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The Final Three

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:56 am
by Megami†
Alright, because we're at the final three, I decided to post both the list and the chatlog out here as concrete evidence of these rolls.  There is also a screenshot of the chatlog posted in the staff lounge that will be available upon request.

Those Who Remain:
1. Boy #6: Damien Carter-Madison
2. Boy #12: Bryan Calvert
3. Girl #14: Tori Johnson
4. Girl #23: Whitney Acosta
5. Girl #25: Mariavel Varella
6. Boy #27: Ricky Callahan


OnlineHost: *** You are in "Chat 20527914922906549600". ***
OnlineHost: Now you can chat privately with AOL and Internet users.
XMiSSPriSS8705X: Beginning the conduction of the final three rolls for SOTF.
XMiSSPriSS8705X: There are six names on the list. One six-sided die will be rolled to determine the characters who will die.
OnlineHost: XMiSSPriSS8705X rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 2
XMiSSPriSS8705X: >_< My bad.
OnlineHost: XMiSSPriSS8705X rolled 1 6-sided die: 3
XMiSSPriSS8705X: Number three is Tori Johnson.
XMiSSPriSS8705X: Second roll.
OnlineHost: XMiSSPriSS8705X rolled 1 6-sided die: 1
XMiSSPriSS8705X: Number one is Damien Carter-Madison.
XMiSSPriSS8705X: The final roll:
OnlineHost: XMiSSPriSS8705X rolled 1 6-sided die: 2
XMiSSPriSS8705X: Number two is Bryan Calvert...
XMiSSPriSS8705X: I guess that concludes these rolls.

So, that means that Tori, Damien, and Bryan are scheduled to die.  I must say, I'm rather disappointed with these rolls, mostly because I have absolutely zero intentions of either of my characters winning (for a multitude of reasons) and yet somehow, both have made it to the final.  So, with the member's permission, I'd like to sacrifice both Whitney Acosta and Ricky Callahan to keep Bryan Calvert in the game.  I think we can all agree that Bryan versus Mariavel would be much more interesting than Whitney and/or Ricky versus Mariavel.  At least Bryan and Mari have past history.  So, that's what I'd like to do, and hopefully there are no objections, but if there are, I'll understand.

Anyway, I bet you're wondering why I'm posting this now instead of waiting until the 1st.  It's actually because I'd like to have these deaths completed before the next announcement.  That means that your deaths must be finished by... 9 PM CST (7 Pacific, 8 Mountain, 10 Eastern) on August 31st.  That's nearly 10 days, I think that's quite fair.  I'd like to get approval or denial on my proposed offer as soon as possible so as not to hold up progress on the deaths, so let me know something gang!