein

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:52 am
by decoy73
((Christina Rennes continued from I'll Probably Get Homesick, I Love You, Goodnight))

It had been an hour. At least. She'd heard a gunshot. It might have been Darlene, or whomever had attacked them, Christina didn't know for sure. But she'd rather wait for Darlene and be ready rather than come over to somebody and have them shoot her. So here she was, waiting at the foot of the cliffs. So she was just walking around, avoiding the bodies - she'd already had to step around John while looking around. She shook her head. She had been so many bodies that the big issue with the body being there was simply that she had to step over or around it to avoid falling flat on her face. They hardly even registered as bodies, just ... lumps wearing clothes. They were just there, and, and ...

Strike that. One body actually registered as a former human being.

"Hey, Jess." Christina sat down by the body of her older twin. "Oh, my god, there's like, ten of us left now. I finally have something that can help me survive." She sighed. "I, I miss you." She ruffled the hair on her sister's body. "And mom and dad are already getting one body bag for graduation. The very least I can do is make sure that they don't get two." It felt really weird. Jess was dead, but being with her for one last time, it gave her something. A shot in the arm, at least of hope? Purpose? A little of both? Either way, at least she had a little drive to keep going.

((Christina Rennes continued in There only exist slaves to emotions))