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gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:18 pm
by Somersault
((Mike Brown, continued from Hiya sa Timog))

Abel’d be fine. So fine. Like, the most fine.

Okay, maybe not as fine as like Mike was, which was like wow, ‘cause that was how he rolled, bro bro bro up to the hundred percent-o, but like it was chill that he was sick and that Mike was really just walking by all like that. And, it was chill cause all the girls’ round him seemed to have their shit together, prolly maybe sorta definitely, so it’d be good. No one counted on him to be Mr. Responsible Bring Home Friends So They Didn’t Die Or Whatever, so it was cool. Soooo cool.

‘Sides, he’d already had more than a little of what was on offer at this Swiftball something something, and wow, was he feeling great! Like light, fuzz, warm, even giddy.

Kinda couldn’t tell whether it was from the drinks or the heart-shaped sunglasses he somehow had on his head now, but either way, it was great. King of the world on top of the planet, more time just to wind down before college and all that serious shit.

Winding down, in fact, was why he was out here now, walking out of the house when something-nah, someone else fine came right up into his vi-vis- eyeball field. Yeah, that was it. That guy could get it.

“Duude,” ‘cause like, dude, he couldn’t instantly grasp his name like right then, but he could after maybe like chatting or something. Tilted his head, smiled ‘cause ya know, smiles were good and handsome and all his mom’s said that, mmhmm. “You tryna take a break too?”

Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:21 am
by Jilly
"Hey, Mike."

Man, at first Ramsey wasn't that sure about going to Mikki's party despite Angie's prodding and basically snatching him away anyway, but he got a hell of a show.

People climbing on and jumping from the roof and shit. That nerd twink dude puking his brains out by the side of the house. Drew passing out and getting drawn on by Gervais. Ariana bitch slapping Mad Marco into next week. Good times.

In hindsight, Ramsey probably should've helped out or at least been moral support or some shit instead of just being a silent observer. But, ya know.

Ramsey took another sip out of his Solo cup of water. He was here to witness drama and get #receipts, not contribute to it. Not like he couldn't hold his liquor compared to all of these gringos, but still. Best to avoid that temptation in the first place.

Even Ramsey had to take a break from the clown world, though, so here he was just chilling in the backyard browsing Twitter when Mike showed up. Looked like he had the same idea.

"Yeah, man. It's a goddamn circus everywhere." Ramsey scooted over to the edge of the bench, moving his cup to a closer and unobstructed position.

"You hanging in there?"

Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:34 am
by Somersault
"Mmm, I'm doin' fine!"

Actually, maybe a little bit more than fine, 'cause oh, that was the dude, and like yeah, Ramsey, cool dude, into music, yeah, all that good shit. Felt like there was somethin' else he was meant to remember, last name starting with a C or whatever, seemed sorta important for whatever reason, but eh. Now wasn't the time for that.

"Lil' tipshy, hah, but good. Reallly good."

Smiled big again, felt his cheeks burnin' up, but that like always happened once a couple cups got into his system, so it was all normal, all good. Added in a wink for good, y'know, measurements, but both eyes closed. Whoops. Party foul. Whatevs.

"Better now that you're here, y'know. Mah bros are like," he waved his hand 'round like a clock, whoosh whoosh. "Ya know? So like I'ma just take my sitting time."

Hand stopped waving around just long enough to land on the bench, right next to Ramsey. "S'okay if that's next tah you?"

Lil' giggle came out. 'Cause ya know, this was all dude stuff. Aalllllll good.

Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:18 am
by Jilly
"Yeah, man, go ahead." Ramsey returned Mike's goofy grin with a smirk of his own before glueing his eyes back to the phone.

Ramsey never got why people drank until they stumbled over their own words, but it was always quality entertainment. It was starting to get to the point in the evening when all the happy drunks bailed and left behind the sad and angry ones, but as long as Mike was the former and didn't throw up on Ramsey it was Gucci.

"Oh, uhm," Ramsey perked back up. "You seen Ace anywhere? I've been tryna hunt him down all night but he ain't answering his phone."

Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:39 am
by Somersault
"Schweeeet," and with that, all super smooth and super chill and super gracefully, he slid in onto that DM bench. Yep, bench. 'S all it was, two dudes, hanging out on a bench. Best kinda hanging out, 'specially with, like, y'know. A cute dude.

Mike was just about gonna do somethin' about that very somethin', but then like, ooh, big oof question. Pursed his lips and frowned, 'cause like oh yeah, oops.

"Ace? Football guy, yeah," Mike nodded along as if he had to show he was up on all the ups. "Think he got hopped up on liiike, wassa party drug? A?" Was a letter like that.

"Really tearin' up the room, so like if you wanna do somethin' bout thaaat...."

Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:55 pm
by Jilly
"Oh," Ramsey slouched slightly at the Ace update. "I see."

A? Adderall? Whatever it was, it must've been the good shit for Ace to ghost like this. Not that Ramsey wanted in, but maybe it was that big brother instinct that shot off like a spidey sense that made him worry. There had to be some people here that were still not completely incapacitated, so Ramsey could probably stand to hold off on getting a search party together for a bit.

Mike invited him for... something, regardless. Ramsey wasn't exactly sure what his deal was but he was fine just chilling here for now.

"Naw, I'm good. Shit's getting too crazy in there even for me. I'm staying out here where I can't get roped into something."


Re: gonna take my horse to the old town road

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:03 pm
by Somersault
"You shureeee," grin real real and not plastered as he was, ha. "You don't wanna be roped into some kinda thang?"

Boutta wink, add another wit-funny thing to the talk pile, but Mike kinda swayed forward, and even though he caught himself, 'cause duh, he got those baseball reflexes, it still kinda derailed his trail of thinking things.

Didn't help that Ramsey's skin was looking really nice, bit lighter than the brownies out in the kitchen but still real tasty. Not that he had them, not 'bout that sugar high or that 420 life, not until uni, but he still wanted a taste of something. Hand raised up to touch, 'cause like how could it no, Mike as just a dude and dudes had to dude things, but he just 'bout had enough left in the tank to bring it back down, but not enough to not let out a little giggle after.

"Ha! Just kidding, or something, or like, whateverrrr, but like you down for just this, me too."

Slumped into the couch a little, breathed in the night air. Sky full of pretty stars. Turned his head back to another pretty thing.

"Jus' say the wooord, got it?"