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On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:43 pm
by Chase†
((Coming from Starting Point for Boy #16))

Umi rounded out the front of the group, checking all around for anyone coming their way. While she started small talk with the other two, her mind was racing with thoughts; some that were relevant and others that weren't.

This is happening... how am I supposed to stop it? How am I going to watch after them and myself? Did I say good-bye to my father when we left? Did I tell him I loved him? How much he means to me?

I have to concentrate, if I let my guard down I won't be able to live long in this game. The trees are too high for anyone to climb... those bushes have thorns....

But what she actually said went along these lines:

"So...what were you planning on doing if I hadn't shown up?" she smirked a bit, though she knew Aiden couldn't see because she was facing forward. Her steps were careful and deliberate as to keep her steady and focused.

"After seeing you so easily giving up your weapon, I doubt you would've lasted that long," she said a little jokingly.

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:48 pm
by MooCow*
(Continued from: Starting Point for Boy #16)

"Before you showed up," Aiden scoffed, "I was calling out to Daisuke to see if he would join me... and as for my gun... maybe I, maybe I knew you wouldn't shoot. Maybe I knew you aren't that kind of person and I'm simply playing you both. Trying to make you both think that I'm innocent and naive and trustworthy. How do you really know that I won't simply betray you both when your backs turned?"

Aiden smirked at the girl as she looked at him with interest. He didn't want her to think she had him figured out... even is she was right.

Even if she was right...

(Continued in: At the Entrance)

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:49 pm
by Sephy†
((Coming from: Starting Point for Boy #16))

"Can we not start playing mind games?" Daisuke spoke for the first time in a while, "If we start thinking like that we'll end up stabbing each other in the back, I don't know about you two, but i'm not ready to give in to that sadistic bastards little game" He knew he sounded harsh, but the last thing they needed to be doing was argueing, he hoped they'd find somewhere to lay low, until they could think of a plan

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:49 pm
by Chase†
Umi couldn't help but snicker at Aiden's response. He wasn't that great of an actor, and short of peeing his pants when she had her gun on him, he was real. She liked that about him at least.

Then Daisuke decided to speak up. She could tell he was trying to be the voice of reason. So then what was she? The muscle? It could work....

"Nice to hear your voice again, Daisuke, you seemed a little zoned out."

They reached a small thicket, hidden by the lush vegetation and trees. Umi signaled for the two to stop. Then she pulled out the map.

"According to this we have about a mile and a half to go, we should drink a little bit of water now so we don't let the thirst overwhelm our judgement."

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:53 pm
by Sephy†
Daisuke nodded slightly, his mind on other things, for one, what if there were others in the hospital? he had his gun, but he'd never used one before, and if they had guns he wouldn't be able to get in close enough to use his best assets, he decided to keep his concerns to himself right now, so as not to worry Aiden.

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:53 pm
by Chase†
Taking a sip of her water, Umi glanced around the surroundings for a bit. She listened around, but failed to hear anything that could be perceived a threat.

Daisuke seemed a bit on the quiet side, and it left her a bit nervous. Hadn't he said he wasn't going to give in to Mr. Danya? That was one thing.

"Are you alright? Something on your mind?" she asked him quietly. Keeping everything bottled up always made Umi think she was losing it. Maybe...maybe talking would help.

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:53 pm
by Sephy†
"I was just thinking..about when we reach our destination, what if somebody's already there..and they're playing.."
~Always the cheerful one aren't we~ his ever present sarcastic side added with relish

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:53 pm
by Chase†
Umi thought about it for only a few minutes, then said, "We have to protect ourselves, apparently. But those kind of thoughts can overwhelm us. Not like they aren't already, I mean, you know how many times I've been thinking that it would be best if we just sat in a thicket and stayed put. But then eventually we'll run out of water and supplies, and then someone might get sick, it might rain. So then we would have to find this hospital anyway, and then chances are those very people who are 'playing' will be there looking for the last few...."

She pressed her thumb and middle finger on her left hand on both of her temples, her right hand covering her mouth.

A headache, oh great, just what I need. And a panic attack. Calm down, stop rambling. Just breathe.

She stopped babbling and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she calmed down, and opened them.

This was going to make a great start....

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:54 pm
by Sephy†
"hey, are you ok?" Daisuke asked as Umi was holding her head ~this is all we need..somebody having a panic attack on me, wait..we? oh fuck, Daisuke, do not go down this road, calm down~
He could only pray that his.."problem" didn't get the better of him while they were out here, ~damn..they'd never trust me if they knew about my..tendancies..~

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:54 pm
by Chase†
"I'm fine, I got it," Umi said blinking a bit. She finally removed her hands from her head. Looking at Daisuke she smiled shyly.

"I think ahead too much, there are so many possiblities, you know?"

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:54 pm
by Sephy†
He nodded "yup, but it won't do us any good to keep lingering on the what if's... we should jsut get to the hospital first, then play it by ear" he looked at the girl..~she's holding together well, for now at least. come on Dai, you know you can think of something to get yourself out of this mess without going on a killing spree~

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:55 pm
by Chase†
"We can wait a bit longer, I don't hear anyone coming by yet. Our path should be pretty clear, the only thing here is the hospital, and others probably think there is someone there."

She pulled out her weapon and stared at it idly. She uncocked the gun.

"I never thought I would be using this to defend myself from my classmates...."

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:55 pm
by Sephy†
Daisuke noticed how confident she seemed with the gun "you've used one of those before?"
~duh, ask a stupid question~ damn sarcastic side, sometimes Daisuke felt as if he were too people, ~hope I don't have multiple personality disorder too, hmm, thats a thoguht..if someone wiht MPD kills everyone else do they count as the last one standing? or the last three?~ Daisuke groaned inwardly, now was not the time to be making lame jokes

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:55 pm
by Chase†
"A Walther PPK 7.65mm. No," she replied, "Not my weapon of choice..." Umi waited, thinking on whether she should be truthful. She decided it best to just answer.

"I went shooting all the time, with my dad. You could say I'm the best with guns... or at the very least a sniper rifle."

Re: On Their Way (Daisuke, Umi, and Aiden)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 6:55 pm
by Sephy†
"I see, i've never held a gun before...i'm hoping its one of those things you can pick up fast" Daisuke knew he was revelaing a weakness, ~I have to trust her for her to trust me back~
"i'm not entirely useless in a fight tho..."