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Full Nelson

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 4:38 pm
by Tonyksin
[Jackson Sullivan Continued from Lonely As The Sound Of Lying On the Ground Of An Airplane Going Down]

After he left the scene of the scuffle between Gervais and Cecil, Jackson wandered off through the houses in the night, looking for someplace he could hide out and try and get some sleep. He felt exhausted, and utterly drained of all energy. The day’s events were taking their toll, not only on his body, but on his mind as well. People were truly trying to and succeeding in killing each other. It had only been a day, and he’d already seen one dead body, and helped defend against someone trying to create another. What the fuck was wrong with everyone? Did they want to go home so badly that they could give in to this shitty situation so easily?

Jackson just didn’t understand.

Eventually he found a small patch of trees and bushes that he could hide himself in in the Lower Wilderness, and made camp there for the night. He took the time to quickly bandage his newly acquired wound, making sure to clean it as well as he could to avoid infection. It took some time, his mind still racing with the events of the day and his overstimulated nerves from sleeping out in the open where someone could find him if they looked hard enough, but after a while of attempting to get himself comfortable he fell into a light and restless slumber. The night passed without incident, and Jackson awoke early the next morning, with the sun already high in the sky.

Jackson began to gather himself, his mind hazy from his lack of decent sleep, and his back aching from the uncomfortable position he slept in. A few stretches helped with his back problem, and he ate some of the rations from his bag to try and wake himself up. After a bit of mulling about with no clear destination in mind, his attention was snapped away from the map in front of him and to the booming voice that began to resonate throughout the area.

Was this the daily announcement?

Was this where he’d find out who was still alive, and who was dead?

He swallowed the lump in his throat and listened intently as the terrorist’s leader rattled off the named of the recently dead and the ones who killed them. The first name was no surprise, as he had already been privy to the dead body of Abel. What did surprise him however was learning who had done the deed.

Paloma? How did a girl like that do something so awful? He didn't understand, but that didn't seem to matter much, as the list kept on going. So many dead. So many killers in their midst. Jackson felt a twinge of fear deep in his heart.

After the announcements were no more than a memory, Jackson sat and contemplated his next move. He was tired of being on his own, but people were more than willing to kill obviously. I shook him up. It was hard to put your trust in people when any one of them could secretly want to kill you for their own survival. He didn’t know what the right choice was. Sure, some people like Tyrell and Paloma were willing to murder their classmates, but that didn’t mean everyone was awful, right?

He just needed to find some of the good ones.

With a renewed sense of vigor, Jackson threw his bags over his shoulder and map in hand, headed off towards the bay area.

[Jackson Sullivan Continued In The Sky Is A Neighborhood]