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The First Announcement

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:52 am
by Megami†
The first few rays of sunlight had just begun their assault on the night sky as the public access speakers strategically placed across the entire island crackled to life, blaring a loud symphonic melody into the otherwise peaceful atmosphere surrounding the island... peaceful, at least, to the people who weren't being slaughtered there.  The blaring music commanded attention, not just from the students-turned-captive prowling the island, but to the viewing audience at home as well.  Within moments, however, the melody was drowned out by a voice all too familiar, but still ominous in tone, to the American public.

"Goooood morning, children!"

It was a line that had been uttered ten times over during the first official round of Survival of the Fittest, but it certainly wouldn't be the last time that phrase was heard.  On the other side of the public access system, a lone figure sat in a plush chair, carelessly flipping over multiple pages of SOTF data.

"I see you've been busy little beavers.  Splendid!  Wonderful!  Fantastic, even!  Such initiative, such gusto!  What a way to begin the game!  In the past twenty-four hours, twelve of you have died!  Splendid, children, simply splendid!  You're certainly setting a lightning fast pace for this leg of the game.  Oh, but enough about that.  I'm sure you're all just ever so curious as to which of your friends have been slaughtered in the first hours of the game, as well as who the killers-in-disguise lurking in your group are.  Oops, silly me!  I shouldn't have told you that part."

Danya smirked to himself as he rambled into the microphone, however the smile was interrupted by a quick sneeze right into the public access system.  With a sniffle and a shake of his head, Danya continued on.

"You'll have to forgive me, children.  All this smog gets the better of me at times.  Now then, onto those early outs of the game.  First to go down was Chad Munteanu, courtesy of Mr. Jonathan Michaels.  What heartlessness, even in the beginning of the game!  This poor kid came running to Michaels asking for a bit of help... a bit of compassion... a little friendship.  Michaels answered by shoving his shotgun down Munteanu's throat and pulling the trigger.  Quite the aggressor, that little chihuahua is.  Funnily enough, after scoring the first out in the game, he pretty much got beat by a girl.  Hear that, Hobbs?  Your own Jonathan Michaels, featherweight whats-a-whos-it, got his rear handed to him by one of the island's little ladies!"

"Second to die was Jaime Dibenidetti, courtesy of Miss Mariavel Varella.  Apparently there was some bad blood between these two girls.  Mariavel slept with Jaime's father, or some kind of teenage drama or another.  Who really cares, right?  What matters is that Jaime's dead, courtesy of Mariavel's tomahawk.  Meanwhile, back at the farm, or rather, at the hotel, Brittany Ashworth met a quite early demise when Paris Persphone decided he wanted a little blood with his breakfast and stabbed her to death in the hallway."

A loud yawn escaped Danya's lips and made its way through the broadcast system, indicating just how little he cared for the fact that he was reading off the names of former students turned corpses.  Then again, this wasn't the first time Danya had orchestrated a program like this.  The lives of the students dying meant very little to him.  It was the reasoning behind the program -- the deep-rooted shot at the American government -- in which he found enjoyment.

"Fourth to die was Brad Wilson, in Mr. Michaels's second kill of the day.  If you want my opinion, Brad got what he deserved.  Who in their right mind slips a recovering... he WAS recovering, wasn't he?  Oh, who cares.  Drug addict some LSD?  Brad paid for that mistake with his life.  Fifth to die was Dan Birch, courtesy of Bryan Calvert.  What started out as Bryan simply looking for a place to rest ended with him testing out that shotgun on Dan.  Reflex or not, Calvert, you still killed him.  Now you get to live with that."

As he uttered the words, he didn't sound cold and cruel, as though stating a harsh fact of life.  No, instead, Danya sounded almost giddy about the entire ordeal.

"Once upon a time, kids, there were three students lurking around the hotel.  One was named Franco Sebberts, one was named Marvin Hendrick, and one was named Russ Gofis.  For about... half a second, these three were allies.  Then, Russ assisted Franco in killing Marvin.  Fun little story, isn't it?  This next one..."

For just a moment, Danya erupted in a fit of laughter, his voice booming through the speakers as he did so.  He continued to laugh loudly for almost a minute straight before sniffling and, unbenowst to the students, wiping away a tear from having laughed so hard.

"Oh, number seven was just terrific kids.  Listen closely, you're going to get a kick out of this one.  You know how we sort of... threw you all out of helicopters at the beginning of the game?  Well... apparently, my colleagues need to be a bit more careful from now on.  Seventh to die was Jameson Doeert.  It seems that we... well... broke him."

Danya's laughter continued for a moment longer, it slowly turning into a soft snicker at the fact that Jameson had died as soon as he hit the ground.  Taking a moment to contain himself, his eyes scanned down the list a bit further before stopping on the eighth death of the day.

"Blake Ross!" Danya practically yelled into the microphone, "I commend you, good sir!  Mr. Ross eliminated Gregory Moyer from the competition, you see.  With a bible, no less!  It had all the makings of a great horror movie!  The crazy psychopath attacks the hero, but the hero valiantly fights him off!  Except, THIS time, the hero wins and uses his bible to impale his victim's head on a saddle hook!  Bravo, Ross."

So the death was an accident.  So what?  The students sure didn't know that, now did they?

"Moving onward, Preston Grey was ninth to die, falling to the hand of Paris Persphone.  So cliché.  Preston tried to play hero and fell to Paris, who seems to think he's some stone-cold killer or something.  Either way, that's two for Persphone.  Meanwhile, down in the deep, dark sewers, Adrian Gray was busy killing Joshua Moore, making him our tenth to fall.  Number eleven to die was Caitlin Evans and... well, we aren't quite sure WHAT happened here.  Quite the odd situation, indeed.  Did you know that humans could sponanteously combust, children?  We were going to detonate her collar, just for fun, but it seems Mother Nature and Natural Selection beat us to it."

"And finally, I bring you to number twelve on the list.  He was some Hobbsborough kid by the name of Jin Li-Jen, and apparently he had really bad breath, but that's pretty irrelevant.  His killer, Walter Smith, really did a bang-up job with this one.  You should all take a page from Mr. Smith's book.  This kid was issued a rock for a weapon at the beginning of the game, but it sure didn't stop him!  He made a makeshift knife, found Mr. Li-Jen in the hotel, and the rest, well, I'll leave to your imagination.  Let's just say that the corpse will be reeking of something other than bad breath now if you happen upon it."

Danya smiled smugly as he recited the details of Jin Li-Jen's death at the hands of Walter Smith.  Steven had informed him that Walter would probably be quite the spitfire in the game, having known the Smith family relatively well, and so far, he wasn't failing to disappoint.  After another stifled yawn, Danya cleared his throat into the microphone and continued on.

"So, what's next on today's agenda, you ask?  Dangerzones.  I'm noticing that several of you are banding together, trying to hide out.  So, let's stir things up a bit, shall we?  The first dangerzone will be the Schoolhouse.  The second one?  The Lighthouse.  Third, the Church.  Finally, one more dangerzone to spice things up a bit, the Pagoda.  Run, kids!  Run!  You don't have much time to get out!"

Danya chuckled slightly at the thought of the students in those areas making a mad dash as far away as possible.  To him, the whole game was quite amusing, to say the least.  As if something finally dawned on him, Danya once again clasped the microphone he was speaking into, his eyes alighting as he did so.

"Oh yes!  I almost forgot!  I think you all will get quite the kick out of this.  See, apparently the boys in the office were getting a little bored with you all, or something, so they decided to vote for their favorite killer!  Exciting, isn't it?  Well, normally I'm not a very generous person, so I wouldn't do this, but I sort of figured what the hell, let's mix it up some more, you know?  Boy #2 and Boy #30, report to the marina as soon as possible.  You two -- I won't refer to you by name for the sake of anonymity, because you know, the boys in the office like you.  You two tied as winner of this little office contest, and so, because we really aren't completely heartless, we're going to give you a brand new prize to terrorize the island with!  Head on over, don't dawdle, now!  Collars for Boy #2 and Boy #30 ONLY will be deactivated just long enough for them to pick up their prize.  Anyone else entering the marina at this time will face automatic detonation.  Sound good?"

With that, Danya's voice faded from the public access system and the obnoxious music that echoed across the island at the beginning of the announcement began bellowing once more.  In his chair, Danya hummed along with the music, his hand connecting with the chair in a soft drumming rhythm every few moments.  It was a great start to another great game, indeed.


Okay, here's some OOC stuff you all need to know.  People in the dangerzones, you have THREE real-life days from the posting of this announcement to get your character out of the dangerzone, or well they WILL face collar detonation.  That's 72 Hours.  That means that at 10 AM on Monday, if your character, for whatever reason, is still there, they go boom.  No misunderstandings, there, right?  They have to be OUT by then.  Winners for this month's prizes, as you noticed in teh announcements were (characters) Blake Ross and Franco Sebberts, who tied for best kill with five votes each.  The winner for best death was Jotun.  Prizes and whatnot will be given later on tonight.  I THINK I covered everything in the announcement, but since the other three admin are AWOL at the moment, I couldn't run it by anyone before posting.  Finally, one more thing:


For the first of the month, four more characters have been rolled to die.  They are: Tanesha Lexx, Adrian Gray, Jackie Kovacs, and Jordan McKiernan.  If you plan on using your swap or hero card, you must let us know ASAP.  The place where your character will die must be posted here in THREE days.  Failure to do so results in forfeiture of the death.  The death must be completed in FIVE days, failure results, once again, in forfeiture.  I hope I made that clear this time.  I hope you all enjoyed the first announcement, have a great day!