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Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Aster

Larson's wasn't a place Samuel frequented. He didn't even go outside much at all, save for the occasional errands or trip to the local library. Even then, he only passed through downtown Kingman on his way home, not bothering to visit any of the stores that lined the streets. Today Samuel just happened to be bored, and as he passed by Larson's while on errands he figured that it wouldn't hurt to pop in and take a look at what they offered.

So he found himself inside Larson's Comics and Games, browsing the graphic novels section. Samuel didn't usually read graphic novels. He'd rather read a book, and found it much more satisfying to imagine the story himself rather than look at pictures provided for him. It wasn't that he disliked them: he enjoyed some good visuals, and if the story was intriguing he'd probably given a chance. Besides, he hadn't seen many graphic novels in his life, since Cochise's library was lacking in everything and he'd never noticed the graphic novels section at the local library.

Samuel's fingers traced the spines, inspecting titles and looking out for anything interesting. At least graphic novels were longer than comics, with a lot more story to take in all at once. Samuel loved long books, which to him were indicative of more story and detail. It was also why he loved book series, focusing on the same characters or setting over the span of many books. The bigger the better, Samuel thought as he kept an eye out for a large chunk of graphic novels with the same title.

One in particular caught his eye. He took it off the shelf, turning it over in his hands and inspecting the cover.

The Hedge Knight, huh?

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Espi
((Henry Spencer, pregame start))

A good comic book was like...well, it was like something. It was a book but with more pictures, and that pretty much summed it up. But surely there was a decent simile/metaphor for a good comic book. He could say that both a comic book and the human eye were full of humor, as in vitreous humor, but he wasn't sure comic books were always funny. He didn't read them a lot, really.

Which reminded Henry, why was he here, again? Well, excellent question, inner self. He was at Larson's because his copy of "House of Leaves" appeared to have been misplaced. Not lost, Henry never lost things. But it was currently missing, so while he awaited its return he wanted to reread it. But since he didn't have one at the moment, he needed to buy a new copy. Target didn't seem to have it in stock, so Henry took a long shot to check the comic store. Long shot. What a clever idiom, accurate and...idiomatic. Was that a word? Possibly.

Regardless, Henry had gotten slightly distracted in the story. Just a wee bit, though. He could stop browsing the graphic novels. After all, House of Leaves wasn't a graphic novel. But he was increasingly intrigued by some of them, though so far he was disappointed by the distinct lack of really creepy settings and stories. Where was the horror genre representation? Honestly, Henry ought to protest the-oh hey someone else was here!

Henry totally knew Samuel. Well, he'd seen the taller boy around, for sure. At school, yes, definitely. Quiet guy, upperclassman, Henry didn't know much about him but he was probably friendly. "Hey! What'cha looking at?" He asked loudly to get the other boy's attention before standing up on tiptoe to see past the other boy's broad shoulders.

Oh! That was a good simile. A good comic book was like a linebacker; it blows you away! Haha, that was pretty clever.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Deamon
((Kimiko Kao continued from Hypotenuse Murder Mystery Case))

Kimiko had been looking through Larson's large collection of Marvel comics, specifically their X-Men books. She'd always had an attraction to the X-Men. It hadn't been long after she had first arrived in America that she'd found a comic in a book store. At the time she enjoyed the X-Men because they were outsiders and she felt like one. It was immature and childish true but it planted the seed for a lifelong love of comics in her heart. She had been reading them ever since even when the storylines or events were frankly terrible and the writing quality was sub-par. But she soldiered on, knowing that eventually a good writer would take over and right the course. A good writer could make the most of the medium and push it to its limits to tell interesting and compelling stories that also allowed commentary on things that transcended people in bright and flash costumes punching each other in the face. That was where her true enjoyment of comic books came from now that she was more mature. It was why she was thumbing through a trade paperback of Grant Morrison's All-New X-Men run. One of the best X-Men series ever written, she was certain she was going to buy the trade she held but she was just taking a moment to get a preview of what she was actually going to get for her money. It seemed like a good purchase.

She looked over her shoulder when she heard a loud question asked. As it turned out it wasn't actually directed at her; although it easily could have been considering just how loudly the boy was speaking. Kimiko recognized Samuel; he was in her grade and was very noticeable. Thanks to his large height and frame. The boy who had actually asked the question Kimiko had a vague recollection of too, his name was Henry and he was in the grade below, he was mainly notable for wearing eyeshadow. Something that had always caught Kimiko's eye but aside from that and things some people had told her; which hadn't always been polite or complimentary she knew nothing about him.

As things were though neither seemed to have realized she was present. This was something that she was actually OK with as she preferred to be left alone as she browsed through comics. She just found it more peaceful when she was left alone to absorb what she was looking at. It also made it easier for her to judge whether or not she would like a specific book as she could take her time to be more discerning. With that in mind she set the New X-Men trade down on the tops of the other books on the shelf and continued to look at the selection laid out before her. Seeing if there was anything else she wanted to purchase before buying the trade and heading home.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Aster
It was based on Game of Thrones. Samuel had read some of the books a while back, when the show was just getting popular. It was nice, it had a nice setting, but he hadn't continued reading. He'd been meaning to, but it had slipped his mind. Samuel figured it wouldn't hurt to delve back into the world of Westeros. While he was at it, he might as pick up the series aga-

Jesus Christ!

Samuel jumped, whirling around to see another kid standing near him. The face was vaguely familiar - probably someone from school, an underclassmen or something. The kid looked like the brooding type, dressed in all black with a hairstyle you'd associate with the angsty loner who sat in the back of the classroom and glowered at people. A look that clashed with his chipper demeanor. It was almost unsettling.

He stared at the other kid before coming to his senses. "Uh..hi." He said, giving a small wave with his free hand. In response to the boy's question, Samuel raised up the book. "Er, it's called the Hedge Knight. Just picked it up, actually." He looked down and read the summary on the back. Something about two squires adventuring, typical fantasy fare. The setting was interesting, at least. He wondered what Westeros was like in the past. Definitely worth a read.

"It seems...good."

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Espi
Oh, Henry startled him. Oops.

"Oh, cool!" He said. "What's it about?" Already he was imagining knights fighting with hedges, knights fighting hedges, knights and hedges in general. He had no idea what it was about! It sounded neat, though, so he figured it was probably cool and involving both knights and hedges. Duh.

"Oh, forgive me. Samuel, right? I'm Henry! It's a pleasure." Henry considered offering a handshake, but that was too formal and weird. Henry liked weird, but not that kind of weird. So no handshake. "What brings you to this fine establishment of...comics?" Just then, Henry got distracted by the presence of another person he knew.

"Oh, hi Kimiko!" He called, waving to the nearby girl. He knew Kimiko, of course; she was mute, Taiwanese and a gymnast or something like that. She seemed nice, though she was older than him so they didn't interact much. Still! Best not leave her out. "Do you like comics? I didn't know you did."

His desire for House of Leaves forgotten, Henry now had a new goal; all the new people!

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Deamon
They were talking to each other. Kimiko was fine with that, she just wanted to be left alone to browse and buy. Kimiko hated to embody the moody mute stereotype but she really didn't like being disturbed while she was reading. She made every effort to be social normally (unless she was in a bad mood that day) but reading comics was her personal time, and she valued the freedom of being able to set time aside where wasn't going to be disturbed and could just relax. Sure maybe she had to expect it since she was in a public place but she hoped she'd be left alone.

That was why when she heard her name called she had to stop herself from visibly reacting. She didn't want to be rude. Instead she took a second to compose herself, taking a moment to put the other X-Men book she'd been looking at back in its proper place, then turned with a smile and a small wave. She slowly walked over, nodding in answer to Henry's question. Both of the boys had a lot of height on her. That was probably what she got for being both Asian and gymnast. Not like being a gymnast actually had any impact on her height but it was another two stereotypes she embodied. She really hated stereotypes.

It wasn't surprising Henry didn't know that she liked comics, it wasn't a secret at all but he was in the grade below so Kimiko could have counted the interactions between the two of them on one hand. She gave Samuel a smile and nod once she reached them, it was only polite. Tilting her head to one side she opened one of her arms, an invitation for the two boys to continue.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:54 pm
by Aster
"It's about a knight and his squire adventuring across Westeros. Y'know, the Game of Thrones place." Samuel explained. "Pretty cliche plot, but an interesting setting." The other boy then introduced himself as Henry: a name he'd heard around school once or twice, but didn't make him any more familiar. For all intents and purposes, Henry was still just someone from school. Or, someone from school he ran into at Larson's. "Why I'm here? Well..."

He was cut off by Henry calling out to someone else, presumably another Cochise student he didn't notice was here. The name was much more familiar to Samuel's ears, though. He and Kimiko were in the same grade, and you knew people your age way better than you did underclassmen. He knew she was short and athletic and pretty smart, though they didn't have much in common so she was an acquaintance at best. She liked comics, so it was no surprise she at Larson's.

He gave a nod of acknowledgement to her in reply before turning back to Henry. "As I was saying, I was just...kinda bored today, I guess. And I was passing by, so I figured I'd pop in." He shrugged. "I'm not normally a big of a fan of graphic novels, but I might as well give it a try."

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Espi
Kimiko's reply was pretty subdued, but Henry totally got that. It wasn't like she could, you know, say anything. She wasn't about to reply with the same volume Henry normally would have, or like, any volume. That'd be a big surprise if his mere presence invoked speech in the mute. He'd have to be like, Goth Jesus or something. That'd be pretty weird. Goth Jesus was like, an antonym or something.

Wait. That wasn't the right word. What was it? Jumbo shrimp, cold sweat, baked Alaska...oh, damn it, he couldn't remember.

So yeah, a smile and wave was totally cool.

Henry smiled at her, then returned to Samuel's conversation. If Kimiko had something to add, she certainly could. She'd probably have to get his attention, but that was fine. Henry was good at that sort of thing. Usually. "Ah, I see. That's pretty interesting. Well, setting-wise I guess. I've never really been into that series. Not dark enough."

Henry paused for a moment. "Well, it's pretty dark from what I've heard. Just not dark in the way I like it, I guess. Like, people die and stuff but there's not enough creepy stuff. It's just like gory and tragic and that's kinda annoying 'cause then it's like 'well what was the point?' you know? Anyway, I'm here for...well, mostly the same reason. Not big on comics either."

With a shrug, Henry looked back over at Kimiko. "So I guess you're the resident comic book expert. What's a good horror and/or supernatural comic I could look into?" He also needed to find House of Leaves. "Oh, and where would they have the regular books?" Wait, that sounded bad. "Well, not 'regular' but the traditional ones, with words on pages instead of pictures."

Satisfied with his contribution to discussion, Henry waited for their responses while trying to remember that word. Wasn't it something to do, that wasn't it. Oh, oxymoron! That's it! Goth Jesus, oxymoron extraordinaire!

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Deamon
They went back to their conversation which suited Kimiko just fine. They were talking about something related to Game of Thrones. She knew there were books of it but hadn't realised there were graphic novels. Not that it changed her interest in the material any. She watched the show but she was obsessed with it like some people seemed to be. Her family watched it when it was on but that was about as far as it went plus it gave her something to talk about the next day at school.

From everything she had gathered of Henry he was a walking goth stereotype. He had the clothes, the love of horror and the annoying attitude that the darker a piece of fiction was the better it was. Kimiko had always disagreed with that, when Kyle and Yost had taken over X-Force they went so dark with the material it managed to loop back around and become ludicrous. It had always annoyed her because it undermined a lot of the work they had done on their New X-Men run, where deaths happened but they were rare enough that they had an impact. The Purifier attack on the school notwithstanding. But that was a different situation, one story arc of intensity compared to X-Force's continuing intense bloodshed with no signs of slowing down.

Henry snapped her out of her thoughts when he addressed her directly. His sudden questioning left her to awkwardly fumble for her phone in her pocket. She held up her left hand with her index finger up. The universal signal for "one moment" as she withdrew her phone and started to type away. Horror or supernatural comics. They weren't the most popular market for comic books by any means. The domination of superhero comics made by Marvel and DC was pretty much universal and complete. That wasn't to say horror or supernatural comics didn't exist at all, they were just a niche market and therefore harder to find. Kimiko only knew of a few in passing, single issues she had either picked up to see what they were like or names she had seen when browsing online for release dates and previews. When she was done she held the phone up for Henry to see.

Coffin Hill
Reanimator - based off the movie
The Walking Dead - show is based off it
There's also some stuff about Batman fighting Dracula but I can't remember the name

As for the second question, why would you come to a comics shop to look for normal books? Kimiko was fairly sure Kingman had a book store. She shook her head. There were no normal books in Larson's. It was a comic shop. It sold comics, tabletop stuff and games. Normal books were sold elsewhere.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Aster
Huh. He and Henry had something in common. The fact that he dressed like a goth made a lot more sense. But in Samuel's opinion, he didn't think that Game of Thrones needed more horror. The tragic drama suited the show well, and the show would be fine without it. Samuel enjoyed the fantasy elements as-is, though he wasn't opposed to more horror in the show. It just did well without it.

Samuel nodded along to Henry's rambling, and he had to at least admire his attempts at including Kimiko in the conversation. There was a pause as she typed out her response on her phone, recommending some comics to Henry. His next question was just...dumb, to be honest. Did he even know where he was? "Er, you do know what Larson's sells, right?" He asked, indicating around him. "It's all comics and tabletop gaming resources. There's probably a bookstore down the street, or maybe you could check the library. Either way, there's no books here."

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Espi
Ooh, Hellraiser sounded neat. Henry would have to check it out. Plus those others, but Hellraiser stood out somehow. Hmm...It struck him as odd that Kimiko didn't use one of those text-to-voice translator things. Those existed right? He might ask later on. Anyway, she was pretty helpful about the comics.

"Aw, yeah. I should check there later!" Henry said in response to Samuel's comment. He probably should've figured. That was annoying. "I'm looking for a specific book, you guys heard of "House of Leaves? I had a copy but it got-er, it disappeared." Henry didn't lose things, after all. Established facts, people, c'mon, pay attention.

"Oh, anyway, I'll look there later. I think I said that already, anyway though, what ah, what else is new with you guys? Enjoying your...senior stuff?" Henry didn't know what seniors did. Probably college planning and stuff, super boring college planning. The next level of preparatory boredom. He felt bad for them.

"What do you plan on doing when you graduate?" He asked.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Deamon
Kimiko looked over at Samuel. He was being a little too condescending but she could understand why. It had been a fairly stupid question to ask. Although treating Henry like he was a thirteen year-old wasn't the right way to go about answering. Kimiko had heard of the book Henry was looking for although she had no interest in it at all. As a result the title was about the only thing she did know besides some things she had heard said about it. Not that she could remember those small details anymore. She hadn't been focused on them. As a result she wasn't sure she could be any help to Henry. So she answered him with a non-committal hand-wobble. The hand-wobble always served her well when it came to showing she was unsure about something, sometimes she threw in a small shrug as well to make it extra obvious.

Body language was something Kimiko was a master of or that was what she liked to think. She had never actually asked anyone to confirm her belief at all but she assumed the fact she managed to make it through day-to-day life without relying on technology to explain things for her proved her point. She did have to make frequent use of her phone to type things out for her but she flat-out refused to use one of those machines that vibrated her vocal cords. She had been asked if she wanted one once in Taiwan and had said no and asked again when she'd made one of her first visits to a specialist in America. It had never been brought up again thanks to the aggressiveness of her initial refusal.

She tilted her head when Henry asked about "senior stuff". She had no idea what he meant. Seniors didn't really do anything juniors didn't, apart from stuff to do with college she guessed. Yeah, that was something she had to think about more. Then Henry asked what they planned to do when they graduated. Kimiko couldn't speak for Samuel there but she still looked up at him before looking back at Henry and shrugging...while typing on her phone.

College, international politics, do gymnastics. Hopefully Olympics.

She held it up so the others could see. She didn't know if Samuel knew of her dream of doing gymnastics at the Olympics but if he didn't he did now. It had been her dream since childhood, ever since she had been old enough to understand what the Olympics were. All the hours upon hours of practice were for that one goal. She just had to get into the right college and then go off to the Olympic trials. She was sure she would be able to make it.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Aster
Samuel hadn't heard of the book Henry mentioned, but he made a mental note to check it out later. The two of them had similar tastes, so maybe it was worth looking into. He just shook his head when Henry asked if they'd heard of it, and part of him wanted him to leave to go find his book. But instead, he asked about their 'senior stuff' and their plans after high school. He didn't know what he meant by senior stuff, and he was caught off guard by the next question. Kimiko shrugged but typed out her response on her phone, holding it up for the two of them to see. He had to lean over to read what she had typed.

The Olympics, huh? Kimiko definitely her eyes set on lofty aspirations, and her ambition was admirable. Samuel didn't know that she did gymnastics, but if she was set on the Olympics she was probably working hard towards that goal. His plans, on the other hand...

"Well then," he said, standing up straight. "Mine aren't nearly as glamorous as that. I dunno, I'm probably just going to work straight out of high school," Samuel admitted. "I'm not well-suited for college, y'see. Don't think it'd help me."

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Espi
Henry nodded eagerly. "Okay, cool! Good luck getting into the Olympics, Kimiko. It's nice that in modern times girls can do Olympic sports and stuff, originally in ancient Greece you had to be a man which is totally BS am I right?" Kimiko would probably be inclined to agree. After all, she was a girl.

Turning to Sam, Henry was slightly less enthusiastic but still pretty enthusiastic. Playing favorites wasn't cool. "That's cool too, Sam! I dunno if I'm gonna do the whole, "college education" thing either, but we'll see. Good luck with your...job thing!"

"Oh, anyway, as for myself, I graduate next year. I dunno what I'm gonna do, I like horror and stuff so maybe I'll write horror novels. I don't like writing very much though, maybe I can be an actor who does horror? I don't like theater either, though." Henry paused and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I dunno, I kind of have to think about it. But whatever, I've got time."

Henry offered a big grin. "You guys don't have as much time, though, so it's good you figured it out! Soon you'll be graduating, and getting jobs, if you don't have one I guess, you might, but you'll go to college, well one of you will, and all sorts of stuff! I bet it'll be fun."

Suddenly, a distraction appeared. Henry glanced over at the shelf, and spotted a graphic novel with tentacles on it. "Oh, cool, "Fall of Cthlulhu"! What's it about..." Henry grabbed the comic off the shelf and started delving into it.

Re: Cruising and Perusing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 9:55 pm
by Deamon
Kimiko didn't have a response to Henry's comment about being able to take part in the Olympics. She didn't get why she would have cared since it was such a strange hypothetical scenario. But if she had to have an opinion she thought it was better that women also got the compete. Then he kept talking, and talking, and talking some more. He only stopped when he saw a graphic novel he liked the look of.

At that point he seemed to forget that Kimiko and Samuel both existed and was transfixed by the graphic novel he had picked up and was reading. Kimiko could only look at Samuel and shrug. Henry seemed to be friendly enough but as far as social interaction went he seemingly didn't quite get it, or didn't care. Kimiko couldn't really tell.

Instead she took the opportunity the pause in the conversation offered to return to the two graphic novels she had been looking at. She held them up to Samuel and pointed to the counter the make it clear she was going to pay for them. That way he wouldn't think she was just leaving him high and dry.