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Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:47 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
hello, everyone! Welcome to Art Challenge Saturday! The thread in which I give artists on this here forum a challenge every Saturday and see what art comes out of it! Mainly, very cursed art I'm sure.

That's about the long and short of it, so let's get on with the challenge!!

Today's challenge is...
Flipped and Stretched

This challenge is simple. Take a SOTF character, be it from main or mini, then draw them upside down and stretched wide. Once you have done that, flip them right side up and unstretch them. Once you have completed this challenge post the results here!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:15 pm
by Yonagoda

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:42 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Yo. Welcome back to Art Challenge Saturday. get ready to make cursed images.

Today's challenge is...
Left Hand Style Copying

Here's how this challenge works, you may draw any SOTF character you want, but it has to be in another person's style (be sure to mention whose style you are trying), but you have to draw with your non-dominant hand. If for some reason you are ambidextrous when drawing, then you have the additional challenge of throwing in the previous challenge into the mix. No easy mode here, folks!

Once your art is complete, post it here for all to see!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:01 pm
by Yonagoda
[+] Mimi Deepfake for my v8 rbf girl Eri
I can do more but with my right hand because hnnngggg left hand goes nope

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:05 pm
by Ryuki

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:59 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Soooo... Um... I forgot to post a challenge yesterday, and I feel bad for missing it. So i think I will take it easy on ya'll and give a simple challenge! So today's challenge is...

Randomly Wikipidia Generated Character

Okay, simple challenge time! Go to Wikipedia and hit Random Article five times, then take what articles you get and try to incorporate them into a character. Simple, right?

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:43 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
Welcome back to another installment of your favorite self-inflicted torture: Art Challenge Saturday!!!

Today's challenge is...

30 Second Speed Draw

The rules are simple, you choose any character you want to draw and once you start to draw you have 30 seconds to complete them. Now since obviously I can't time you we're doing a bit of an honor system here, so time yourself! Have some dignity and respect the rules of the challenge! Once you are finished, post the results!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:45 am
by Ryuki

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 5:30 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Hi welcome back to "my totally not torture thread that I use to give you all bullshit art challenges", the Art Challenge Saturday!

I was almost late for this one, so here is a challenge that was inspired by a comment that our very own Yonagoda made (because I want you all to suffer for your hubris)! Today's challenge is...

Fursona Caricatures

Here are the rules: Take a SOTF character (any will do) and draw them a fursona that you feel best fits them, but you must draw said fursonas in a caricature style. You ask if I have a God Complex? I AM GOD.

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:48 pm
by Slam

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:29 pm
by TheLordOfAwesome
It is Saturday once again. The barbarians are at the gate demanding yet another Art Challenge Saturday. So I present you all a challenge of the day:

From Memory

Bit of a simple challenge this time, you are being tasked with drawing a character from memory! Any character will do so it doesn't have to be SOTF (but probably recommended). The only thing is though is that you cannot draw a character that belongs to you (since obviously you already know what they look like) and this goes without saying but you cannot use a reference. Once you are complete, post your picture side by side with a picture of the character you were attempting to draw and let's see just how well you did!

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:27 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Almost late again due to life things, but here comes the latest challenge, my dudes!

Today's addition to the Art Challenge Saturday is...

Our Child

Now, if you are confused by the name of this particular challenge, here's the rules: go to the SOTF or SOTF Mini wiki and hit the random article button. When you get two character pages, read their appearance section of their profiles, then draw what you think a hypothetical child between these two characters would look like. You are not restricted to just the SOTF wikis, of course, you can do this with any wiki. It'll probably just work better with SOTF due to the larger character focus.

Get going ya crazy kids.

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:33 pm
by Kotorikun
Okay this was a blast. Here's both random and requested fusions.

1: Alex Miller (V3)/Martyn Ferdinand (V1), Sierra Cook/Mercy Ames, Ivy Langley/Alice Jones (V3), Declyn Grayson-Anthis/Drew Woods, Alex White (V4)/Coleen Reagan (V6)
2: Saku Jackson/Thomas Buckley, Marco Volker/Michael Crowe (V6), Stehanie McDonald/Jeremiah Anderson
[+] 1
[+] 2

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:50 am
by TheLordOfAwesome

All this month, the challenges will be spooky for the Halloween season! So with that, here is the first challenge of October!!!

Scenes of Horror

Here are the rules of this challenge: you must draw a scene using any characters you want, but said scene has to be inspired by one of the following prompts, which you must roll a ten sided dice to determine which prompt you get (if you lack such a dice, then please use this). The following prompts are:

1. Patient Zero
2. Invaders from the Stars
3. Witching Hour
4. Day of the Dinosaur
5. Reign of Blood
6. Things Man Was Not Meant to Know
7. March of the Machines
8. Wrath of the Gods
9. Don't Go Into the Woods
10. Last Voyage

You may interpret these prompts in whatever way you want, just so long as you are drawing a scene. Post the results and enjoys the spooks, everyone~

Re: Art Challenge Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 6:00 am
by MurderWeasel
Popping in a little bit belatedly (and I hope that's cool since this isn't the usual thread ><) to say just how nice the fusion kids look!

Siercy has this great sleepy/nocturnal vibe—maybe it's the Snorlax. I love how their color coordination all comes together, giving them this mellow vibe. I'm also super impressed with how you've done their hair; I think it may be one of your most complicated styles to date and it looks super nice.

Marlex looks intense! I don't know a thing about either of the parents, but I love the shading you've done here, the two-tone hair and how it's loose yet also clean. You've done a great job creating a kind of polished, slightly stiff vibe, and I think some of that comes down to what has to be the straightest pair of lips you've ever drawn.

Ivlice looks gentle in a way that has surprisingly little until-time-to-kill caveating to it! I love the wide, soft eyes you've given them, and also the shirt; did you come up with that design yourself? It's adorable and fun and makes great use of color, bringing a lot of it to complicate an otherwise-restrained palette.

Drewclyn is so precious! I love the lacy layering going on in their outfit; it reminds me of those old Americana sections in stores, picnic baskets and small towns and such, in a good way. I also dig how you gave the clothes some real bulk without having them be all-consuming.

Alleen's expression is such a nice look of... skepticism, perhaps? It's an emotion I can feel but struggle to properly put words to. I'm also especially impressed here with the way you've handled perspective here, especially with their hair; you've kept great track of where it lies even when blocked by their head, with a piece of pigtail or a hint of ribbon poking out just where they should be.

Jeranie has this confident benevolence I just love. Despite a simpler outfit, you've made them one of the most distinct kids of this set. I think a lot of that comes from the strong jawline and slightly bumpy nose; they're great traits and you bring them together to make a very handsome result.

Marchael is... a lot, in basically the best way. I adore how you've poured as much Toxie energy as humanly possible into one kid and then added even a little bit more. That's such a wild hairstyle and yet you make it look perfectly reasonable next to everyone else. I also love how you pull out bits of specificity in their accessories while at the same time leaving pieces more vague or implied; it works super nicely.

Finally, Thomurako (aka the true canon option and nobody can tell me otherwise) looks so natural it's incredible. I love their quirky hairstyle and also how it loosely evokes Star Wars designs (and speaking of, you did an amazing impressionist rendition on that shirt; I know the image referenced super duper well and am so wowed by your take). I also really dig how you brought that edge of confidence and nervousness and the blend between 'em that characterize both parents.

These are so fun and cute and wonderful, and you rock a ton. Thanks for making them! :)