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The Mighty Rolls

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:12 pm
by Kaishi*
Yes, last night in an AIM chatroom, I finally did some dice rolling. And to make up for the lack of dice rolls, I've done 6 mighty dice rolls. Yep, you read that right. 6! And who are the unlucky 6? Well, continue reading to find out.

The first one on our happy little list is guitarjack87's character Garrett. Poor guy...wasn't he rolled before? Lightning strikes twice, I guess...
The second one on our list is Slayer's infamous character Jacob. I was really looking forward to seeing more of Jacob after his little "turnaround". But, alas, we may ot be seeing more of him, unless...
The third one on our handy dandy list was Kuze's character Heather, and the fourth was NyteDarkness's Cassandra. Looking forward to the death posts.
The fifth was Theseus's Jeremy, a rather new character, but nonetheless.... And the sixth and final roll was ebonydear's character Marie.

Don't forget that you can always be a "hero" to any one of these people and swap your characters' out with them. Don't be afraid, even if you might not particularly like any one of these users, they might come along and pay you back later on.... Just think about it, people. :lol: Alright now, have fun dying everyone, and continue killing one another off!