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Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:33 am
by Ryuki
Yuki was on the couch reading a book. She had just finished getting settled into the hotel room. Her clothes were in the drawer at the bottom of the dresser, and her suitcase was placed in the closet. The suitcase in question had a couple other books and games she brought along for the trip.

Yuki turned the page of her book, fully engrossed. The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone, an apocalyptic tale about a deadly new species of spiders. While Yuki herself wasn't too bothered by arachnids, she had to keep this book in particular hidden from her sister Yuko, who had a bad case of arachnophobia. Without Yuko around, Yuki was free to catch up on the reading she kept discreet.

Speaking of which, Yuki wouldn't be sleeping in the same room with either of her sisters. This wasn't like back home, where she could be around two people she'd known her whole life and trusted without question. She'd be bunking with a few random people whom she may or may have not known to well. Whoever walked through that door, Yuki would have to try and get along with. How easy that'll be will depend on the person in question. For now, Yuki was content with passing the time with her book.

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:40 pm
by Melusine
((Willow arrived here.))

The spy museum held the answer to her question. The kiss of death wasn't stolen. Boring, she kinda wanted to get her hands on it. Willow's purse banged on her hip up and down as she walked up the stairs. She felt sweaty and gross, and didn't quite understand why she took the stairs when the elevator was right there. Well, shit. Now she felt and was gross.

Heading toward her room, her hand digged in her purse. She grabbed a piece of candy. It was peppermint. If she had to kill someone for food, she'd pick peppermint tea. Her hand went back in and grabbed the card of her room. Sliding it inside, she twisted the knob and headed inside the room.

Yuki was the triplet she was with. Willow didn't want to look like a loser and get her confused with the Yuka and the Yuko. She probably got that too many times from her parents messing up her name. She closed the door behind her, and shoved her card in her golden purse. She greeted Yuki and locked the door behind her.

"'Sup. Do you want me to paint your nails?"

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:19 am
by Ryuki
A girl walked into the hotel room. Willow O'Neal, an artist and RPG gamer. Yuki had talked to her before, but beyond that she wasn't someone Yuki hung out with regularly.

As Willow entered, Yuki noticed she looked like she had sweat on her forehead. She must have walked or ran a good while before coming up. Then, Willow asked something most unexpected.

"'Sup. Do you want me to paint your nails?"

"Uh, sure," Yuki responded, with a bit a confused tone. Yuki bookmarked her novel and set it on the coffee table as she made room on the couch for Willow.

"Sorry," Yuki continued, "I guess because I'm more used to my sister asking me that I became surprised."

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:06 pm
by Melusine

The only reason why Willow asked Yuki to paint her nails was really because she was lonely. At home, she could speak to her parents, or just be near them and absorb enough social energy. Willow didn't realize how she much she craved being near people despite having no real intent interacting with them. Tragically, if she were to sit beside someone without doing nothing while being a social vampire, she would be probably unable to recreate these kind of settings.

She removed her boots and made her way toward Yuki. Willow was glad she decided to wear black: nobody would realize she was sweating like a whore in church. Her mom thought Willow wore black as a fashion statement, but it was more a practical thing than an actual act of self-expression. If she were to wear cute frilly things like a pink shirt, it would probably become purple under her armpits. She just recently expanded to darker colors like burgundy and navy blue.

She sat beside Yuki with now a hairband and black nail polish in her hands. Willow raised her hands and tied her hair, trying to give some fresh air to her neck. Her eyes moved over Yuki's book.

"That looks gross. What is it about?" She said pointing the girl's book, "Also, toe nails or finger nails? Or both?"

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:12 pm
by Ryuki
“Oh, just fingernails, please,” Yuki said as she held out her hand to Willow. “Well, The Hatching is about a worldwide epidemic of flesh eating spiders. It’s the first in a trilogy.”

Yuki kept the part about hiding it from Yuko to herself. Yuko was a bit sensitive about her arachnophobia.

The color of the nail polish Willow had was black. Not exactly the first color Yuki would have chosen to paint her nails with, but she’s had seen Yuka use the color before. So, if it look good on her, it would probably look good on Yuki since they’re identical.

“So, uh,” Yuki pondered, trying to strike up a conversation, “What were you doing while you were out? Seeing the sights?”

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:00 pm
by Melusine
Willow wouldn't like to be around if there was a worldwide epidemic of flesh eating spiders. Probably nobody would want to be around, but Willow felt like the fictional spiders were running on her back. She should give the book a try.

She shook the nail polish bottle while listening to Yuki's inquiry. She twisted the cap and laid the bottle to rest on the table. Willow gently but firmly held the right hand of Yuki. She had nice and soft hands. Willow started to apply a layer on Yuki's thumb while answering the question.

"Yeah, I went to see the Spy Museum," she put a strand of hair behind her ear then continued applying the layer, "and then I got onion rings."

She paused. Her mouth watered at the thought of eating more onion rings. She closed her eyes and asked Yuki a question of her own.

"Did you do anything?"

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 10:00 pm
by Ryuki
“Nothing much,” answered Yuki, “I just unpacked my things and decided to catch up on my reading.”

Willow had a gentle yet firm grip on Yuki’s hand. As she applied another layer on Yuki’s thumb, Yuki’s wondered what Yuka and Yuko were up to.

“I was thinking about checking out the art museum,” Yuki continued, “Also, the mall. Yuka would definitely love that.”

Being the fashionista of the three, Yuka would likely be down for a shopping spree at the National Mall. Yuki, on the other hand, would be content with looking around in whatever bookstore they had built in.

“I figured art museum would provide me with some inspiration for my own writing. I brought a camera on the trip to take pictures, if they allowed that.”

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 11:27 pm
by Melusine
Willow acquiesced and nodded as she moved from Yuki's thumb to her index. Listening to Yuki's plans, it made her realize she also wanted to go to an art museum. There was something soothing about being surrounded by art, something she couldn't quite explain made her feel serene.

"Mhm!" She was now on Yuki's middle finger as she replied to her, "I'd like to go too."

Willow was vaguely hit a wave of nostalgia. She couldn't really put her finger on it to stop the bleeding, so the blood kept oozing out. Frozen in place for a second, she went back to her ritualistic task. Her mouth tickled when she started talking.

"Ha, I wish I had a boyfriend now." She paused then proceeded carefully, "I could go on dates like that, and he would pay for me."

Willow giggled.

"Do you have a boyfriend Yuki?"

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:37 am
by Somersault
Two, or three knocks on the door? What would tip past the edge of polite to annoying, the precipice between comfortable interaction and an awkward silence once entering? That was the question Kelly had to answer with her knock, the way with which to create perfect introduc-

Wait, there was a keycard in her pocket, wasn't there? Oh. Ohhhh. Probably just wiser to use that.


Now, okay, it wasn't that Kelly didn't know who she was rooming with. She tried to talk to everyone in the class, if only just a tiny bit, to get a little insight into them a little peer into the window of their minds to show that she truly cared. Perhaps it was just a quick hello in the hallways, a conversation while waiting in line for food. Quick, long, detailed, general, all of it was fine. She just wanted to know people as more than names and faces, after all. She got too much of that having to organize layouts for the yearbook, page upon page of senior quote after senior quote, and frankly, it was kind of tiring. Wouldn't it do to just unwind and relax a bit with her friends, find any new interesting shops or monuments? It wasn't meant to sound privileged, no, but she had been to D.C. before, to bring her ông bà to see the sights, and what she had remembered from that trip, ten and still tiny? Not much, other than photos.

Perhaps in the scrapbooks there would be more, memories to hold onto like ropes to a bridge, but she didn't have her scrapbooks on her - needed more space for clothes, toiletries, her camera, of course. There were memories to be made now, too, and so it was up to her to take that leap and go make them. She would have made that leap with slightly more enthusiasm, though, if she had been rooming with people she was slightly more close to. Again, Kelly did know who she was rooming with. She sadly just didn't know them very well.

With a deep breath, and the rubbing of her shoes on the floor, sandals coming into contact with carpet, she slid the keycard in with steady hands and opened the door.

"Oh, hey!"

Yuki, one of the Hayashibara triplets, was having her nails painted Willow O'Neal, who was nice enough, if somewhat mercurial. Still, it was pretty odd sight for her to see, but she schooled her face into a smile, the same one used at family functions and yearbook meetings, and looked directly at them.

"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting anything too important."

The preemptive apology. A favorite way to get out of awkward situations.

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 8:45 pm
by Ryuki
“Oh, neat,” Yuki said happily, “maybe you could come with us.”

Then, upon hearing Willow’s desire for a boyfriend, Yuki wondered something. Would she ever find a boyfriend? She hadn’t really dated anyone during her high school years, but she never dismissed the idea of dating. Maybe she could date when she got to college. And maybe—

”Do you have a boyfriend Yuki?”

That took Yuki by surprise! She peeled up her head, blushing.

“Ah! W-well...”, Yuki stammered.

Just then, someone else had entered the room.

Oh, hey!

Kelly Nguyen. She worked on the yearbook, practiced archery, and likes cute animals much like Yuko.

"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting anything too important."

“Oh, don’t worry,” Yuki quickly responded, “We’re just nail painting and having a little girl talk. Hehe...”

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 1:09 am
by Melusine
The door opened and, just like that, Kelly saved Yuki from two seconds of embarrassment. As the third roommate entered the room, Yuki's blushing face returned to its normal colour. Willow bit her lip to hold back a laugh as she moved to Yuki's ring finger.

Willow did turn toward Kelly for a second and she smiled as a way to greet her. Turning back toward Yuki, Willow started to apply the coat as the two girls exchanged quick words. Willow shook her head to answer Kelly's question. She wasn't interrupting anything, if you didn't consider adding a new player to the game.

"Yeah, just some girl talk," she was now on Yuko's pinky, "and talking about plans for tomorrow."

Willow twisted then cracked her head slightly, moving her ponytail across her back. She was probably in the least ergonomic position to do her task properly.

"Thinking about going to the art museum," her voice was monotone but it picked up the pace in the second act, "wanna' come with us?"

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 4:35 am
by Somersault
Kelly nodded in response's to Willow's question, smile kept steady on her face. Her eyes, though, could spot the nervousness across Yuki's face, hidden but still there, a thin glass cover over the waters threatening to break through. No need to pry, however. That would've been rude, and all Kelly wanted to do right now was chat. "Yeah, I'd be up for that," she replied, as she made her way to the foot of the bed, door closing behind her without the weight of her body to keep it open. "Nothing like a good trip, is there?"

Breaking the ice. That's exactly what she was trying to do now, smooth over the tension and leave an equal field for them all to converse casually. Carefully, she began to sit down on the bed, an attempt at casualness without carelessness. Kelly pulled on the hair-tie wrapped around her wrist. A nervous habit, to be sure, but to begin sitting, to begin chatting, was only the first step, and finding someway to replace that silence with something a bit more comfortable, a bit more...pleasant, really, was the next big challenge. At least Yuki and Willow were trying. Much harder to hold up one end of a conversation if the other was already tilted downwards, after all.

Still, as she sat, Kelly wished that she had somewhere to put her hands, like pockets. Sadly, the polka-dot dress she was wearing didn't exactly have that luxury. Probably because it was based off of designs from an era in which women weren't exactly encouraged to go out and actually do things to change the world, but still; the sacrifices she had to make for the sake of her appearance were many. Instead, she kept her hands on her lap, twisting her head to look at the other two girls. Uncomfortable physically, sure, but but it was better for just trying to go and talk.

In her current position, Kelly pursed her lips and began to speak. "Anyways," she started, searching for a topic of conversation, voice wavering like a crop in the wind. Bed, lamp, room - the closet. Well, not the closet closet, but the stuff inside the closet. The luggage. "Have you guys finished unpacking? I've got a few more things to get through tonight."

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 9:38 pm
by Ryuki
“Cool, the more the merrier,” said Yuki.

Willow was just about finished with Yuki’s pinky. Yuki took a look at the work Willow did on her fingernails. They shone like obsidian gemstones. They were nicely coated, maybe on par with what Yuka can do. She handed Willow her next hand.

“I finished unpacking a while ago,” Yuki answered Kelly, “I was reading before Willow offered to paint my nails.”

Most of Yuki’s clothes consisted of a couple of t-shirts, shorts, and skirts. For shoes, she wore the same pair of white Vans she wore to school. They were a bit worn and their color had dulled, but otherwise, they were still in good condition. After all, if they weren’t worn out beyond repair, why get rid of them?

“My clothes are in the top shelf.”

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 3:14 am
by Melusine
Mhm... was this the part of the conversation that Willow admit that she only brought one outfit on the school trip? She did bring spare underwear, one sweatshirt and a cardigan, and one pair of jeans, but nothing that would last a week. A part of her knew nobody would really notice her wearing the same outfit several days in a row, so she didn’t feel the need to change clothes. Willow decided for her own sanity, she wouldn’t disclose this fact to her roommates.

Willow paused her thoughts as she started working on Yuki’s second hand. Painting the thumb first, she made long strides to cover as much distance as possible.

“Personally,” she said while painting Yuki’s hand, “most of it is still in my luggage.”

She scratched her head with her free hand. While getting more black nail polish on the brush, she started to fabricate a lie. The thing is about Willow is that she never quite lies. She just tells the truth without telling the entirety of it. Yes, it was a lie by omission, but not quite as bad as creating stories. On the barometer of lies, hers was on the level of the tooth fairy who forgot to bring a coin.

“I travel lightly,” she said after clearing her throat, “so I’ll be able to keep most of it in my luggage.”

Willow smiled, then looked at Kelly and Yuki. In that moment, she realized her name didn’t rhyme. Her tongue twisted then spat out a finisher.

“You guys can feel free to rest of the place.”

Re: Room 815: Interesting...

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 2:57 pm
by Somersault
"Well, at least you've done more than me!"

Keeping it positive! That was what Kelly was great at, what she excelled in, and what she would continue doing to keep everything going well. Poking fun at yourself was the easiest kind of humor to do, after all, least of all because it ensured that the only person you were in danger of offending was yourself. Willow and Yuki wouldn't get riled up by a small joke, hopefully, but a risk like that was not one to take within the first five minutes of getting in the room.

"Like, all of my stuff is still right in here." She pointed to the two pale pink pieces of luggage on the floor next to where she had sat on the bed, still fully upright. There were many potential situations to account for, like brunches, linners, breakfast excursions, museum trips, and it was best to be prepared for any possibilities. "Just means I'll have a bit more to get through tonight, I guess."

It kind of also meant there'd be a lot more space she was taking up, which Kelly would have felt more guilty about if Willow hadn't confessed she was packing pretty light. Anyways, Yuki was a triplet, so she was probably pretty used to having a bit less space, and Kelly was an only child, so it was normal of her to want a bit more space, right?

She frowned at the thought. Well, hopefully.

That wasn't exactly a great thing to be thinking about at the moment, being so dour when the mood was so light, but it was still a bit better than just watching Willow paint Yuki's nails. It was literally like watching paint dry, not least because she wasn't able to participate in the process. It was pretty, shiny, too, but not exactly mentally stimulating.

Kelly shuffled just a bit closer to the pair, taking great care not to intrude too much on their personal space. "So, you guys planning on going out anywhere today?"

Really, anywhere would work. Just as long as they all agreed to it, of course.