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Als op een winternacht een reiziger

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 9:50 pm
by Sh4dE
[[Arjen Kramer Start]]

There you are, sitting in front of the computer screen, browsing Survival of the Fittest, deciding to check out what Boy #075 was doing. You carefully watch the pixels in front of you forming colours, letters, pictures. Calm down, relax. Think about your situation outside of this room. Make sure no one else in the house knows what website you are on and lock the door so no one unexpectedly comes in, so you can avoid explaining yourself if they discovered that you browsed Survival of the Fittest. It is hard to be defensive about it given its content, so it was better to avoid conflict. Remember to make sure to delete your browser history after finishing in case you share this computer with someone else - or delete it either way.

You feel the mouse wheel with your middle finger to scroll and scroll down the page to discover more, edging forward a little bit to watch the screen more clearly but quickly remind yourself that your current posture is not as comfortable and healthy for your back if you decide to stay in this position for the duration of the rest of this journey, so you decide to relax your shoulders and get yourself in a more natural position.

You are about to follow the story of Arjen Justus Kramer as he wakes up on an island where he is forced to brutally kill or be killed by his classmates he had spent over six years in school with. He is armed with nothing but a Flammenschwert, which might have been a reason for you to choose his journey in particular. Arjen Kramer, Boy #075, the kid with the Flammenschwert - German for flame sword - as a weapon. And you want to find out how that is going to work out.

But be warned.

While there will be some scenes containing (dark) humour upcoming, the majority of the journey will be full of fights, betrayal, extreme violence and death. But you already knew that, didn’t you? That is the reason you are here, am I right? Gore, violence, blood, fights, drama, entertainment. This certainly is not the first kid you watch die for enjoyment. Sick bastard. You probably are already anticipating the scene where Arjen bites the dust. Where he brutally gets tortured to death, suffocating on his own blood, where he feels an immense amount of pain and suffers physically and mentally.

But be warned.

Even if you think that you are able to gut hardcore stuff you have experienced on this website, there is still a chance that the story of Arjen J. Kramer is too much to bear for you. So, here is a last chance. A last warning. You can simply skip Arjen and his existence on the island. Maybe you should instead check out the stories of other school children on this island whose fate will end up less bloody, less messy. Maybe you should ignore the story Arjen J. Kramer had and instead simply check out the high school kid who will eventually have survived the game.

Or even better, close the tab of this illegal website made for entertainment, shut down the computer, think about your reasons and answer me one question:

Why are you so thrilled to watch me die?

[[Arjen continued elsewhere]]