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The Whine of the Vagrant Character

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:26 am
by Slam
((Lucas Brady continued from The Sky is Falling, So Pull Up A Chair))

Lucas Brady sat on a stump, bitching and moaning in his death game slump.

He thought and whined, as he perched on his seat, why his peers couldn’t be more sweet?

Garren was a prick, that much was true, and those two bitches hadn’t a clue.

But calling them that led to no results, in fact it only proved that he was full of salt.

“What am I supposed to do now?” He moaned and crooned, as to the situation he tried to attune.

He still wanted to save everyone, of that he was sure, but was thinking he could unite everyone too premature?

The class speeches were a bust, and so was Facebook. People kept insulting him wherever he looked.

It felt like his words, confident and sure, were only starting to hinder his cause.

He put his head in his hands, starting to weep. He didn’t want to die being considered a creep.

His grandfather’s words, so sure in his mind, started to feel more and more undefined.

“Give others a chance,” he had always said, “You’ve got to try and get inside their head.”

Pointless and hopeless, he was far past feeling. Dealing with his classmates was beyond unappealing.

So maybe this was it, he looked up to the treeline. Would he be remembered as only a swine?

He could make amends, try to make friends, and change his words for the better.

But he was Lucas Brady, a prick and a baby, the reputation he fit to the letter.

((Lucas Brady continued in The Unavoidable Sun))