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@shdwmstr recordings and transcripts june 11th

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 5:14 pm
by Emprexx Plush
((Hel Fury Continued From We Don't Need Another Song About California))






HF: Ever held a gun, Bobby?


HF: I've seen some of Dad's before, picked a couple up. We talked sometimes about him teaching me but...I dunno. I think it made him sad. Like, the idea I'd ever need one. Momma always seemed comfortable with it though. Like, remember when they used to go hunting with Uncle Henry and Aunt Lisa? Gods, they weren't any good at it but she put on a show. I didn't...she wasn't happy much. It helped.


HF: She was so confident about it. I remember...I dunno, maybe you were too young, I was just 9 or 10. Maybe...mid afternoon, early summer. This white Toyota pulled up across the street a couple hours after Dad and Lloyd left for work, it was just the three of us, and he stayed there. About an hour later Momma started wigging out. Pulled this big duffle bag out of the closet in her and Dad's room and...


HF: I knew what was in it, or maybe I know now and that's fucking up my memory. But I remember her telling us to get down to the computer room and not come out until she told us. She was scared but there was this look in her eye, a real "I wish you would motherfucker" situation.


HF: Nothing happened. I mean, not that we heard. He musta dipped eventually. Looking back I'm kinda like, why not just call the cops? I don't call the cops because I'm, uh, me, but snitching on weird shit is half the fun of suburban life, that's what they keep telling me on Very Special Episode. You kinda have to wonder if it was like, a fantasy though? Some crazy guy tries to bust into the house and she goes all Momma Bear on him with a shotgun or whatever? With the way Dad used to talk sometimes, and how she grew up...I dunno. I think I'd understand the fixation. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to pass it on to you.


HF: I'm on watch, Bobby. I don't...the specifics, it's all fucked up. I don't wanna talk about it. I found Axel and Andy, we're looking out for each other. Guess that's why I'm stuck on all this.




HF: Words are hard. I love you.

((Hel Fury Continued In We Don't Need Another Song About California))