Adopting off Paloma Salt and Johnny Silva Ruiz

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Adopting off Paloma Salt and Johnny Silva Ruiz


Post by Espi »

So I brought this up in chat already but I figure I should post it here for posterity and so other people will know/see it.

For a few different reasons, including school coming up soon among other things, I'm going to be withdrawing from Version 7. I've been very much disinterested in posting, and I know I won't be able to be as active in the version as I ought to be as a result. For the sake of not forcing myself to keep going when I won't enjoy it, and to avoid holding back threads with infrequent and subpar posts, I'll be adopting off both my characters.

Side note: I'd like to stress that this has nothing to do with feelings on my writing, the writing of my thread partners, or anything that should lead to concern about my current state of affairs I'm just not as motivated as I need to be to keep up with SOTF to the degree that I need to. I haven't been feeling very invested in the scenario of the site for a while now, and I think, at least for now, the premise is just not something I can get invested in for the time being. Also, I'll be starting up online classes soon, and that will take some amount of time and energy away as well.

I'll be putting up Paloma Salt and Johnny Silva Ruiz for adoption. I don't want to be horribly picky about who wants to pick them up, but I would appreciate if you're current on their reading, and am otherwise happy to give some tips on their current mindset for how they'd likely go into the future if I continued with them.

Let me know in site PM or (preferably) Discord DM if you're interested, and we can talk about it. I think a couple people expressed interest when I brought it up in public chat but please remind me in DM so that I can keep track of who asked.

Hopefully in the future I'm more able to participate, and I'll definitely be sticking around in chat and such as well. Thanks for the fun up until now guys.
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Post by Espi »

Oh, also, I'll probably keep things open until, say, some time tomorrow night (EST), then make my decision based on who asked.
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Post by Espi »

Okay, so I've decided to let Lore adopt Paloma, and Jilly will adopt Johnny. I really appreciate the interest and am very pleasantly surprised at the amount of people who've said nice things. I'm glad I made such a good impression. I'm confident they'll continue being good quality in their new handler's hands.

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