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Practice Helps

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:45 pm
by Ryuki
Ned had set up the microphone on his desk. The script of quotes was in his hands. An ice cold bottle of water sat to the side of the desk, dripping with condensation. Ned cleared his throat and hit the record button in the Audacity program.

"Is this rain ever gonna stop?," Ned said in a tenor voice, "I've forgotten what the sun looks like. We should go on vacation! Somewhere warm! Somewhere sunny! Dragon shores! Yeah, I haven't been there since we kicked Gnasty Norc's butt! How about it Sparx? You up for a vacation at the beach? Last one there's a norc!"

Ned hit the record button again, stopping the recording. As he took a breath, he prepared another recording and looked over his script, and continued.

"Whoa, rough landing," Ned continued in the same tenor as before, "Hi! Which way's the...beach?"

He paused for a second and continued.

"Hey stop staring! Haven't you guys seen a dragon before?"

Paused again briefly, took a breath, and continued.

"You got a problem with that pussy cat?"

Ned stopped the current recording and looked at the script again. After taking a swig of water he pressed record again.

"Who was that jerk?"

Pause and continue.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Ugh...How do we get ourselves into these messes pal?"

And with that, Ned finished recording. Ned had heard the news of the original Spyro the Dragon trilogy getting an HD re-release. He was ecstatic when he first heard about it on Twitter. In celebration, he wanted to fandub Spyro's lines from the opening to the second game. It was the first Spyro game he ever played, so it had nostalgic value to him. It was also the game that introduced him to Tom Kenny's voice acting. Ned looks to Tom Kenny as one of his inspirations for his voice work. Ned admires his versatility and aspires to mold his own voice into being just as flexible.

So, with all the recording finished, Ned put the audio to video and uploaded it to his channel on Youtube channel.

(Ned Jackson continued elsewhere...)