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Christian "Chris" Valero

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:09 am
by Megami†
Name: Christian "Chris" Lucas Valero
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen [18]
Grade: Junior [11th]
School: Franklyn Senior High School
Extra Curricular Activities: Football, Soccer, Weightlifting

Description: Standing at just under 6'0" and with an overall fairly toned and chisled physique, Christian Valero, much like his twin brother, has the potential to turn a lot of heads.  His skin is a deep, rich tan in color on account of his American Indian and Puerto Rican heritage.  Christian's in good physical shape from the demanding sports he often enthralls himself in, namely football and weightlifting.  His hair is dark in color and is cut short, though the front is just long enough for him to spike his bangs up.

His eyes are a dark, chocolate brown in color and hide behind them a sense of intensity and compassion.  Unlike his brother, Christian didn't inherit bad skin, and actually keeps an appearance almost devoid of pimples, save for the occassional one that might pop up when he's under heavy amounts of stress.  Christian's teeth are straight and pearly -- he managed to avoid the terrors of braces and headgear.  His features are sharp and well-defined, giving him an older and mature appearance.

Overall, the younger Valero brother's appearance is note-worthy, although he is often the overlooked of the twins purely because of his brother's more outgoing personality.  Christian's not nearly the social butterfly Colton is, but he's popular enough in his own right, mostly from his position on the starting lineup of the school's football team and his reputation for being one of the highest-scoring members of the soccer team.

Christian is the younger of the Valero brothers by four and a half minutes.  From a young age onward, Christian always felt as though he sort of lived in his older sibling's shadow.  Christian was always the guy who could never get a break when it came to social interactivity.  It's not that Chris is unsocial, it's more like he doesn't really make an attempt at intruding in other people's business for whatever reason.

Christian's always been a very easy-going individual.  He virtually lives under the philosophy of "Carpe Diem" -- live and let live.  He never involves himself in quarrels or rumors.  In fact, he stays away entirely from matters that don't directly concern him if at all possible.  Unlike his older sibling, Chris isn't really fond of being the center of attention.  He doesn't like to look at the bad qualities people have, only the good.  In that sense, Chris Valero is a very optimistic person.  He believes that everybody, no matter how "evil", has something good inside of them.

It's amazing that he's managed to keep such an optimistic attitude, considering his past history with the fairer sex.  In terms of relationships, Chris always winds up falling into the "friend" role, helping to seal the proverbial "nice guys finish last" stigma even further into place.  Girls who go after Chris go after him for his appearance, get to know him, and he somehow winds up becoming their confidante and best friend instead of the role he was originally intended to fulfill.  Thusly, Chris remains single most of the time.

His last girlfriend, Kourtney Darling, was one of many who strung Chris along before designating him as being "just a friend".  They dated for several months, Chris having to endure Kourtney's overobsessiveness and general clinginess and doing so with a smile before she finally pulled him aside one day just to tell him that she "just didn't feel that way about him".  Naturally, it was a blow to his self-confidence, but Chris took it in stride, as he does with most things.

Despite his bad past experiences, Christian Valero remains a laid-back and carefree individual.  His temperament is legendary in that he's almost never seen upset or angry, even under the most dire of circumstances.  Even when he does get mad, Chris's "angry" seems like most people's everyday attitude.  He believes in living life to its fullest and aspires to one day become a firefighter to save innocent lives.

He's very close to his father, and the two have a lot of common interests.  In fact, his father's the reason Chris took up playing football in the first place.  Back in his youth, Mr. Valero had been a star on the football team, and Chris strives to achieve that same goal and follow in his father's footsteps.  Sometimes, though, Chris tries a little too hard to impress his father.  He isn't very close with his mother, she having taken up better with his twin brother instead, but he doesn't mind.  He and his dad spend a lot of time together, doing everything from fishing and hunting to riding motorcycles and everything in between.

Clique: The Jocks

Relationships: Colt Valero: Chris's older brother by 4 1/2 minutes.  The two are best friends in a sense, but from youth onward have had a bit of a rivalry between siblings going on.  Although Chris often remarks that his brother is notorious for being an idiot at the worst of times, they're still very close and have each others back through thick and thin.

Mariavel Varella: Having just recently met Mariavel at the Rec Center, Chris thought she was a looker from the get-go.  He'd originally planned on approaching her and striking up a conversation, and although circumstances dicated that it would come about differently, he did wind up talking to the blonde and seems rather interested in getting to know her better.

Other: Chris enjoys mechanical work and he and his father work on restoring old cars during their free time.  It's become one of Chris's better talents, and he's become quite the handy mechanic.