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Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:19 am
by SOTF_Help
Attention Handlers,

Due to recent events, the user Lermfish/iamanenemy has been banned indefinitely from SOTF, the Discord, and all related sites. This is due to strong indications of trolling behaviors and attempting to bait arguments with handlers and staff, as well as significant concerns over a potential threat to member safety.

Please remember that even in light of their ban, Lermfish should not be insulted/abused in chat, even in absentia, just as with other banned members. Airing complaints is fine, but failure to keep things polite will be viewed very dimly by staff.

If you have any questions about this ruling, you may PM SOTF_Help, but please note that unless you are personally involved in some fashion or your query relates to how this suspension may affect you, we will likely not discuss this matter further.

-The SotF Staff Team