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Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:55 am
by Mimi
** Madison Springer, girl no. 12, continued from... Unicorn on the Gallows

Every part of Madison's body burned; aching and begging for a respite that would never come. Even as her legs threatened to buckle beneath weight and the nausea tore through her like fire, she didn't give in, didn't stop running, didn't stop pulling and dragging Nathan behind her. Even once they'd left the woods, their only sanctuary from the downpour, she didn't stop, nor when Nathan begged for sleep or when the familiar bile forced itself out of her or when her head began pounding. She wouldn't stop, even if she didn't know where she was going, where she was leading Nathan, or what her plan was.

She didn't have one. Nothing aside from desperately chasing safety and as long as they kept moving, they were safe. As long as they avoided everyone and everything, they were safe.

And the longer she ran, the less she thought about quitting. The less she thought about giving up and sitting where she was and waiting for someone to come and let her out or for the poison to take her the same way it took Mercy.

And the longer she ran, the less she thought about dying, the less she thought about Mercy's body and the pain and the vomit and the blood and the less she thought about the uncertainty and whether or not she'd she the morning.

Maybe she was just afraid to stop and rest because she might not wake up.

So they didn't.

They ran throughout the night and well into the morning, every second past the woods soaking them to the core. Madison's hands had gone raw, pruned wherever they could and she was sure the same could be said of Nathan, but she hadn't checked- ignored his whining and sniffling and crying, stopping only every so often to coax him on, to help him maneuver his body, now heavy with rain, over stray roots and branches or steep inclines, practically pulling him along behind her because they had to keep going.

Eventually, they found themselves at the Bay, bypassing the town completely so as to avoid any unwanted interaction. The storm hung dark in the sky and the waves pounded against the wooden pier, much as the rain had and continued to do to them. She brushed several of the wet hairs plastered to her face away, absently moving her bruised jaw just to hear the new clicking. It hurt every time she did it, but that didn't dissuade her. It was something she could control, either it hurt on accident or she got to cause it.

Behind her, she could hear Nathan's heavy breathing. He didn't keep up well and she often found herself having to slow down for him, having fully given up on dragging him along by hand sometime in the woods. She turned, watching as he struggled to keep up, taking the time to pressed harshly into her own stomach, as if it'd force the nausea out. And she watched as he bit it on a piece of driftwood, falling hands and knees down into the wet, seaweed laden sand beneath them.

“Come on,” She said, breathless herself as she walked back to him and wrapping around the back of his shirt to hoist him back up.

“We have to keep going.”

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 4:35 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Nathan could not remember why they were still running. They seemed to be going in circles. Something looked safe or comfortable, and he would want to sit down, but they would have to keep going. There were more houses in the distance that he wanted to visit, because maybe they would have some food. Madison said it was not a good idea, that the houses were not safe. They had to keep going.

But Nathan did not want to keep going. His feet hurt and his legs hurt. He fell down and hurt his knee, making his legs feel even worse. He asked for a band-aid, Madison said they had none. They had some before, so now why did they not have any? Nathan wanted to stop moving. He did not want to keep walking. Madison did not pull him anymore, she just kept moving, so Nathan knew he had to keep moving as well, because the only thing he wanted less than that was to be alone. Madison would leave him behind if he stopped.

Nathan grasped at the air in front of him with every step, huffing and puffing in short little breaths, begging Madison to just stop once and for all. The begging was in his head because he did not have the breath to say it, but she just had to understand what he wanted. And when she did not understand, he grew more frustrated. He lunged, hoping he could make more distance quicker. That was when something caught his foot, and the boy tumbled into the sand face-first.

Wet sand caked on his glasses, cheeks, nose and chin when Nathan pulled his face up, spitting debris out of his mouth and furiously wiping at his face. He felt Madison pull, ask him to move just one more time.


Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:47 pm
by Skraal
((Oliver Lacroix continued from no garren there will be no cbt on my murder island))

Oliver trudged through the sand, pausing every few seconds to kick up a clump of dirt. He had been wandering for what felt like hours looking for some sort of shelter, and his mood had not been improved by the fact that his rain-soaked jacket was weighing down on him like it was made of lead. The thought of ditching it, while perhaps the smarter thing to do, barely made purchase in his mind, though. If he was going to die in this place, he'd do it with the jacket on, thank you very much.

Dying, however, was not very high on the priority list. He had seen enough of how things went for those who stuck around in groups, hoping to stick together and protect each other. All it took was for one guy to rush you and take you out, and the others would just let it happen. It was like a herd of sheep encountering a wolf, and Oliver wasn't about to be a sheep, just waiting around for...for what? For a rescue that was probably never going to come? Suuuure.

A few steps later, and his attention was grabbed by a loud shout coming from down the beach. He squinted and saw Madison standing down the beach, struggling with what looked to be... shit, what was the retarded kid's name again? Whatever, he'd probably remember eventually. He stared at the two for a moment, trying to make out what they had on them, though the distance and lack of visibility from the rain had made that pretty much impossible.

Taking a deep breath, he began walking towards the pair, his heart pounding in his chest as he got closer and closer, his mind racing as the scaffolding of a plan began to assemble itself. This didn't have to be too bad, nobody needed to get hurt. Not at this stage, anyway. He just needed to get in close while they were busy, and perhaps, relieve them of any valuable supplies. They weren't going to put them to much use, anyway, right?

Gripping a hand around the knife in his pocket, he approached the two students, getting close enough that they'd certainly be able to see him. As he entered speaking distance, the foolishness of his initial plan began to become immediately apparent in his mind. If he had a gun, he'd definitely be able to pull this off, but the full presence of two other (mostly) full-size students made him painfully pessimistic of his chances at fighting them off if they actually put up a fight.

Still, he was too far in to just back out now. Maybe he'd be able to finesse his way through this instead? Neither of those two had been named on the announcements, nor did they appear to be armed, so as long as he didn't do anything too stupid, he'd probably make it out of this alive.

Oliver's stomach churned as he flashed a quick grin, attempting to appear as harmless as possible as he continued moving in, speaking in what he hoped sounded to be a friendly enough tone to not arouse suspicion.

"Hey, am I interrupting anything?"

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:22 am
by VoltTurtle
((The storm had come overnight.))

Richard squinted at the gaudy "welcome" sign sitting at the front of the bay area as he awkwardly stumbled towards it. He was soaked to his bones by the rain battering the ground around him, and his back ached from sleeping in a tree, because that continued to be a great idea that he definitely didn't regret in the slightest.

He groaned, rubbing his spine with one hand.

The announcements had come and gone, detailing the various jackasses on this island and their activities. People killing, people dying, children hurt, whatever else was in that shit tier song that he now had stuck in his head because of course it immediately got stuck in his head as soon as he thought about it. Fitting that he was making a mess of his own head completely on accident, since there was, of course, no bigger jackass on this island than him. He was the prime meat, the grade A jackass that all the other jackasses strove to emulate.

He was supposed to have followed Garnet, but instead, like a moron, he got lost in the woods before he even managed to catch up with her. He wasn't even sure she knew he had been following her, that was how shitty he had been at his job. He tried to stick his neck out for someone else but he couldn't even do that right. Maybe the piece of shit that was his father had a point with all the insults, maybe he really was a useless-

Someone just shouted, near him. This shit, again? Did he really have to pull a gun on some moron for shouting right in his vicinity more than once?

Craning his head to one side to see what was going on, he noticed the figures that were actually pretty close to where he was, and instantly took cover, ducking behind the crappy sign to hide his presence. Peeking one eye out from behind the sign, he took stock of who they were.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He muttered, to no one but himself.

There was Madison, hottest girl at George Hunter, hanging out on the shore with el presidente himself. Nathan was someone he knew, they weren't close friends or anything, but they had talked on occasion, and Richard wasn't about to be a dick to a kid with Downs. Nathan was clearly doing well for himself, at least if you ignored that he was covered in sand, looked completely exhausted, was trapped on murder island, and that Madison didn't look nearly as pretty as normal, which made sense given the circumstances, but was still another unfortunate negative in an otherwise great situation for him.

Also there was... another guy, coming up on them. Not someone Richard knew, unfortunately. It's not like he could remember everyone, after all.

He debated internally whether or not to approach the lot of them. None of them looked dangerous, and he doubted any of them would suddenly reveal a hidden wild side. His main problem was that he knew, he just knew, that he would try to stick his neck out for them if he let himself get too close. A pretty girl and someone as defenseless and nice as Nathan was a killer combo to tug at his heartstrings and make him want to act in their defense.

And he was in this to win it, y'know? The smart choice, with that in mind, would be robbing them at gunpoint and letting them die to the elements, like he had previously considered doing to Tom. More stuff for him, less competition, and nobody being wizened up to the fact that he was a threat by hearing his name read out on the announcements.

But, no, he couldn't do that. Not to Madison, especially not to Nathan, and not even to the guy he didn't really know. He just didn't have it in him to be a monster, try as he might. No amount of thinking about the potential of his own death and leaving his mom all alone, thoughts he was trying hard to avoid, would be able to change that.

Knowing all that, he should know better not to get involved at all. Just turn around and leave, Richard, that was all he had to do. But...

It seemed like Madison was trying to help Nathan, despite the big "no" he had just screamed at her, and that had to be a lot for just one person to handle. The both of them looked exhausted, shaken, and desperate. He couldn't just ignore them, as much as he wanted to, as much as it was the right choice to.

Sighing, he began to leave his his hiding spot and began to approach the group, mirroring the other guy getting closer. He walked towards them casually and non-threateningly, to make up for the gun he had clearly displayed on his person, doing his best to not accidentally spook any of them.

As he got close, he shouted, "No, but I'm probably gonna, I tend to do that," in response to the other guy's question, before getting within proper speaking distance. "Sup, Mr. President?" He asked, giving Nathan a friendly wave. "Y'all look exhausted. Anything I can do to help?"

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:07 am
by Mimi

Nathan's outburst took Madison aback, a scowl of disbelief crawling across her tired features as her long fingers loosened themselves from the collar of his shirt. She'd never heard him angry before, at least not at her. Maybe once or twice she'd hear him smart off to one of his aides after a long day or something, but never to her. Never her, despite everything she'd said and done and the way she'd treated him. Not even after everything that happened when he'd initially found her. It wasn't like him.

And she didn't like it.

Maybe someone else would respect him for standing up for himself, for digging his feet into the metaphoric sand and finally telling her enough was enough.

But not Madison. It only made her angry. Angry on top of the tired and the scared and the sick. He didn't get to tell her no, he didn't get to be anymore of a burden. Not when she was doing all of this for him. He didn't get to argue with her or yell at her or complain about being tired or hungry, because she was all of those too. And here she was, still dragging him along behind her, because why?

She clenched her hands into fists, letting her long nails dig into the muddied, scratched flesh of her palm.

He didn't get to make her feel bad or make her feel guiltier than she already did. She knew she was pushing him, she was pushing herself just as much, but she was doing it for him and he didn't get to complain.

“What?” She dared him, her tone come out with an audibly venomous snarl.

She wanted him to say it again, to finally give her a reason to vent every ounce of her frustrations; give her the reason she hadn't had before.

His voice wasn't what cut through the pounding of rain against sea, unfortunately. Instead, it came from behind them, almost immediately followed by a second one. Madison whipped around, instinctively stepping in front of Nathan as she was met with the approaching forms of Richard and Oliver.

Neither of whom she knew or, frankly, cared to get to know. She knew of them casually, never having spoken much to either of them in past. Richard seemed nice from what she knew about him, just some nerdy gamer kid that she probably could've been friends with once about a time, but she knew next to nothing about Oliver. It was a different world now and she didn't care to make the same mistake she had back at the manor.

She didn't know what world the two boys were living in, but it wasn't one that made sense to her.

“Are you fucking crazy?” She spat at Richard, whom was getting far to close for comfort to Nathan and her. Instantly, her eyes darted to the gun in his hand and then to Oliver, whom didn't seem to be armed. But he was smiling? Smiling as he walked slowly toward them in the middle of a torrential downpour.

Madison wasn't a smart girl, but there was no mistaking how absolutely fucking creepy that was.

“You can stop talking to him, firstly, and then you can turn the fuck around and walk away. And take him with you," She spat at Richard whilst motioning to Oliver, "We're fine, thanks.”

Her grip on Nathan's collar tightened once again in tandem with the beating of her heart, ready to pull him up by force if she needed to.

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:46 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Let me go!" Nathan howled.

Madison scared him, but mostly she made him angry by trying to constantly pull him around. He got so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet and shake his fist. Nathan even forgot about how tired he was, grabbing at Madison's arm and struggling to stand up while he tried to get away from her.

But he did not want to go with either of the two boys who showed up, either. All Nathan wanted to do was go to the docks that he could see off in the distance, and he wanted to sit down and kick his feet. He did not want to talk, even if he knew Richard very well. He did not really know who the other boy was. He was in the mood for neither.

"I hate you!" Nathan blurted. "I want, to go away!"

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:29 am
by Skraal
Oh boy, this situation just had to keep getting worse, didn't it? Not only did he turn out to have walked in on a retarded kid's temper tantrum, but some joker had to ratchet the tension up to 11 by rolling up while holding a weapon in plain view. What was his deal, anyway? If he was planning to threaten them, he was doing a pretty shitty job of it by walking close enough to easily get jumped.

Speaking of threatening, what was up with Madison? They hadn't even done anything to her, (well, not yet, anyway). Oliver had even already been mentally backing away from any sort of untoward behaviour, though it was becoming clear that being a gentleman clearly wasn't going to get him anywhere here.

The rain battered down on Oliver's head as he looked around, his eyes going from Madison, to Nathan, to Richard, then back to Madison. Perhaps the original plan was not so unworkable after all. The newcomer had definitely shifted the balance here, and perhaps with the right prompting, he'd be able to cause enough ruckus for Oliver to swoop in and swipe a bag before running out. It was a risky plan, what with the whole possibility of getting shot in the back as he made his getaway, but... to be completely honest, the danger only made the idea more attractive.

Anyway, no point in getting ahead of himself. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Madison glared at him. Keeping his gaze fixed on her he gave his retort, the anxiety leaking into his voice making him sound quite a bit less friendly than earlier.

"Hey, come on, what did we do to you? You don't look fine."

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:07 am
by VoltTurtle
"Yeah, what he said. Hell, I'd even say this situation looks pretty bad, to me."

Richard scowled at Madison as Nathan struggled against her clutches. He liked Nathan, hell he'd even call him his buddy, and he knew that the little guy had a heart ten times bigger than Richard's own shriveled, blackened thing that he called a heart. If he was upset and wanted to get away from somebody, that must mean they've been treating him badly. While Richard was by his own admission an enormous asshole, even he drew the line at picking on a kid with Downs Syndrome; that kind of shit was something that his dad would do, and that guy was, as the kids would say, the fucking worst.

The question was, what was he going to do about it? The last thing he wanted would be for the situation to escalate with Nathan in the line of fire, especially with the random jumpy dude not too far away from him.

On that note, eyeing Oliver, Richard took a few steps away through the wet sand, feigning that he was merely briefly pacing. He was the one with the gun, so it was best to keep his distance from everyone involved in the situation, just in case anything happened to go down.

Now, with that out of the way, he just had to think of something to say to help calm this ordeal down a bit and hopefully help Nathan out in the process, since he couldn't just ignore the little guy when he clearly needed somebody's assistance.

"Look," he began again, squeezing his pistol as he did his best to keep any anger from slipping into his voice. "I dunno what's going on between the two of you, but if the big man wants to get away, he probably has a reason for it. Maybe you should, I dunno, work something out, instead of literally holding him by the collar?"

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:20 am
by Mimi
It didn't take more than a second for Madison to release her grip on Nathan's collar. Long only enough for her hand, the same one she'd cut on the first day that remained sore and raw, to fall dejectedly to her side before just as quickly affixing itself over her chest with its partner. She watched only him. Watched as the little strength she'd been giving him that pulled him into an uncomfortable half-kneel was lost and he was once again back on hands and knees in the wet sand. Watched only him as she took an instinctive step back and blinked off raindrops that had latched to her eyelashes, nearly losing her balance as her short heel sunk into the beach; never daring to look back at Oliver or Richard or acknowledge that they'd said anything at all or acknowledge what they must have thought about it. Or acknowledge that she cared, that she wanted anyone to know what she'd gone through for Nathan. With Nathan.

Everything hit her at once, every emotion bombarding her like a firing squad. Anger, embarrassment, resentment. Fear. Hurt. And suddenly Nathan was a regret, a tumor siphoning everything from her. The fondness she felt for him, the warmth she felt when she was playing cars with him or tucking him in or the closely guarded passwords, were lost under her vitriol- memories that might as well not have even happened. Three or four days and twelve years that suddenly didn't exist, because in the here and now all she could focus on was that Nathan hated her.

And it was easier if the feeling was mutual.

“I hate you, too,” Her voice barely cut through the pounding of rain meeting ocean, barely catching on the storm winds as she dug her nails into the fabric of Connor's jacket.


And then it was a scream, carrying every putrid ounce of anger she could muster, her fists flying from her chest and leveling out with her shoulders, fists turning into sinewy claws.

“And I wish,” She didn't, “I wish it'd been you. I wish it'd been you instead of Mercy.”

She forced her gaze from him, whole body turning away from him and towards the other two boys, purposefully marching far too close to Richard as he paced, catching his shoulder with her own as she moved past him. Maybe he'd just shoot her. Maybe Nathan would miss her once she was gone.

“You want him so bad? Fucking take him.”

Maybe you can take care of him better.

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:34 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Nathan screeched and howled, trying to be louder than Madison. He shouted and hollered and bellowed until he was red in the face, picking up a big clump of sandy mud and hurling it. It never came anywhere near Madison. His aim was not very good and he was far too angry to throw carefully, so the mud just spiked back down to the ground a few feet in front of him. Nathan tottered forward on his knees, sticking his hands back into the dirt.

Nathan wished everybody would go away and leave him alone. He did not want to breathe, or calm down, or go through his mindfulness steps. Nothing school had taught him would work right now, he felt, because the world no longer made sense.

There were so many other kids nearby, but it was probably the first time in his entire life that Nathan felt alone. He stopped screaming, perhaps because he had run out of air, and Nathan was forced to take sharp gasps that hurt him each time. When he was able to breathe out again, he used the air to sob.

Why did he feel lonely, when people were trying to talk to him right now?

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:36 am
by Skraal
Well... that escalated quickly.

Of course, that was what he had wanted, wasn't it? Oliver swallowed hard as he watched the scene unfold, acutely aware of the foreigness of his presence there. He didn't know these people, and they didn't know him, but they knew each other. He felt like a voyeur, staring with cold eyes at an intimate, emotionally charged encounter that nobody could understand other than those directly involved.

He could feel the raindrops pounding hard against his head as the argument continued, wishing more and more that he had not entangled himself in this conflict. The stupidity of his initial plan continued to become more and more apparent, but he couldn't make any sudden moves, not with the tension being as high as it was. If only Richard would put down the damn gun so that he could actually do something without getting shot!

For now, however, the only thing he could do was wait.

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:19 am
by VoltTurtle
Well, this somehow managed to get even worse than it already was, and that was impressive. And for the cherry on top, Madison's passive-aggressive little shoulder bump was exactly what Richard needed to finally have enough of all this bullshit.

He had no idea what was going on between these two or the history they apparently had together, but he was done tolerating another goddamn second. Sure, he'd "take" Nathan, as much as the little guy could be "taken" by anyone. He was still his own man, and clearly Madison didn't understand that. Perhaps he needed to show her.

Richard spun around, flicking the safety off and pointing his gun directly at Madison's back. If he was going to take care of a kid who was clearly run ragged, he wasn't about to let the person that apparently did that to him get away for free. "Alright, stop there," he shouted, trying to keep his voice audible over the rain without screaming and escalating the situation further for Nathan.

He'd just have her hand over a little of her stuff for Nathan's sake, sorta like what he was planning on doing to everyone that he met originally, before his idiotic sense of right and wrong had to get in the way. At least now he had a reason that made him okay enough with it, even if the reason was a shaky one.

"No funny moves," he continued, his gun hand trembling, slightly. "Just leave a bottle of water and some food behind for the big man, and then you can go. Or else," his eyes narrowed, trying his best to look intimidating despite the fact that he likely wouldn't carry through with his threats. "Well, I think you know or else."

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:30 pm
by Mimi
Madison never had any intention of getting more than a couple yards away from the boys, just enough that Nathan's wailing would be swallowed by the storm and just enough that he'd realize that there was a very real possibility that she'd leave him on the beach if he didn't follow. The age old 'I guess I'm just gonna leave you in the toy aisle if you don't wanna come' that had served her so well with Cassidy over the years. Scare tactics, maybe, but they worked. And if there was anywhere Nathan needed to be afraid, it was mostly certainly here.

Her fists were still clutched at her sides, stomach still churning and constantly reminding her that, even past the adrenaline that occupied her, all was not well; head still abuzz and aflame, her anger having barely subsided, not chilled even by the ice cold rain when Richard yelled to her. Yelled at her. She whipped around, the annoyance that had previously coated her face vanishing in an instant when she saw the gun pointed back at her.

And she laughed a bemused, nervous chuckle as she threw her hands into the air to expose her lack of belongings, a new wave of hot anger and fear gripping at her. She wanted to yell at Nathan, whom was still shrieking on the ground, that this was what happened when they stopped running, wanted Richard to shoot her just to prove her point, just to make Nathan regret. She wanted to yell at Oliver, creepy as he was, for standing by and watching and letting what was happening happen.

Instead, she turned all vitriol on Richard.

“Does it look like I have anything?!” Her voice shook, partially from fear and partially from anger, “Want me to spit in a shell? You can carry it around like a fucking bowl if you want.

We don't fucking have anything. You want our shit, go to the mansion. Maybe Kelly left something behind after she fucking poisoned us. After she-”

She couldn't force herself to form the words, her mind working faster than her brain, sentences falling from her mouth into a jumbled pile.

“I don't fucking have anything. I just want to leave.”

She was tired. Tired of running and tired of arguing and tired of being angry and just tired.

“With Nathan.”

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:19 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Nathan heard his name. He did not pick anything out of the conversation because he could not pay attention. His thoughts felt like a thick cloud; he would get a hold of one word, and then it would disappear. By the time he found it, it vanished again and again. 'Like a skipping record', grandpa would say, but Nathan never understood what that meant. 'Like a skipping record'. He smacked his lips and popped his jaw as he hung onto the only word he had understood.

That was enough to wake him up from being lost in his own head. Nathan looked up, and he saw that Madison had turned around. The next thing he saw was Richard, who was pointing a gun at her. Madison had her hands up. The person standing a way off from Madison and Richard was beyond his focus, because anything that wasn't Madison or that gun was no longer important.

"Noooooo!" Nathan yowled, wiping his chin and standing. "Put it down! Put it away, that's bad! That's... BAD!"

He felt so heavy and so tired, every step was a pain. But he had enough energy to walk up to Richard and try to latch onto his arm like a monkey hanging from a tree branch. "Guns are BAD Richard! They... kill people!"

He did not care if Madison didn't want him anymore, Nathan did not want to see her get hurt. No more hurting today.

Re: Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:52 am
by VoltTurtle

Well, shit.

Richard had completely missed that they didn't have their bags on them. Maybe he was just so used to everyone having their stuff that he didn't even think to question it. Maybe he had acted a bit too rashly, instead of actually observing his surroundings and really thinking about what he was doing. Regardless of the reason, now he felt like a fucking idiot. As if that wasn't enough, now that it seemed like Madison wasn't about to actually abandon Nathan to the elements, his big show of pointing a gun at her made him look like a huge asshat.

And, now, to top it all off, the guy he had been white knighting for was now clinging to his arm and telling him to stop. He had to fix this mess, and fast. Lowering the arm holding his gun, he tried his best to reassure the little guy. "Hey hey, Nathan, it's alright, the safety was on. I was never gonna actually hurt her."

That was probably the biggest lie he had ever told, but an innocuous lie to help calm Nathan's nerves was definitely less morally dubious than what he had just been doing. Now all he had to do was quit while he was ahead and get the hell out of this place, before he ended up embarrassing himself further.

But first, now that he could see Nathan up close and feel his weak tugging on his arm, he felt like he had to help, somehow. With his free hand, he unzipped his bag a little, doing his best to keep the contents inside from getting soaked by the rain as he fumbled for a ration bar and a bottle of water. He still had plenty of both, and he wasn't sure how he could live with himself if he didn't give Nathan something.

"Sorry to hear about your supplies situation," he muttered. "Here, take this."

He held the two items out to Nathan, giving the little guy a chance to grab them before zipping his bag back up. "I think I'm gonna leave, before I make an even bigger ass out of myself. Take care."

Adjusting his bag over his shoulder to more readily secure it, he trudged away from the group, not looking back. He wasn't cut out for all this, and as of now, he really just wanted a place to sit.

((Perhaps he could find somewhere to rest, out of the rain.))