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Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by riserugu†
((Continued from: Who Needs History When You've Got the Present?))

Like anything loosely connected to the field of medicine – the nurses’ office of Bathurst High School wasn’t too much different.

White. Everything was in some way, shape, form and/or fashion – white.

And not even the nice white, the sickly white that brought all the bad colors out; like red – a color that was associated with blood. A vibrate color that Sofie found herself unable to stand, least in this setting, the color brought others out in the worst way, made even something small seem worse for wear; which is currently how Sofie’s mindset was working as her blue eyes rested transfixed on the scape along her knee, and the smaller cut on her calf… it wasn’t bad, like she mentioned but the background made it seem worse.

One might wonder why there’s signs telling you don’t to run around the pool area; and the simple reason is that water and running feet do not go over to well. One would figure swimmers of all people would know this small rule by now, but there was a reason Sofie found herself questioning the mentality of a majority of her classmates on a daily basis; her teammates did not help this. It had all started before practice began; some of the students had got there earlier had and already began warming up by swimming laps. Ashley and herself had just finished changing into their swimsuits and where walking out toward the benches to wait for the couch to come and for practice to begin.

As Sofie went to take a seat beside her friend was when two of her younger teammates came running by, and when as one ran by the second one close behind took the corner about the pool and found his feet slipping out from under him. You know, like it would any other time… but as he slipped, his larger form crashed into Sofie sending her crashing forward into the end of metal belchers, and into the ground. Catching the end along her leg, which is why she was currently sitting here atop a smallish bed. Large school sweater covering her upper body, and some of her swim suit – legs hanging pitifully off the end, uninjured one lightly swinging back and form at the light boredom setting in.

She had already been mad at herself for ditching Ian for practice, wanting more than anything to pass it for a chance to spend more time with her friend. A friendship she found herself as of late, wishing would evolve into something more – she couldn’t remember quite well how they met, or what led them to be friends. She just knew she had, had a close friend since before middle school – a dear friend she was starting to see in a different light.

‘Hopeful thinking you have going on there de Wilde – if Ian wanted a girlfriend, he wouldn’t pick you. You’re the little sister, and with some of the girls around here; there are much better choices’

A sigh broke past lightly chapped lips, a slight sting bringing her out of her thoughts to stare down at one of the school nurses rubbing a cotton swab against one of the cuts. Having been so deep in thought, didn’t even notice the woman walk in, gripping lightly at bed sheets from the slight pain that had throb across her skin and into the muscles about the area, she simply sat. Watching in a blank interest as she moved onto bandage the spot, and move onto the small one across her knee.

It wasn’t long until this one was taken care of as well, and the nurse mentioning something on holding on a bit before she was allowed to leave, making more mention about papers concerning what had happened in the like – causing the blond to sigh and move to rest back somewhat. Eyes casting about – the room was currently empty of any other life expect herself, which made it all the more dullful – least if someone else was in here she’d might have someone to talk too.

Re: Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by Megami†
(Continued from: Who Needs History When You Got the Present?)

The door to the nurse's office flew open carelessly, and a resounding thud echoed throughout the room as the door swung around on its hinges, pounding into the small nurse's station that was located behind it.  Of course, Ali Grayston didn't know, or really care, either, that she had just slammed the door into the desk.  All she knew was that mere moments ago, that disgusting little excuse for a human being named Mitch Gunther had BITTEN her.

"EXCUSE ME!" the brunette called out, her outburst somewhat startling the nurse, who looked on at her with a look of distain on her face.

Matching the nurse's look with one of her own, Ali raised the arm she had been carefully cradling up in the air, showing the nurse the bite marks on her wrist as well as the blood that continued to ooze down her arm, coating her perfectly bronzed skin in a hue of orangish-red.  The nurse sighed a bit, then pointed to an open seat near where Ali was standing before disappearing into the back room.

Letting out a resigned sigh, Ali took a seat in the dreary and almost colorless pastel looking chair.  All at once, Ali's eyes caught hold of Sofie de Wilde, who had presumably been sitting in her current position the entire time.  Tilting her head to the side curiously as if she had just noticed her, Ali traced her eyes up and down the girl, noting the bandages covering her legs.

"De Wilde..." she mused, a smile growing on her lips, "Nasty looking bandages.  What happened to you?"

Ali knew Sofie de Wilde... knew of her, to be more precise.  While the girl's weren't exactly friends, and Ali had never quite considered Sofie on an equal level with the rest of the "popular" crowd, she wasn't all that bad.  Not really, anyway.  There were much better targets around school to be picked on.  Regardless, it was in Ali's nature to start mischief and cause trouble, and as she mused over the girl, thoughts began to formulate in her mind.

"You know..." the vivacious brunette mused quietly, an innocent smile forming on her lips, "I wondered where you'd gone.  When I came into class to pick up some things from Mrs. Rowena, Ian was with some nasty hooker-looking girl."

Trouble, indeed.  Ali was going to enjoy this... causing tension and jealousy, especially after what that freak of a human being Mitch Gunther, Cathalie Meguro's little pet, had done to her.  Now it was war, and the war was beginning here.  She saw Sofie and Ian together all the time, and truth be told, in Ali's eyes, anybody who was that close had to have been involved with one another in some way, shape, or form.  As was the way she thought.

"She looked... skanky," Ali stated, a faux sympathetic look forming over the brunette's features, "I just thought you'd want to know, seeing as you and Ian seem so..." pausing for a moment as if to determine the right word without insulting the girl, it took a moment before Ali finished her sentence, "close."

Nursing the bite wound on her wrist with her right hand, Ali couldn't help but be mesmerized by the site of her own blood momentarily.  It wasn't something she saw often, and it looked almost foreign as it bathed her arm in the orangeish hue.  Sighing quietly, she pondered what to say next, knowing to steer away from discussing the wound on her arm lest she bring up what had happened between she and Ian moments before.  Especially now that she was trying to turn Sofie against Cathalie, the less Sofie knew about Ali talking to Ian, the better.

Tilting her head to the side slightly, she studied the de Wilde girl with quite a bit of curiosity, taking into account her features and judging them against her own.  Ali'd seen girls like Sofie a million times... girls with the potential to be beautiful, but let their looks get lost in the fray.  Sofie was definitely one of those girls.  If not for the fact that she was so tomboyish and seemed to have little to no care for her physical appearance, she might have the potential to give some of the girls a run for their money.


Ali mentally compared herself to the girl sitting across from her, taking every detail into account.  She compared her long, highlighted brown hair against the other girl's short and chopped off strawberry blonde... not a very attractive color.  She compared her deeply bronzed, almost exotic looking skin tone to the milky white of Sofie de Wilde's, inwardly curious as to whether or not the girl actually thought "pale" looked good on anyone.  Her piercing green eyes took in the childlike features of Sofie de Wilde's face, and all at once the haircut made sense.  For lack of a better word, Sofie resembled a little girl.  A small smirk formed on Ali's lips as the comment crossed her mind.

Of course, although she wouldn't say anything, Ali had been comparing herself to Sofie for a reason.  If she wanted to get to Ian Rico, who was definitely a current prospect in her mind, she would have to befriend this girl.  Then, she would have to turn around and completely crush her to get what she wanted.  She'd done it a thousand times before, and Sofie would be no different.  Looking on at the girl with the sugary-sweet "plastic" smile Ali always conveyed, she felt no remorse for the girl sitting before her, or the things she was plotting to do to her.  It's a dog-eat-dog world, don't you know?  Survival of the Fittest... the Darwin theory.  The strong shall survive, while the weak shall perish.  Ali smiled at the thought.

Re: Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by riserugu†
In the time between when the nurse disappeared to gather her papers, and when the bronzed bulldozer broke through the doorway, Sofie had taken the short time to remove her workbook for her French class and idly begin working on some of the upcoming lessons she found herself able to understand without much difficultly.

The process of writing down the correct, least in some cases what she figured to be correct, answers against the paper – it was right when she had begun translating a sentence from English to French when Miss. Grayston made her grand entrance into the nurses’ office, one of the nurses’ sadly meeting the door in the others’ plow through the doorway; she glanced upward to she what the source of the all the new commotion was – and once she saw who it was; she returned to her work book… after all the girl wasn’t, least in her held opinion, worth much of a second glance.

Sofie’s opinion on the Senator’s daughter was mainly built upon the rumors that circled about the girl, who by today’s labels would fall under the category of ‘popular’, and though she at first didn’t bother to heed much attention to the rumors – figuring it better to base ones thoughts on a person after meeting them; Sofie soon found herself shooting those ideas straight into the wind.

Ali was one of the many girls that had formed a close-knit “sisterhood” of sorts within the inner workings of the school. A sisterhood of annoying Barbies as she had come to view it, fakes and as shallow as a puddle on a rainy day – their thoughts seemed to work around what they could get out doing something.

But as mentioned – Sofie didn’t think much of it until she was comforted by two of her crying teammates on the swim team; Lizzie and Michelle. Both where freshmen, and neither were by today’s standards ‘pretty’ as one would say, Lizzie was a smallish girl in height though it weight was somewhat large, brown hair was usually worn in pigtails – her family wasn’t that well-off; and a majority of her clothes where hand-me downs from family and older siblings that had grown out of them.

Michelle wasn’t much different – she was very tall, and very thin for her age, her pale skin was, like some teenagers at this time in their life, acne-ridded – and a bit scarred. She wore thick-blue wired rimmed glasses, and an interesting sense of fashion that did not match society’s standards. Nonetheless, both girls where smart, and good at what they set themselves to do… sweet, a thought of them hurting or belittling someone never crossing her mind.

But because of their simple flaws – they where prime targets for this pack of plastic. And when Sofie heard the names of a couple of Ali’s “sisters” mentioned, she didn’t bother to wonder if the rumors spoke about the girls where true or not. As far as she was concerned, they probably where – and they wouldn’t surprise her the least.

Focused on her work Sofie hardly took notice to the girl now moving to sit across from her until she spoke up, questioning her on the bandages currently donning her leg. She kicked her uninjured one out a bit before moving it behind the other, locking her foot about her ankle, continuing to scribble words against paper as she spoke, “Accident by the pool, I got knocked over.” She answered plainly, returning to her work – though wondering where the nurse with her papers where.

Though she enjoyed missing out on today’s grueling practice with the rest of the swim team, she found the thought of swimming with concrete blocks attached to her hands and feet more appealing that being within seeing distance of Ali Grayston.

Though she tempted herself into working as Ali started speaking again, it wasn’t until Ian’s name was mentioned did her writing pause, and when she decided to give the girl a second glance over. Finally taking note of the oddly shaped wound that she was holding on to, dying her usually bronze skin orange about the broken skin. Sofie giving this marking a curious look before turning blue eyes on green ones, raising a brow in a light manner, placing the pencil in the cease of the book and closing it –

“Hooker-looking, hmm?” She repeated in a thoughtfully manner, tapping her chin lightly, before she turned to look Ali over once more, tilting her head a bit. “Well – Then I’m glad to see that you're not around him anymore then.”

Re: Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by Megami†
A sarcastic smile painted itself across Ali Grayston's features as the girl sitting across from her in the nurse's station actually had the nerve to insult her.  However, Sofie's insult had little impact on the Senator's daughter.  This girl thought she was funny.  Ali, however, thought she was simply a fool.  A jealous, attention-craving fool.

"You know honey, just because I have enough money that I don't have to buy my clothes at Wal-Mart doesn't make me a skank.  I'm refined, I'm cultured.  I'm a fashionista.  I'm everything you're not and will never be."

Flipping her flowing brown hair as if to get it out of her face, the girl once again smiled at the figure seated across from her... one of her better-than-thou smiles that she often conveyed.  She had considered being nice to this girl, trying to befriend her, if only for the moment.  Sofie, however, had ruined those chances with her smart-aleck attitude.  The grand part of it all was that she found herself amusing, and she honestly seemed to think that her meager little opinion mattered.

"Let me tell you something, doll.  If I wanted Ian, I'd have him in the blink of an eye.  Believe it.  I know you're just jealous Sofie, and it's okay.  If I were in your position, I'd be jealous of me too, because you know, no matter how much you want him, and no matter how much you want him to want you, you'll never, ever have him."

The bronze-skinned brunette looked on toward the blonde in mild amusement.  Getting under people's skin was one of the simple things in life that brought Ali great amusement.  Even though Ian had seemingly shunned her advances as well, with enough time and effort, she could break through that invisible shield that Ian Rico put around himself, whereas this girl, Ali was confident, never even stood a chance.

"I'm not trying to compete with you, you know," the brunette mused as if it were an afterthought, "I don't have to, I already know who'd win.  I'm telling you about that... girl... as a favor to you, because I know how far you've shoved your head up Ian's ass, and I think it's pretty obvious how desperately you want to be with him.  I'm just telling you... you're losing your stake on him... to common trash."

Sighing loudly in an irritated manner, the brunette managed to attract the attention of one of the nurse's bouncing around the room momentarily with her outburst.  Quite frankly, Ali was more than a little tired of being seated in the dull pastel chair, and she was even more tired of having a conversation turned heated argument with the swimmer sitting across from her.  This entire ordeal could be summed up in one word.


Although, Ali supposed, some good had come out of this ordeal.  She had seen what a complete and utter waste of time Ian Rico truly was.  He was cute, sure.  Nothing special, really.  Bathurst High had more fruitful candidates than the hispanic boy, as did the neighboring schools.  At first, she had been intrigued by the quiet martial artist.  He had been a challenge, and to put it bluntly, that turned Ali on.  That's why she had become interested in the boy in the first place.

However, upon taking note of the fact that Ian hung out with the school's special needs students, and actually seemed to be... ugh... friends with them, Ali had been a bit turned off.  Now, as she sat across the room from Ian's best friend, a chick with no features, no chest, and the personality of a dead fish, Ali couldn't help but think that perhaps the mysterious young man she had focused her attention on had been nothing but a colossal waste of her time.  There were so many other perfectly good candidates to consider.  Still, she had to admit, screwing with the mind of Sofie de Wilde was fun, and although Sofie didn't outwardly act as though the words affected her, Ali knew that the thoughts would continue to pierce the girl's mind long after the ordeal ended.  It was like that with all of them.

Re: Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by riserugu†
Oh, Sofie wasn’t sitting here to be funny… after all; you’re not aiming to be amusing when you’re stating simple, and rather oblivious facts. Though she had to admit, the girl's try at getting under her skin was amusing at best, it was rather interesting trying to contain her laughter. Though found herself unable to help the small giggles escaping her.

“Well honey, in case you don’t know – it isn’t the clothes that make the person, it’s their actions, and I’m sure if we hold a candle to just a small bit of what you’ve probably done – I’m quite sure you’ll surpass ‘skank’ by a far, and wide margin.” She said lightly, leaning back somewhat where she sat on the thin white sheets. Rocking legs back and forth in a slow motion,  “You hide behind your daddy’s money because you’re personality runs about as deep as a simple puddle on a rainy day – you say you’re cultured rather in truth you’re rather barbarous, churlish, and quite vapid.”

A tilt of her head and she glanced off to one of the nurses bopping about the room, glancing Ali out the corner of her eye.

“And if that’s everything you are, well then – I’m quite happy with my life in more than a few ways.”

Rubbing at an area along the back of her neck, she couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips --- that whole concept of practice today was looking rather tempting at the moment as the brunette continued to babble on in the type of speech she had heard not only Ali herself, but many others. But similarly like Ali thought of her opinion of being pointless and not mattering, this is how Sofie felt on a lot of people. Though mostly people like this – people so egocentric they can’t take their own heads out of their ass long enough to see their was actually a world out there, and it didn’t revolve around them and which over-expensive outfit they should where that day.

“Jealous of you? Sorry dear, but I’m rather fond of being able to get what I need myself – instead of having to… favors? And compete? With you?” She mused in sarcasm with a roll of her eyes, “Wouldn’t think it, because I know Ian – I know he wouldn’t fall for someone such as yourself. After all the boy has some common sense, and you’re right – I do care about him, and want to be with him. But still, least I’ll be somewhat happy if he doesn’t end up with someone who’ll cast them aside like trash when they get what they want. I also know Cathalie is a better person than what you’re putting her off as, yeah, her sense of style is rather interesting, but don’t put her on your level. Least she has dignity and respect for herself – unlike yourself it seems Miss Ali.”

It was at that point that one of the nurses placed herself between Sofie and Ali, holding over a small sheet, basically explaining what all had happened. She also going onto to explain, that though it would be no problem for her to swim in the meet this weekend – it would probably be best if she didn’t attended the remaining two hours of practice today; explaining something along the lines of ‘not wanting any of the chemicals they use to infect the wound’ the blonde haired girl simply nodding at the words as they where spoken. Watching more as the nurse gave the girl sitting across from her, a ‘hold on a moment’ gesture and rushing off to one of the back rooms again.

"You're a helpless person Miss. Grayston, you put other's down to hide your own flaws. It's rather sad."

She slid off the table-bed with a push, leaning down and picking her bag up, turning and placing her workbook back inside. Turning back toward the other female with a small smile, “Though I know this conversation is probably becoming as menial to you, as it has been to me I will give you the befit of the doubt. You’re a rather engaging person to speak with; you’ve confirmed a lot of what I heard about you… be it for better or worse.” Swinging the bag onto her shoulder, she sighed again and began to move away from the other girl, and back toward the exit the other has just stormed through.

“Good luck with the whole Homecoming walk, hate to see all those votes you earned go to waste, though I’m sure the football players will be happy either way.”

((Continued in: True Friends))

Re: Something's Getting in the Way...*

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:25 am
by Megami†
The last few words Ali had spoken seemed to have struck a nerve with Miss Sofie de Wilde, as the strawberry blonde haired girl went on a tirade of insults of her own following Ali's remarks.  Ali's face gradually went from a smug smile to a full-fledged Cheshire Cat grin as the girl continued to rant and rave, putting Ali down left and right as if it were the only way to make herself feel better.  The girl was quite amusing, so much so that the Senator's daughter could barely contain her laughter.

"My dear, sweet girl," Ali chimed, the smile never escaping her lips, "You're only showing me the kind of person you truly are.  You're a hypocrite, you know.  You have the nerve to reprimand me for talking about Cathalie, when you yourself are no better.  Listen to you, basing your judgment of me on spiteful rumors you've heard from people who are just jealous."

The brunette's voice lowered slightly, into a matter-of-fact sounding whisper, and her eyebrows arched upward as she continued to speak.

"You're a childish person, Sofie de Wilde.  Your insults are baseless and have no real meaning.  They're pure speculation on your part, because the truth is, you know absolutely nothing about me.  I, on the other hand, know far more about you.  I've seen the way you look at Ian... I know it tears you up inside that he's not interested.  It breaks your heart, doesn't it Sofie?  And the sad thing is, there's nothing you can do about it, because after all, there are much more attractive, better-off people out there that he could be with.  And you know that."

Her tone had taken on a spiteful, somewhat cynical sound to it, which was typical of Ali Grayston when she felt she'd won an argument and felt the need to get the final word in on it.  It was a talent she'd perfected over the years, putting people down and getting inside their heads, screwing with things she personally knew would get to them.  This had all just become a game to her, and she took Sofie's more and more hostile attitude to mean that she was certainly doing the job well.

"Your hostility toward me is only proving that I'm right, and you're jealous.  The thought that he would ever even look at me gets under your skin, doesn't it my dear?  It makes you sick inside to think that I could easily be with the guy you've been after for probably your entire trivial little existence.  That's the way it goes, love.  Life's a bitch.  People like you... you just don't make the cut, and one day several years from now, I'm sure you'll settle down... with a fat, balding man who works for minimum wage at a convenience store.  That's the sort of hand you've been dealt, love, and terrible though it may be, that's what happens to people like you."

Leaning back in the chair she had taken a seat in some time ago and subconsciously casting a glance toward the back room where the nurse had once again taken off toward, Ali couldn't help but wonder what on earth was taking the older woman so long to get back and clean up the bite wound she'd received quite a while ago now.  Sitting here any longer for treatment almost seemed pointless.  Duly noting the vast expanse of time that had surpassed, Ali made a mental note that she would have to have Daddy talk to the board of directors about their incompetent nurses.

Averting her attention from the back of the room and back toward her present company, Ali noticed the blonde clambering off of the table and sliding her items into her bag.  Apparently, she'd had all she could stand.  Shaking her head somewhat, the smile never leaving the brunette's lips, she was a bit disappointed to see her new companion go.  They'd had so much fun chatting about life, love, and companionship over the short while they'd been sitting together.  Taking notice of the rude remark Sofie made as she was leaving the nurse's office, Ali simply shrugged her shoulders and blew the wounded girl a kiss.

"Au revoir mon chéri, I do so hope we'll meet again," as if the comment were an afterthought for her, Ali proceeded to follow up with a retort of her own, "And thank you love, from the bottom of my heart.  Although a girl like you could never even dream of being in the Homecoming Court, homely as you are, I'm so glad you've come to terms with that.  As for the football players, well, I wouldn't worry about it, my dear.  That's something you'll never have the privelege of knowing about."

Smiling to herself as the blonde exited the nurse's office, Ali slid backward in her chair a bit, crossing her legs and humming lightly to herself as she awaited the nurse's attention.  Casting another glance back to the back, she breathed a sigh of relief as one of the nurses, an elderly white haired woman, appeared from out of the back room.  It was about time, that's all Ali could say.  The sly, evil grin that had graced her features during her discussion with Sofie de Wilde was immediately replaced by her usual sugary-sweet smile as she looked at the elderly woman.

Sighing audibly as the woman began doing this and that to patch up the bite wound, a few words were exchanged between the two women, but Ali was completely lost in thought.  Throughout the entire process, she had been off in her own little world, the smile never leaving her lips as if she had slipped into some sort of reverie.  In fact, the brunette barely even noticed as the nurse finally finished patching up her wound.  Today had certainly been an interesting day, and she and the rest of the Sisterhood could have very well just made a new target.  Oh, the fun they could have with this one.  Ali was quite looking forward to taking anything and everything from her.  Now, it was just a matter of time.

(Continued in: Doin' Rounds)