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Chelsey L. Langley

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:04 am
by Megami†
Name: Chelsey Loraine Langley
Gender: Female
Age: Eighteen [18]
Grade: Senior [12th]
School: Southridge High School
Hobbies and Interests: Friends, partying, boys, gossip.

Appearance: In terms of looks, Chelsey could best be described as pretty much average, if not slightly above.  She has long blonde hair (originally a shade of dirty dishwater blonde, but she's colored it a much whiter shade since she started junior high school) which is almost always worn in a ponytail.  Her bangs, which are shorter due to the fact that her hair is layered, often fall out of the ponytail and frame her face.  She has blue eyes and light skin, and her face is virtually blemish-free.  She's always been blessed in that department.  She has a light dusting of freckles across her nose, but you can't ever see them, mostly due to the fact that Chelsey wears a LOT of makeup.  She loves eye makeup and bright lipsticks, but she wears them in a way that blends well with her skin and doesn't make her look like a prostitute that just stepped out of the whore house... well, most of the time.  In terms of body structure, she's pretty unremarkable.  She stands at 5'6", making her somewhat tall, and she's about average in terms of size, adorning a size 7 jean.  She tends to wear somewhat revealing clothing, as she's very proud of her body.

Biography: To Come Later...